mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 14:32:40 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 52 additions and 29 deletions
@ -242,4 +242,4 @@ Create a file named `slsk-batchdl.conf` in the same directory as the executable
## Notes
- For macOS builds you can use publish.sh to build the app. Download dotnet from https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0, then run `chmod +x publish.sh && sh publish.sh`
- `--display single` and especially `double` can cause the printed lines to be duplicated or overwritten on some configurations. Use `simple` if that's an issue.
- The server will ban you for 30 minutes if too many searches are performed within a short timespan. The program has a search limiter which can be adjusted with `--searches-per-time` and `--searches-renew-time` (when limit is reached, the status of the downloads will be "Waiting"). By default it is configured to allow up to 34 searches every 220 seconds. These values were determined through experimentation as unfortunately I couldn't find any information regarding soulseek's rate limits, so they may be incorrect. You can also use `--random-login` to re-login with a random username and password automatically.
- The server will ban you for 30 minutes if too many searches are performed within a short timespan. The program has a search limiter which can be adjusted with `--searches-per-time` and `--searches-renew-time` (when limit is reached, the status of the downloads will be "Waiting"). By default it is configured to allow up to 34 searches every 220 seconds. These values were determined through experimentation as unfortunately I couldn't find any information regarding soulseek's rate limits, so they may be incorrect.
@ -559,6 +559,8 @@ static class Program
case "--max-stale-time":
downloadMaxStaleTime = int.Parse(args[++i]);
case "--processes":
case "--concurrent-processes":
case "--concurrent-downloads":
maxConcurrentProcesses = int.Parse(args[++i]);
@ -1167,7 +1169,7 @@ static class Program
if (tracks.Count > 0)
bool showAll = type != TrackLists.ListType.Normal || debugPrintTracks;
PrintTracks(tracks, showAll ? int.MaxValue : 10, debugPrintTracksFull);
PrintTracks(tracks, showAll ? int.MaxValue : 10, debugPrintTracksFull, infoFirst: debugPrintTracks);
if (debugPrintTracksFull && (existing.Count > 0 || notFound.Count > 0))
@ -1177,12 +1179,12 @@ static class Program
if (existing.Count > 0)
Console.WriteLine($"\nThe following tracks already exist:");
PrintTracks(existing, fullInfo: debugPrintTracksFull);
PrintTracks(existing, fullInfo: debugPrintTracksFull, infoFirst: debugPrintTracks);
if (notFound.Count > 0)
Console.WriteLine($"\nThe following tracks were not found during the last run:");
PrintTracks(notFound, fullInfo: debugPrintTracksFull);
PrintTracks(notFound, fullInfo: debugPrintTracksFull, infoFirst: debugPrintTracks);
@ -1203,7 +1205,7 @@ static class Program
d.ToList().ForEach(x => existing.TryAdd(x.Key, x.Value));
else if (musicDir != "" && !System.IO.Directory.Exists(musicDir))
if (print) Console.WriteLine($"Path does not exist: {musicDir}");
if (print) Console.WriteLine($"Musid dir does not exist: {musicDir}");
return existing.Select(x => x.Key).ToList();
@ -1233,7 +1235,8 @@ static class Program
SemaphoreSlim semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(maxConcurrentProcesses);
var downloadTasks = tracks.Select(async (track, index) =>
var copy = new List<Track>(tracks);
var downloadTasks = copy.Select(async (track, index) =>
if (track.TrackState == Track.State.Exists || track.TrackState == Track.State.NotFoundLastTime)
@ -1294,10 +1297,11 @@ static class Program
mainLoopCts = new CancellationTokenSource();
