i18n + Navbar

This commit is contained in:
Stelian Tsekov 2024-03-06 15:19:33 +01:00
parent c6fff10745
commit 312b536944
11 changed files with 377 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -34,4 +92,4 @@ div.notice {
div.notice p {
margin: 0;

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@ -40,10 +40,12 @@ button.nopadding {
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margin-left: 0.2em;
opacity: 0.75;
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margin-left: 0.2em;
color: red;

assets/i18n/de.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
"nav": {
"links": {
"git": "Git",
"forum": "Forum",
"signup": "Registrieren"
"home": {
"header": {
"welcome": "Willkommen an der TBZ Community!",
"description": "Eine von Lernenden geleitete Community für die Lernenden der Technischen Berufsschule Zürich zur Zusammenarbeit und Innovation."
"services": {
"title": "Dienstleistungen",
"subtitle": "Von Lernenden - für Lernenden gehosteten Dienste an der TBZ.",
"forum": {
"title": "Forum",
"description": "Trete den Unterhaltungen bei! Unser Forum ist deine go-to Destination für alles betreffend der TBZ."
"git": {
"title": "Git Forge",
"description": "Arbeite an deinen Projekten oder Modulen mit unserem Git Forge. Powered by Forgejo."
"sso": {
"title": "SSO",
"description": "Ein Konto für alle Sachen TBZ Community! Logge dich mit einem einheitlichem Konto ein, und vergiss es, überall einzeln Passwörter zu ändern."
"join": {
"title": "Worauf wartest du noch?",
"subtitle": "Bereit einzutauchen? Trete jetzt bei und beginne, zur TBZ Community Hub beizutragen."
"notice": {
"content": "Dies ist eine inoffizielle Community-Plattform, betrieben von Lerndenden für Lerndende der TBZ. Für Anfragen und Unterstützung, bitte kontaktiere uns <a href='/contact'>hier</a>."
"footer": {
"source": "Diese Webseite wurde mit dem <a href='https://jenil.github.io/chota/'>chota</a> CSS Framework erstellt. Den Quellcode dieser Seite findest du <a href='https://git.tbz-it.com/community/website'>hier</a>."
"buttons": {
"visit": "Besuchen",
"join": "Beitreten",
"explore": "Projekte erkunden"
"signup": {
"header": {
"title": "TBZ Community Registrierungsformular",
"back": "← Zurück"
"form": {
"labels": {
"fullname": "Vollständiger Name:",
"fullnamePlaceholder": "Vollständiger Name",
"username": "Benutzername:",
"usernamePlaceholder": "Benutzername",
"email": "E-Mail:",
"emailPlaceholder": "vollstaendiger.name@edu.tbz.ch",
"ssh": "SSH-Schlüssel:",
"sshPlaceholder": "ssh-ed25519 AAAAXXXXXXXYYYYYYYZZZZZZZ+00a"
"legends": {
"required": "*",
"requiredText": " = erforderlich",
"optional": "(optional)",
"optionalText": " = optional"
"legal": {
"codeofconduct": "Mit der Anmeldung erklärst du dich damit einverstanden, unseren Verhaltenskodex zu befolgen.<br>Kein Drama. Sei respektvoll. Hab Spass. Wir alle versuchen es, und wir sitzen alle im selben Boot :)",
"apprenticeVerify": "Ich besuche die TBZ und habe eine Lehre.",
"termsVerify": "Ich stimme zu, dass ich die Dienstbedingungen und die Datenschutzrichtlinie gelesen und verstanden habe."

