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synced 2025-02-17 00:20:33 +00:00
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# Words
minecraft_name=Prezývka v Minecrafte
original_name=Originálne meno
# Search
search_not_found=Nič sa nenašlo..
# Buttons
button_save_changes=Uložiť všetky zmeny
button_refresh_labymod=Obnoviť LabyMod
button_login=Prihlásiť sa
button_restart=Reštartovať hru
button_continue_anyway=Pokračovať napriek tomu
# Crash Reporter
crash_reporter_title_minecraft=Oops, Minecraft spadol!
crash_reporter_title_labymod=Oops, LabyMod spadol! Môže za to LabyStudio.
crash_reporter_title_addon=Oops, %s zabil LabyMod - skúste ho odstrániť, aby LabyMod mohol žiť dlhšie a prosperovať!
crash_reporter_title_memory=Minecraft nemá dostatok pamäti! Potrebujeme viac pamäte RAM!!
# Out of memory
out_of_memory_warning_title=Varovanie pamäte
out_of_memory_warning_explanation=Your Minecraft is running out of memory. Press &aM&f to increase your memory or &cK&f to disable this warning.
out_of_memory_title=Increase your memory
out_of_memory_subtitle=Your Minecraft is running out of memory
out_of_memory_recommendation=We recommend between 2048 MB and 3072 MB
out_of_memory_slider=Maximálna pamäť v MB
out_of_memory_profile_not_found=Current profile %s could not be found in launcher_profiles.json
# Discord RPC
discordrpc_join_request_chat=&3%s&7 vás požiadal pomocou služby Discord, aby ste sa pripojili do ich párty. &e&nKliknutím na túto správu prijmete pozvánku.
discordrpc_join_request_accepted=&a prijali ste žiadosť o členstvo!
# Discord RPC - Achievement subtitle (The title is the username)
discordrpc_join_request_achievement=Chce sa pripojiť k vašej párty
# Optifine - Fast render
optifine_fast_render_manual_title=Error while handling Fast Render
optifine_fast_render_manual_explanation=Please disable Fast Render when using OptiFine.
optifine_fast_render_manual_path=&7Video Settings -> Performance -> Fast Render -> &cOFF
optifine_fast_render_auto_tile=Problem with Fast Render
optifine_fast_render_auto_explanation=The OptiFine option &lFast Render&f is not compatible with this GUI.
optifine_fast_render_auto_request=&4Please &ndisable&4 this OptiFine option:
# Optifine - Cape
optifine_cape=OptiFine Cape
# Register LabyMod Account Screen
tab_opened=A new tab containing a form to register your account has opened in your browser
open_link_in_browser=Open this link using your default web browser
not_working=Not working?
button_not_working=Not working?
open_dashboard_website=Open and login to dashboard in browser
# Refresh Session Screen
refresh_session=&cSession is invalid! &eRestart your game or try to refresh your session here.
refresh_session_refresh_try=Refresh & Retry
# Account Manager Screen
account_manager_error_no_launcher_profiles=Couldn't find launcher_profiles.json!
account_manager_error_not_ready_to_play=This account is not ready to play online
# GUI Editor Screen
labymod_gui_editor=LabyMod GUI Editor
gui_scale=Veľkosť GUI
module_scale=Individual scaling
grid_switch=Grid movement
item_gravity=Item gravity
key_visible_switch=Module name
item_durability_option=Durability display
durability_only=Durability only
durability_max=Durability / Max
use_default_option=Use default settings
custom_formatting=Custom formatting
custom_alignment=Custom alignment
default_formatting=Default formatting
default_alignment=Default alignment
preview_zoom=Zoom preview
module_editor_display_type_escape=In Menu
delete_profile_description=Delete current selected profile for %s
global_profile=Global (All servers)
module_profiles=Module Profiles
module_profiles_description=Choose different profiles of the module editor for different Minecraft servers
reset_modules_description=Reset the global module configuration to default
reset_modules_global=&cReset all your global module configurations to default?
reset_modules_profile=&cDelete the custom profile for &f%s&c?
reset_modules_undone=&4This cannot be undone! All your configurations for this profile will be deleted forever.
# LabyMod Settings Screen
settings_title=LabyMod Settings
update_available=&aUpdate available!
reinstall=&eClick here to reinstall LabyMod.
reinstall_version=&7Click here to reinstall &aLabyMod v%s&7.
# Addons Screen
button_restart_later=Not now
button_exit_game=Quit game
button_no_addons_available=&cNo addons available for Minecraft %s
button_labymod_addons=LabyMod Addons
warning_content=To see the changes, please restart your game.
# Addons Screen - Sort options
# Skin Customization
skinpart_hand=Main hand left
# Tags Screen
warning_delete=&6Do you really want to remove this entry?
# Tags Screen Add
custom_tag_for_player=New name for this player
# Shader selection Screen (Super Secret Settings)
shader_selection_not_ingame=Only available ingame!
# AccountManager Screen
button_direct_login=Direct login
title_account_manager=Account Management
# AccountManager Add Screen
# Sign Search Screen
title_sign_search=Sign search
search_on_signs=Search on signs
filter_full_servers_description=Server-Join signs showing full servers are excluded. This function is useful to find free servers.
filter_empty_servers_description=Server-Join signs that show empty servers are excluded. This function is useful to find full servers at night!
# Sign Search Screen / Checkbox (Short as possible - max 2 words)
filter_full_servers=Filter full
filter_empty_servers=Filter empty
# Serverlist Screen
button_save_server=Save server
button_save_in_my_server_list=Save to my serverlist
status_loading_server_list=Loading server list...
status_pinging_server=&4Pinging server...
info_public_server_list=The public server list is generated from the number of LabyMod users playing on the server.
warning_server_disconnect=Are you sure you want to leave your current server and join this one?
partner_server_list=Official LabyMod Partner
# Multiplayer tabs
tab_my_server_list=My server list
tab_public_server_list=Public serverlist
# LabyMod Chat Screen
button_connect_to_chat=Connect to the chat
chat_not_reachable=The chat is temporarily unavailable.
chat_button_state_hello=Connecting to the server...
chat_button_state_login=Logging in...
chat_button_state_offline=Not connected
chat_button_state_all=Unknown state
chat_user_now_online=is now online!
chat_user_now_offline=is now offline!
chat_server_message_title=SERVER MESSAGE
chat_unknown_kick_reason=Unknown kick reason
chat_unknown_ban_reason=Unknown ban reason
chat_unknown_disconnect_reason=Unknown disconnection
chat_invalid_session=Invalid session
chat_authentication_unavaileable=Authentication not available
chat_login_failed=Login failed
chat_user_friend_request=wants to be your friend
chat_user_now_playing=is now playing &e%s
chat_user_now_playing_on=is now playing on &e%s
button_request_user=Send request
button_open_profile_settings=Open profile settings
profile_title=&7Information of %s
profile_timezone=Time zone
profile_last_online=Last seen
profile_status_message=Status message
chat_user_join_server=Join server
chat_user_remove_friend=Remove friend
chat_user_remove_friend_popup=&4Do you really want to remove this friend?
user_status_busy=Do not disturb
chat_is_typing=is typing...
# LabyMod Chat Screen (Context: Online ON server.xyz)
# Tabs
# Time (Context: 5 <Days/Hours/Minutes/..> ago)
time_ago=%s ago
time_future=In the future!
time_unknown=Unknown time
# Server Switch Screen
server_switch_confirm=Hold on! The server wants to send you to %s, are you okay with that?
server_switch_trust=Always trust %s
# Server Switch Screen (Please keep it short, button is small)
server_switch_yes=Sure, I'll go for it!
server_switch_no=No, I want to stay.
# Addon Recommendation Screen
addon_recommendation_title_optional=%s would like to recommend you to install the following addons
addon_recommendation_title_required=In order to play on %s, the following addons are required to install
addon_recommendation_ignore=Don't ask again for this server
# Emotes
emote_status_already_playing=Already playing an emote
emote_status_no_emotes=You have no emotes
emote_status_select=Select an emote...
emote_status_disabled=Emotes are disabled!
emote_status_cooldown=Emotes are on cooldown!
emote_error_not_connected=Unable to play emote because you're not connected to the LabyMod chat!
emote_error_no_response=Can't play emote because the chat server did not respond!
emote_error_illegal_emote=You don't own this emote. Please reconnect to the LabyMod chat or restart Minecraft!
emote_selector_page=Page %s/%s
emote_daily=Daily emotes
emote_status_not_found=Emote not found
emote_own=Your emotes
emote_doubletap=Double tap %s to search
# Stickers
sticker_title=LabyMod stickers
sticker_history=Recently used stickers
sticker_status_no_stickers=You do not own any stickers
sticker_error_not_connected=Unable to use stickers because you are not connected to the LabyMod chat!
sticker_no_response=Unable to use stickers because the chat server did not respond!
sticker_error_illegal_sticker=You do not own this sticker. Please reconnect to the LabyMod Chat or restart Minecraft!
sticker_info_scroll=Scroll down to see more stickers!
