The names of the columns in the csv should be: `Artist`, `Title`, `Album`, `Length`. Some alternatives are also accepted. You can use `--print tracks` before downloading to check if everything has been parsed correctly. Only the title or album column is required, but additional info may improve search results.
To download private playlists or liked songs you will need to provide a client id and secret, which you can get here Create an app and add `http://localhost:48721/callback` as a redirect url in its settings.
Playlists are retrieved using the YoutubeExplode library which unfortunately doesn't always return all videos. You can use the official API by providing a key with `--youtube-key`. Get it here Create a new project, click "Enable Api" and search for "youtube data", then follow the prompts.
Also note that due the high number of music videos in the above example playlist, it may be better to remove all text in parentheses and disable song duration checking: `--regex "[\[\(].*?[\]\)]" --length-tol -1 --pref-length-tol -1`.
The shorthand `sldl "Artist - Album" -a` is equivalent to `sldl "artist=Artist,album=Album"`. It's often helpful to restrict to folders which have two or more tracks: `--atc 2+`.
- Album download: The program will search for the album and download an entire folder including non-audio files. Activated when the input is a link to a spotify or bandcamp album, when the input string or csv row has no track title, or when `-a`/`--album` is enabled.
- Aggregate download: With `-g`/`--aggregate`, the program will first perform an ordinary search for the input, then attempt to group the results into distinct songs and download one of each kind. This can be used to download an artist's entire discography (or simply printing it, like in the example above), finding remixes of a song, etc. Note that it is not 100% reliable, which is why `--min-users-aggregate` is set to 2 by default, i.e. any song that is shared by only one person will be ignored. Enable `--relax-filtering` to make the file filtering less aggressive.
Files not satisfying the conditions will not be downloaded. For example, `--length-tol` is set to 3 by default, meaning that files whose duration differs from the supplied duration by more than 3 seconds will not be downloaded (can be disabled by setting it to -1).
Files satisfying `pref-` conditions will be preferred; setting `--pref-format "flac,wav"` will make it download high quality files if they exist, and only download low quality files if there's nothing else. Conditions can also be supplied as a semicolon-delimited string to `--cond` and `--pref`, e.g `--cond "br>=320;f=mp3,ogg;sr<96000"`. See the start of `Program.cs` for the default file conditions.
**Important note**: Some info may be unavailable depending on the client used by the peer. For example, the default Soulseek client does not share the file bitrate. By default, if `--min-bitrate` is set, then files with unknown bitrate will still be downloaded. You can configure it to reject all files where one of the checked properties is unavailable by enabling `--strict-conditions`. (As a consequence, if `--min-bitrate` is also set then any files shared by users with the default client will be ignored)
Available tags are: artist, artists, album_artist, album_artists, title, album, year, track, disc, filename, default_foldername. Name format supports subdirectories as well as conditional expressions: `{str1|str2}`– If any tags in str1 are null, choose str2. String literals enclosed in parentheses are ignored in the null check.
Here `{album(/)}` will conditionally put the download into a subfolder; if the album tag is null, then the slash won't be added to the path. An alternative is `{album|(missing album)}/` which will save all songs with unknown album under `missing album`.
### Speed vs Quality
The following options will make it go faster, but may decrease search result quality or cause instability:
-`--fast-search` skips waiting until the search completes and downloads as soon as a matching file is found
-`--concurrent-downloads` - set it to 4 or more
-`--max-stale-time` is set to 50 seconds by default, so it will wait a long time before giving up on a file
-`--searches-per-time` increase at the risk of ban, see the notes section for details.
- For macOS builds you can use to build the app. Download dotnet from, then run `chmod +x && sh`
-`--display single` and especially `double` can cause the printed lines to be duplicated or overwritten on some configurations. Use `simple` if that's an issue.
- The server will ban you for 30 minutes if too many searches are performed within a short timespan. The program has a search limiter which can be adjusted with `--searches-per-time` and `--searches-renew-time` (when limit is reached, the status of the downloads will be "Waiting"). By default it is configured to allow up to 34 searches every 220 seconds. These values were determined through experimentation as unfortunately I couldn't find any information regarding soulseek's rate limits, so they may be incorrect.