# niminit Simple program that copies files from ``~/.config/niminit`` to ``.vscode`` in your current working directory and optionally initialises a Git repo. Written in nim! Currently written to work for Linux, not tested on MacOS, Windows is unsupported for now (feel free to make a pull-request :D). ## Table of contents - [Install using script](#install-using-script) - [Compile & install manually](#compile--install-manually) - [Update](#update) - [Usage](#usage) - [Uninstall](#uninstall) ## Install using script Install using one-liner: ```bash # Clone GitHub repo, compile and install niminit git clone https://github.com/SangeloDev/niminit && cd niminit && chmod +x install.sh && ./install.sh ``` If you've cloned the repo already, you can also directly run install.sh: ```bash $ ./install.sh ``` ## Compile & install manually To compile ``niminit``, run the following command after cloning: ```bash nim c -o:bin/niminit niminit ``` This will create a directory called ``bin/`` inside the repo. You can copy the binary into your path from there. You'll also find two template files that can be used to initialise a nim project for VSCode inside ``config`` in this repo. You can copy these to ``~/.config/niminit`` or create your own. ## Update 1. Open your terminal and ``cd`` into the repository. 2. Run ``git pull`` to update the local repo. 3. Run ``./install.sh`` again and enjoy! ## Usage To use niminit, run it inside the folder you'd like to initialise, after creating ``~/.config/niminit/`` and adding the files you'd like to copy there. Optionally, you can pass the ``-g`` flag to also create a git repository. ## Uninstall ``niminit`` is self-contained, you can just remove the binary from ``~/.local/bin``. ``niminit`` also uses ``~/.config/niminit``, so remove that directory and you're done! --- [Back to the top](#niminit)