x-common: database: &db-environment # Do not remove the "&db-password" from the end of the line below, it is important # for Panel functionality. MYSQL_PASSWORD: &db-password "" MARIADB_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD: 1 panel: &panel-environment APP_URL: "http://nugget.sangelo.space" APP_TIMEZONE: "Europe/Zurich" APP_SERVICE_AUTHOR: "no-reply@lunivity.com" APP_BACKUP_DRIVER: wings PTERODACTYL_TELEMETRY_ENABLED: false LE_EMAIL: "letsencrypt@lunivity.com" mail: &mail-environment MAIL_FROM: "no-reply@lunivity.com" MAIL_DRIVER: "smtp" MAIL_HOST: "mail.lunivity.com" MAIL_PORT: "587" MAIL_USERNAME: "no-reply@lunivity.com" MAIL_PASSWORD: "" MAIL_ENCRYPTION: "true" # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # DANGER ZONE BELOW # # The remainder of this file likely does not need to be changed. Please only make modifications # below if you understand what you are doing. # services: database: image: mariadb:10.5 restart: always command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password volumes: - "/srv/pterodactyl/database:/var/lib/mysql" environment: <<: *db-environment MYSQL_DATABASE: "panel" MYSQL_USER: "pterodactyl" cache: image: redis:alpine restart: always panel: image: ghcr.io/pterodactyl/panel:latest restart: always ports: - "80:80" - "443:443" links: - database - cache volumes: - "/srv/pterodactyl/var/:/app/var/" - "/srv/pterodactyl/nginx/:/etc/nginx/http.d/" - "/srv/pterodactyl/certs/:/etc/letsencrypt/" - "/srv/pterodactyl/logs/:/app/storage/logs" environment: <<: [*panel-environment, *mail-environment] DB_PASSWORD: *db-password APP_ENV: "production" APP_ENVIRONMENT_ONLY: "false" CACHE_DRIVER: "redis" SESSION_DRIVER: "redis" QUEUE_DRIVER: "redis" REDIS_HOST: "cache" DB_HOST: "database" DB_PORT: "3306" networks: default: ipam: config: - subnet: