mirror of
synced 2024-11-13 00:52:43 +00:00
basically starting over... this is gonna be fun!
66 lines
2.1 KiB
66 lines
2.1 KiB
#version 150
uniform sampler2D DiffuseSampler;
in vec2 texCoord;
in vec2 oneTexel;
uniform vec2 InSize;
const vec4 Zero = vec4(0.0);
const vec4 Half = vec4(0.5);
const vec4 One = vec4(1.0);
const vec4 Two = vec4(2.0);
const float Pi = 3.1415926535;
const float PincushionAmount = 0.02;
const float CurvatureAmount = 0.02;
const float ScanlineAmount = 0.8;
const float ScanlineScale = 1.0;
const float ScanlineHeight = 1.0;
const float ScanlineBrightScale = 1.0;
const float ScanlineBrightOffset = 0.0;
const float ScanlineOffset = 0.0;
const vec3 Floor = vec3(0.05, 0.05, 0.05);
const vec3 Power = vec3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
out vec4 fragColor;
void main() {
vec4 InTexel = texture(DiffuseSampler, texCoord);
vec2 PinUnitCoord = texCoord * Two.xy - One.xy;
float PincushionR2 = pow(length(PinUnitCoord), 2.0);
vec2 PincushionCurve = PinUnitCoord * PincushionAmount * PincushionR2;
vec2 ScanCoord = texCoord;
ScanCoord *= One.xy - PincushionAmount * 0.2;
ScanCoord += PincushionAmount * 0.1;
ScanCoord += PincushionCurve;
vec2 CurvatureClipCurve = PinUnitCoord * CurvatureAmount * PincushionR2;
vec2 ScreenClipCoord = texCoord;
ScreenClipCoord -= Half.xy;
ScreenClipCoord *= One.xy - CurvatureAmount * 0.2;
ScreenClipCoord += Half.xy;
ScreenClipCoord += CurvatureClipCurve;
// -- Alpha Clipping --
if (ScanCoord.x < 0.0) discard;
if (ScanCoord.y < 0.0) discard;
if (ScanCoord.x > 1.0) discard;
if (ScanCoord.y > 1.0) discard;
// -- Scanline Simulation --
float InnerSine = ScanCoord.y * InSize.y * ScanlineScale * 0.25;
float ScanBrightMod = sin(InnerSine * Pi + ScanlineOffset * InSize.y * 0.25);
float ScanBrightness = mix(1.0, (pow(ScanBrightMod * ScanBrightMod, ScanlineHeight) * ScanlineBrightScale + 1.0) * 0.5, ScanlineAmount);
vec3 ScanlineTexel = InTexel.rgb * ScanBrightness;
// -- Color Compression (increasing the floor of the signal without affecting the ceiling) --
ScanlineTexel = Floor + (One.xyz - Floor) * ScanlineTexel;
ScanlineTexel.rgb = pow(ScanlineTexel.rgb, Power);
fragColor = vec4(ScanlineTexel.rgb, 1.0);