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mirror of https://code.mensbeam.com/MensBeam/Arsse.git synced 2025-01-11 02:12:40 +00:00
J. King d379aa2253 Document that we actually emulate Miniflux 2.0.29
At the time The Arsse 0.9.0 was released the new feature in 2.0.29 was
already implemented, but that version of Miniflux had not been released.
2022-03-14 13:16:46 -04:00

1206 lines
53 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\Miniflux;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Arsse;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Feed;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\ExceptionType;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Feed\Exception as FeedException;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\AbstractException;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Context\Context;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\ExceptionInput;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\ImportExport\OPML;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\ImportExport\Exception as ImportException;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\Date;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\URL;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\ValueInfo as V;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\Exception;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Rule\Rule;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\User\ExceptionConflict;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\User\Exception as UserException;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\EmptyResponse;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse as Response;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\TextResponse as GenericResponse;
use Laminas\Diactoros\Uri;
class V1 extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\AbstractHandler {
public const VERSION = "2.0.29";
protected const ACCEPTED_TYPES_OPML = ["application/xml", "text/xml", "text/x-opml"];
protected const ACCEPTED_TYPES_JSON = ["application/json"];
protected const DEFAULT_ENTRY_LIMIT = 100;
protected const DEFAULT_ORDER_COL = "modified_date";
protected const DATE_FORMAT_SEC = "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP";
protected const DATE_FORMAT_MICRO = "Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uP";
protected const VALID_QUERY = [
'status' => V::T_STRING + V::M_ARRAY,
'offset' => V::T_INT,
'limit' => V::T_INT,
'order' => V::T_STRING,
'direction' => V::T_STRING,
'before' => V::T_DATE, // Unix timestamp
'after' => V::T_DATE, // Unix timestamp
'before_entry_id' => V::T_INT,
'after_entry_id' => V::T_INT,
'starred' => V::T_MIXED, // the presence of the starred key is the only thing considered by Miniflux
'search' => V::T_STRING,
'category_id' => V::T_INT,
protected const VALID_JSON = [
// user properties which map directly to Arsse user metadata are listed separately;
// not all these properties are used by our implementation, but they are treated
// with the same strictness as in Miniflux to ease cross-compatibility
'url' => "string",
'username' => "string",
'password' => "string",
'user_agent' => "string",
'title' => "string",
'feed_url' => "string",
'category_id' => "integer",
'crawler' => "boolean",
'user_agent' => "string",
'scraper_rules' => "string",
'rewrite_rules' => "string",
'keeplist_rules' => "string",
'blocklist_rules' => "string",
'disabled' => "boolean",
'ignore_http_cache' => "boolean",
'fetch_via_proxy' => "boolean",
'entry_ids' => "array", // this is a special case: it is an array of integers
'status' => "string",
protected const USER_META_MAP = [
// Miniflux ID // Arsse ID Default value
'is_admin' => ["admin", false],
'theme' => ["theme", "light_serif"],
'language' => ["lang", "en_US"],
'timezone' => ["tz", "UTC"],
'entry_sorting_direction' => ["sort_asc", false],
'entries_per_page' => ["page_size", 100],
'keyboard_shortcuts' => ["shortcuts", true],
'show_reading_time' => ["reading_time", true],
'entry_swipe' => ["swipe", true],
'stylesheet' => ["stylesheet", ""],
/** A map between Miniflux's input properties and our input properties when modifiying feeds
* Miniflux also allows changing the following properties:
* - feed_url
* - username
* - password
* - user_agent
* - scraper_rules
* - rewrite_rules
* - disabled
* - ignore_http_cache
* - fetch_via_proxy
* These either do not apply because we have no cache or proxy,
* or cannot be changed because feeds are deduplicated and changing
* how they are fetched is not practical with our implementation.
* The properties are still checked for type and syntactic validity
* where practical, on the assumption Miniflux would also reject
* invalid values.
