diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 469e7be..5039b40 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# slsk-batchdl
-A batch downloader for Soulseek built with Soulseek.NET. Accepts CSV files as well as Spotify and YouTube urls.
+An automatic downloader for Soulseek built with Soulseek.NET. Accepts CSV files as well as Spotify and YouTube urls.
See the [examples](#examples-1).
## Index
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ Usage: sldl [OPTIONS]
General Options
-p, --path Download directory
- -f, --folder Subfolder name. Set to '.' to output directly to --path
--input-type Force set input type, [csv|youtube|spotify|bandcamp|string]
--name-format Name format for downloaded tracks. See --help name-format
@@ -189,9 +188,6 @@ Usage: sldl [OPTIONS]
-t, --interactive Interactive mode, allows to select the folder and images
--album-track-count Specify the exact number of tracks in the album. Add a + or
- for inequalities, e.g '5+' for five or more tracks.
- --album-ignore-fails Do not skip to the next source and do not delete all
- successfully downloaded files if one of the files in the
- folder fails to download
--album-art Retrieve additional images after downloading the album:
'default': No additional images
'largest': Download from the folder with the largest image
@@ -199,11 +195,17 @@ Usage: sldl [OPTIONS]
--album-art-only Only download album art for the provided album
--no-browse-folder Do not automatically browse user shares to get all files in
in the folder
+ --failed-album-path Path to move all album files to when one of the items from
+ the directory fails to download. Set to 'delete' to delete
+ the files instead. Set to 'disable' keep it where it is.
+ Default: {configured output dir}/failed
Aggregate Download
-g, --aggregate Aggregate download mode: Find and download all distinct
songs associated with the provided artist, album, or title.
+ --aggregate-length-tol Max length tolerance in seconds to consider two tracks or
+ albums equal. (Default: 3)
--min-shares-aggregate Minimum number of shares of a track or album for it to be
downloaded in aggregate mode. (Default: 2)
--relax-filtering Slightly relax file filtering in aggregate mode to include
@@ -226,7 +228,7 @@ Usage: sldl [OPTIONS]
## Input types
The input type is usually determined automatically. To force a specific input type, set
---input-type [spotify|youtube|csv|string|bandcamp]. The following input types are available:
+--input-type [spotify|youtube|csv|string|bandcamp|list]. The following input types are available:
### CSV file
Path to a local CSV file: Use a csv file containing track info of the songs to download.
@@ -290,6 +292,7 @@ artist
length (in seconds)
Example inputs and their interpretations:
@@ -302,6 +305,17 @@ Input String | Artist | Title | Album | Lengt
'artist=AR, title=T, album=AL' | AR | T | AL |
+### List
+A path to a text file where each line has the following form:
+"some input" "conditions" "preferred conditions"
+"album=Album" "format=mp3; br > 128" "br >= 320"
+Where "some input" is any of the above input types. The quotes can be omitted if the field
+contains no spaces. The conditions and preferred conditions fields are added on top of the
+configured conditions and can also be omitted. List input must be manually activated with
## Download modes
### Normal
@@ -313,24 +327,18 @@ Input String | Artist | Title | Album | Lengt
string or csv row has no track title, or when -a/--album is enabled.
### Aggregate
-With -g/--aggregate, sldl will first perform an ordinary search for the input, then attempt to
-group the results into distinct songs and download one of each kind. A common use case is
-finding all remixes of a song or printing all songs by an artist that are not your music dir.
-Two files are considered equal if their inferred track title and artist name are equal
-(ignoring case and some special characters), and their lengths are within --length-tol of each
-Note that this mode is not 100% reliable, which is why --min-shares-aggregate is set to 2 by
-default, i.e. any song that is shared only once will be ignored.
+With -g/--aggregate, sldl performs an ordinary search for the input then attempts to
+group the results into distinct songs and download one of each kind, starting with the one
+which is shared by the most users.
+Note that --min-shares-aggregate is 2 by default, which means that songs shared by only
+one user will be ignored.
### Album Aggregate
-Activated when --album and --aggregate are enabled, in this mode sldl searches for the query
-and groups results into distinct albums. Two folders are considered same if they have the
-same number of audio files, and the durations of the files are within --length-tol of each
-other (or within 3 seconds if length-tol is not configured). If both folders have exactly one
-audio file with similar lengths, also checks if the inferred title and artist name coincide.
-More reliable than normal aggregate due to much simpler grouping logic.
-Note that --min-shares-aggregate is 2 by default, which means that folders shared only once
-will be ignored.
+Activated when both --album and --aggregate are enabled. sldl will group shares and download
+one of each distinct album, starting with the one shared by the most users. It's
+recommended to pair this with --interactive.
+Note that --min-shares-aggregate is 2 by default, which means that albums shared by only
+one user will be ignored.
## Searching
@@ -407,7 +415,7 @@ only satisfies the format condition. Run with --print "results-full" to reveal t
ranking with this option due to the bitrate and samplerate checks.
Conditions can also be supplied as a semicolon-delimited string with --cond and --pref, e.g
---cond "br>=320;f=mp3,ogg;sr<96000"
+--cond "br >= 320; format = mp3,ogg; sr < 96000".
## Name format
@@ -443,7 +451,6 @@ track Track number
disc Disc number
filename Soulseek filename without extension
foldername Soulseek folder name
-default-foldername Default sldl folder name
extractor Name of the extractor used (CSV/Spotify/YouTube/etc)
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/Config.cs b/slsk-batchdl/Config.cs
index 8df14df..5cdd49a 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/Config.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/Config.cs
@@ -21,13 +21,10 @@ static class Config
AcceptNoLength = false,
- public static string parentFolder = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
+ public static string parentDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
public static string input = "";
- public static string outputFolder = "";
public static string m3uFilePath = "";
public static string musicDir = "";
- public static string folderName = "";
- public static string defaultFolderName = "";
public static string spotifyId = "";
public static string spotifySecret = "";
public static string spotifyToken = "";
@@ -49,11 +46,11 @@ static class Config
public static string onComplete = "";
public static string confPath = "";
public static string profile = "";
+ public static string failedAlbumPath = "";
public static bool aggregate = false;
public static bool album = false;
public static bool albumArtOnly = false;
public static bool interactiveMode = false;
- public static bool albumIgnoreFails = false;
public static bool setAlbumMinTrackCount = true;
public static bool setAlbumMaxTrackCount = false;
public static bool skipNotFound = false;
@@ -94,6 +91,7 @@ static class Config
public static int listenPort = 49998;
public static int searchesPerTime = 34;
public static int searchRenewTime = 220;
+ public static int aggregateLengthTol = 3;
public static double fastSearchMinUpSpeed = 1.0;
public static Track regexToReplace = new();
public static Track regexReplaceBy = new();
@@ -105,19 +103,22 @@ static class Config
public static SkipMode skipModeMusicDir = SkipMode.Name;
public static PrintOption printOption = PrintOption.None;
- static readonly Dictionary args, string? cond)> profiles = new();
- static readonly HashSet appliedProfiles = new();
- static bool hasConfiguredM3uMode = false;
- static bool confPathChanged = false;
- static string[] arguments;
public static bool HasAutoProfiles { get; private set; } = false;
public static bool DoNotDownload => (printOption & (PrintOption.Results | PrintOption.Tracks)) != 0;
public static bool PrintTracks => (printOption & PrintOption.Tracks) != 0;
public static bool PrintResults => (printOption & PrintOption.Results) != 0;
public static bool PrintTracksFull => (printOption & PrintOption.Tracks) != 0 && (printOption & PrintOption.Full) != 0;
public static bool PrintResultsFull => (printOption & PrintOption.Results) != 0 && (printOption & PrintOption.Full) != 0;
+ public static bool DeleteAlbumOnFail => failedAlbumPath == "delete";
+ public static bool IgnoreAlbumFail => failedAlbumPath == "disable";
+ static readonly Dictionary args, string? cond)> profiles = new();
+ static readonly HashSet appliedProfiles = new();
+ static bool hasConfiguredM3uMode = false;
+ static bool confPathChanged = false;
+ static string[] arguments;
+ static FileConditions? prevConds = null;
+ static FileConditions? prevPrefConds = null;
public static bool ParseArgsAndReadConfig(string[] args)
@@ -218,7 +219,7 @@ static class Config
- public static void PostProcessArgs() // must be run after Program.trackLists has been assigned
+ public static void PostProcessArgs()
if (DoNotDownload || debugInfo)
concurrentProcesses = 1;
@@ -227,38 +228,21 @@ static class Config
if (DoNotDownload)
m3uOption = M3uOption.None;
- else if (!hasConfiguredM3uMode)
- {
- if (inputType == InputType.String)
- m3uOption = M3uOption.None;
- else if (!aggregate && !(skipExisting && (skipMode == SkipMode.M3u || skipMode == SkipMode.M3uCond))
- && Program.trackLists != null && !Program.trackLists.Flattened(true, false, true).Skip(1).Any())
- {
- m3uOption = M3uOption.None;
- }
- }
+ else if (!hasConfiguredM3uMode && inputType == InputType.String)
+ m3uOption = M3uOption.None;
if (albumArtOnly && albumArtOption == AlbumArtOption.Default)
albumArtOption = AlbumArtOption.Largest;
- parentFolder = Utils.ExpandUser(parentFolder);
- m3uFilePath = Utils.ExpandUser(m3uFilePath);
- musicDir = Utils.ExpandUser(musicDir);
- if (folderName.Length == 0)
- folderName = defaultFolderName;
- if (folderName == ".")
