Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/fiso64/slsk-batchdl.git synced 2024-12-22 06:22:41 +00:00

single character bugfix

This commit is contained in:
fiso64 2023-12-21 15:35:28 +01:00
parent 6380df3833
commit 0091905d2b

View file

@ -101,8 +101,10 @@ static class Program
static bool useTagsCheckExisting = false;
static bool removeTracksFromSource = false;
static bool getDeleted = false;
static bool removeSingleCharacterSearchTerms = false;
static int maxTracks = int.MaxValue;
static int minUsersAggregate = 2;
static bool relax = false;
static int offset = 0;
static string confPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "slsk-batchdl.conf");
@ -191,12 +193,14 @@ static class Program
"\n downloaded in aggregate mode. Setting it to higher values" +
"\n will significantly reduce false positives, but may introduce" +
"\n false negatives. Default: 2" +
"\n --relax Slightly relax file filtering in aggregate mode to include" +
"\n more results" +
"\n" +
"\n -p --path <path> Download folder" +
"\n -f --folder <name> Subfolder name (default: playlist/csv name)" +
"\n -n --number <maxtracks> Download the first n tracks of a playlist" +
"\n -o --offset <offset> Skip a specified number of tracks" +
"\n --reverse Download tracks in reverse order" +
"\n -r --reverse Download tracks in reverse order" +
"\n --remove-from-playlist Remove downloaded tracks from playlist (spotify only)" +
"\n --name-format <format> Name format for downloaded tracks, e.g \"{artist} - {title}\"" +
"\n --m3u Create an m3u8 playlist file" +
@ -231,8 +235,8 @@ static class Program
"\n --remove-ft Remove \"ft.\" or \"feat.\" and everything after from the" +
"\n track names before searching" +
"\n --remove-regex <regex> Remove a regex from all track titles and artist names" +
"\n --no-artist-search Perform a search without artist name if nothing was" +
"\n found. Only use for sources such as youtube or soundcloud" +
"\n --no-artist-search Perform an additional search without artist name if nothing" +
"\n was found. Useful for sources such as youtube or soundcloud" +
"\n where the \"artist\" could just be an uploader." +
"\n --artist-search Also try to find track by searching for the artist only" +
"\n --no-diacr-search Also perform a search without diacritics" +
@ -340,6 +344,9 @@ static class Program
case "--min-users-aggregate":
minUsersAggregate = int.Parse(args[++i]);
case "--relax":
relax = true;
case "--no-artist-search":
noArtistSearchTrack = true;
@ -458,6 +465,7 @@ static class Program
case "--no-regex-search":
noRegexSearch = args[++i];
case "-r":
case "--reverse":
reverse = true;
@ -741,14 +749,16 @@ static class Program
searchStr = input;
inputType = "string";
var music = ParseTrackArg(searchStr);
removeSingleCharacterSearchTerms = music.TrackTitle.Length != 1 && music.ArtistName.Length != 1;
if (!aggregate)
removeSingleCharacterSearchTerms = music.ArtistName == "" && music.TrackTitle.Length > 1;
if (folderName == "")
folderName = ReplaceInvalidChars(searchStr, " ");
var music = ParseTrackArg(searchStr);
await Login();
@ -995,7 +1005,7 @@ static class Program
RefreshOrPrint(progress, 0, $"Waiting: {track}", false);
var title = track.ArtistName != "" ? $"{track.ArtistName} - {track.TrackTitle}" : $"{track.TrackTitle}";
var title = $"{track.ArtistName} {track.TrackTitle}".Trim();
string searchText = $"{title}";
var removeChars = new string[] { " ", "_", "-" };
@ -1051,6 +1061,7 @@ static class Program
minimumResponseFileCount: 1,
minimumPeerUploadSpeed: 1,
searchTimeout: searchTimeout,
removeSingleCharacterSearchTerms: removeSingleCharacterSearchTerms,
responseFilter: (response) => {
return response.UploadSpeed > 0
&& cond.BannedUsersSatisfies(response);
@ -1238,13 +1249,17 @@ static class Program
var opts = new SearchOptions(
minimumResponseFileCount: 1,
minimumPeerUploadSpeed: 1,
removeSingleCharacterSearchTerms: removeSingleCharacterSearchTerms,
searchTimeout: searchTimeout,
responseFilter: (response) => {
return response.UploadSpeed > 0
&& necessaryCond.BannedUsersSatisfies(response);
fileFilter: (file) => {
return IsMusicFile(file.Filename) && necessaryCond.FileSatisfies(file, track, null);
return IsMusicFile(file.Filename) && necessaryCond.FileSatisfies(file, track, null)
&& (relax || FileConditions.StrictString(file.Filename, track.ArtistName, ignoreCase: true)
&& FileConditions.StrictString(file.Filename, track.TrackTitle, ignoreCase: true)
&& FileConditions.StrictString(file.Filename, track.Album, ignoreCase: true));
Action<SearchResponse> handler = (r) => {
if (r.Files.Count() > 0)
