mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 14:32:40 +00:00
fixed skipping files in --music-dir
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 76 additions and 42 deletions
@ -48,9 +48,10 @@ class Program
Console.WriteLine(" --length-col <column> Specify the name of the track duration column, if exists");
Console.WriteLine(" --time-unit <unit> Time unit for the track duration column, ms or s (default: s)");
Console.WriteLine(" --skip-existing Skip if a track matching the conditions is found in the output folder or your music library (if provided) (default: false)");
//Console.WriteLine(" --music-dir <path> Specify to also skip downloading tracks which are in your library, use with --skip-existing (currently too slow / unusable)");
Console.WriteLine(" --music-dir <path> Specify to also skip downloading tracks which are in your library, use with --skip-existing");
Console.WriteLine(" --skip-if-pref-failed Skip if preferred versions of a track exist but failed to download. If no pref. versions were found, download as normal. (default: false)");
Console.WriteLine(" --create-m3u Create an m3u playlist file in the output dir. (default: false)");
Console.WriteLine(" --m3u-only Only create an m3u playlist file with existing tracks and exit (default: false)");
Console.WriteLine(" --search-timeout <timeout> Maximal search time (default: 15000)");
Console.WriteLine(" --download-max-stale-time <time> Maximal download time with no progress (default: 60000)");
Console.WriteLine(" --max-concurrent-processes <num> Max concurrent searches / downloads (default: 2)");
@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ class Program
bool skipExisting = false;
bool skipIfPrefFailed = false;
bool createM3u = false;
bool m3uOnly = false;
int searchTimeout = 15000;
downloadMaxStaleTime = 60000;
int maxConcurrentProcesses = 2;
@ -174,6 +176,9 @@ class Program
case "--create-m3u":
createM3u = true;
case "--m3u-only":
m3uOnly = true;
case "--search-timeout":
searchTimeout = int.Parse(args[++i]);
@ -229,7 +234,7 @@ class Program
if ((trackCol == "" && artistCol == "" && fullTitleCol == "") || (trackCol != "" && artistCol == "") || (fullTitleCol != "" && (artistCol != "" || trackCol != "")))
throw new Exception("Use one of: full title column, (artist column AND track name)");
if (lengthCol == "")
WriteLastLine($"Warning: No lenght column specified, results may be imprecise.");
WriteLastLine($"Warning: No length column specified, results may be imprecise.");
@ -251,45 +256,59 @@ class Program
try { System.IO.File.Delete(failsFilePath); }
catch { }
createM3u |= m3uOnly;
m3uFilePath = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "playlist.m3u");
List<string> m3uLines = Enumerable.Repeat("", tracksStart.Count).ToList();
if (skipExisting && tracks.First().Length > 0)
if (skipExisting || m3uOnly)
WriteLastLine("Checking if tracks exist in output folder...");
var outputDirFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(outputFolder, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
var musicFiles = outputDirFiles
.Where(filename =>
try { return IsMusicFile(filename) && TagLib.File.Create(filename) != null; }
catch { return false; }
var musicFiles = outputDirFiles.Where(f => IsMusicFile(f)).ToArray();
tracks = tracks.Where(x =>
bool exists = FileExistsInCollection(x.TrackTitle == "" ? x.UnparsedTitle : x.TrackTitle, x.Length, necessaryCond, musicFiles, out string path);
bool exists = FileExistsInCollection(x.TrackTitle == "" ? x.UnparsedTitle : x.TrackTitle, x.Length, necessaryCond, musicFiles, out string? path);
if (exists)
m3uLines[tracksStart.IndexOf(x)] = path;
return !exists;
if (musicDir != "")
WriteLastLine($"Checking if tracks exist in library...");
var musicDirFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(musicDir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
musicFiles = musicDirFiles
.Where(filename => !filename.Contains(outputFolder))
.Where(filename => IsMusicFile(filename)).ToArray();
tracks = tracks.Where(x =>
bool exists = FileExistsInCollection(x.TrackTitle == "" ? x.UnparsedTitle : x.TrackTitle, x.Length, necessaryCond, musicFiles, out string? path);
if (exists && m3uLines[tracksStart.IndexOf(x)] == "")
m3uLines[tracksStart.IndexOf(x)] = path;
return !exists;
if (musicDir != "" && tracks.First().Length > 0)
if (createM3u)
WriteLastLine("Checking if tracks exist in library...");
var musicDirFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(musicDir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(x => IsMusicFile(x));
var musicFiles = musicDirFiles
.Where(filename =>
if (System.IO.File.Exists(m3uFilePath))
using (var fileStream = new FileStream(m3uFilePath, FileMode.Truncate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { fileStream.SetLength(0); }
if (tracks.Count < tracksStart.Count)
try { return IsMusicFile(filename) && TagLib.File.Create(filename) != null; }
catch { return false; }
tracks = tracks.Where(x =>
using (var fileStream = new FileStream(m3uFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite))
using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8))
bool exists = FileExistsInCollection(x.TrackTitle == "" ? x.UnparsedTitle : x.TrackTitle, x.Length, necessaryCond, musicFiles, out string path);
if (exists)
m3uLines[tracksStart.IndexOf(x)] = path;
return !exists;
foreach (var line in m3uLines)
if (m3uOnly)
WriteLastLine($"Created m3u file: {tracksStart.Count - tracks.Count} of {tracksStart.Count} found as local files");
int tracksRemaining = tracks.Count;
@ -305,6 +324,8 @@ class Program
string alreadyExist = skipExisting && tracksStart.Count - tracks.Count > 0 ? $" ({tracksStart.Count - tracks.Count} already exist)" : "";
WriteLastLine($"Downloading {tracks.Count} tracks{alreadyExist}");
var downloadTasks = tracks.Select(async (track) =>
await semaphore.WaitAsync();
@ -888,34 +909,47 @@ class Program
var extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower();
return musicExtensions.Contains(extension);
static bool FileExistsInCollection(string searchName, int length, FileConditions conditions, IEnumerable<string> collection, out string foundPath)
static bool FileExistsInCollection(string searchName, int length, FileConditions conditions, IEnumerable<string> collection, out string? foundPath)
char[] invalidChars = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars();
foreach (char c in invalidChars)
searchName = searchName.Replace(c.ToString(), "");
searchName = searchName.Replace(" ", "");
Debug.WriteLine($"total: {collection.Count()}");
var matchingFiles = collection.Where(fileName => fileName.Replace(" ", "").Contains(searchName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToArray();
var matchingFiles = collection.Where(fileName => fileName.Replace(" ", "").Contains(searchName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
Debug.WriteLine($"matches: {matchingFiles.Count()}");
if (matchingFiles.Any())
foreach (var p in matchingFiles)
foundPath = matchingFiles.First();
TagLib.File f;
try { f = TagLib.File.Create(p); }
catch { continue; }
if (conditions.FileSatisfies(f, length))
foundPath = p;
return true;
else if (searchName.Count(c => c == '-') == 1)
if (searchName.Count(c => c == '-') == 1)
searchName = searchName.Split('-')[1];
matchingFiles = collection.Where(fileName => fileName.Replace(" ", "").Contains(searchName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (matchingFiles.Any())
matchingFiles = collection.Where(fileName => fileName.Replace(" ", "").Contains(searchName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToArray();
foreach (var p in matchingFiles)
foundPath = matchingFiles.First();
TagLib.File f;
try { f = TagLib.File.Create(p); }
catch { continue; }
if (conditions.FileSatisfies(f, length))
foundPath = p;
return true;
foundPath = null;
return false;
Reference in a new issue