| git.default-branch | OG_GIT_DEFAULT_BRANCH | none | Default branch name used by Opengist when initializing Git repositories. If not set, uses the Git default branch name. More info [here](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-First-Time-Git-Setup#_new_default_branch) |
| sqlite.journal-mode | OG_SQLITE_JOURNAL_MODE | `WAL` | Set the journal mode for SQLite. More info [here](https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_journal_mode) |
| http.host | OG_HTTP_HOST | `` | The host on which the HTTP server should bind. |
| http.port | OG_HTTP_PORT | `6157` | The port on which the HTTP server should listen. |
| http.git-enabled | OG_HTTP_GIT_ENABLED | `true` | Enable or disable git operations (clone, pull, push) via HTTP. (`true` or `false`) |
| ssh.git-enabled | OG_SSH_GIT_ENABLED | `true` | Enable or disable git operations (clone, pull, push) via SSH. (`true` or `false`) |
| ssh.host | OG_SSH_HOST | `` | The host on which the SSH server should bind. |
| ssh.port | OG_SSH_PORT | `2222` | The port on which the SSH server should listen. |
| ssh.external-domain | OG_SSH_EXTERNAL_DOMAIN | none | Public domain for the Git SSH connection, if it has to be different from the HTTP one. If not set, uses the URL from the request. |
| ssh.keygen-executable | OG_SSH_KEYGEN_EXECUTABLE | `ssh-keygen` | Path to the SSH key generation executable. |
| github.client-key | OG_GITHUB_CLIENT_KEY | none | The client key for the GitHub OAuth application. |
| github.secret | OG_GITHUB_SECRET | none | The secret for the GitHub OAuth application. |
| gitlab.client-key | OG_GITLAB_CLIENT_KEY | none | The client key for the GitLab OAuth application. |
| gitlab.secret | OG_GITLAB_SECRET | none | The secret for the GitLab OAuth application. |
| gitlab.url | OG_GITLAB_URL | `https://gitlab.com/` | The URL of the GitLab instance. |