- folderName = "";
- folderName = folderName.Replace('\\', '/');
- folderName = string.Join('/', folderName.Split('/').Select(x => x.ReplaceInvalidChars(invalidReplaceStr).Trim()));
- folderName = folderName.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
- outputFolder = Path.Join(parentFolder, folderName);
nameFormat = nameFormat.Trim();
- if (m3uFilePath.Length == 0)
- m3uFilePath = Path.Join(outputFolder, (folderName.Length == 0 ? "playlist" : folderName) + ".m3u8");
+ parentDir = Utils.ExpandUser(parentDir);
+ m3uFilePath = Utils.ExpandUser(m3uFilePath);
+ musicDir = Utils.ExpandUser(musicDir);
+ failedAlbumPath = Utils.ExpandUser(failedAlbumPath);
+ if (failedAlbumPath.Length == 0)
+ failedAlbumPath = Path.Join(parentDir, "failed");
@@ -313,7 +297,7 @@ static class Config
- public static void UpdateArgs(TrackListEntry tle)
+ public static void UpdateProfiles(TrackListEntry tle)
if (DoNotDownload)
@@ -491,9 +475,32 @@ static class Config
- static void ParseConditions(FileConditions cond, string input)
+ public static void AddTemporaryConditions(FileConditionsPatch? cond, FileConditionsPatch? prefCond)
- static void UpdateMinMax(string value, string condition, ref int min, ref int max)
+ if (cond != null)
+ {
+ prevConds = necessaryCond;
+ necessaryCond = necessaryCond.With(cond);
+ }
+ if (prefCond != null)
+ {
+ prevPrefConds = preferredCond;
+ preferredCond = preferredCond.With(prefCond);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void RestoreConditions()
+ {
+ if (prevConds != null)
+ necessaryCond = prevConds;
+ if (prevPrefConds != null)
+ preferredCond = prevPrefConds;
+ }
+ public static FileConditionsPatch ParseConditions(string input)
+ {
+ static void UpdateMinMax(string value, string condition, ref int? min, ref int? max)
if (condition.Contains(">="))
min = int.Parse(value);
@@ -507,6 +514,8 @@ static class Config
min = max = int.Parse(value);
+ var cond = new FileConditionsPatch();
var tr = StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries | StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries;
string[] conditions = input.Split(';', tr);
foreach (string condition in conditions)
@@ -569,6 +578,8 @@ static class Config
throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown condition '{condition}'");
+ return cond;
@@ -614,21 +625,18 @@ static class Config
"spotify" => InputType.Spotify,
"bandcamp" => InputType.Bandcamp,
"string" => InputType.String,
+ "list" => InputType.List,
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid input type '{args[i]}'"),
case "-p":
case "--path":
- parentFolder = args[++i];
+ parentDir = args[++i];
case "-c":
case "--config":
confPath = args[++i];
- case "-f":
- case "--folder":
- folderName = args[++i];
- break;
case "-m":
case "--md":
case "--music-dir":
@@ -942,9 +950,9 @@ static class Config
preferredCond = new FileConditions();
necessaryCond = new FileConditions();
- case "--aif":
- case "--album-ignore-fails":
- setFlag(ref albumIgnoreFails, ref i);
+ case "--fap":
+ case "--failed-album-path":
+ failedAlbumPath = args[++i];
case "-t":
case "--interactive":
@@ -1063,12 +1071,12 @@ static class Config
case "--c":
case "--cond":
case "--conditions":
- ParseConditions(necessaryCond, args[++i]);
+ necessaryCond.With(ParseConditions(args[++i]));
case "--pc":
case "--pref":
case "--preferred-conditions":
- ParseConditions(preferredCond, args[++i]);
+ preferredCond.With(ParseConditions(args[++i]));
case "--nmsc":
case "--no-modify-share-count":
@@ -1177,6 +1185,10 @@ static class Config
case "--skip-existing-pref-cond":
setFlag(ref skipExistingPrefCond, ref i);
+ case "--alt":
+ case "--aggregate-length-tol":
+ aggregateLengthTol = int.Parse(args[++i]);
+ break;
throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown argument: {args[i]}");
@@ -1193,4 +1205,41 @@ static class Config
+ public static string[] GetArgsArray(string commandLine)
+ {
+ var args = new List();
+ var currentArg = new StringBuilder();
+ bool inQuotes = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < commandLine.Length; i++)
+ {
+ char c = commandLine[i];
+ if (c == '\"')
+ {
+ inQuotes = !inQuotes;
+ }
+ else if (c == ' ' && !inQuotes)
+ {
+ if (currentArg.Length > 0)
+ {
+ args.Add(currentArg.ToString());
+ currentArg.Clear();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentArg.Append(c);
+ }
+ }
+ if (currentArg.Length > 0)
+ {
+ args.Add(currentArg.ToString());
+ }
+ return args.ToArray();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/Data.cs b/slsk-batchdl/Data.cs
index 94fe1f7..c20079f 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/Data.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/Data.cs
@@ -100,38 +100,51 @@ namespace Data
public class TrackListEntry
- public List> list;
+ public List>? list;
public Track source;
public bool needSourceSearch = false;
public bool sourceCanBeSkipped = false;
public bool needSkipExistingAfterSearch = false;
public bool gotoNextAfterSearch = false;
- public bool placeInSubdir = false;
+ public string? defaultFolderName = null;
+ public FileConditionsPatch? additionalConds = null;
+ public FileConditionsPatch? additionalPrefConds = null;
- public TrackListEntry()
+ public TrackListEntry(TrackType trackType)
list = new List>();
- source = new Track();
+ this.source = new Track() { Type = trackType };
+ SetDefaults();
public TrackListEntry(Track source)
list = new List>();
this.source = source;
- needSourceSearch = source.Type != TrackType.Normal;
- needSkipExistingAfterSearch = source.Type == TrackType.Aggregate;
- gotoNextAfterSearch = source.Type == TrackType.AlbumAggregate;
- sourceCanBeSkipped = source.Type != TrackType.Normal
- && source.Type != TrackType.Aggregate
- && source.Type != TrackType.AlbumAggregate;
+ SetDefaults();
public TrackListEntry(List> list, Track source)
this.list = list;
this.source = source;
+ SetDefaults();
+ }
+ public TrackListEntry(List> list, Track source, bool needSourceSearch = false, bool sourceCanBeSkipped = false,
+ bool needSkipExistingAfterSearch = false, bool gotoNextAfterSearch = false, string? defaultFoldername = null)
+ {
+ this.list = list;
+ this.source = source;
+ this.needSourceSearch = needSourceSearch;
+ this.sourceCanBeSkipped = sourceCanBeSkipped;
+ this.needSkipExistingAfterSearch = needSkipExistingAfterSearch;
+ this.gotoNextAfterSearch = gotoNextAfterSearch;
+ this.defaultFolderName = defaultFoldername;
+ }
+ public void SetDefaults()
+ {
needSourceSearch = source.Type != TrackType.Normal;
needSkipExistingAfterSearch = source.Type == TrackType.Aggregate;
gotoNextAfterSearch = source.Type == TrackType.AlbumAggregate;
@@ -140,16 +153,14 @@ namespace Data
&& source.Type != TrackType.AlbumAggregate;
- public TrackListEntry(List> list, Track source, bool needSearch, bool placeInSubdir,
- bool sourceCanBeSkipped, bool needSkipExistingAfterSearch, bool gotoNextAfterSearch)
+ public void AddTrack(Track track)
- this.list = list;
- this.source = source;
- this.needSourceSearch = needSearch;
- this.placeInSubdir = placeInSubdir;
- this.sourceCanBeSkipped = sourceCanBeSkipped;
- this.needSkipExistingAfterSearch = needSkipExistingAfterSearch;
- this.gotoNextAfterSearch = gotoNextAfterSearch;
+ if (list == null)
+ list = new List>() { new List() { track } };
+ else if (list.Count == 0)
+ list.Add(new List() { track });
+ else
+ list[0].Add(track);
@@ -174,7 +185,7 @@ namespace Data
- res.AddEntry(new TrackListEntry());
+ res.AddEntry(new TrackListEntry(TrackType.Normal));
bool hasNext;
@@ -252,11 +263,13 @@ namespace Data
if (tle.source.Type == TrackType.Album && aggregate)
tle.source.Type = TrackType.AlbumAggregate;
+ tle.SetDefaults();
else if (tle.source.Type == TrackType.Aggregate && album)
tle.source.Type = TrackType.AlbumAggregate;
+ tle.SetDefaults();
else if (tle.source.Type == TrackType.Normal && (album || aggregate))
@@ -270,7 +283,9 @@ namespace Data
else if (aggregate)
track.Type = TrackType.Aggregate;
- newLists.Add(new TrackListEntry(track));
+ var newTle = new TrackListEntry(track);
+ newTle.defaultFolderName = tle.defaultFolderName;
+ newLists.Add(newTle);
@@ -284,16 +299,11 @@ namespace Data
public void SetListEntryOptions()
- // place downloads in subdirs if there is more than one special (album/aggregate) download
- bool placeInSubdirs = Flattened(true, false, true).Skip(1).Any();
- if (placeInSubdirs)
+ // aggregate downloads will be placed in subfolders by default
+ foreach (var tle in lists)
- foreach(var tle in lists)
- {
- if (tle.source.Type != TrackType.Normal)
- tle.placeInSubdir = true;
- }
+ if (tle.source.Type == TrackType.Aggregate || tle.source.Type == TrackType.AlbumAggregate)
+ tle.defaultFolderName = Path.Join(tle.defaultFolderName, tle.source.ToString(true));
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/Download.cs b/slsk-batchdl/Download.cs
index 470e59b..523973c 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/Download.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/Download.cs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ using SlDictionary = System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary= maxRetries || IsConnectedAndLoggedIn())
@@ -86,13 +82,13 @@ static class Download
- try { searchCts?.Cancel(); }
- catch { }
+ try { searchCts?.Cancel(); } catch { }
try { Utils.Move(filePath, origPath); }
catch (IOException) { Printing.WriteLine($"Failed to rename .incomplete file", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, true); }
downloads.TryRemove(file.Filename, out var x);
if (x != null)
lock (x)
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/Enums.cs b/slsk-batchdl/Enums.cs
index b855a0d..85f18c9 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/Enums.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/Enums.cs
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ namespace Enums
+ List,
@@ -85,4 +86,11 @@ namespace Enums
+ public enum AlbumFailOption
+ {
+ Ignore,
+ Keep,
+ Delete,
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/Bandcamp.cs b/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/Bandcamp.cs