# Ingame Chat Tabs
ingame_chat_tab_symbols=Chat icons
ingame_chat_tab_filter=Chat Filter
ingame_chat_tab_module_editor=Module editor
ingame_chat_tab_namehistory=Name history
ingame_chat_tab_playermenu=Edit player menu
# Ingame Chat
ingame_chat_feature_not_allowed=&c%s is not allowed on this server!
ingame_chat_rightclick_for_namechanges=&aRight click this name to see the name history!
# AutoText
autotext_send_instantly=Send immediately
autotext_server_address=Server IP
autotext_server_bound=Server bound
# Chat Filter
chat_filter_name=Filter name
chat_filter_contains_not=Does not include
chat_filter_play_sound=Play sound
chat_filter_second_chat=Secondary chat
chat_filter_tooltip=Filter tooltip
# Shortcut
# Player menu Editor
chat_playermenu_displayname=Display name
chat_playermenu_sendinstantly=Send instantly
chat_playermenu_tooltip=You can use variables like &a{name}&f or &e{uuid}&f to replace them with the player name or UUID
# Player menu (Short as possible)
playermenu_entry_copyname=Copy username
playermenu_entry_addfriend=Add as LabyMod friend
playermenu_entry_partyinvite=Invite to party
playermenu_entry_capereport=Report cape
# Modules ingame
module_potions=Potion effects
module_afk_timer=AFK Time
module_lava_challenge_timer=Lava challenge time
module_online_players=Online players
module_server_address=Server address
module_f=F direction
module_server_support=Server support
module_entity_count=Entity count
module_teamspeak_text=TeamSpeak Text
module_youtube_subscriber_counter=YouTube subscriber counter
# Modules item
module_arrowcount=Arrow amount
module_held_item=Current item
# Modules escape
module_server_info=Server Info
# Module category
modulecategory_external_service=External services
# Settings category
settings_category_ingame_gui=Ingame GUI
settings_category_server_support=Server support
settings_category_minecraft_chat=Minecraft chat
settings_category_menu_gui=Menu GUI
# Permission
permission_information_disabled=&7This feature is &c&ndisabled &7by default. Servers can &aenable &7it. You may want to check if this feature is allowed on your favorite server: &e
permission_information_enabled=&aThis feature is allowed by the server.
# LabyMod Chat
setting_onlinestatus=Online status
setting_alertdisplaytype=Display type
setting_showconnectedip=Show connected server
setting_ignorerequests=Ignore requests
setting_alertsplayingon=Server notifications
setting_alertsonlinestatus=Online status notifications
setting_alertplaysounds=Notification sound
setting_unreadmessageicon=Change taskbar icon
setting_showmoduleeditorshortcut=Module Editor shortcut
setting_sendanonymousstatistics=Send anonymous statistics
# Information
setting_tabping=Ping in Tablist
setting_tabping_colored=Colored ping
setting_notifypermissionchanges=Permission changes
setting_revealfamiliarusers=LabyMod User Indicator
setting_revealfamiliaruserspercentage=Show LabyMod user percentage
setting_outofmemorywarning=Out of memory warning
# PvP
setting_speedfov=Speed FOV
setting_swapbow=Swap bow
# Menu Gui
setting_guibackground=Menu background
setting_directconnectinfo=Server information at direct connection
setting_confirmdisconnect=Confirm disconnect
setting_publicserverlist=Public serverlist
setting_multiplayeringame=Multiplayer menu ingame
setting_borderlesswindow=Borderless window
setting_betterskincustomization=Improved skin customization
setting_serverlistliveview=Live serverlist
setting_serverlistliveviewinterval=Live serverlist interval
setting_bettershaderselection=Better shader selection
setting_custominventoryscale=Custom inventory scale
# Additional
setting_showmyname=Show my name
setting_showbossbar=Show bossbar
setting_showsaturation=Show saturation
setting_lefthand=Left hand
setting_signsearch=Sign search
setting_discordrichpresence=Discord Rich Presence
setting_discordallowjoining=Allow other users to join
setting_discordallowspectating=Allow other users to spectate
setting_discordshowipaddress=Show Minecraft server address
setting_discordshowachievements=Show achievement notifications