albumCommonPath = Utils.GreatestCommonPath(tracks.SelectMany(x => x.Downloads.Select(y => y.Value.Item2.Filename)), dirsep: '\\');
SemaphoreSlim semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(maxConcurrentProcesses);
var copy = new List<Track>(tracks);
var downloadTasks = tracks.Select(async (track, index) =>
var downloadTasks = copy.Select(async (track, index) =>
if (track.TrackState == Track.State.Exists || track.TrackState == Track.State.NotFoundLastTime)
@ -1627,7 +1631,7 @@ static class Program
foreach (var (response, file) in fileResponses) {
Console.WriteLine(DisplayString(track, file, response,
(printResultsFull ? necessaryCond : null), (printResultsFull ? preferredCond : null), printResultsFull));
(printResultsFull ? necessaryCond : null), (printResultsFull ? preferredCond : null), printResultsFull, infoFirst: true));
WriteLine($"Total: {fileResponses.Count()}\n", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
return "";
@ -2200,7 +2204,9 @@ static class Program
filename = GetFileNameWithoutExtSlsk(filename).Replace(" — ", " - ").Replace("_", " ").RemoveConsecutiveWs().Trim();
var trackNumStart = new Regex(@"^(?:(?:[0-9][-\.])?\d{2,3}[. -]|\b\d\.\s|\b\d\s-\s)(?=.+\S)");
var trackNumMiddle = new Regex(@"(?<=- )((\d-)?\d{2,3}|\d{2,3}\.?)\s+");
//var trackNumMiddle = new Regex(@"\s+-\s+(\d{2,3})(?: -|\.|)\s+|\s+-(\d{2,3})-\s+");
var trackNumMiddle = new Regex(@"(?<= - )((\d-)?\d{2,3}|\d{2,3}\.?)\s+");
var trackNumMiddleAlt = new Regex(@"\s+-(\d{2,3})-\s+");
if (trackNumStart.IsMatch(filename))
@ -2210,9 +2216,13 @@ static class Program
filename = trackNumMiddle.Replace(filename, "<<tracknum>>", 1).Trim();
filename = Regex.Replace(filename, @"-\s*<<tracknum>>\s*-", "-");
filename = filename.Replace("<<tracknum>>", "");
var reg = trackNumMiddle.IsMatch(filename) ? trackNumMiddle : (trackNumMiddleAlt.IsMatch(filename) ? trackNumMiddleAlt : null);
if (reg != null && !reg.IsMatch(defaultTrack.ToString(noInfo: true)))
filename = reg.Replace(filename, "<<tracknum>>", 1).Trim();
filename = Regex.Replace(filename, @"-\s*<<tracknum>>\s*-", "-");
filename = filename.Replace("<<tracknum>>", "");
string aname = t.ArtistName.Trim();
@ -2376,7 +2386,7 @@ static class Program
if (client.State.HasFlag(SoulseekClientStates.LoggedIn))
foreach (var (key, val) in searches)
foreach (var (key, val) in searches) // shouldn't this give "collection was modified" errors? whatever..
if (val == null)
searches.TryRemove(key, out _);
@ -3465,17 +3475,27 @@ static class Program
static string DisplayString(Track t, Soulseek.File? file=null, SearchResponse? response=null, FileConditions? nec=null,
FileConditions? pref=null, bool fullpath=false, string customPath="")
FileConditions? pref=null, bool fullpath=false, string customPath="", bool infoFirst=false)
if (file == null)
return t.ToString();
string sampleRate = file.SampleRate.HasValue ? $"{file.SampleRate}Hz/" : "";
string bitRate = file.BitRate.HasValue ? $"{file.BitRate}kbps/" : "";
string sampleRate = file.SampleRate.HasValue ? $"{file.SampleRate}Hz" : "";
string bitRate = file.BitRate.HasValue ? $"{file.BitRate}kbps" : "";
string fileSize = $"{file.Size / (float)(1024 * 1024):F1}MB";
string fname = fullpath ? "\\" + file.Filename : "\\..\\" + (customPath == "" ? GetFileNameSlsk(file.Filename) : customPath);
string length = Utils.IsMusicFile(file.Filename) ? (file.Length ?? -1).ToString() + "s/" : "";
string displayText = $"{response?.Username ?? ""}{fname} [{length}{sampleRate}{bitRate}{fileSize}]";
string length = Utils.IsMusicFile(file.Filename) ? (file.Length ?? -1).ToString() + "s" : "";
string displayText;
if (!infoFirst)