assets/i18n/en.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
"nav": {
"links": {
"git": "Git",
"forum": "Forum",
"signup": "Sign Up"
"home": {
"header": {
"welcome": "Welcome to the TBZ Community!",
"description": "A student-driven hub for the students of the Technische Berufsschule Zürich to collaborate and innovate."
"services": {
"title": "Services",
"subtitle": "Services hosted by students, for students, at the TBZ.",
"forum": {
"title": "Forum",
"description": "Join the conversation! Our forum is your go-to destination for all things TBZ."
"git": {
"title": "Git Forge",
"description": "Collaborate on projects with our Git repository. Powered by Forgejo."
"sso": {
"title": "SSO",
"description": "One Account for all things TBZ Community! Log in with a singular account, and forget to re-set passwords individually (because you don't have to, anymore)."
"join": {
"title": "What're you waiting for?",
"subtitle": "Ready to dive in? Join us now and start contributing to the TBZ Community Hub."
"notice": {
"content": "This is an unofficial community platform run by students, for students of the TBZ. For inquiries and support, please contact us <a href='/contact'>here</a>."
"footer": {
"source": "This website's been made using the <a href='https://jenil.github.io/chota/'>chota</a> CSS framework. You can find this site's source code <a href='https://git.tbz-it.com/community/website'>here</a>."
"buttons": {
"visit": "Visit",
"join": "Join us",
"explore": "Explore Projects"
"signup": {
"header": {
"title": "TBZ Community Signup Form",
"back": "← Back"
"form": {
"labels": {
"fullname": "Full Name:",
"fullnamePlaceholder": "Full Name",
"username": "Username:",
"usernamePlaceholder": "Username",
"email": "Email:",
"emailPlaceholder": "full.name@edu.tbz.ch",
"ssh": "SSH-Key:",
"sshPlaceholder": "ssh-ed25519 AAAAXXXXXXXYYYYYYYZZZZZZZ+00a"
"legends": {
"required": "*",
"requiredText": " = required",
"optional": "(optional)",
"optionalText": " = optional"
"legal": {
"codeofconduct": "Signing up implies that you agree to abide by our code of conduct.<br>No drama. Be respectful. Have fun. We're all trying, and we're all in this together :)",
"apprenticeVerify": "I visit the TBZ and have an apprenticeship.",
"termsVerify": "I agree that I have read and understood the terms of service and privacy policy."

assets/img/nav-logo.svg Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
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View file

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assets/js/i18n.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
function getTranslation(obj, path) {
return path.reduce((xs, x) => (xs && xs[x] !== undefined) ? xs[x] : undefined, obj);
function changeLanguage(lang) {
document.cookie = `lang=${lang};path=/;max-age=31536000;SameSite=None${window.location.protocol === 'https:' ? '; Secure' : ''}`;
.then(response => response.json())
.then(translations => {
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const keys = elem.getAttribute('data-i18n-placeholder').split('.');
const translation = getTranslation(translations, keys);
if (translation !== undefined) {
elem.placeholder = translation;
document.getElementById('languageSelect').value = lang;
function getCookie(name) {
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for(let i = 0; i < cookieArray.length; i++) {
let cookiePair = cookieArray[i].split('=');
if(name == cookiePair[0].trim()) {
return decodeURIComponent(cookiePair[1]);
return null;
function initializeLanguage() {
const availableLanguages = ['en', 'de']; // Extend as necessary
let userLang = getCookie('lang');
if (!userLang) {
let systemLang = navigator.language.split('-')[0];
userLang = availableLanguages.includes(systemLang) ? systemLang : 'en';
// Run the initialization function when the page loads

assets/js/nav-scroll.js Normal file
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View file