index a24d914..721b348 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/Bandcamp.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/Bandcamp.cs
@@ -16,17 +16,17 @@ namespace Extractors
return input.IsInternetUrl() && input.Contains("bandcamp.com");
- public async Task GetTracks(int maxTracks, int offset, bool reverse)
+ public async Task GetTracks(string input, int maxTracks, int offset, bool reverse)
var trackLists = new TrackLists();
- bool isTrack = Config.input.Contains("/track/");
- bool isAlbum = !isTrack && Config.input.Contains("/album/");
+ bool isTrack = input.Contains("/track/");
+ bool isAlbum = !isTrack && input.Contains("/album/");
bool isArtist =!isTrack && !isAlbum;
if (isArtist)
Console.WriteLine("Retrieving bandcamp artist discography..");
- string artistUrl = Config.input.TrimEnd('/');
+ string artistUrl = input.TrimEnd('/');
if (!artistUrl.EndsWith("/music"))
artistUrl += "/music";
@@ -51,17 +51,14 @@ namespace Extractors
foreach (var item in root.GetProperty("discography").EnumerateArray())
//ItemType = item.GetProperty("item_type").GetString(),
- var t = new Track()
+ var track = new Track()
Album = item.GetProperty("title").GetString(),
Artist = item.GetProperty("artist_name").GetString() ?? item.GetProperty("band_name").GetString(),
Type = TrackType.Album,
- var tle = new TrackListEntry()
- {
- source = t,
- placeInSubdir = true,
- };
+ var tle = new TrackListEntry(track);
+ tle.defaultFolderName = track.Artist;
@@ -69,7 +66,7 @@ namespace Extractors
Console.WriteLine("Retrieving bandcamp item..");
var web = new HtmlWeb();
- var doc = await web.LoadFromWebAsync(Config.input);
+ var doc = await web.LoadFromWebAsync(input);
var nameSection = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='name-section']");
var name = nameSection.SelectSingleNode(".//h2[contains(@class, 'trackTitle')]").InnerText.UnHtmlString().Trim();
@@ -91,8 +88,6 @@ namespace Extractors
if (Config.setAlbumMaxTrackCount)
track.MaxAlbumTrackCount = n;
- Config.defaultFolderName = track.ToString(true).ReplaceInvalidChars(Config.invalidReplaceStr).Trim();
@@ -101,10 +96,8 @@ namespace Extractors
//var timeParts = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//span[@class='time_total']").InnerText.Trim().Split(':');
var track = new Track() { Artist = artist, Title = name, Album = album };
- trackLists.AddEntry(new());
+ trackLists.AddEntry(new TrackListEntry(TrackType.Normal));
- Config.defaultFolderName = ".";
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/Csv.cs b/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/Csv.cs
index 6da52a0..bdc3bc2 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/Csv.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/Csv.cs
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ namespace Extractors
public class CsvExtractor : IExtractor
- object csvLock = new();
+ string? csvFilePath = null;
+ readonly object csvLock = new();
int csvColumnCount = -1;
public static bool InputMatches(string input)
@@ -15,29 +16,27 @@ namespace Extractors
return !input.IsInternetUrl() && input.EndsWith(".csv");
- public async Task GetTracks(int maxTracks, int offset, bool reverse)
+ public async Task GetTracks(string input, int maxTracks, int offset, bool reverse)
- if (!File.Exists(Config.input))
+ if (!File.Exists(input))
throw new FileNotFoundException("CSV file not found");
- var tracks = await ParseCsvIntoTrackInfo(Config.input, Config.artistCol, Config.trackCol, Config.lengthCol,
+ csvFilePath = input;
+ var tracks = await ParseCsvIntoTrackInfo(input, Config.artistCol, Config.trackCol, Config.lengthCol,
Config.albumCol, Config.descCol, Config.ytIdCol, Config.trackCountCol, Config.timeUnit, Config.ytParse);
if (reverse)
var trackLists = TrackLists.FromFlattened(tracks.Skip(offset).Take(maxTracks));
+ var csvName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(input);
foreach (var tle in trackLists.lists)
- if (tle.source.Type != TrackType.Normal)
- {
- tle.placeInSubdir = true;
- }
+ tle.defaultFolderName = csvName;
- Config.defaultFolderName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Config.input);
return trackLists;
@@ -45,16 +44,16 @@ namespace Extractors
lock (csvLock)
- if (File.Exists(Config.input))
+ if (File.Exists(csvFilePath))
- string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(Config.input, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
+ string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(csvFilePath, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
if (track.CsvRow > -1 && track.CsvRow < lines.Length)
lines[track.CsvRow] = new string(',', Math.Max(0, csvColumnCount - 1));
- Utils.WriteAllLines(Config.input, lines, '\n');
+ Utils.WriteAllLines(csvFilePath, lines, '\n');
catch (Exception e)
@@ -193,7 +192,7 @@ namespace Extractors
return tracks;
- double ParseTrackLength(string duration, string format)
+ static double ParseTrackLength(string duration, string format)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(format))
throw new ArgumentException("Duration format string empty");
@@ -224,6 +223,5 @@ namespace Extractors
return totalSeconds;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/List.cs b/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/List.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eabba03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/List.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Data;
+using Enums;
+namespace Extractors
+ public class ListExtractor : IExtractor
+ {
+ string? listFilePath = null;
+ readonly object fileLock = new object();
+ public static bool InputMatches(string input)
+ {
+ return !input.IsInternetUrl();
+ }
+ public async Task GetTracks(string input, int maxTracks, int offset, bool reverse)
+ {
+ if (!File.Exists(input))
+ throw new FileNotFoundException("List file not found");
+ listFilePath = input;
+ var lines = File.ReadAllLines(input);
+ var trackLists = new TrackLists();
+ int step = reverse ? -1 : 1;
+ int start = reverse ? lines.Length - 1 : 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ int added = 0;
+ string foldername = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(input);
+ for (int i = start; i < lines.Length && i >= 0; i += step)
+ {
+ var line = lines[i].Trim();
+ if (line.Length == 0 || line.StartsWith('#')) continue;
+ if (count++ < offset)
+ continue;
+ if (added >= maxTracks)
+ break;
+ var fields = ParseLine(line);
+ var (_, ex) = ExtractorRegistry.GetMatchingExtractor(fields[0]);
+ var tl = await ex.GetTracks(fields[0], int.MaxValue, 0, false);
+ foreach (var tle in tl.lists)
+ {
+ if (fields.Count >= 2)
+ tle.additionalConds = Config.ParseConditions(fields[1]);
+ if (fields.Count >= 3)
+ tle.additionalPrefConds = Config.ParseConditions(fields[2]);
+ tle.defaultFolderName = foldername;
+ }
+ if (tl.lists.Count == 1)
+ tl[0].source.CsvRow = i;
+ trackLists.lists.AddRange(tl.lists);
+ added++;
+ }
+ return trackLists;
+ }
+ static List ParseLine(string input)
+ {
+ var fields = new List();
+ bool inQuotes = false;
+ var currentField = new StringBuilder();
+ input = input.Replace('\t', ' ');
+ for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
+ {
+ char c = input[i];
+ if (c == '"')
+ {
+ inQuotes = !inQuotes;
+ }
+ else if (c == ' ' && !inQuotes)
+ {
+ if (currentField.Length > 0)
+ {
+ fields.Add(currentField.ToString());
+ currentField.Clear();
+ }
+ while (i < input.Length - 1 && input[i + 1] == ' ')
+ {
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentField.Append(c);
+ }
+ }
+ if (currentField.Length > 0)
+ {
+ fields.Add(currentField.ToString());
+ }
+ return fields;
+ }
+ public async Task RemoveTrackFromSource(Track track)
+ {
+ lock (fileLock)
+ {
+ if (File.Exists(listFilePath))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(listFilePath, Encoding.UTF8);
+ if (track.CsvRow > -1 && track.CsvRow < lines.Length)
+ {
+ lines[track.CsvRow] = "";
+ Utils.WriteAllLines(listFilePath, lines, '\n');
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Printing.WriteLine($"Error removing from source: {e}", debugOnly: true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/Spotify.cs b/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/Spotify.cs
index ef207c2..0e4a5f3 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/Spotify.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/Spotify.cs
@@ -19,37 +19,35 @@ namespace Extractors
return input == "spotify-likes" || input.IsInternetUrl() && input.Contains("spotify.com");
- public async Task GetTracks(int maxTracks, int offset, bool reverse)
+ public async Task GetTracks(string input, int maxTracks, int offset, bool reverse)
var trackLists = new TrackLists();
int max = reverse ? int.MaxValue : maxTracks;
int off = reverse ? 0 : offset;
- string playlistName = "";
- bool needLogin = Config.input == "spotify-likes" || Config.removeTracksFromSource;
- var tle = new TrackListEntry();
+ bool needLogin = input == "spotify-likes" || Config.removeTracksFromSource;
+ var tle = new TrackListEntry(TrackType.Normal);
if (needLogin && Config.spotifyToken.Length == 0 && (Config.spotifyId.Length == 0 || Config.spotifySecret.Length == 0))
Console.WriteLine("Error: Credentials are required when downloading liked music or removing from source playlists.");
- Environment.Exit(0);
+ Environment.Exit(1);
spotifyClient = new Spotify(Config.spotifyId, Config.spotifySecret, Config.spotifyToken, Config.spotifyRefresh);
await spotifyClient.Authorize(needLogin, Config.removeTracksFromSource);
- if (Config.input == "spotify-likes")
+ if (input == "spotify-likes")
Console.WriteLine("Loading Spotify likes..");
var tracks = await spotifyClient.GetLikes(max, off);
- playlistName = "Spotify Likes";
+ tle.defaultFolderName = "Spotify Likes";
- else if (Config.input.Contains("/album/"))
+ else if (input.Contains("/album/"))
Console.WriteLine("Loading Spotify album..");
- (var source, var tracks) = await spotifyClient.GetAlbum(Config.input);
