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2022-08-19 18:29:50 +00:00
// Maximum level per skills
"maxLevel": 20,
// Applies if bonus chest world setting is enabled
"startPoints": 5,
// Enables starter points for SERVER only
"enableStartPoints": false,
"pointsPerLevel": 1,
// If true will reset stats on death
"hardMode": false,
"disableMobFarms": true,
// Amount of allowed mob kills in a chunk
"mobKillCount": 5,
// Attribute values - Bonus for each lvl
"healthBase": 6.0,
"healthBonus": 1.0,
// Absorption Bonus at max lvl
"healthAbsorptionBonus": 6.0,
// Levelz Screen Multiplies it by 10
"movementBase": 0.09,
"movementBonus": 0.001,
// Chance of damage misses player at max lvl
"movementMissChance": 0.05000000074505806,
// Reduces fall damage
"movementFallBonus": 0.25,
"attackBase": 1.0,
"attackBonus": 0.2,
// Chance of double meele damage at max lvl
"attackDoubleDamageChance": 0.029999999329447746,
"attackCritDmgBonus": 0.20000000298023224,
"defenseBase": 0.0,
"defenseBonus": 0.2,
// Chance of damage reflection at max lvl
"defenseReflectChance": 0.05000000074505806,
"luckBase": 0.0,
"luckBonus": 0.05,
"luckCritBonus": 0.009999999776482582,
// Chance of not dying at max lvl
"luckSurviveChance": 0.5,
"staminaBase": 1.100000023841858,
"staminaBonus": 0.019999999552965164,
"staminaHealthBonus": 0.05000000074505806,
// Food is more nutritious at max lvl
"staminaFoodBonus": 0.30000001192092896,
// Price reduction in %
"tradeBonus": 1.0,
"tradeXPBonus": 0.5,
// Disables bad reputation possibility at max lvl
"tradeReputation": true,
"smithingCostBonus": 0.014999999664723873,
// Chance of no tool damage
"smithingToolChance": 0.009999999776482582,
// Chance of no xp usage on anvil at max lvl
"smithingAnvilChance": 0.10000000149011612,
// Min level to get chance of more crops drop
"farmingBase": 10,
// Chance of more crops drop
"farmingChanceBonus": 0.009999999776482582,
// Breeding twin chance at max lvl
"farmingTwinChance": 0.20000000298023224,
// Chance of increased enchantment strength
"alchemyEnchantmentChance": 0.004999999888241291,
// Chance of drinking potion with double value at max lvl
"alchemyPotionChance": 0.05000000074505806,
"archeryBowExtraDamage": 0.20000000298023224,
"archeryCrossbowExtraDamage": 0.20000000298023224,
// Chance of double range damage at max lvl
"archeryDoubleDamageChance": 0.05000000074505806,
// Chance of more ore drop
"miningOreChance": 0.009999999776482582,
// Tnt power increase at max lvl
"miningTntBonus": 0.5,
// Locked blocks break slower factor
"miningLockedMultiplicator": 2.0,
// XP equation: lvl^exponent * multiplicator + base
"xpCostMultiplicator": 0.10000000149011612,
"xpExponent": 2,
"xpBaseCost": 50,
// 0 = no experience cap
"xpMaxCost": 0,
"resetCurrentXP": true,
"dropPlayerXP": true,
"dropXPbasedOnLvl": false,
// 0.01 = 1% more xp per lvl
"basedOnMultiplier": 0.009999999776482582,
"breedingXPMultiplier": 1.0,
"bottleXPMultiplier": 1.0,
"dragonXPMultiplier": 0.5,
"fishingXPMultiplier": 0.800000011920929,
"furnaceXPMultiplier": 0.10000000149011612,
"oreXPMultiplier": 1.0,
"tradingXPMultiplier": 0.5,
"mobXPMultiplier": 1.0,
// Show the skill gui button in the inventory
"inventoryButton": true,
// Highlight locked blocks in red.
"highlightLocked": false,
"sortCraftingRecipesBySkill": false,
"inventorySkillLevel": true,
"miningProgression": true,
"itemProgression": true,
"blockProgression": true,
"entityProgression": true,
"brewingProgression": true,
"smithingProgression": true