string info = string.Join('/', new string[] { length, sampleRate+bitRate, fileSize }.Where(value => value!=""));
displayText = $"{response?.Username ?? ""}{fname} [{info}]";
string info = string.Join('/', new string[] { length.PadRight(4), (sampleRate+bitRate).PadRight(8), fileSize.PadLeft(6) });
displayText = $"[{info}] {response?.Username ?? ""}{fname}";
string necStr = nec != null ? $"nec:{nec.GetNotSatisfiedName(file, t, response)}, " : "";
string prefStr = pref != null ? $"prf:{pref.GetNotSatisfiedName(file, t, response)}" : "";
@ -3486,7 +3506,7 @@ static class Program
return displayText + cond;
static void PrintTracks(List<Track> tracks, int number = int.MaxValue, bool fullInfo=false, bool pathsOnly=false, bool showAncestors=false)
static void PrintTracks(List<Track> tracks, int number = int.MaxValue, bool fullInfo=false, bool pathsOnly=false, bool showAncestors=false, bool infoFirst=false)
number = Math.Min(tracks.Count, number);
@ -3502,9 +3522,9 @@ static class Program
foreach (var x in tracks[i].Downloads)
if (ancestor == "")
Console.WriteLine(" " + DisplayString(tracks[i], x.Value.Item2, x.Value.Item1));
Console.WriteLine(" " + DisplayString(tracks[i], x.Value.Item2, x.Value.Item1, infoFirst: infoFirst));
Console.WriteLine(" " + DisplayString(tracks[i], x.Value.Item2, x.Value.Item1, customPath: x.Value.Item2.Filename.Replace(ancestor, "")));
Console.WriteLine(" " + DisplayString(tracks[i], x.Value.Item2, x.Value.Item1, customPath: x.Value.Item2.Filename.Replace(ancestor, ""), infoFirst: infoFirst));
@ -3535,9 +3555,9 @@ static class Program
Console.WriteLine($" Shares: {tracks[i].Downloads.Count}");
foreach (var x in tracks[i].Downloads) {
if (ancestor == "")
Console.WriteLine(" " + DisplayString(tracks[i], x.Value.Item2, x.Value.Item1));
Console.WriteLine(" " + DisplayString(tracks[i], x.Value.Item2, x.Value.Item1, infoFirst: infoFirst));
Console.WriteLine(" " + DisplayString(tracks[i], x.Value.Item2, x.Value.Item1, customPath: x.Value.Item2.Filename.Replace(ancestor, "")));
Console.WriteLine(" " + DisplayString(tracks[i], x.Value.Item2, x.Value.Item1, customPath: x.Value.Item2.Filename.Replace(ancestor, ""), infoFirst: infoFirst));
if (tracks[i].Downloads?.Count > 0) Console.WriteLine();
@ -3548,9 +3568,9 @@ static class Program
Console.WriteLine($" Shares: {tracks[i].Downloads.Count}");
foreach (var x in tracks[i].Downloads) {
if (ancestor == "")
Console.WriteLine(" " + DisplayString(tracks[i], x.Value.Item2, x.Value.Item1));
Console.WriteLine(" " + DisplayString(tracks[i], x.Value.Item2, x.Value.Item1, infoFirst: infoFirst));
Console.WriteLine(" " + DisplayString(tracks[i], x.Value.Item2, x.Value.Item1, customPath: x.Value.Item2.Filename.Replace(ancestor, "")));
Console.WriteLine(" " + DisplayString(tracks[i], x.Value.Item2, x.Value.Item1, customPath: x.Value.Item2.Filename.Replace(ancestor, ""), infoFirst: infoFirst));
@ -3941,7 +3961,7 @@ public class M3UEditor
var value = lastBracketIndex != line.Length ? line.Substring(lastBracketIndex + 1).Trim().TrimEnd(']') : "";
return new { Key = key, Value = value };
.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);
.ToSafeDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);
public void Update()
@ -29,9 +29,12 @@ public static class Utils
public static void Move(string sourceFilePath, string destinationFilePath)
if (File.Exists(destinationFilePath))
File.Move(sourceFilePath, destinationFilePath);
if (File.Exists(sourceFilePath))
if (File.Exists(destinationFilePath))
File.Move(sourceFilePath, destinationFilePath);
public static bool EqualsAny(this string input, string[] values, StringComparison comparison = StringComparison.Ordinal)
Reference in a new issue