A barely-functional batch downloader for Soulseek. Accepts csv files.
Usage: slsk-batchdl.exe [OPTIONS]
--output <path> Downloaded files will be placed here
--csv <path> The csv file containing track information (in case it's not in the output folder)
--username <username> Soulseek username
--password <password> Soulseek password
--artist-col <column> Specify if the csv file contains an artist name column
--track-col <column> Specify if if the csv file contains an track name column
--full-title-col <column> Specify only if there are no separate artist and track name columns are not in the csv
--uploader-col <column> Specify when using full title col if there is also an uploader col in the csv (fallback in case artist name cannot be extracted from title)
--length-col <column> Specify the name of the track duration column, if exists
--time-unit <unit> Time unit for the track duration column, ms or s (default: s)
--skip-existing Skip if a track matching the conditions is found in the output folder or your music library (if provided) (default: false)
--skip-if-pref-failed Skip if preferred versions of a track exist but failed to download. If no pref. versions were found, download as normal. (default: false)
--create-m3u Create an m3u playlist file in the output dir. (default: false)
--search-timeout <timeout> Maximal search time (default: 15000)
--download-max-stale-time <time> Maximal download time with no progress (default: 60000)
--max-concurrent-processes <num> Max concurrent searches / downloads (default: 2)
--max-retries-per-file <num> Maximum number of users to try downloading from before skipping track (default: 30)
--pref-format <format> Preferred file format (default: mp3)
--nec-max-bitrate <rate> Necessary maximum bitrate
--nec-max-sample-rate <rate> Necessary maximum sample rate
- Provide either track-col & artist-col (ideally), or full-title-col in case separate artist and title names are unavailable (useful when downloading a csv of a YT playlist). You can also specify --uploader-col (channel names) in that case to use as artist names whenever full-title-col doesn't contain them.
- Always provide a length-col or get wrong results
- Files satisfying `pref` conditions will be preferred. Files not satisfying `nec` conditions will not be downloaded.
Example use (with a csv from https://exportify.net/):