- playlistName = source.ToString(noInfo: true);
+ (var source, var tracks) = await spotifyClient.GetAlbum(input);
tle.source = source;
if (Config.setAlbumMinTrackCount)
@@ -58,11 +56,11 @@ namespace Extractors
if (Config.setAlbumMaxTrackCount)
source.MaxAlbumTrackCount = tracks.Count;
- else if (Config.input.Contains("/artist/"))
+ else if (input.Contains("/artist/"))
Console.WriteLine("Loading spotify artist..");
Console.WriteLine("Error: Spotify artist download currently not supported.");
- Environment.Exit(0);
+ Environment.Exit(1);
@@ -71,19 +69,21 @@ namespace Extractors
Console.WriteLine("Loading Spotify playlist");
- (playlistName, playlistUri, tracks) = await spotifyClient.GetPlaylist(Config.input, max, off);
+ (var playlistName, playlistUri, tracks) = await spotifyClient.GetPlaylist(input, max, off);
+ tle.defaultFolderName = playlistName;
catch (SpotifyAPI.Web.APIException)
if (!needLogin && !spotifyClient.UsedDefaultCredentials)
await spotifyClient.Authorize(true, Config.removeTracksFromSource);
- (playlistName, playlistUri, tracks) = await spotifyClient.GetPlaylist(Config.input, max, off);
+ (var playlistName, playlistUri, tracks) = await spotifyClient.GetPlaylist(input, max, off);
+ tle.defaultFolderName = playlistName;
else if (!needLogin)
- Console.WriteLine("Spotify playlist not found (it may be set to private, but no credentials have been provided).");
- Environment.Exit(0);
+ Console.WriteLine("Error: Spotify playlist not found (it may be set to private, but no credentials have been provided).");
+ Environment.Exit(1);
else throw;
@@ -91,8 +91,6 @@ namespace Extractors
- Config.defaultFolderName = playlistName.ReplaceInvalidChars(Config.invalidReplaceStr);
if (reverse)
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/String.cs b/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/String.cs
index 75c9e75..20d3ac4 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/String.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/String.cs
@@ -11,35 +11,33 @@ namespace Extractors
return !input.IsInternetUrl();
- public async Task GetTracks(int maxTracks, int offset, bool reverse)
+ public async Task GetTracks(string input, int maxTracks, int offset, bool reverse)
var trackLists = new TrackLists();
- var music = ParseTrackArg(Config.input, Config.album);
+ var music = ParseTrackArg(input, Config.album);
+ TrackListEntry tle;
if (Config.album || (music.Title.Length == 0 && music.Album.Length > 0))
music.Type = TrackType.Album;
- trackLists.AddEntry(new TrackListEntry(music));
+ tle = new TrackListEntry(music);
- trackLists.AddEntry(new TrackListEntry());
- trackLists.AddTrackToLast(music);
+ tle = new TrackListEntry(TrackType.Normal);
+ tle.AddTrack(music);
- if (Config.aggregate || Config.album || music.Type != TrackType.Normal)
- Config.defaultFolderName = music.ToString(true).ReplaceInvalidChars(Config.invalidReplaceStr).Trim();
- else
- Config.defaultFolderName = ".";
+ trackLists.AddEntry(tle);
return trackLists;
- static public Track ParseTrackArg(string input, bool isAlbum)
+ public static Track ParseTrackArg(string input, bool isAlbum)
input = input.Trim();
var track = new Track();
- var keys = new string[] { "title", "artist", "length", "album", "artist-maybe-wrong" };
+ var keys = new string[] { "title", "artist", "length", "album", "artist-maybe-wrong", "album-track-count" };
void setProperty(string key, string value)
@@ -60,6 +58,26 @@ namespace Extractors
case "artist-maybe-wrong":
if (value == "true") track.ArtistMaybeWrong = true;
+ case "album-track-count":
+ if (value == "-1")
+ {
+ track.MinAlbumTrackCount = -1;
+ track.MaxAlbumTrackCount = -1;
+ }
+ else if (value.Last() == '-')
+ {
+ track.MaxAlbumTrackCount = int.Parse(value[..^1]);
+ }
+ else if (value.Last() == '+')
+ {
+ track.MinAlbumTrackCount = int.Parse(value[..^1]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ track.MinAlbumTrackCount = int.Parse(value);
+ track.MaxAlbumTrackCount = track.MinAlbumTrackCount;
+ }
+ break;
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/YouTube.cs b/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/YouTube.cs
index 4e16b22..9107636 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/YouTube.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/YouTube.cs
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ using HtmlAgilityPack;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using Data;
+using Enums;
namespace Extractors
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ namespace Extractors
return input.IsInternetUrl() && (input.Contains("youtu.be") || input.Contains("youtube.com"));
- public async Task GetTracks(int maxTracks, int offset, bool reverse)
+ public async Task GetTracks(string input, int maxTracks, int offset, bool reverse)
var trackLists = new TrackLists();
int max = reverse ? int.MaxValue : maxTracks;
@@ -35,24 +36,24 @@ namespace Extractors
Console.WriteLine("Getting deleted videos..");
var archive = new YouTube.YouTubeArchiveRetriever();
- deleted = await archive.RetrieveDeleted(Config.input, printFailed: Config.deletedOnly);
+ deleted = await archive.RetrieveDeleted(input, printFailed: Config.deletedOnly);
if (!Config.deletedOnly)
if (YouTube.apiKey.Length > 0)
Console.WriteLine("Loading YouTube playlist (API)");
- (name, tracks) = await YouTube.GetTracksApi(Config.input, max, off);
+ (name, tracks) = await YouTube.GetTracksApi(input, max, off);
Console.WriteLine("Loading YouTube playlist");
- (name, tracks) = await YouTube.GetTracksYtExplode(Config.input, max, off);
+ (name, tracks) = await YouTube.GetTracksYtExplode(input, max, off);
- name = await YouTube.GetPlaylistTitle(Config.input);
+ name = await YouTube.GetPlaylistTitle(input);
if (deleted != null)
@@ -61,11 +62,12 @@ namespace Extractors
- var tle = new TrackListEntry();
- tle.list.Add(tracks);
- trackLists.AddEntry(tle);
+ var tle = new TrackListEntry(TrackType.Normal);
- Config.defaultFolderName = name.ReplaceInvalidChars(Config.invalidReplaceStr);
+ tle.defaultFolderName = name;
+ tle.list.Add(tracks);
+ trackLists.AddEntry(tle);
if (reverse)
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/_Extractor.cs b/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/_Extractor.cs
index 617eef9..7e0a0b3 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/_Extractor.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/Extractors/_Extractor.cs
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ namespace Extractors
public interface IExtractor
- Task GetTracks(int maxTracks, int offset, bool reverse);
+ Task GetTracks(string input, int maxTracks, int offset, bool reverse);
Task RemoveTrackFromSource(Track track) => Task.CompletedTask;
@@ -19,18 +19,29 @@ namespace Extractors
(InputType.Spotify, SpotifyExtractor.InputMatches, () => new SpotifyExtractor()),
(InputType.Bandcamp, BandcampExtractor.InputMatches, () => new BandcampExtractor()),
(InputType.String, StringExtractor.InputMatches, () => new StringExtractor()),
+ (InputType.List, ListExtractor.InputMatches, () => new ListExtractor()),
- public static (InputType, IExtractor?) GetMatchingExtractor(string input)
+ public static (InputType, IExtractor) GetMatchingExtractor(string input, InputType inputType = InputType.None)
- foreach ((var inputType, var inputMatches, var extractor) in extractors)
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
+ throw new ArgumentException("Input string can not be null or empty.");
+ if (inputType != InputType.None)
+ {
+ var (t, _, e) = extractors.First(x => x.Item1 == inputType);
+ return (t, e());
+ }
+ foreach ((var type, var inputMatches, var extractor) in extractors)
if (inputMatches(input))
- return (inputType, extractor());
+ return (type, extractor());
- return (InputType.None, null);
+ throw new ArgumentException($"No matching extractor for input '{input}'");
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/FileConditions.cs b/slsk-batchdl/FileConditions.cs
index 5fd317c..8d723da 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/FileConditions.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/FileConditions.cs
@@ -41,6 +41,58 @@ public class FileConditions
BannedUsers = other.BannedUsers.ToArray();
+ public FileConditions With(FileConditionsPatch patch)
+ {
+ var cond = new FileConditions(this);
+ if (patch.LengthTolerance != null)
+ cond.LengthTolerance = patch.LengthTolerance.Value;
+ if (patch.MinBitrate != null)
+ cond.MinBitrate = patch.MinBitrate.Value;
+ if (patch.MaxBitrate != null)
+ cond.MaxBitrate = patch.MaxBitrate.Value;
+ if (patch.MinSampleRate != null)
+ cond.MinSampleRate = patch.MinSampleRate.Value;
+ if (patch.MaxSampleRate != null)
+ cond.MaxSampleRate = patch.MaxSampleRate.Value;
+ if (patch.MinBitDepth != null)
+ cond.MinBitDepth = patch.MinBitDepth.Value;
+ if (patch.MaxBitDepth != null)
+ cond.MaxBitDepth = patch.MaxBitDepth.Value;
+ if (patch.StrictTitle != null)
+ cond.StrictTitle = patch.StrictTitle.Value;
+ if (patch.StrictArtist != null)
+ cond.StrictArtist = patch.StrictArtist.Value;
+ if (patch.StrictAlbum != null)
+ cond.StrictAlbum = patch.StrictAlbum.Value;
+ if (patch.Formats != null)
+ cond.Formats = patch.Formats;
+ if (patch.BannedUsers != null)
+ cond.BannedUsers = patch.BannedUsers;
+ if (patch.StrictStringDiacrRemove != null)
+ cond.StrictStringDiacrRemove = patch.StrictStringDiacrRemove.Value;
+ if (patch.AcceptNoLength != null)
+ cond.AcceptNoLength = patch.AcceptNoLength.Value;
+ if (patch.AcceptMissingProps != null)
+ cond.AcceptMissingProps = patch.AcceptMissingProps.Value;
+ return cond;
+ }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is FileConditions other)
@@ -244,3 +296,24 @@ public class FileConditions
return "Satisfied";
+public class FileConditionsPatch
+ public int? LengthTolerance = null;
+ public int? MinBitrate = null;
+ public int? MaxBitrate = null;
+ public int? MinSampleRate = null;
+ public int? MaxSampleRate = null;
+ public int? MinBitDepth = null;
+ public int? MaxBitDepth = null;
