# slsk-batchdl
A batch downloader for Soulseek built with Soulseek.NET. Accepts CSV files and Spotify or YouTube urls.
## Examples
Download tracks from a csv file:
sldl test.csv
CSV details
The names of the columns in the csv should be: `Artist`, `Title`, `Album`, `Length`. Some alternatives are also accepted. You can use `--print tracks` before downloading to check if everything has been parsed correctly. Only the title or album column is required, but additional info may improve search results.
Download spotify likes while skipping songs that already exist in the output folder:
sldl spotify-likes --skip-existing
Spotify details
To download private playlists or liked songs you will need to provide a client id and secret, which you can get here https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/applications. Create an app and add `http://localhost:48721/callback` as a redirect url in its settings.
Download from a youtube playlist with fallback to yt-dlp in case it is not found on soulseek, and retrieve deleted video titles from wayback machine:
sldl "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI_eFW8NAFzYAXZ5DrU6E6mQ_XfhaLBUX" --get-deleted --yt-dlp
YouTube details
Playlists are retrieved using the YoutubeExplode library which unfortunately doesn't always return all videos. You can use the official API by providing a key with `--youtube-key`. Get it here https://console.cloud.google.com. Create a new project, click "Enable Api" and search for "youtube data", then follow the prompts.
Also note that due the high number of music videos in the above example playlist, it may be better to remove all text in parentheses and disable song duration checking: `--regex "[\[\(].*?[\]\)]" --pref-length-tol -1`.
Search & download a specific song, preferring lossless:
sldl "title=MC MENTAL @ HIS BEST,length=242" --pref-format "flac,wav"
String details
The shorthand `sldl "Artist - Title"` is equivalent to `sldl "artist=Artist,title=Title"`.
Interactive album download:
sldl "album=Some Album" --interactive
Album details
The shorthand `sldl "Artist - Album" -a` is equivalent to `sldl "artist=Artist,album=Album"`. It's often helpful to restrict to folders which have two or more tracks: `--atc 2+`.
Print all songs by an artist which are not in your library:
sldl "artist=MC MENTAL" --aggregate --skip-existing --music-dir "path/to/music" --print tracks-full
## Download Modes
Depending on the provided input, the download behaviour changes:
- Normal download: The program will download a single file for every input entry.
- Album download: The program will search for the album and download an entire folder including non-audio files. Activated when the input is a link to a spotify or bandcamp album, when the input string or csv row has no track title, or when `-a`/`--album` is enabled.
- Aggregate download: With `-g`/`--aggregate`, the program will first perform an ordinary search for the input, then attempt to group the results into distinct songs and download one of each kind. This can be used to download an artist's entire discography (or simply printing it, like in the example above), finding remixes of a song, etc. Note that it is not 100% reliable, which is why `--min-users-aggregate` is set to 2 by default, i.e. any song that is shared by only one person will be ignored. Enable `--relax-filtering` to make the file filtering less aggressive.
## Options
Acronyms of two- and --three-word-arguments are also accepted, e.g. --twa
Usage: sldl [OPTIONS]
is one of the following:
Spotify playlist url or 'spotify-likes': Download a spotify
playlist or your liked songs. --spotify-id and
--spotify-secret may be required in addition.
Youtube playlist url: Download songs from a youtube playlist.
Provide a --youtube-key to include unavailabe uploads.
Path to a local CSV file: Use a csv file containing track
info to download. The names of the columns should be Artist,
Title, Album, Length. Only the title or album column is
required, but extra info may improve search results.
Name of the track, album, or artist to search for:
Can either be any typical search string or a comma-separated
list like 'title=Song Name,artist=Artist Name,length=215'
Allowed properties are: title, artist, album, length (sec)
Specify artist and album only to download an album.
--user Soulseek username
--pass Soulseek password
-p --path Download directory
-f --folder Subfolder name. Set to '.' to output directly to the
download folder (default: playlist/csv name)
-n --number Download the first n tracks of a playlist
-o --offset Skip a specified number of tracks
-r --reverse Download tracks in reverse order
--name-format Name format for downloaded tracks, e.g "{artist} - {title}"
--fast-search Begin downloading as soon as a file satisfying the preferred
conditions is found. Higher chance to download wrong files.
--remove-from-source Remove downloaded tracks from source playlist or CSV file
(spotify and CSV only)