@ -1263,7 +1278,7 @@ static class Program
if (track.ArtistName != "" && search == "")
search = track.ArtistName;
else if (track.ArtistName != "")
search = track.ArtistName + " - " + search;
search = track.ArtistName + " " + search;
await RunSearches(search, opts, handler, cts.Token);
@ -1446,10 +1461,10 @@ static class Program
string alname = t.Album.Trim();
string fname = filename;
fname = fname.Replace("—", "-").Replace("_", " ").Replace('[', '(').Replace(']', ')').ReplaceInvalidChars("").RemoveFt().RemoveConsecutiveWs().Trim();
tname = tname.Replace("—", "-").Replace("_", " ").Replace('[', '(').Replace(']', ')').ReplaceInvalidChars("").RemoveFt().RemoveConsecutiveWs().Trim();
aname = aname.Replace("—", "-").Replace("_", " ").Replace('[', '(').Replace(']', ')').ReplaceInvalidChars("").RemoveFt().RemoveConsecutiveWs().Trim();
alname = alname.Replace("—", "-").Replace("_", " ").Replace('[', '(').Replace(']', ')').ReplaceInvalidChars("").RemoveFt().RemoveConsecutiveWs().Trim();
fname = fname.Replace("—", "-").Replace("_", " ").Replace('[', '(').Replace(']', ')').ReplaceInvalidChars("", true).RemoveFt().RemoveConsecutiveWs().Trim();
tname = tname.Replace("—", "-").Replace("_", " ").Replace('[', '(').Replace(']', ')').ReplaceInvalidChars("", true).RemoveFt().RemoveConsecutiveWs().Trim();
aname = aname.Replace("—", "-").Replace("_", " ").Replace('[', '(').Replace(']', ')').ReplaceInvalidChars("", true).RemoveFt().RemoveConsecutiveWs().Trim();
alname = alname.Replace("—", "-").Replace("_", " ").Replace('[', '(').Replace(']', ')').ReplaceInvalidChars("", true).RemoveFt().RemoveConsecutiveWs().Trim();
bool maybeRemix = aname != "" && Regex.IsMatch(fname, @$"\({Regex.Escape(aname)} .+\)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
string[] parts = fname.Split(new string[] { " - " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries | StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries);
@ -1929,25 +1944,21 @@ static class Program
return StrictString(fname, aname, StrictStringRegexRemove, StrictStringDiacrRemove);
public static bool StrictString(string fname, string tname, string regexRemove = "", bool diacrRemove = true)
public static bool StrictString(string fname, string tname, string regexRemove = "", bool diacrRemove = true, bool ignoreCase = false)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tname))
return true;
fname = fname.Replace("_", " ").ReplaceInvalidChars("");
fname = fname.Replace("_", " ").ReplaceInvalidChars(" ", true, false);
fname = regexRemove != "" ? Regex.Replace(fname, regexRemove, "") : fname;
fname = diacrRemove ? fname.RemoveDiacritics() : fname;
fname = fname.Trim();
tname = tname.Replace("_", " ").ReplaceInvalidChars("");
tname = tname.Replace("_", " ").ReplaceInvalidChars(" ", true, false);
tname = regexRemove != "" ? Regex.Replace(tname, regexRemove, "") : tname;
tname = diacrRemove ? tname.RemoveDiacritics() : tname;
tname = tname.Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fname) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tname))
return false;
string pattern = $@"(?i:(?<=[. -\/\\]|^){Regex.Escape(tname)}(?=[. -\/\\]|$))";
return Regex.IsMatch(fname, pattern);
return fname.ContainsWithBoundary(tname, ignoreCase);
public bool FormatSatisfies(string fname)
@ -2513,9 +2524,13 @@ static class Program
return totalSeconds;
static string ReplaceInvalidChars(this string str, string replaceStr)
static string ReplaceInvalidChars(this string str, string replaceStr, bool windows = false, bool removeSlash = true)
char[] invalidChars = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars();
if (windows)
invalidChars = new char[] { ':', '|', '?', '>', '<', '*', '"', '/', '\\' };
if (!removeSlash)
invalidChars = invalidChars.Where(c => c != '/' && c != '\\').ToArray();
foreach (char c in invalidChars)
str = str.Replace(c.ToString(), replaceStr);
return str.Replace("\\", replaceStr).Replace("/", replaceStr);
@ -2937,6 +2952,14 @@ public static class Utils
return s.Contains(other, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
public static bool ContainsWithBoundary(this string str, string value, bool ignoreCase = false)
string boundaryChars = @"\s|-|\.|\\|\/|^|$|_|—|\(|\)|\[|\]|,";
string pattern = $"(?<={boundaryChars}){Regex.Escape(value)}(?={boundaryChars})";
RegexOptions options = ignoreCase ? RegexOptions.IgnoreCase : RegexOptions.None;
return Regex.IsMatch(str, pattern, options);
public static bool RemoveRegexIfExist(this string s, string reg, out string res)
res = Regex.Replace(s, reg, string.Empty);