+ public bool? StrictTitle = null;
+ public bool? StrictArtist = null;
+ public bool? StrictAlbum = null;
+ public string[]? Formats = null;
+ public string[]? BannedUsers = null;
+ public bool? StrictStringDiacrRemove = null;
+ public bool? AcceptNoLength = null;
+ public bool? AcceptMissingProps = null;
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/FileManager.cs b/slsk-batchdl/FileManager.cs
index 3bf61cb..3ad275e 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/FileManager.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/FileManager.cs
@@ -7,16 +7,15 @@ using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Data;
using Enums;
+using System.ComponentModel;
public class FileManager
- readonly TrackListEntry? tle;
+ readonly TrackListEntry tle;
readonly HashSet organized = new();
string? remoteCommonDir;
- public FileManager() { }
public FileManager(TrackListEntry tle)
this.tle = tle;
@@ -24,18 +23,24 @@ public class FileManager
public string GetSavePath(string sourceFname)
- return $"{GetSavePathNoExt(sourceFname)}{Path.GetExtension(sourceFname)}";
+ return GetSavePathNoExt(sourceFname) + Path.GetExtension(sourceFname);
public string GetSavePathNoExt(string sourceFname)
+ string parent = Config.parentDir;
string name = Utils.GetFileNameWithoutExtSlsk(sourceFname);
- name = name.ReplaceInvalidChars(Config.invalidReplaceStr);
- string parent = Config.outputFolder;
- if (tle != null && tle.placeInSubdir && remoteCommonDir != null)
+ if (tle.defaultFolderName != null)
+ parent = Path.Join(parent, tle.defaultFolderName.ReplaceInvalidChars(Config.invalidReplaceStr, removeSlash: false));
+ }
+ if (tle.source.Type == TrackType.Album)
+ {
+ if (remoteCommonDir == null)
+ throw new NullReferenceException("Remote common dir needs to be configured to organize album files");
string dirname = Path.GetFileName(remoteCommonDir);
string relpath = Path.GetRelativePath(remoteCommonDir, Utils.NormalizedPath(sourceFname));
parent = Path.Join(parent, dirname, Path.GetDirectoryName(relpath));
@@ -51,17 +56,12 @@ public class FileManager
public void OrganizeAlbum(List tracks, List? additionalImages, bool remainingOnly = true)
- if (tle == null)
- throw new NullReferenceException("TrackListEntry should not be null.");
- string outputFolder = Config.outputFolder;
foreach (var track in tracks.Where(t => !t.IsNotAudio))
if (remainingOnly && organized.Contains(track))
- OrganizeAudio(tle, track, track.FirstDownload);
+ OrganizeAudio(track, track.FirstDownload);
bool onlyAdditionalImages = Config.nameFormat.Length == 0;
@@ -83,20 +83,19 @@ public class FileManager
- public void OrganizeAudio(TrackListEntry tle, Track track, Soulseek.File? file)
+ public void OrganizeAudio(Track track, Soulseek.File? file)
if (track.DownloadPath.Length == 0 || !Utils.IsMusicFile(track.DownloadPath))
- {
- }
- else if (Config.nameFormat.Length == 0)
+ if (Config.nameFormat.Length == 0)
string pathPart = SubstituteValues(Config.nameFormat, track, file);
- string newFilePath = Path.Join(Config.outputFolder, pathPart + Path.GetExtension(track.DownloadPath));
+ string newFilePath = Path.Join(Config.parentDir, pathPart + Path.GetExtension(track.DownloadPath));
@@ -141,15 +140,7 @@ public class FileManager
Utils.Move(oldPath, newPath);
- string x = Utils.NormalizedPath(Path.GetFullPath(Config.outputFolder));
- string y = Utils.NormalizedPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(oldPath));
- while (x.Length > 0 && y.StartsWith(x + '/') && Utils.FileCountRecursive(y) == 0)
- {
- Directory.Delete(y, true); // hopefully this is fine
- y = Utils.NormalizedPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(y));
- }
+ Utils.DeleteAncestorsIfEmpty(Path.GetDirectoryName(oldPath), Config.parentDir);
@@ -172,25 +163,33 @@ public class FileManager
inner = inner[1..^1];
var options = inner.Split('|');
- string chosenOpt = "";
+ string? chosenOpt = null;
foreach (var opt in options)
string[] parts = Regex.Split(opt, @"\([^\)]*\)");
string[] result = parts.Where(part => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part)).ToArray();
- if (result.All(x => GetVarValue(x, file, slfile, track).Length > 0))
+ if (result.All(x => TryGetVarValue(x, file, slfile, track, out string res) && res.Length > 0))
chosenOpt = opt;
+ if (chosenOpt == null)
+ {
+ chosenOpt = options[^1];
+ }
chosenOpt = Regex.Replace(chosenOpt, @"\([^()]*\)|[^()]+", match =>
if (match.Value.StartsWith("(") && match.Value.EndsWith(")"))
return match.Value[1..^1].ReplaceInvalidChars(Config.invalidReplaceStr, removeSlash: false);
- return GetVarValue(match.Value, file, slfile, track);
+ {
+ TryGetVarValue(match.Value, file, slfile, track, out string res);
+ return res;
+ }
string old = match.Groups[1].Value;
@@ -213,10 +212,8 @@ public class FileManager
return format;
- string GetVarValue(string x, TagLib.File? file, Soulseek.File? slfile, Track track)
+ bool TryGetVarValue(string x, TagLib.File? file, Soulseek.File? slfile, Track track, out string res)
- string res;
switch (x)
case "artist":
@@ -249,23 +246,24 @@ public class FileManager
case "foldername":
if (remoteCommonDir == null || slfile == null)
- return Utils.GetBaseNameSlsk(Utils.GetDirectoryNameSlsk(slfile?.Filename ?? ""));
+ res = Utils.GetBaseNameSlsk(Utils.GetDirectoryNameSlsk(slfile?.Filename ?? ""));
+ return true;
string d = Path.GetDirectoryName(Utils.NormalizedPath(slfile.Filename));
string r = Path.GetFileName(remoteCommonDir);
- return Path.Join(r, Path.GetRelativePath(remoteCommonDir, d));
+ res = Path.Join(r, Path.GetRelativePath(remoteCommonDir, d));
+ return true;
- case "default-foldername":
- res = Config.defaultFolderName; break;
case "extractor":
res = Config.inputType.ToString(); break;
- res = ""; break;
+ res = x; return false;
- return res.ReplaceInvalidChars(Config.invalidReplaceStr);
+ res = res.ReplaceInvalidChars(Config.invalidReplaceStr);
+ return true;
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/Help.cs b/slsk-batchdl/Help.cs
index ec06cc9..448137b 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/Help.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/Help.cs
@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ public static class Help
General Options
-p, --path Download directory
- -f, --folder Subfolder name. Set to '.' to output directly to --path
- --input-type Force set input type, [csv|youtube|spotify|bandcamp|string]
+ --input-type [csv|youtube|spotify|bandcamp|string|list]
--name-format Name format for downloaded tracks. See --help name-format
-n, --number Download the first n tracks of a playlist
@@ -161,9 +160,6 @@ public static class Help
-t, --interactive Interactive mode, allows to select the folder and images
--album-track-count Specify the exact number of tracks in the album. Add a + or
- for inequalities, e.g '5+' for five or more tracks.
- --album-ignore-fails Do not skip to the next source and do not delete all
- successfully downloaded files if one of the files in the
- folder fails to download
--album-art Retrieve additional images after downloading the album:
'default': No additional images
'largest': Download from the folder with the largest image
@@ -171,10 +167,16 @@ public static class Help
--album-art-only Only download album art for the provided album
--no-browse-folder Do not automatically browse user shares to get all files in
in the folder
+ --failed-album-path Path to move all album files to when one of the items from
+ the directory fails to download. Set to 'delete' to delete
+ the files instead. Set to the empty string """" to disable.
+ Default: {configured output dir}/failed
Aggregate Download
-g, --aggregate Aggregate download mode: Find and download all distinct
songs associated with the provided artist, album, or title.
+ --aggregate-length-tol Max length tolerance in seconds to consider two tracks or
+ albums equal. (Default: 3)
--min-shares-aggregate Minimum number of shares of a track or album for it to be
downloaded in aggregate mode. (Default: 2)
--relax-filtering Slightly relax file filtering in aggregate mode to include
@@ -196,7 +198,7 @@ public static class Help
Input types
The input type is usually determined automatically. To force a specific input type, set
- --input-type [spotify|youtube|csv|string|bandcamp]. The following input types are available:
+ --input-type [spotify|youtube|csv|string|bandcamp|list]. The following input types are available:
CSV file
Path to a local CSV file: Use a csv file containing track info of the songs to download.
@@ -258,7 +260,8 @@ public static class Help
length (in seconds)
- artist-maybe-wrong
+ artist-maybe-wrong
+ album-track-count
Example inputs and their interpretations:
Input String | Artist | Title | Album | Length
@@ -268,6 +271,17 @@ public static class Help
'Foo - Bar' (with --album enabled) | Foo | | Bar |
'Artist - Title, length=42' | Artist | Title | | 42
'artist=AR, title=T, album=AL' | AR | T | AL |
+ List
+ A path to a text file where each line has the following form:
+ ""some input"" ""conditions"" ""preferred conditions""
+ ""album=Album"" ""format=mp3; br > 128"" ""br >= 320""
+ Where ""some input"" is any of the above input types. The quotes can be omitted if the field
+ contains no spaces. The conditions and preferred conditions fields are added on top of the
+ configured conditions and can also be omitted. List input must be manually activated with
+ --input-type=list.
const string downloadModesHelp = @"
@@ -282,24 +296,18 @@ public static class Help
or csv row has no track title, or when -a/--album is enabled.
- With -g/--aggregate, sldl will first perform an ordinary search for the input, then attempt to
- group the results into distinct songs and download one of each kind. A common use case is
- finding all remixes of a song or printing all songs by an artist that are not your music dir.
- Two files are considered equal if their inferred track title and artist name are equal
- (ignoring case and some special characters), and their lengths are within --length-tol of each
- other.
