8.8 KiB
A batch downloader for Soulseek using Soulseek.NET. Accepts CSV files, Spotify & YouTube urls.
- Download tracks from a csv file:
slsk-batchdl --csv test.csv --artist-col "Artist Name(s)" --track-col "Track Name" --length-col "Duration (ms)" --time-unit ms
You can omit the column names provided they are named predictably (like in this example). Use --print-tracks
before downloading to check if everything has been parsed correctly.
- Download spotify likes while skipping existing songs, and create an m3u file:
slsk-batchdl --spotify likes --m3u --skip-existing
You might need to provide an id and secret when using spotify (e.g when downloading a private playlist), which you can get here https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/applications. Create an app, then select it and add http://localhost:48721/callback
as a redirect url in the settings.
- Download the first 10 songs of a youtube playlist:
slsk-batchdl -n 10 --youtube "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI_eFW8NAFzYAXZ5DrU6E6mQ_XfhaLBUX"
To include unavailable videos, you will need to provide an api key with --youtube-key
. Get it here https://console.cloud.google.com. Create a new project, click "Enable Api" and search for "youtube data", then follow the prompts.
- Search & download a specific song, preferring flac and wav files:
slsk-batchdl "title=MC MENTAL @ HIS BEST,duration=242" --pref-format "flac,wav"
Usage: slsk-batchdl [OPTIONS]
--user <username> Soulseek username
--pass <password> Soulseek password
--spotify <url> Download a spotify playlist ("likes" for liked music)
--spotify-id <id> Your spotify client id (required for private playlists)
--spotify-secret <sec> Your spotify client secret (required for private playlists)
--youtube <url> Get tracks from a YouTube playlist
--youtube-key <key> Provide an API key to include unavailable uploads
--csv <path> Use a csv file containing track info to download
--artist-col <column> Artist or uploader column name
--title-col <column> Title or track name column name
--album-col <column> Track album column name (optional for more results)
--length-col <column> Track duration column name (optional for better accuracy)
--time-unit <unit> Time unit in track duration column, ms or s (default: s)
--yt-desc-col <column> YT description column name (optional, use with --yt-parse)
--yt-id-col <column> Youtube video ID column (optional, use with --yt-parse)
--yt-parse Enable if you have a csv file of YouTube video titles and
channel names; attempt to parse them into title and artist
-s --single <str> Search & download a specific track. <str> is a simple
search string, or a comma-separated list of properties:
"title=Song Name,artist=Artist Name,length=215"
-p --path <path> Place downloaded files in custom path
-f --folder <name> Custom folder name (default: provided playlist name)
-n --number <maxtracks> Download at most n tracks of a playlist
-o --offset <offset> Skip a specified number of tracks
--reverse Download tracks in reverse order
--name-format <format> Name format for downloaded tracks, e.g "{artist} - {title}"
--m3u Create an m3u8 playlist file
--pref-format <format> Preferred file format(s), comma-separated (default: mp3)
--pref-length-tol <tol> Preferred length tolerance in seconds (default: 3)
--pref-min-bitrate <rate> Preferred minimum bitrate (default: 200)
--pref-max-bitrate <rate> Preferred maximum bitrate (default: 2200)
--pref-max-samplerate <rate> Preferred maximum sample rate (default: 96000)
--pref-strict-title Prefer download if filename contains track title
--pref-strict-artist Prefer download if filepath contains track artist
--pref-danger-words <list> Comma-separated list of words that must appear in either
both search result and track title, or in neither of the
two, case-insensitive (default:"mix, edit, dj, cover")
--nec-format <format> Necessary file format(s), comma-separated
--nec-length-tol <tol> Necessary length tolerance in seconds (default: 3)
--nec-min-bitrate <rate> Necessary minimum bitrate
--nec-max-bitrate <rate> Necessary maximum bitrate
--nec-max-samplerate <rate> Necessary maximum sample rate
--nec-strict-title Only download if filename contains track title
--nec-strict-artist Only download if filepath contains track artist
--nec-danger-words <list> Comma-separated list of words that must appear in either
both search result and track title, or in neither of the
two. Case-insensitive. (default:"mix, edit, dj, cover")
--skip-existing Skip if a track matching nec. conditions is found in the
output folder or your music library (if provided)
--skip-mode <mode> "name": Use only filenames to check if a track exists
"name-precise": Use filenames and check nec-cond (default)
"tag": Use tags (slower)
"tag-precise": Use tags and check all nec. cond. (slower)
--music-dir <path> Specify to skip downloading tracks found in a music library
Use with --skip-existing
--skip-not-found Skip searching for tracks that weren't found on Soulseek
last run
--remove-ft Remove "ft." or "feat." and everything after from the
track names before searching.
--album-search Also search for album name before filtering for track name.
Sometimes helps to find more, but slower.
--artist-search Also search for artist, before filtering for track name.
Sometimes helps to find more, but slower.
--no-artist-search Also perform a search without artist name if nothing was
found. Only use if the source is imprecise
and the provided "artist" is possibly wrong (yt, sc)
--no-regex-search <reg> Also perform a search with a regex pattern removed from the
titles and artist names
--no-diacr-search Also perform a search without diacritics
-d --desperate Equivalent to enabling all additional searches
--yt-dlp Use yt-dlp to download tracks that weren't found on
Soulseek. yt-dlp must be available from the command line.
--search-timeout <ms> Maximal search time (ms, default: 6000)
--max-stale-time <ms> Maximal download time with no progress (ms, default: 50000)
--concurrent-processes <num> Max concurrent searches & downloads (default: 2)
--display <str> "single" (default): Show transfer state and percentage.
"double": Also show a progress bar. "simple": simple
--print-tracks Do not search, only print all tracks to be downloaded
--print-results Do not download, print search results satisfying nec. cond.
--print-results-full Do not download, print all search results with full path
Files satisfying pref-
conditions will be preferred. Files not satisfying nec-
conditions will not be downloaded. For example, --nec-length-tol
is set to 3 by default, which means that files whose duration differs from the supplied duration by more than 3 seconds will not be downloaded. Increase it to download e.g a youtube playlist of music videos with intros/outros, or disable it entirely by setting it to 99999.
Supports .conf files: Create a file named slsk-batchdl.conf
in the same directory as the exe and write your arguments there, e.g:
--username "fakename"
--password "fakepass"
--pref-format "flac"
- The CSV file must be saved with
as field delimiter and"
as string delimiter, encoded with UTF8 --display single
and especiallydouble
can cause the printed lines to be duplicated or overwritten on some configurations. Usesimple
if that's an issue. In my testing on Windows, the terminal app seems to be affected by this (unlike the old command prompt).