# Use OAuth providers Opengist can be configured to use OAuth to authenticate users, with GitHub, Gitea, or OpenID Connect. ## Github * Add a new OAuth app in your [Github account settings](https://github.com/settings/applications/new) * Set 'Authorization callback URL' to `http://opengist.domain/oauth/github/callback` * Copy the 'Client ID' and 'Client Secret' and add them to the [configuration](/docs/configuration/cheat-sheet.md) : ```yaml github.client-key: github.secret: ``` ## GitLab * Add a new OAuth app in Application settings from the [GitLab instance](https://gitlab.com/-/user_settings/applications) * Set 'Redirect URI' to `http://opengist.domain/oauth/gitlab/callback` * Copy the 'Client ID' and 'Client Secret' and add them to the [configuration](/docs/configuration/cheat-sheet.md) : ```yaml gitlab.client-key: gitlab.secret: # URL of the Gitlab instance. Default: https://gitlab.com/ gitlab.url: https://gitlab.com/ ``` ## Gitea * Add a new OAuth app in Application settings from the [Gitea instance](https://gitea.com/user/settings/applications) * Set 'Redirect URI' to `http://opengist.domain/oauth/gitea/callback` * Copy the 'Client ID' and 'Client Secret' and add them to the [configuration](/docs/configuration/cheat-sheet.md) : ```yaml gitea.client-key: gitea.secret: # URL of the Gitea instance. Default: https://gitea.com/ gitea.url: http://localhost:3000 ``` ## OpenID Connect * Add a new OAuth app in Application settings of your OIDC provider * Set 'Redirect URI' to `http://opengist.domain/oauth/openid-connect/callback` * Copy the 'Client ID', 'Client Secret', and the discovery endpoint, and add them to the [configuration](/docs/configuration/cheat-sheet.md) : ```yaml oidc.client-key: oidc.secret: # Discovery endpoint of the OpenID provider. Generally something like http://auth.example.com/.well-known/openid-configuration oidc.discovery-url: http://auth.example.com/.well-known/openid-configuration ```