# Learn more about Opengist configuration here: # https://github.com/thomiceli/opengist/blob/master/docs/configuration/index.md # https://github.com/thomiceli/opengist/blob/master/docs/configuration/cheat-sheet.md # Set the log level to one of the following: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic. Default: warn log-level: warn # Set the log output to one or more of the following: `stdout`, `file`. Default: stdout,file log-output: stdout,file # Public URL to access to Opengist external-url: # Directory where Opengist will store its data. Default: ~/.opengist/ opengist-home: # Name of the SQLite database file. Default: opengist.db db-filename: opengist.db # Enable or disable the code search index (either `true` or `false`). Default: true index.enabled: true # Name of the directory where the code search index is stored. Default: opengist.index index.dirname: opengist.index # Default branch name used by Opengist when initializing Git repositories. # If not set, uses the Git default branch name. See https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-First-Time-Git-Setup#_new_default_branch git.default-branch: # Set the journal mode for SQLite. Default: WAL # See https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_journal_mode sqlite.journal-mode: WAL # HTTP server configuration # Host to bind to. Default: http.host: # Port to bind to. Default: 6157 http.port: 6157 # Enable or disable git operations (clone, pull, push) via HTTP (either `true` or `false`). Default: true http.git-enabled: true # SSH built-in server configuration # Note: it is not using the SSH daemon from your machine (yet) # Enable or disable SSH built-in server # for git operations (clone, pull, push) via SSH (either `true` or `false`). Default: true ssh.git-enabled: true # Host to bind to. Default: ssh.host: # Port to bind to. Default: 2222 # Note: it cannot be the same port as the SSH daemon if it's currently running # If you want to use the port 22 for the built-in SSH server, # you can either change the port of the SSH daemon or stop it ssh.port: 2222 # Public domain for the Git SSH connection, if it has to be different from the HTTP one. # If not set, uses the URL from the request ssh.external-domain: # Path or alias to ssh-keygen executable. Default: ssh-keygen ssh.keygen-executable: ssh-keygen # OAuth2 configuration # The callback/redirect URL must be http://opengist.url/oauth/<github|gitlab|gitea|openid-connect>/callback # To create a new OAuth2 application using GitHub : https://github.com/settings/applications/new github.client-key: github.secret: # To create a new OAuth2 application using Gitlab : https://gitlab.com/-/user_settings/applications gitlab.client-key: gitlab.secret: # URL of the Gitlab instance. Default: https://gitlab.com/ gitlab.url: https://gitlab.com/ # The name of the GitLab instance. It is displayed in the OAuth login button. Default: GitLab gitlab.name: GitLab # To create a new OAuth2 application using Gitea : https://gitea.domain/user/settings/applications gitea.client-key: gitea.secret: # URL of the Gitea instance. Default: https://gitea.com/ gitea.url: https://gitea.com/ # The name of the Gitea instance. It is displayed in the OAuth login button. Default: Gitea gitea.name: Gitea # To create a new OAuth2 application using OpenID Connect: oidc.client-key: oidc.secret: # Discovery endpoint of the OpenID provider. Generally something like http://auth.example.com/.well-known/openid-configuration oidc.discovery-url: # Custom assets # Add your own custom assets, that are files relatives to $opengist-home/custom/ custom.logo: custom.favicon: # Static pages in footer (like legal notices, privacy policy, etc.) # The path can be a URL or a relative path to a file in the $opengist-home/custom/ directory custom.static-links: # - name: Gitea # path: https://gitea.com # - name: Legal notices # path: legal.html