# Hotkeys
setting_keymoduleeditor=Ingame GUI Editor
setting_keyemote=Emote menu
setting_keystickermenu=Sticker menu
setting_keyplayermenu=Alternative player menu key
setting_keyaddons=Addon menu
setting_keytogglehitbox=Toggle hitbox
# Cosmetics & Emotes
setting_cosmeticscustomtextures=Custom textures
setting_capepriority=Cape priority
setting_capeoriginalparticles=Original cape particles
# Animations
setting_olddamage=Damage animation
setting_oldhearts=Heart animation
setting_oldfishing=Fishing rod
setting_oldblockhit=Blockhit animation
setting_olditemswitch=Item switch
setting_olditemhold=Item posture
setting_oldwalking=Backwards walking
# Bugfixes
setting_improvedlavafixedghostblocks=Fix invisible lava
setting_improvedlavanolight=Disable lava light (Improved performance)
setting_refillfix=Optimize soup & potion refill
setting_crosshairsync=Synchronized crosshair
setting_particlefix=Particle optimization
setting_fastworldloading=Fast world loading
# Performance
setting_afecenabled=Hide entities behind blocks
setting_afecdistancedetection=Auto adjust interval
setting_afechideentitynames=Hide entity names behind blocks
setting_afecentityinterval=Update-interval of entities in milliseconds
setting_afecplayers=Enable for players
setting_afechideplayernames=Hide player names behind blocks
setting_afecplayerinterval=Update-interval of players in milliseconds
setting_entityculling=Hide backside of entities
setting_chunkcaching=Chunk Caching
setting_chunkcachingstoreinfile=Save chunks on computer
setting_chunkcachingsize=Cache size in megabytes
# Minecraft Chat
setting_namehistory=Name history
setting_hovernamehistory=Name history in the chat
setting_chatsymbols=Chat icons
setting_chatfilter=Chat Filter
setting_fastchat=Disable chat background
setting_playermenu=Player menu
setting_playermenueditor=Player menu editor
setting_chatlinelimit=Chat row limit
setting_chatscrollspeed=Scroll speed
setting_chatpositionright=Use as primary chat
setting_scalablechat=Adjustable chat
setting_chatanimation=Animated chat
setting_clearchatonjoin=Clear chat on join
container_improved_lava=Lava optimization
container_name_history=Name history
container_advanced_chat_settings=Advanced chat settings
container_second_chat=Secondary chat
# LabyMod Chat
description_onlinestatus=Change your online status.
description_motd=Change your personal message of the day.
description_alertdisplaytype=Choose how you would like to receive chat alerts.
description_showconnectedip=Let your friends know which server you are playing on right now.
description_ignorerequests=Automatically ignore requests you receive.
description_alertsplayingon=Notifies you whenever one of your friends plays on a server.
description_alertsonlinestatus=Notifies you whenever a friend changes their online status.
description_alertplaysounds=Plays a sound when you receive alerts.
description_unreadmessageicon=Displays the count of unread messages in the taskbar icon
description_sendanonymousstatistics=Send anonymous statistics like name of your graphic card, CPU, monitor resolution and your java version to LabyMod to improve the performance of upcoming updates.
# Information
description_tabping=Shows the exact ping in the tab instead of bars.
description_tabping_colored=The color of the ping changes depending on its severity.
description_notifypermissionchanges=Shows which settings the server you are joining allows.
description_revealfamiliarusers=The LabyMod wolf beside the player head in the tablist shows if the player is currently online with LabyMod. The &3blue&r wolf indicates a normal user of LabyMod, the &eyellow&r a LabyMod+ user, the &agreen&r a translator of LabyMod and the &cred&r one is for the staff team.
description_revealfamiliaruserspercentage=Shows the percentage of the current LabyMod users on the server in the top right corner of the tab list.
description_outofmemorywarning=When your memory usage reaches its limit, a message will appear to increase your maximum memory.