- Note that this mode is not 100% reliable, which is why --min-shares-aggregate is set to 2 by
- default, i.e. any song that is shared only once will be ignored.
+ With -g/--aggregate, sldl performs an ordinary search for the input then attempts to
+ group the results into distinct songs and download one of each kind, starting with the one
+ which is shared by the most users.
+ Note that --min-shares-aggregate is 2 by default, which means that songs shared by only
+ one user will be ignored.
Album Aggregate
- Activated when --album and --aggregate are enabled, in this mode sldl searches for the query
- and groups results into distinct albums. Two folders are considered same if they have the
- same number of audio files, and the durations of the files are within --length-tol of each
- other (or within 3 seconds if length-tol is not configured). If both folders have exactly one
- audio file with similar lengths, also checks if the inferred title and artist name coincide.
- More reliable than normal aggregate due to much simpler grouping logic.
- Note that --min-shares-aggregate is 2 by default, which means that folders shared only once
- will be ignored.
+ Activated when both --album and --aggregate are enabled. sldl will group shares and download
+ one of each distinct album, starting with the one shared by the most users. It's
+ recommended to pair this with --interactive.
+ Note that --min-shares-aggregate is 2 by default, which means that albums shared by only
+ one user will be ignored.
const string searchHelp = @"
@@ -377,8 +385,8 @@ public static class Help
client will be ignored. Also note that the default preferred conditions will already affect
ranking with this option due to the bitrate and samplerate checks.
- Conditions can also be supplied as a semicolon-delimited string with --cond and --pref, e.g
- --cond ""br>=320;f=mp3,ogg;sr<96000""
+ Conditions can also be supplied as a semicolon-delimited string with --cond and --pref, e.g
+ --cond ""br >= 320; format = mp3,ogg; sr < 96000"".
const string nameFormatHelp = @"
@@ -414,7 +422,6 @@ public static class Help
disc Disc number
filename Soulseek filename without extension
foldername Soulseek folder name
- default-foldername Default sldl folder name
extractor Name of the extractor used (CSV/Spotify/YouTube/etc)
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/M3uEditor.cs b/slsk-batchdl/M3uEditor.cs
index 2524a60..452875c 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/M3uEditor.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/M3uEditor.cs
@@ -5,25 +5,34 @@ using System.Text;
public class M3uEditor
+ public string path { get; private set; }
+ string parent;
List lines;
bool needFirstUpdate = false;
readonly TrackLists trackLists;
- readonly string path;
- readonly string parent;
- readonly int offset = 0;
readonly M3uOption option = M3uOption.Index;
readonly Dictionary previousRunData = new(); // { track.ToKey(), track }
- public M3uEditor(string m3uPath, TrackLists trackLists, M3uOption option, int offset = 0)
+ public M3uEditor(TrackLists trackLists, M3uOption option)
this.trackLists = trackLists;
- this.offset = offset;
this.option = option;
- this.path = Path.GetFullPath(m3uPath);
- this.parent = Utils.NormalizedPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(path));
- this.lines = ReadAllLines().ToList();
this.needFirstUpdate = option == M3uOption.All;
+ }
+ public M3uEditor(string path, TrackLists trackLists, M3uOption option) : this(trackLists, option)
+ {
+ SetPathAndLoad(path);
+ }
+ public void SetPathAndLoad(string path)
+ {
+ if (this.path == path)
+ return;
+ this.path = Path.GetFullPath(path);
+ parent = Utils.NormalizedPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(this.path));
+ lines = ReadAllLines().ToList();
@@ -72,7 +81,7 @@ public class M3uEditor
if (field == 0)
if (x.StartsWith("./"))
- x = Path.Join(parent, x[2..]);
+ x = System.IO.Path.Join(parent, x[2..]);
track.DownloadPath = x;
else if (field == 1)
@@ -116,7 +125,7 @@ public class M3uEditor
lock (trackLists)
bool needUpdate = false;
- int index = 1 + offset;
+ int index = 1;
bool updateLine(string newLine)
@@ -246,7 +255,7 @@ public class M3uEditor
string p = val.DownloadPath;
if (Utils.NormalizedPath(p).StartsWith(parent))
- p = "./" + Path.GetRelativePath(parent, p); // prepend ./ for LoadPreviousResults to recognize that a rel. path is used
+ p = "./" + System.IO.Path.GetRelativePath(parent, p); // prepend ./ for LoadPreviousResults to recognize that a rel. path is used
var items = new string[]
@@ -278,7 +287,7 @@ public class M3uEditor
if (track.DownloadPath.Length > 0)
- if (track.DownloadPath.StartsWith(parent))
+ if (Utils.NormalizedPath(track.DownloadPath).StartsWith(parent))
return Path.GetRelativePath(parent, track.DownloadPath);
return track.DownloadPath;
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/Program.cs b/slsk-batchdl/Program.cs
index df5168a..9b0780a 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/Program.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/Program.cs
@@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Net.Sockets;
using Data;
using Enums;
using FileSkippers;
+using Extractors;
using static Printing;
using Directory = System.IO.Directory;
@@ -54,14 +56,11 @@ static partial class Program
if (Config.input.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException($"No input provided");
- (Config.inputType, extractor) = Extractors.ExtractorRegistry.GetMatchingExtractor(Config.input);
- if (Config.inputType == InputType.None)
- throw new ArgumentException($"No matching extractor for input '{Config.input}'");
+ (Config.inputType, extractor) = ExtractorRegistry.GetMatchingExtractor(Config.input, Config.inputType);
WriteLine($"Using extractor: {Config.inputType}", debugOnly: true);
- trackLists = await extractor.GetTracks(Config.maxTracks, Config.offset, Config.reverse);
+ trackLists = await extractor.GetTracks(Config.input, Config.maxTracks, Config.offset, Config.reverse);
WriteLine("Got tracks", debugOnly: true);
@@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ static partial class Program
- m3uEditor = new M3uEditor(Config.m3uFilePath, trackLists, Config.m3uOption, Config.offset);
+ m3uEditor = new M3uEditor(trackLists, Config.m3uOption);
@@ -88,9 +87,25 @@ static partial class Program
bool needLogin = !Config.PrintTracks;
if (needLogin)
- client = new SoulseekClient(new SoulseekClientOptions(listenPort: Config.listenPort));
+ var connectionOptions = new ConnectionOptions(configureSocket: (socket) =>
+ {
+ socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, true);
+ socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.TcpKeepAliveRetryCount, 3);
+ socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.TcpKeepAliveTime, 15);
+ socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.TcpKeepAliveInterval, 15);
+ });
+ var clientOptions = new SoulseekClientOptions(
+ transferConnectionOptions: connectionOptions,
+ serverConnectionOptions: connectionOptions,
+ listenPort: Config.listenPort
+ );
+ client = new SoulseekClient(clientOptions);
if (!Config.useRandomLogin && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.username) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.password)))
throw new ArgumentException("No soulseek username or password");
await Login(Config.useRandomLogin);
Search.searchSemaphore = new RateLimitedSemaphore(Config.searchesPerTime, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Config.searchRenewTime));
@@ -113,8 +128,8 @@ static partial class Program
var cond = Config.skipExistingPrefCond ? Config.preferredCond : Config.necessaryCond;
- if (Config.musicDir.Length == 0 || !Config.outputFolder.StartsWith(Config.musicDir, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
- outputDirSkipper = FileSkipperRegistry.GetChecker(Config.skipMode, Config.outputFolder, cond, m3uEditor);
+ if (Config.musicDir.Length == 0 || !Config.parentDir.StartsWith(Config.musicDir, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ outputDirSkipper = FileSkipperRegistry.GetChecker(Config.skipMode, Config.parentDir, cond, m3uEditor);
if (Config.musicDir.Length > 0)
@@ -171,6 +186,27 @@ static partial class Program
+ static void PrepareListEntry(TrackListEntry tle)
+ {
+ Config.RestoreConditions();
+ Config.UpdateProfiles(tle);
+ Config.AddTemporaryConditions(tle.additionalConds, tle.additionalPrefConds);
+ string m3uPath;
+ if (Config.m3uFilePath.Length > 0)
+ m3uPath = Config.m3uFilePath;
+ else
+ m3uPath = Path.Join(Config.parentDir, tle.defaultFolderName, "sldl.m3u");
+ m3uEditor.SetPathAndLoad(m3uPath);
+ PreprocessTracks(tle);
+ }
static async Task MainLoop()
for (int i = 0; i < trackLists.lists.Count; i++)
@@ -179,13 +215,10 @@ static partial class Program
var tle = trackLists[i];
- Config.UpdateArgs(tle);
- PreprocessTracks(tle);
+ PrepareListEntry(tle);
var existing = new List();
var notFound = new List();
- var responseData = new ResponseData();
if (Config.skipNotFound && !Config.PrintResults)
@@ -247,13 +280,18 @@ static partial class Program
Console.WriteLine($"{tle.source.Type} download: {tle.source.ToString(true)}, searching..");
+ bool foundSomething = false;
+ var responseData = new ResponseData();
if (tle.source.Type == TrackType.Album)
tle.list = await Search.GetAlbumDownloads(tle.source, responseData);
+ foundSomething = tle.list.Count > 0;
else if (tle.source.Type == TrackType.Aggregate)
tle.list.Insert(0, await Search.GetAggregateTracks(tle.source, responseData));
+ foundSomething = tle.list.Count > 0;
else if (tle.source.Type == TrackType.AlbumAggregate)
@@ -262,8 +300,27 @@ static partial class Program
foreach (var item in res)
var newSource = new Track(tle.source) { Type = TrackType.Album };
- trackLists.AddEntry(new TrackListEntry(item, newSource, false, true, true, false, false));
+ var albumTle = new TrackListEntry(item, newSource, needSourceSearch: false, sourceCanBeSkipped: true);
+ albumTle.defaultFolderName = tle.defaultFolderName;
+ trackLists.AddEntry(albumTle);
