readbooleannotnulldefault0,-- whether the article has been read
starredbooleannotnulldefault0,-- whether the article is starred
hiddenbooleannotnulldefault0,-- whether the article should be excluded from selection by default
publishedtext,-- time of original publication
editedtext,-- time of last edit by author
modifiedtextnotnulldefaultCURRENT_TIMESTAMP,-- time when article was last modified in database pursuant to an authorial edit
markedtext,-- time at which an article was last modified by the user
urltext,-- URL of article
titletextcollatenocase,-- article title
authortextcollatenocase,-- author's name
guidtext,-- a nominally globally unique identifier for the article, from the feed
url_title_hashtextnotnull,-- hash of URL + title; used when checking for updates and for identification if there is no guid
url_content_hashtextnotnull,-- hash of URL + content + enclosure URL + enclosure content type; used when checking for updates and for identification if there is no guid
title_content_hashtextnotnull,-- hash of title + content + enclosure URL + enclosure content type; used when checking for updates and for identification if there is no guid
notetextnotnulldefault''-- Tiny Tiny RSS freeform user note
labelintegernotnullreferencesarsse_labels(id)ondeletecascade,-- label ID associated to an article; label IDs belong to a user
articleintegernotnullreferencesarsse_articles(id)ondeletecascade,-- article associated to a label
subscriptionintegernotnullreferencesarsse_subscriptions(id)ondeletecascade,-- Subscription is included so that records are deleted when a subscription is removed
assignedbooleannotnulldefault1,-- whether the association is current, to support soft deletion
modifiedtextnotnulldefaultCURRENT_TIMESTAMP,-- time at which the association was last made or unmade
primarykey(label,article)-- only one association of a given label to a given article