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@ -11,52 +11,73 @@
<nav id="navbar">
<div class="nav-container">
<a href="/" class="nav-logo">
<img src="/assets/img/nav-logo.svg" alt="TBZ Community Logo">
<a data-i18n="nav.links.git" id="navButton" class="button outline light">Git</a>
<a data-i18n="nav.links.forum" id="navButton" class="button outline light">Forum</a>
<div class="language-switcher">
<a data-i18n="nav.links.signup" class="button primary" href="/signup/">Sign Up</a>
<select id="languageSelect" onchange="changeLanguage(this.value)">
<option value="en">🇬🇧 English</option>
<option value="de">🇨🇭 German</option>
<div class="header">
<div class="header-container">
<h1>Welcome to the TBZ Community!</h1>
<p>A student-driven hub for the students of the Technische Berufsschule Zürich to collaborate and innovate.</p>
<h1 data-i18n="home.header.welcome">Welcome to the TBZ Community!</h1>
<p data-i18n="home.header.description">A student-driven hub for the students of the Technische Berufsschule Zürich to collaborate and innovate.</p>
<!-- <img class="banner" src="" alt="The TBZ Tower, with Zurich's Hard Tower in the background." /> -->
<div class="content home">
<section class="services">
<p class="subtitle">Services hosted by students, for students, at the TBZ.</p>
<h2 data-i18n="home.services.title">Services</h2>
<p class="subtitle" data-i18n="home.services.subtitle">Services hosted by students, for students, at the TBZ.</p>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-4 service">
<p>Join the conversation! Our forum is your go-to destination for all things TBZ.</p>
<h3 data-i18n="home.services.forum.title">Forum</h3>
<p data-i18n="home.services.forum.description">Join the conversation! Our forum is your go-to destination for all things TBZ.</p>
<div class="button-container">
<a class="button primary" href="#">Visit</a>
<a class="button primary" href="#" data-i18n="home.buttons.visit">Visit</a>
<div class="col-4 service">
<h3>Git Forge</h3>
<p>Collaborate on projects with our Git repository. Powered by Forgejo.</p>
<h3 data-i18n="home.services.git.title">Git Forge</h3>
<p data-i18n="home.services.git.description">Collaborate on projects with our Git repository. Powered by Forgejo.</p>
<div class="button-container">
<a class="button primary" href="#">Visit</a>
<a class="button primary" href="#" data-i18n="home.buttons.visit">Visit</a>
<div class="col-4 service">
<p>Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet This Is Random Bullshit To Fill This Card.</p>
<h3 data-i18n="home.services.sso.title">SSO</h3>
<p data-i18n="home.services.sso.description">One Account for all things TBZ Community! Log in with a singular account, and forget to re-set passwords individually (because you don't have to, anymore).</p>
<div class="button-container">
<a class="button primary" href="#">Visit</a>
<a class="button primary" href="#" data-i18n="home.buttons.visit">Visit</a>
<section class="join">
<h2>What're you waiting for?</h2>
<p class="subtitle">Ready to dive in? Join us now and start contributing to the TBZ Community Hub.</p>
<h2 data-i18n="home.join.title">What're you waiting for?</h2>
<p class="subtitle" data-i18n="home.join.subtitle">Ready to dive in? Join us now and start contributing to the TBZ Community Hub.</p>
<div class="button-container">
<a class="button primary" href="#">Join us</a>
<a class="button secondary" href="#">Explore Projects</a>
<a class="button primary" href="/signup/" data-i18n="home.buttons.join">Join us</a>
<a class="button secondary" href="#" data-i18n="home.buttons.explore">Explore Projects</a>
<div class="notice">
<p>This is an unofficial community platform run by students, for students of the <a href="https://tbz.ch">TBZ</a>. For inquiries and support, please contact us <a href="/contact">here</a>.</p>
<p>This website's been made using the <a href="https://jenil.github.io/chota/">chota</a> CSS framework. You can find this site's source code <a href="https://gitpot.dev">here</a>.</p>
<div class="notice">
<p data-i18n="home.notice.content">This is an unofficial community platform run by students, for students of the TBZ. For inquiries and support, please contact us <a href='/contact'>here</a>.</p>
<p data-i18n="home.footer.source">This website's been made using the <a href='https://jenil.github.io/chota/'>chota</a> CSS framework. You can find this site's source code <a href='https://git.tbz-it.com/community/website'>here</a>.</p>
<script src="/assets/js/dark-mode.js"></script>
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<script src="/assets/js/i18n.js"></script>