protected const FEED_META_MAP = [
'title' => "title",
'category_id' => "folder",
'crawler' => "scrape",
'keeplist_rules' => "keep_rule",
'blocklist_rules' => "block_rule",
protected const ARTICLE_COLUMNS = [
"id", "url", "title", "subscription",
"author", "fingerprint",
"published_date", "modified_date",
"starred", "unread", "hidden",
"content", "media_url", "media_type",
protected const CALLS = [ // handler method Admin Path Body Query Required fields
'/categories' => [
'GET' => ["getCategories", false, false, false, false, []],
'POST' => ["createCategory", false, false, true, false, ["title"]],
'/categories/1' => [
'PUT' => ["updateCategory", false, true, true, false, ["title"]], // title is effectively required since no other field can be changed
'DELETE' => ["deleteCategory", false, true, false, false, []],
'/categories/1/entries' => [
'GET' => ["getCategoryEntries", false, true, false, true, []],
'/categories/1/entries/1' => [
'GET' => ["getCategoryEntry", false, true, false, false, []],
'/categories/1/feeds' => [
'GET' => ["getCategoryFeeds", false, true, false, false, []],
'/categories/1/mark-all-as-read' => [
'PUT' => ["markCategory", false, true, false, false, []],
'/discover' => [
'POST' => ["discoverSubscriptions", false, false, true, false, ["url"]],
'/entries' => [
'GET' => ["getEntries", false, false, false, true, []],
'PUT' => ["updateEntries", false, false, true, false, ["entry_ids", "status"]],
'/entries/1' => [
'GET' => ["getEntry", false, true, false, false, []],
'/entries/1/bookmark' => [
'PUT' => ["toggleEntryBookmark", false, true, false, false, []],
'/export' => [
'GET' => ["opmlExport", false, false, false, false, []],
'/feeds' => [
'GET' => ["getFeeds", false, false, false, false, []],
'POST' => ["createFeed", false, false, true, false, ["feed_url", "category_id"]],
'/feeds/1' => [
'GET' => ["getFeed", false, true, false, false, []],
'PUT' => ["updateFeed", false, true, true, false, []],
'DELETE' => ["deleteFeed", false, true, false, false, []],
'/feeds/1/entries' => [
'GET' => ["getFeedEntries", false, true, false, true, []],
'/feeds/1/entries/1' => [
'GET' => ["getFeedEntry", false, true, false, false, []],
'/feeds/1/icon' => [
'GET' => ["getFeedIcon", false, true, false, false, []],
'/feeds/1/mark-all-as-read' => [
'PUT' => ["markFeed", false, true, false, false, []],
'/feeds/1/refresh' => [
'PUT' => ["refreshFeed", false, true, false, false, []],
'/feeds/refresh' => [
'PUT' => ["refreshAllFeeds", false, false, false, false, []],
'/import' => [
'POST' => ["opmlImport", false, false, true, false, []],
'/me' => [
'GET' => ["getCurrentUser", false, false, false, false, []],
'/users' => [
'GET' => ["getUsers", true, false, false, false, []],
'POST' => ["createUser", true, false, true, false, ["username", "password"]],
'/users/1' => [
'GET' => ["getUserByNum", true, true, false, false, []],
'PUT' => ["updateUserByNum", false, true, true, false, []], // requires admin for users other than self
'DELETE' => ["deleteUserByNum", true, true, false, false, []],
'/users/1/mark-all-as-read' => [
'PUT' => ["markUserByNum", false, true, false, false, []],
'/users/*' => [
'GET' => ["getUserById", true, true, false, false, []],
public function __construct() {
protected function authenticate(ServerRequestInterface $req): bool {
// first check any tokens; this is what Miniflux does
if ($req->hasHeader("X-Auth-Token")) {
$t = $req->getHeader("X-Auth-Token")[0]; // consider only the first token
if (strlen($t)) { // and only if it is not blank
try {
$d = Arsse::$db->tokenLookup("miniflux.login", $t);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
return false;
Arsse::$user->id = $d['user'];
return true;
// next check HTTP auth
if ($req->getAttribute("authenticated", false)) {
Arsse::$user->id = $req->getAttribute("authenticatedUser");
return true;
return false;
public function dispatch(ServerRequestInterface $req): ResponseInterface {
// get the request path only; this is assumed to already be normalized
$target = parse_url($req->getRequestTarget(), \PHP_URL_PATH) ?? "";
$method = $req->getMethod();
// handle HTTP OPTIONS requests
if ($method === "OPTIONS") {
return $this->handleHTTPOptions($target);
// try to authenticate
if (!$this->authenticate($req)) {
return new ErrorResponse("401", 401);
$func = $this->chooseCall($target, $method);
if ($func instanceof ResponseInterface) {
return $func;