+ foundSomething = res.Count > 0;
+ }
+ if (!foundSomething)
+ {
+ var lockedFiles = responseData.lockedFilesCount > 0 ? $" (Found {responseData.lockedFilesCount} locked files)" : "";
+ Console.WriteLine($"No results.{lockedFiles}");
+ if (!Config.PrintResults)
+ {
+ tle.source.State = TrackState.Failed;
+ tle.source.FailureReason = FailureReason.NoSuitableFileFound;
+ m3uEditor.Update();
+ }
+ continue;
if (Config.skipExisting && tle.needSkipExistingAfterSearch)
@@ -284,18 +341,6 @@ static partial class Program
- if (tle.needSourceSearch && (tle.list.Count == 0 || !tle.list.Any(x => x.Count > 0)))
- {
- string lockedFilesStr = responseData.lockedFilesCount > 0 ? $" (Found {responseData.lockedFilesCount} locked files)" : "";
- Console.WriteLine($"No results.{lockedFilesStr}");
- tle.source.State = TrackState.Failed;
- tle.source.FailureReason = FailureReason.NoSuitableFileFound;
- m3uEditor.Update();
- continue;
- }
if (tle.source.Type != TrackType.Album)
@@ -416,11 +461,15 @@ static partial class Program
var downloadTasks = tracks.Select(async (track, index) =>
- await DownloadTask(tle, track, semaphore, organizer, null, false, true);
+ using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ await DownloadTask(tle, track, semaphore, organizer, cts, false, true, true);
await Task.WhenAll(downloadTasks);
+ if (Config.removeTracksFromSource && tracks.All(t => t.State == TrackState.Downloaded || t.State == TrackState.AlreadyExists))
+ await extractor.RemoveTrackFromSource(tle.source);
@@ -449,13 +498,6 @@ static partial class Program
- if (!Config.noBrowseFolder && !Config.interactiveMode && !retrievedFolders.Contains(soulseekDir))
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Getting all files in folder...");
- await Search.CompleteFolder(tracks, tracks[0].FirstResponse, soulseekDir);
- retrievedFolders.Add(tracks[0].FirstUsername + '\\' + soulseekDir);
- }
if (!Config.interactiveMode && !wasInteractive)
@@ -463,48 +505,45 @@ static partial class Program
var semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(Config.concurrentProcesses);
- var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
- var downloadTasks = tracks.Select(async track =>
+ await RunAlbumDownloads(tle, organizer, tracks, semaphore, cts);
+ if (!Config.noBrowseFolder && !retrievedFolders.Contains(soulseekDir))
- await DownloadTask(tle, track, semaphore, organizer, cts, cancelOnFail: !Config.albumIgnoreFails, true);
- });
- await Task.WhenAll(downloadTasks);
+ Console.WriteLine("Getting all files in folder...");
+ int newFilesFound = await Search.CompleteFolder(tracks, tracks[0].FirstResponse, soulseekDir);
+ retrievedFolders.Add(tracks[0].FirstUsername + '\\' + soulseekDir);
+ if (newFilesFound > 0)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine($"Found {newFilesFound} more files in the directory, downloading:");
+ await RunAlbumDownloads(tle, organizer, tracks, semaphore, cts);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("No more files found.");
+ }
+ }
succeeded = true;
- catch (OperationCanceledException) when (!Config.albumIgnoreFails)
+ catch (OperationCanceledException)
- foreach (var track in tracks)
- {
- if (track.State == TrackState.Downloaded && File.Exists(track.DownloadPath))
- {
- try { File.Delete(track.DownloadPath); } catch { }
- }
- }
+ OnAlbumFail(tracks);
- if (tracks != null && succeeded)
+ if (succeeded)
- var downloadedAudio = tracks.Where(t => !t.IsNotAudio && t.State == TrackState.Downloaded && t.DownloadPath.Length > 0);
- if (downloadedAudio.Any())
- {
- tle.source.State = TrackState.Downloaded;
- tle.source.DownloadPath = Utils.GreatestCommonDirectory(downloadedAudio.Select(t => t.DownloadPath));
- if (Config.removeTracksFromSource)
- {
- await extractor.RemoveTrackFromSource(tle.source);
- }
- }
+ await OnAlbumSuccess(tle, tracks);
List? additionalImages = null;
@@ -512,7 +551,7 @@ static partial class Program
if (Config.albumArtOnly || succeeded && Config.albumArtOption != AlbumArtOption.Default)
Console.WriteLine($"\nDownloading additional images:");
- additionalImages = await DownloadImages(tle.list, Config.albumArtOption, tracks);
+ additionalImages = await DownloadImages(tle.list, Config.albumArtOption, tracks, organizer);
@@ -525,7 +564,70 @@ static partial class Program
- static async Task> DownloadImages(List> downloads, AlbumArtOption option, List? chosenAlbum)
+ static async Task RunAlbumDownloads(TrackListEntry tle, FileManager organizer, List tracks, SemaphoreSlim semaphore, CancellationTokenSource cts)
+ {
+ var downloadTasks = tracks.Select(async track =>
+ {
+ await DownloadTask(tle, track, semaphore, organizer, cts, true, true, true);
+ });
+ await Task.WhenAll(downloadTasks);
+ }
+ static async Task OnAlbumSuccess(TrackListEntry tle, List? tracks)
+ {
+ if (tracks == null)
+ return;
+ var downloadedAudio = tracks.Where(t => !t.IsNotAudio && t.State == TrackState.Downloaded && t.DownloadPath.Length > 0);
+ if (downloadedAudio.Any())
+ {
+ tle.source.State = TrackState.Downloaded;
+ tle.source.DownloadPath = Utils.GreatestCommonDirectory(downloadedAudio.Select(t => t.DownloadPath));
+ if (Config.removeTracksFromSource)
+ {
+ await extractor.RemoveTrackFromSource(tle.source);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static void OnAlbumFail(List? tracks)
+ {
+ if (tracks == null || Config.IgnoreAlbumFail)
+ return;
+ foreach (var track in tracks)
+ {
+ if (track.DownloadPath.Length > 0 && File.Exists(track.DownloadPath))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ if (Config.DeleteAlbumOnFail)
+ {
+ File.Delete(track.DownloadPath);
+ }
+ else if (Config.failedAlbumPath.Length > 0)
+ {
+ var newPath = Path.Join(Config.failedAlbumPath, Path.GetRelativePath(Config.parentDir, track.DownloadPath));
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(newPath));
+ Utils.Move(track.DownloadPath, newPath);
+ }
+ Utils.DeleteAncestorsIfEmpty(Path.GetDirectoryName(track.DownloadPath), Config.parentDir);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Printing.WriteLine($"Error: Unable to move or delete file '{track.DownloadPath}' after album fail: {e}");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static async Task> DownloadImages(List> downloads, AlbumArtOption option, List? chosenAlbum, FileManager fileManager)
var downloadedImages = new List();
long mSize = 0;
@@ -621,11 +723,11 @@ static partial class Program
bool allSucceeded = true;
var semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(1);
- var organizer = new FileManager();
foreach (var track in tracks)
- await DownloadTask(null, track, semaphore, organizer, null, false, false);
+ using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ await DownloadTask(null, track, semaphore, fileManager, cts, false, false, false);
if (track.State == TrackState.Downloaded)
@@ -641,15 +743,12 @@ static partial class Program
- static async Task DownloadTask(TrackListEntry? tle, Track track, SemaphoreSlim semaphore, FileManager organizer, CancellationTokenSource? cts, bool cancelOnFail, bool removeFromSource)
+ static async Task DownloadTask(TrackListEntry? tle, Track track, SemaphoreSlim semaphore, FileManager organizer, CancellationTokenSource cts, bool cancelOnFail, bool removeFromSource, bool organize)
if (track.State != TrackState.Initial)
- if (cts != null)
- await semaphore.WaitAsync(cts.Token);
- else
- await semaphore.WaitAsync();
+ await semaphore.WaitAsync(cts.Token);
int tries = Config.unknownErrorRetries;
string savedFilePath = "";
@@ -659,15 +758,15 @@ static partial class Program
await WaitForLogin();
- cts?.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();
+ cts.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();
- (savedFilePath, chosenFile) = await Search.SearchAndDownload(track, organizer);
+ (savedFilePath, chosenFile) = await Search.SearchAndDownload(track, organizer, cts);
catch (Exception ex)
- WriteLine($"Exception thrown: {ex}", debugOnly: true);
+ WriteLine($"Error: {ex}", debugOnly: true);
if (!IsConnectedAndLoggedIn())
@@ -682,13 +781,12 @@ static partial class Program
if (cancelOnFail)
- cts?.Cancel();
+ cts.Cancel();
throw new OperationCanceledException();
- WriteLine($"\n{ex.Message}\n{ex.StackTrace}\n", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, true);
@@ -699,7 +797,7 @@ static partial class Program
if (tries == 0 && cancelOnFail)
- cts?.Cancel();
+ cts.Cancel();
throw new OperationCanceledException();
@@ -724,9 +822,9 @@ static partial class Program
- if (track.State == TrackState.Downloaded && tle != null)
+ if (track.State == TrackState.Downloaded && organize)
- organizer?.OrganizeAudio(tle, track, chosenFile);
+ organizer?.OrganizeAudio(track, chosenFile);
if (Config.onComplete.Length > 0)
@@ -760,7 +858,13 @@ static partial class Program
- WriteLine($"\nPrev [Up/p] / Next [Down/n] / Accept [Enter] / Accept & Exit Interactive [q] / Skip [Esc/s]\n", ConsoleColor.Green);
+ string retrieveAll1 = retrieveFolder ? "| [r] " : "";
+ string retrieveAll2 = retrieveFolder ? "| Load All Files " : "";
+ Console.WriteLine();
+ WriteLine($" [Up/p] | [Down/n] | [Enter] | [q] {retrieveAll1}| [Esc/s]", ConsoleColor.Green);
+ WriteLine($" Prev | Next | Accept | Accept & Quit Interactive {retrieveAll2}| Skip", ConsoleColor.Green);
+ Console.WriteLine();
while (true)
@@ -770,17 +874,10 @@ static partial class Program
WriteLine($"[{aidx + 1} / {list.Count}]", ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
- var folder = Utils.GreatestCommonDirectorySlsk(tracks.Select(t => t.FirstDownload.Filename));
- if (retrieveFolder && !retrievedFolders.Contains(username + '\\' + folder))
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Getting all files in folder...");
- await Search.CompleteFolder(tracks, response, folder);
- retrievedFolders.Add(username + '\\' + folder);
- }
+ Loop:
string userInput = interactiveModeLoop().Trim();
switch (userInput)
@@ -795,6 +892,24 @@ static partial class Program
case "q":
Config.interactiveMode = false;
return aidx;
+ case "r":