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@ -21,42 +21,50 @@
<div class="language-switcher">
<select id="languageSelect" onchange="changeLanguage(this.value)">
<option value="en">🇬🇧 English</option>
<option value="de">🇨🇭 German</option>
<div class="content-container">
<div class="blur"></div>
<div class="signup content banner"></div>
<div class="signup content container">
<div class="signup form">
<button class="button clear nopadding" onclick="window.history.back()">← Back</button>
<h2>TBZ Community Signup Form</h2>
<button data-i18n="signup.header.back" class="button clear nopadding" onclick="window.history.back()">← Back</button>
<h2 data-i18n="signup.header.title">TBZ Community Signup Form</h2>
<form name="registrationForm" onsubmit="return validateEmail()" method="post">
<label for="fullName">Full Name: <span class="required">*</span></label><br>
<input type="text" id="fullName" name="fullName" placeholder="Full Name" required><br>
<label data-i18n="signup.form.labels.fullname" for="fullName">Full Name:</label><span data-i18n="signup.form.legends.required" class="required">*</span><br>
<input type="text" id="fullName" name="fullName" data-i18n-placeholder="signup.form.labels.fullnamePlaceholder" placeholder="Full Name" required><br>
<label for="username">Username: <span class="required">*</span></label><br>
<input type="text" id="username" name="username" placeholder="Username" required><br>
<label data-i18n="signup.form.labels.username" for="username">Username:</label><span data-i18n="signup.form.legends.required" class="required">*</span><br>
<input type="text" id="username" name="username" data-i18n-placeholder="signup.form.labels.usernamePlaceholder" placeholder="Username" required><br>
<label for="email">Email: <span class="required">*</span></label><br>
<input type="email" id="email" name="email" placeholder="full.name@edu.tbz.ch" required><br>
<label data-i18n="signup.form.labels.email" for="email">Email:</label><span data-i18n="signup.form.legends.required" class="required">*</span><br>
<input type="email" id="email" name="email" data-i18n-placeholder="signup.form.labels.emailPlaceholder" placeholder="full.name@edu.tbz.ch" required><br>
<label for="sshKey">SSH-Key: <span class="optional">(optional)</span></label><br>
<textarea id="sshKey" name="sshKey" placeholder="ssh-ed25519 AAAAXXXXXXXYYYYYYYZZZZZZZ+00a" rows="4"></textarea><br>
<label data-i18n="signup.form.labels.ssh" for="sshKey">SSH-Key:</label><span class="optional">(optional)</span><br>
<textarea id="sshKey" name="sshKey" data-i18n-placeholder="signup.form.labels.sshPlaceholder" placeholder="ssh-ed25519 AAAAXXXXXXXYYYYYYYZZZZZZZ+00a" rows="4"></textarea><br>
<p data-i18n="signup.form.legal.codeofconduct">
Signing up implies that you agree to abide by our code of conduct.<br>
No drama. Be respectful. Have fun. We're all trying, and we're all in this together :)
<input type="checkbox" id="apprenticeship" name="apprenticeship">
<label for="apprenticeship">I visit the TBZ and have an apprenticeship. <span class="required">*</span></label><br>
<label data-i18n="signup.form.legal.apprenticeVerify" for="apprenticeship">I visit the TBZ and have an apprenticeship.</label><span data-i18n="signup.form.legends.required" class="required">*</span><br>
<input type="checkbox" id="terms" name="terms" required>
<label for="terms">I agree! I have read and understood the terms of service and privacy policy. <span class="required">*</span></label><br><br>
<label data-i18n="signup.form.legal.termsVerify" for="terms">I agree! I have read and understood the terms of service and privacy policy.</label><span data-i18n="signup.form.legends.required" class="required">*</span><br><br>
<p><span class="required">*</span> = required</p>
<p><span data-i18n="signup.form.legends.required" class="required">*</span><span data-i18n="signup.form.legends.requiredText"> = required</span><br>
<span data-i18n="signup.form.legends.optional" class="optional">*</span><span data-i18n="signup.form.legends.optionalText"> = optional</span></p>
<div class="button-container">
<input type="submit" value="Register">
<a class="button secondary outline" href="#">Login</a>
@ -66,5 +74,6 @@
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