# Animations
description_olddamage=When hitting a player with the 1.7 animation, the player and his armor become red. With the 1.8 animation, only the skin becomes red, the armor does not.
description_oldtablist=The 1.8 tablist provides more information about players than the 1.7 tablist, for example player heads.
description_oldhearts=With 1.8 animations enabled, hearts in the health bar will flicker whenever you take damage. With 1.7 animations, hearts will not flicker.
description_oldsword=The position of the sword while blocking in the third person perspective is highly different between the 1.7 and 1.8 animation. With the 1.7 animation, the sword is closer to the player and with the 1.8 animation, the sword is held diagonally.
description_oldfishing=Changes the position of the fishing rod in first person view.
description_oldbow=Changes the position of the bow in first person view.
description_oldinventory=When using the 1.7 animation, potion effects no longer influence the position of your inventory.
description_oldhitbox=If you use the 1.8 animation, there is an additional red line showing the eye position of a player when hitboxes are enabled.
description_oldsneaking=The 1.7 sneaking animation is smoother than the 1.8 animation.
description_oldblockhit=Brings back the 1.7 blockhit animation! When pressing the left and right mouse button at the same time, you can hit while blocking.
description_oldfood=The eating and drinking animations are different in 1.7 and 1.8.
description_olditemswitch=If you switch between two identical items in the hotbar in 1.7, an animation appears that is not available in 1.8. In 1.8, the bow tilts down a little after every second shot. This bug does not exist in 1.7.
description_olditemhold=The position of the current item in the hand is different in 1.7 and 1.8.
description_oldwalking=Your body will keep the sideways rotation while you are walking backwards. After 1.12, your body will stay straight.
# Bugfixes
description_improvedlavafixedghostblocks=Fixes a bug that causes lava to become invisible when being placed/removed.
description_improvedlavanolight=Disables lava's luminance to prevent frame drops when placing/removing it.
description_refillfix=Fixes a bug that causes soups to return to the inventory after being crafted and moved into the hotbar.
description_crosshairsync=Fixes a bug that causes the crosshair movement to be delayed in 1.8.
description_oldblockbuild=Pressing the left mouse button while using an item will make you hit and use an item at the same time if the 1.7 animation is enabled.
description_particlefix=Fixes a bug that you only get particles if you really do damage to your opponent.
description_fastworldloading=If this option is active, worlds are loaded faster. This option is also known as "respawncode".
# Performance
description_afecenabled=Normally the client calculates which entities to render depending on the direction the player is looking. Using this alternative implementation the client checks in a configurable interval if an entity must be rendered depending if the player is actually visible in the camera and not hidden behind a block.
description_afecdistancedetection=The interval of the visibility check will automaticially adjust if the entity is further away. Your performance will improve but it will take half of a second for an entity that is far away to appear on your screen.
description_afechideentitynames=Hide the entity name tags if a entity isn't visible for the player because it's behind a block or out of view.
description_afecentityinterval=The interval of the visibility check of an entity. If the interval is very low then entities will appear almost immediately on your screen but the performance will suffer for that. If the interval is very high, it can take up to X milliseconds for an entity to appear on your screen but it will boost your performance a lot.
description_afecplayers=If this option is disabled, only entities like mobs/monster, armorstands, paintings or dropped items will be affected. Enable this option to hide players behind blocks aswell.
description_afechideplayernames=Players will be invisible for you behind a wall but the performance will improve instead.
description_afecplayerinterval=Additional update interval for players.
description_entityculling=Usually the client renders every side of an entity, so if you look at it, the backside is still there even if you can't see it. If you enable this setting, every backside will be invisible and boost your performance. If this feature is enabled, you won't be able to see an entity from inside and it will disappear instead.
description_chunkcaching=Saves the loaded chunks so that the world does not have to be reloaded when entering.
description_chunkcachingstoreinfile=If this option is active, the loaded chunks will be saved on your computer and reused at the next start.
description_chunkcachingsize=Determines the maximum size in megabytes that chunk caching can use on the computer.
