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326 lines
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{{ define "header" }}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" class="h-full">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
{{ if .NoIndex }}
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow">
{{ end }}
<base href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}" />
window.opengist_base_url = "{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}";
window.opengist_locale = "{{ .locale.Code }}".substring(0, 2);
const checkTheme = () => {
if (localStorage.theme === 'dark' || (!('theme' in localStorage) && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches)) {
} else {
window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)')
.addEventListener('change', ({matches}) => {
{{ if $.c.CustomFavicon }}
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="{{ custom $.c.CustomFavicon }}">
{{ else }}
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="{{ asset "favicon-32.png" }}">
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
{{ if dev }}
<script type="module" src="{{ asset "@vite/client" }}"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset "style.scss" }}" />
<script type="module" src="{{ asset "main.ts" }}"></script>
{{ else }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset "main.css" }}" />
<script type="module" src="{{ asset "main.ts" }}"></script>
{{ end }}
{{ if .htmlTitle }}
<title>{{ .htmlTitle }} - {{ if $.c.CustomName }}{{ $.c.CustomName }}{{ else }}Opengist{{ end }}</title>
{{ else }}
<title>{{ if $.c.CustomName }}{{ $.c.CustomName }}{{ else }}Opengist{{ end }}</title>
{{ end }}
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<svg id="main-menu-open" class="block h-6 w-6" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2" stroke="currentColor" aria-hidden="true">
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<div class="flex-shrink-0 items-center hidden sm:flex">
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/">
{{ if $.c.CustomLogo }}
<img src="{{ custom $.c.CustomLogo }}" class="object-cover h-12">
{{ else }}
<img src="{{ asset "opengist.svg" }}" class="object-cover h-12 w-12">
{{ end }}
<div class="flex-1 flex items-center justify-center sm:items-stretch sm:justify-start">
<div class="flex-shrink-0 items-center flex sm:hidden">
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/">
{{ if $.c.CustomLogo }}
<img src="{{ custom $.c.CustomLogo }}" class="object-cover h-12">
{{ else }}
<img src="{{ asset "opengist.svg" }}" class="object-cover h-12 w-12">
{{ end }}
<div class="hidden sm:block sm:ml-6">
<div class="flex space-x-4">
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/all" class="text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-300 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-black dark:hover:text-white px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-sm font-medium">{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.all" }}</a>
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/{{ if not .userLogged }}login{{ end }}" class="text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-300 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-black dark:hover:text-white px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-sm font-medium">{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.new" }}</a>
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<label for="search" class="sr-only">{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.search" }}</label>
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<svg class="h-5 w-5 text-gray-400" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true">
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<form action="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/search" method="GET">
<input id="search" name="q" autocomplete="off" class="bg-white dark:bg-gray-900 shadow-sm focus:ring-primary-500 focus:border-primary-500 block w-full sm:text-sm border-gray-200 dark:border-gray-700 rounded-md pl-10" placeholder="{{if indexEnabled}}Code search{{else}}Search{{end}}" type="search" value="{{ .searchQuery }}">
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{{if indexEnabled}}
<div id="search-help" class="hidden absolute left-1/2 z-10 mt-5 w-screen max-w-max -translate-x-1/2 px-4">
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<div class="p-4 text-xs space-y-1">
<p class="text-gray-400"><code class="text-slate-800 dark:text-slate-300 pr-1">user:thomas</code> {{ .locale.Tr "gist.search.help.user" }}</p>
<p class="text-gray-400"><code class="text-slate-800 dark:text-slate-300 pr-1">title:mygist</code> {{ .locale.Tr "gist.search.help.title" }}</p>
<p class="text-gray-400"><code class="text-slate-800 dark:text-slate-300 pr-1">filename:myfile.txt</code> {{ .locale.Tr "gist.search.help.filename" }}</p>
<p class="text-gray-400"><code class="text-slate-800 dark:text-slate-300 pr-1">extension:yml</code> {{ .locale.Tr "gist.search.help.extension" }}</p>
<p class="text-gray-400"><code class="text-slate-800 dark:text-slate-300 pr-1">language:go</code> {{ .locale.Tr "gist.search.help.language" }}</p>
<div class="absolute inset-y-0 right-0 flex items-center pr-2 sm:static sm:inset-auto sm:ml-6 sm:pr-0">
{{ if .userLogged }}
<div id="user-btn" class="hidden sm:flex items-center ml-2 cursor-pointer hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 rounded-md px-3 py-2">
<div class="inline-flex">
<p class="hidden sm:block text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-300 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-black dark:hover:text-white rounded-md text-sm font-medium mr-2">{{ .userLogged.Username }}</p>
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<div class="py-1" role="none">
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/{{ .userLogged.Username }}" class="dark:text-slate-300 text-slate-700 group flex items-center px-3 py-1.5 pr-6 text-sm w-full hover:text-slate-500 dark:hover:text-slate-400" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1">
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{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.my-gists" }}
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/{{ .userLogged.Username }}/liked" class="dark:text-slate-300 text-slate-700 group flex items-center px-3 py-1.5 pr-6 text-sm w-full hover:text-slate-500 dark:hover:text-slate-400" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1">
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{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.liked" }}
{{ if .userLogged.IsAdmin }}
<div class="py-1" role="none">
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/admin-panel" class="dark:text-slate-300 text-slate-700 group flex items-center px-3 py-1.5 pr-6 text-sm w-full hover:text-slate-500 dark:hover:text-slate-400" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1">
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{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.admin" }}
{{ end }}
<div class="py-1" role="none">
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/settings" class="dark:text-slate-300 text-slate-700 group flex items-center px-3 py-1.5 pr-6 text-sm w-full hover:text-slate-500 dark:hover:text-slate-400" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1">