} else {
[$func, $reqAdmin, $reqPath, $reqBody, $reqQuery, $reqFields] = $func;
if ($reqAdmin && !$this->isAdmin()) {
return new ErrorResponse("403", 403);
$args = [];
if ($reqPath) {
$args[] = explode("/", ltrim($target, "/"));
if ($reqBody) {
if ($func === "opmlImport") {
$data = (string) $req->getBody();
} else {
$data = (string) $req->getBody();
if (strlen($data)) {
$data = @json_decode($data, true);
if (json_last_error() !== \JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
// if the body could not be parsed as JSON, return "400 Bad Request"
return new ErrorResponse(["InvalidBodyJSON", json_last_error_msg()], 400);
} else {
$data = [];
$data = $this->normalizeBody((array) $data, $reqFields);
if ($data instanceof ResponseInterface) {
return $data;
$args[] = $data;
if ($reqQuery) {
$query = $this->normalizeQuery(parse_url($req->getRequestTarget(), \PHP_URL_QUERY) ?? "");
if ($query instanceof ResponseInterface) {
return $query;
$args[] = $query;
try {
return $this->$func(...$args);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
} catch (Exception $e) {
// if there was a REST exception return 400
return new EmptyResponse(400);
} catch (AbstractException $e) {
// if there was any other Arsse exception return 500
return new EmptyResponse(500);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
protected function chooseCall(string $url, string $method) {
// // normalize the URL path: change any IDs to 1 for easier comparison
$url = $this->normalizePathIds($url);
// normalize the HTTP method to uppercase
$method = strtoupper($method);
// we now evaluate the supplied URL against every supported path for the selected scope
if (isset(self::CALLS[$url])) {
// if the path is supported, make sure the method is allowed
if (isset(self::CALLS[$url][$method])) {
// if it is allowed, return the object method to run, assuming the method exists
assert(method_exists($this, self::CALLS[$url][$method][0]), new \Exception("Method is not implemented"));
return self::CALLS[$url][$method];
} else {
// otherwise return 405
return new EmptyResponse(405, ['Allow' => implode(", ", array_keys(self::CALLS[$url]))]);
} else {
// if the path is not supported, return 404
return new EmptyResponse(404);
protected function normalizePathIds(string $url): string {
$path = explode("/", $url);
// any path components which are database IDs (integers greater than zero) should be replaced with "1", for easier comparison (we don't care about the specific ID)
for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($path); $a++) {
if (V::id($path[$a])) {
$path[$a] = "1";
// handle special case "Get User By User Name", which can have any non-numeric string, non-empty as the last component
if (sizeof($path) === 3 && $path[0] === "" && $path[1] === "users" && !preg_match("/^(?:\d+)?$/D", $path[2])) {
$path[2] = "*";
return implode("/", $path);
protected function normalizeBody(array $body, array $req) {
// Miniflux does not attempt to coerce values into different types
foreach (self::VALID_JSON as $k => $t) {
if (!isset($body[$k])) {
$body[$k] = null;
} elseif (gettype($body[$k]) !== $t) {
return new ErrorResponse(["InvalidInputType", 'field' => $k, 'expected' => $t, 'actual' => gettype($body[$k])], 422);
} elseif (
(in_array($k, ["keeplist_rules", "blocklist_rules"]) && !Rule::validate($body[$k]))
|| (in_array($k, ["url", "feed_url"]) && !URL::absolute($body[$k]))
|| ($k === "category_id" && $body[$k] < 1)
|| ($k === "status" && !in_array($body[$k], ["read", "unread", "removed"]))
) {
return new ErrorResponse(["InvalidInputValue", 'field' => $k], 422);
} elseif ($k === "entry_ids") {
foreach ($body[$k] as $v) {
if (gettype($v) !== "integer") {
return new ErrorResponse(["InvalidInputType", 'field' => $k, 'expected' => "integer", 'actual' => gettype($v)], 422);
} elseif ($v < 1) {
return new ErrorResponse(["InvalidInputValue", 'field' => $k], 422);
//normalize user-specific input
foreach (self::USER_META_MAP as $k => [,$d]) {
$t = gettype($d);
if (!isset($body[$k])) {
$body[$k] = null;
} elseif ($k === "entry_sorting_direction") {
if (!in_array($body[$k], ["asc", "desc"])) {
return new ErrorResponse(["InvalidInputValue", 'field' => $k], 422);
} elseif (gettype($body[$k]) !== $t) {
return new ErrorResponse(["InvalidInputType", 'field' => $k, 'expected' => $t, 'actual' => gettype($body[$k])], 422);
// check for any missing required values