# Minecraft Chat
description_autotext=Bind messages to a certain key and send the messages by pressing the key you selected.
description_namehistory=See the previous names of a player by entering their current name.
description_hovernamehistory=See the previous names of a player by hovering over their name in chat.
description_chatsymbols=Adds a variety of additional symbols and formatting codes to the chat.
description_chatfilter=Filter special words from chat and highlight them with a color or sound.
description_chatshortcuts=With this function, you can replace words in the Minecraft chat with other words, allowing you to type words in a shorter form.
description_playermenu=When you middle click on a player with your mouse wheel a menu of functions appears. You and the server can add more functions to this menu.
description_playermenueditor=With this option you can add or edit entries in the player menu. The editor appears in the lower right corner of the Minecraft chat.
description_playermenuanimation=You can enable or disable the animation of this menu.
description_fastchat=Removes the dark background of chat messages.
description_chatlinelimit=The number of chat messages to be saved. The standard size of Minecraft chat is exactly 100 messages.
description_chatscrollspeed=The scroll speed in Minecraft chat. The default speed is 7.
description_secondchatwidth=The width of the secondary chat
description_secondchatheight=The height of the secondary chat
description_chatpositionright=Moves the chat to the right side of your screen.
description_scalablechat=If this option is active, the Minecraft chat can be resized with the mouse at the border of the chat and moved by the middle mouse button.
description_chatanimation=If this function is enabled, the messages in the chat move smoothly with an animation.
description_clearchatonjoin=In Minecraft 1.12, the chat history gets cleared after every reconnect to a server. This function can be disabled here.
description_showmoduleeditorshortcut=Adds a shortcut to the Minecraft chat to easily access the module editor.
# PvP
description_speedfov=Prevents speed potion effects to affect your FOV.
description_swapbow=Swaps the hand a bow is held with.
# Menu Gui
description_guibackground=Enable/Disable the dark background when opening a menu.
description_directconnectinfo=Shows a server's status and online players in the direct connect window.
description_confirmdisconnect=You need to confirm disconnecting by pressing the disconnect button twice.
description_quickplay=Quickly join the server you inserted into the Direct Connect menu.
description_publicserverlist=Shows the most popular Minecraft servers in a ranked list.
description_multiplayeringame=Instantly switch from one server to another via the ESC menu.
description_borderlesswindow=Switch between programs without leaving full screen mode.
description_betterskincustomization=Easy management of your Skin Customization.
description_serverlistliveview=Live update of the server status and online players.
description_serverlistliveviewinterval=The interval in seconds how often the server list should be updated.
description_bettershaderselection=Improved selection of the Super Secret Settings shaders
description_custominventoryscale=Set an additional scale for the inventory of the player, independent from the Minecraft scale
# Additional
description_showmyname=Shows your own Minecraft name over your head.
description_showbossbar=Displays the boss bar.
description_showsaturation=Displays the advanced saturation bar.
description_lefthand=Your left hand is the main hand.
description_signsearch=Filter texts on signs to quickly find what you are looking for.
description_discordrichpresence=If this feature is enabled, information about the game, such as server IP, server logo and game mode, will become visible for everyone in Discord. If the server supports it, users can join your party or jump to you via the Discord controls.
description_discordallowjoining=Users can send you a party invitation via Discord if the server supports it.
description_discordallowspectating=Users can jump to you via Discord if the server supports it.
description_discordshowipaddress=If this feature is enabled, the IP address of the Minecraft server you are currently on will be displayed in Discord.
description_discordshowachievements=If you receive a join request via Discord, it will also be displayed as an achievement in the upper right corner.
# Keys
description_keymoduleeditor=Directly open the module editor using a specified key.
description_keyemote=As long as this button is pressed, the emote menu is displayed. By releasing the button on the respective emote it will be played.
description_keyplayermenu=If you do not want to open the player menu with the mouse wheel, you can define a different key on your keyboard here.
description_keyaddons=Directly open the addon menu using a specified key.
description_keytogglehitbox=Alternative key to toggle the visual hitbox
description_keystickermenu=While this key is pressed, the sticker menu is displayed. On release the respective sticker will be used.
# Cosmetics & Emotes
description_cosmetics=Toggle LabyMod cosmetics.
description_emotes=Enable/disable LabyMod emotes. If this option is disabled, no more emotes will be played!
description_stickers=Enable/disable LabyMod stickers. If this option is disabled, no more stickers will be shown!
description_cosmeticscustomtextures=Enable/disable cosmetics that have their own texture, such as capes.
description_capepriority=Change whether you want to see the LabyMod, OptiFine or original cape of a player.
description_capeoriginalparticles=Original capes from Mojang, such as MineCon Capes, are rendered with particles