modifiedtextnotnulldefaultCURRENT_TIMESTAMP,-- time when article was last modified in database pursuant to an authorial edit
markedtext,-- time at which an article was last modified by the user
urltext,-- URL of article
titletextcollatenocase,-- article title
authortextcollatenocase,-- author's name
guidtext,-- a nominally globally unique identifier for the article, from the feed
url_title_hashtextnotnull,-- hash of URL + title; used when checking for updates and for identification if there is no guid
url_content_hashtextnotnull,-- hash of URL + content + enclosure URL + enclosure content type; used when checking for updates and for identification if there is no guid
title_content_hashtextnotnull,-- hash of title + content + enclosure URL + enclosure content type; used when checking for updates and for identification if there is no guid
notetextnotnulldefault''-- Tiny Tiny RSS freeform user note
-- users' subscriptions to newsfeeds, with settings
idintegerprimarykey,-- sequence number
ownertextnotnullreferencesarsse_users(id)ondeletecascadeonupdatecascade,-- owner of subscription
urltextnotnull,-- URL of feed
feed_titletextnotnullcollatenocase,-- feed title
titletextcollatenocase,-- user-supplied title, which overrides the feed title when set
folderintegerreferencesarsse_folders(id)ondeletecascade,-- TT-RSS category (nestable); the first-level category (which acts as Nextcloud folder) is joined in when needed
last_modtext,-- time at which the feed last actually changed at the foreign host
etagtextnotnulldefault'',-- HTTP ETag hash used for cache validation, changes each time the content changes
next_fetchtext,-- time at which the feed should next be fetched
addedtextnotnulldefaultCURRENT_TIMESTAMP,-- time at which feed was added
sourcetext,-- URL of site to which the feed belongs
updatedtext,-- time at which the feed was last fetched
err_countintegernotnulldefault0,-- count of successive times update resulted in error since last successful update
err_msgtext,-- last error message
sizeintegernotnulldefault0,-- number of articles in the feed at last fetch
iconintegerreferencesarsse_icons(id)ondeletesetnull,-- numeric identifier of any associated icon
modifiedtextnotnulldefaultCURRENT_TIMESTAMP,-- time at which subscription properties were last modified by the user
order_typeintnotnulldefault0,-- Nextcloud sort order
pinnedintnotnulldefault0,-- whether feed is pinned (always sorts at top)
unique(owner,url)-- a URL with particular credentials should only appear once