+ var folder = Utils.GreatestCommonDirectorySlsk(tracks.Select(t => t.FirstDownload.Filename));
+ if (retrieveFolder && !retrievedFolders.Contains(username + '\\' + folder))
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Getting all files in folder...");
+ int newFiles = await Search.CompleteFolder(tracks, response, folder);
+ retrievedFolders.Add(username + '\\' + folder);
+ if (newFiles == 0)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("No more files found.");
+ goto Loop;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine($"Found {newFiles} more files in the folder:");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
case "":
return aidx;
@@ -846,7 +961,9 @@ static partial class Program
- if (!client.State.HasFlag(SoulseekClientStates.LoggedIn | SoulseekClientStates.LoggingIn | SoulseekClientStates.Connecting))
+ if (!client.State.HasFlag(SoulseekClientStates.LoggedIn)
+ && !client.State.HasFlag(SoulseekClientStates.LoggingIn)
+ && !client.State.HasFlag(SoulseekClientStates.Connecting))
WriteLine($"\nDisconnected, logging in\n", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, true);
try { await Login(Config.useRandomLogin); }
@@ -1017,7 +1134,7 @@ static partial class Program
public static bool IsConnectedAndLoggedIn()
- return client != null && (client.State & (SoulseekClientStates.Connected | SoulseekClientStates.LoggedIn)) != 0;
+ return client != null && client.State.HasFlag(SoulseekClientStates.Connected) && client.State.HasFlag(SoulseekClientStates.LoggedIn);
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/Search.cs b/slsk-batchdl/Search.cs
index 3d56255..92d2103 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/Search.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/Search.cs
@@ -20,17 +20,17 @@ static class Search
public static RateLimitedSemaphore? searchSemaphore;
// very messy function that does everything
- public static async Task<(string, SlFile?)> SearchAndDownload(Track track, FileManager organizer)
+ public static async Task<(string, SlFile?)> SearchAndDownload(Track track, FileManager organizer, CancellationTokenSource cts)
if (Config.DoNotDownload)
throw new Exception();
- var responseData = new ResponseData();
IEnumerable<(SlResponse response, SlFile file)>? orderedResults = null;
+ var responseData = new ResponseData();
var progress = Printing.GetProgressBar(Config.displayMode);
var results = new SlDictionary();
var fsResults = new SlDictionary();
- var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ using var searchCts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var saveFilePath = "";
SlFile? chosenFile = null;
Task? downloadTask = null;
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ static class Search
saveFilePath = organizer.GetSavePath(f.Filename);
fsUser = r.Username;
chosenFile = f;
- downloadTask = Download.DownloadFile(r, f, saveFilePath, track, progress, cts);
+ downloadTask = Download.DownloadFile(r, f, saveFilePath, track, progress, cts, searchCts);
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ static class Search
void onSearch() => Printing.RefreshOrPrint(progress, 0, $"Searching: {track}", true);
- await RunSearches(track, results, getSearchOptions, responseHandler, cts.Token, onSearch);
+ await RunSearches(track, results, getSearchOptions, responseHandler, searchCts.Token, onSearch);
searches.TryRemove(track, out _);
searchEnded = true;
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ static class Search
- cts.Dispose();
+ searchCts.Dispose();
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ static class Search
downloading = 1;
- await Download.DownloadFile(response, file, saveFilePath, track, progress);
+ await Download.DownloadFile(response, file, saveFilePath, track, progress, cts);
userSuccessCount.AddOrUpdate(response.Username, 1, (k, v) => v + 1);
return true;
@@ -168,13 +168,17 @@ static class Search
chosenFile = null;
saveFilePath = "";
downloading = 0;
if (!IsConnectedAndLoggedIn())
+ Printing.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message, ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, true);
userSuccessCount.AddOrUpdate(response.Username, -1, (k, v) => v - 1);
if (--trackTries <= 0)
Printing.RefreshOrPrint(progress, 0, $"Out of download retries: {track}", true);
- Printing.WriteLine("Last error was: " + e.Message, ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, true);
+ Printing.WriteLine("Last error was: " + e.Message, ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);
throw new SearchAndDownloadException(FailureReason.OutOfDownloadRetries);
return false;
@@ -284,7 +288,7 @@ static class Search
results.TryAdd(r.Username + "\\" + file.Filename, (r, file));
- var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
await RunSearches(track, results, getSearchOptions, handler, cts.Token);
@@ -427,7 +431,7 @@ static class Search
results.TryAdd(r.Username + "\\" + file.Filename, (r, file));
- var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
await RunSearches(track, results, getSearchOptions, handler, cts.Token);
@@ -461,10 +465,7 @@ static class Search
public static async Task>>> GetAggregateAlbums(Track track, ResponseData responseData)
- int maxDiff = Config.necessaryCond.LengthTolerance;
- if (maxDiff < 0)
- maxDiff = 3;
+ int maxDiff = Config.aggregateLengthTol;
bool lengthsAreSimilar(int[] sorted1, int[] sorted2)
@@ -555,13 +556,13 @@ static class Search
- public static async Task> GetAllFilesInFolder(string user, string folderPrefix)
+ public static async Task> GetAllFilesInFolder(string user, string folderPrefix, CancellationToken? cancellationToken = null)
var browseOptions = new BrowseOptions();
var res = new List<(string dir, SlFile file)>();
folderPrefix = folderPrefix.TrimEnd('\\') + '\\';
- var userFileList = await client.BrowseAsync(user, browseOptions);
+ var userFileList = await client.BrowseAsync(user, browseOptions, cancellationToken);
foreach (var dir in userFileList.Directories)
@@ -572,22 +573,15 @@ static class Search
return res;
- // It would be much better to use GetDirectoryContentsAsync. Unfortunately it only returns the file
- // names without full paths, and DownloadAsync needs full paths in order to download files.
- // Therefore it would not be possible to download any files that are in a subdirectory of the folder.
- // var dir = await client.GetDirectoryContentsAsync(user, folderPrefix);
- // var res = dir.Files.Select(x => (folderPrefix, x)).ToList();
- // return res;
- public static async Task CompleteFolder(List tracks, SearchResponse response, string folder)
+ public static async Task CompleteFolder(List tracks, SearchResponse response, string folder, CancellationToken? cancellationToken = null)
+ int newFiles = 0;
- var allFiles = await GetAllFilesInFolder(response.Username, folder);
+ var allFiles = await GetAllFilesInFolder(response.Username, folder, cancellationToken);
if (allFiles.Count > tracks.Count)
@@ -599,6 +593,7 @@ static class Search
var fullPath = dir + '\\' + file.Filename;
if (!paths.Contains(fullPath))
+ newFiles++;
var newFile = new SlFile(file.Code, fullPath, file.Size, file.Extension, file.Attributes);
var t = new Track
@@ -616,6 +611,7 @@ static class Search
Printing.WriteLine($"Error getting complete list of files: {ex}", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow);
+ return newFiles;
@@ -633,7 +629,7 @@ static class Search
var groups = fileResponses
- .GroupBy(inferTrack, new TrackComparer(ignoreCase: true, Config.necessaryCond.LengthTolerance))
+ .GroupBy(inferTrack, new TrackComparer(ignoreCase: true, Config.aggregateLengthTol))
.Select(x => (x, x.Select(y => y.Item1.Username).Distinct().Count()))
.Where(x => x.Item2 >= minShares)
.OrderByDescending(x => x.Item2)
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/Test.cs b/slsk-batchdl/Test.cs
index 4686f54..cd4773b 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/Test.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/Test.cs
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ namespace Test
Config.input = strings[i];
- var res = await extractor.GetTracks(0, 0, false);
+ var res = await extractor.GetTracks(Config.input, 0, 0, false);
var t = res[0].list[0][0];
Assert(t.ToKey() == tracks[i].ToKey());
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ namespace Test
Config.input = strings[i];
- var t = (await extractor.GetTracks(0, 0, false))[0].source;
+ var t = (await extractor.GetTracks(Config.input, 0, 0, false))[0].source;
Assert(t.ToKey() == albums[i].ToKey());
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ namespace Test
var trackLists = new TrackLists();
- trackLists.AddEntry(new TrackListEntry());
+ trackLists.AddEntry(new TrackListEntry(TrackType.Normal));
foreach (var t in notFoundInitial)
foreach (var t in existingInitial)
diff --git a/slsk-batchdl/Utils.cs b/slsk-batchdl/Utils.cs
index c8c9733..6e2f158 100644
--- a/slsk-batchdl/Utils.cs
+++ b/slsk-batchdl/Utils.cs
@@ -89,10 +89,13 @@ public static class Utils
return path;
- if (path.StartsWith("~"))
+ if (path.StartsWith('~'))
string homeDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile);
- return Path.Combine(homeDirectory, path.Substring(1).TrimStart('/').TrimStart('\\'));
+ path = Path.Join(homeDirectory, path.Substring(1).TrimStart('/').TrimStart('\\'));
+ if (path.Length > 0)
+ path = Path.GetFullPath(path);
return path;
@@ -162,6 +165,26 @@ public static class Utils
+ public static void DeleteAncestorsIfEmpty(string startDir, string root)
+ {
+ string x = NormalizedPath(Path.GetFullPath(root));
+ string y = NormalizedPath(startDir);
+ if (x.Length == 0)
+ return;
+ while (y.StartsWith(x + '/') && FileCountRecursive(y) == 0)
+ {
+ Directory.Delete(y, true);
+ string prev = y;
+ y = NormalizedPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(y) ?? "");
+ if (prev.Length == y.Length)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
public static bool EqualsAny(this string input, string[] values, StringComparison comparison = StringComparison.Ordinal)
foreach (var value in values)