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 cc9d166efa v1.1.0 | Initial commit.
2022-08-19 20:29:50 +02:00

101 lines
4 KiB

version = 3
# (Default: 3) Configures the parallelism of global executor
globalExecutorParallelism = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to modify maximum view distance
enabled = "default"
# (Default: 54) Max render distance allowed in game options
maxViewDistance = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to use compatibility mode to send chunks
# This may fix some mod compatibility issues
compatibilityMode = "default"
# (Default: false) Whether to ensure correct chunks within normal render distance
# This will send chunks twice increasing network load
ensureChunkCorrectness = "default"
# (Default: 12) No-tick view distance updates per tick
# Lower this for a better latency and higher this for a faster loading
updatesPerTick = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to enable no-tick view distance
enabled = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to enable mid-tick chunk tasks
# Mid-tick chunk tasks is to execute chunk tasks during server tick loop
# to speed up chunk loading and generation
# This helps chunks loading and generating under high MSPT but may raise
# MSPT when chunks are loading or generating
# Incompatible with Dimensional Threading (dimthread)
doMidTickChunkTasks = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to let async chunk request no longer block server thread
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
optimizeAsyncChunkRequest = "default"
# (Default: ENHANCED) Defines how auto save should be handled
# VANILLA: Use vanilla auto-save behavior (auto-save performed every tick during ticking)
# ENHANCED: Use C2ME enhanced auto-save (auto-save performed when the server have spare time after ticking)
# PERIODIC: Use pre-1.18 vanilla auto-save behavior (auto-save performed every 6000 ticks during ticking)
# Please preserve quotes so this config don't break
mode = "default"
# (Default: 20000) Defines the delay in milliseconds between performing auto-save for a chunk
# This is only used when mode is set to ENHANCED
delay = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to use async chunk loading & unloading
async = "default"
# (Default: -1) Defines which chunk compression should be used
# -1 for Vanilla default
# 1 for GZip (RFC1952) (Vanilla compatible)
# 2 for Zlib (RFC1950) (Vanilla default) (Vanilla compatible)
# 3 for Uncompressed (Fastest, but higher disk usage) (Vanilla compatible)
# Original chunk data will still readable after modifying this option
# as this option only affects newly stored chunks
# Invalid values will fall back to vanilla default
chunkStreamVersion = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to use the optimized implementation of IO system
replaceImpl = "default"
# (Default: 1536) Soft limit for io worker nbt cache
chunkDataCacheSoftLimit = "default"
# (Default: 6144) Hard limit for io worker nbt cache
chunkDataCacheLimit = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to enable async and parallel scheduling
# This will reduce server thread load
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
enabled = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to allow feature generation (world decorations like trees, ores and etc.) run in parallel
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
allowThreadedFeatures = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to allow reducing lock radius
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
reduceLockRadius = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to enable this feature
enabled = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to enable aquifer optimizations to accelerate overworld worldgen
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
optimizeAquifer = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to enable End Biome Cache to accelerate The End worldgen
# This is no longer included in lithium-fabric
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
useEndBiomeCache = "default"