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{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.settings" }}
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/logout" class="dark:text-rose-400 text-rose-500 group flex items-center px-3 py-1.5 pr-6 text-sm w-full hover:text-rose-600 dark:hover:text-rose-500" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1">
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{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.logout" }}
{{ else }}
{{ if not .DisableSignup }}
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/register" class="hidden sm:inline-flex text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-300 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-black dark:hover:text-white px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-sm font-medium">
<p class="text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-300 mr-1">{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.register" }}</p>
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/login" class="hidden sm:inline-flex hidden-xs text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-300 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-black dark:hover:text-white px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-sm font-medium">
<p class="text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-300 mr-1">{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.login" }}</p>
{{ end }}
<div class="hidden sm:block ml-2 border-l-1 border-gray-200 dark:border-gray-600 rounded-md"><br /></div>
<div id="theme-btn" class="sm:flex items-center ml-2 cursor-pointer hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 rounded-md px-3 py-2">
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<div class="relative sm:inline-block text-left">
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<div class="py-1" role="none">
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{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.light" }}
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{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.dark" }}
<button id="system-mode" class="dark:text-slate-300 text-slate-700 group flex items-center px-3 py-1.5 text-sm w-max hover:text-slate-500 dark:hover:text-slate-400" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1">
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{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.system" }}
<!-- Mobile menu -->
<div class="sm:hidden hidden" id="mobile-menu">
<div class="mx-2">
<label for="searchmobile" class="sr-only">{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.search" }}</label>
<div class="relative">
<div class="pointer-events-none absolute inset-y-0 left-0 flex items-center pl-3">
<svg class="h-5 w-5 text-gray-400" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true">
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<input id="searchmobile" name="q" class="bg-white dark:bg-gray-900 shadow-sm focus:ring-primary-500 focus:border-primary-500 block w-full sm:text-sm border-gray-200 dark:border-gray-700 rounded-md pl-10" placeholder="Search" type="search" value="{{.searchQuery}}">
<input type="submit" hidden="hidden">
<div class="px-2 pt-2 pb-3 space-y-1">
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/all" class="text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-300 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-black dark:hover:text-white block px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-base font-medium">{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.all" }}</a>
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/{{ if not .userLogged }}login{{ end }}" class="text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-300 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-black dark:hover:text-white block px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-base font-medium">{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.new" }}</a>
{{ if .userLogged }}
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/{{ .userLogged.Username }}" class="text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-300 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-black dark:hover:text-white block px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-base font-medium">{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.my-gists" }}</a>
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/settings" class="text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-300 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-black dark:hover:text-white block px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-base font-medium">{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.settings" }}</a>
{{ if .userLogged.IsAdmin }}
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/admin-panel" class="text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-300 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-black dark:hover:text-white block px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-base font-medium">{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.admin" }}</a>
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/logout" class="dark:text-rose-400 text-rose-500 hover:text-rose-600 dark:hover:text-rose-500 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 block px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-base font-medium">{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.logout" }}</a>
{{ else }}
{{ if not .DisableSignup }}
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/register" class="text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-300 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-black dark:hover:text-white block px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-base font-medium">{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.register" }}</a>
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ $.c.ExternalUrl }}/login" class="text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-300 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 hover:text-black dark:hover:text-white block px-3 py-2 rounded-md text-base font-medium">{{ .locale.Tr "header.menu.login" }}</a>
{{ end }}
<div class="max-w-5xl mx-auto px-4 sm:px-6 lg:px-8 text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-300">
{{range .flashErrors}}
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<div class="ml-3">
<p class="text-sm text-rose-600 dark:text-rose-400">{{.}}</p>
{{range .flashSuccess}}
<div class="mt-4 rounded-md bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-800 border-l-4 border-primary-500 dark:border-primary-400 p-4">
<div class="flex">
<div class="flex-shrink-0">
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<div class="ml-3">
<p class="text-sm text-primary-500 dark:text-primary-400">{{.}}</p>
{{range .flashWarnings}}
<div class="mt-4 rounded-md bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-800 border-l-4 border-yellow-500 dark:border-yellow-400 p-4">
<div class="flex">
<div class="flex-shrink-0">
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<div class="ml-3">
<p class="text-sm text-yellow-600 dark:text-yellow-400">{{.}}</p>
{{ end }}
{{ if false }}
{{/* prevent IDE errors */}}
{{ end }}