foreach ($req as $k) {
if (!isset($body[$k]) || (is_array($body[$k]) && !$body[$k])) {
return new ErrorResponse(["MissingInputValue", 'field' => $k], 422);
return $body;
protected function normalizeQuery(string $query) {
// fill an array with all valid keys
$out = [];
$seen = [];
foreach (self::VALID_QUERY as $k => $t) {
$out[$k] = ($t >= V::M_ARRAY) ? [] : null;
$seen[$k] = false;
// split the query string and normalize the values to their correct types
foreach (explode("&", $query) as $parts) {
$parts = explode("=", $parts, 2);
$k = rawurldecode($parts[0]);
$v = (isset($parts[1])) ? rawurldecode($parts[1]) : "";
if (!isset(self::VALID_QUERY[$k])) {
// ignore unknown keys
$t = self::VALID_QUERY[$k] & ~V::M_ARRAY;
$a = self::VALID_QUERY[$k] >= V::M_ARRAY;
try {
if ($seen[$k] && !$a) {
// if the key has already been seen and it's not an array field, bail
// NOTE: Miniflux itself simply ignores duplicates entirely
return new ErrorResponse(["DuplicateInputValue", 'field' => $k], 400);
$seen[$k] = true;
if ($k === "starred") {
// the starred key is a special case in that Miniflux only considers the presence of the key
$out[$k] = true;
} elseif ($v === "") {
// if the value is empty we can discard the value, but subsequent values for the same non-array key are still considered duplicates
} elseif ($a) {
$out[$k][] = V::normalize($v, $t + V::M_STRICT, "unix");
} else {
$out[$k] = V::normalize($v, $t + V::M_STRICT, "unix");
} catch (ExceptionType $e) {
return new ErrorResponse(["InvalidInputValue", 'field' => $k], 400);
// perform additional validation
if (
(in_array($k, ["category_id", "before_entry_id", "after_entry_id"]) && $v < 1)
|| (in_array($k, ["limit", "offset"]) && $v < 0)
|| ($k === "direction" && !in_array($v, ["asc", "desc"]))
|| ($k === "order" && !in_array($v, ["id", "status", "published_at", "category_title", "category_id"]))
|| ($k === "status" && !in_array($v, ["read", "unread", "removed"]))
) {
return new ErrorResponse(["InvalidInputValue", 'field' => $k], 400);
return $out;
protected function handleHTTPOptions(string $url): ResponseInterface {
// normalize the URL path: change any IDs to 1 for easier comparison
$url = $this->normalizePathIDs($url);
if (isset(self::CALLS[$url])) {
// if the path is supported, respond with the allowed methods and other metadata
$allowed = array_keys(self::CALLS[$url]);
// if GET is allowed, so is HEAD
if (in_array("GET", $allowed)) {
array_unshift($allowed, "HEAD");
return new EmptyResponse(204, [
'Allow' => implode(", ", $allowed),
'Accept' => implode(", ", $url === "/import" ? self::ACCEPTED_TYPES_OPML : self::ACCEPTED_TYPES_JSON),
} else {
// if the path is not supported, return 404
return new EmptyResponse(404);
protected function listUsers(array $users, bool $reportMissing): array {
$out = [];
$now = Date::transform($this->now(), "iso8601m");
foreach ($users as $u) {
try {
$info = Arsse::$user->propertiesGet($u, true);
} catch (UserException $e) {
if ($reportMissing) {
throw $e;
} else {
$entry = [
'id' => $info['num'],
'username' => $u,
'last_login_at' => $now,
'google_id' => "",
'openid_connect_id' => "",
foreach (self::USER_META_MAP as $ext => [$int, $default]) {
$entry[$ext] = $info[$int] ?? $default;
$entry['entry_sorting_direction'] = ($entry['entry_sorting_direction']) ? "asc" : "desc";
$out[] = $entry;
return $out;
protected function editUser(string $user, array $data): array {
// map Miniflux properties to internal metadata properties
$in = [];
foreach (self::USER_META_MAP as $i => [$o]) {
if (isset($data[$i])) {
if ($i === "entry_sorting_direction") {
$in[$o] = $data[$i] === "asc";
} else {
$in[$o] = $data[$i];
// make any requested changes
$tr = Arsse::$user->begin();
if ($in) {
Arsse::$user->propertiesSet($user, $in);
// read out the newly-modified user and commit the changes
$out = $this->listUsers([$user], true)[0];
// add the input password if a password change was requested
if (isset($data['password'])) {
$out['password'] = $data['password'];
return $out;
protected function discoverSubscriptions(array $data): ResponseInterface {
try {
$list = Feed::discoverAll((string) $data['url'], (string) $data['username'], (string) $data['password']);
} catch (FeedException $e) {
$msg = [
10502 => "Fetch404",
10506 => "Fetch403",
10507 => "Fetch401",
10521 => "Fetch404",
][$e->getCode()] ?? "FetchOther";
return new ErrorResponse($msg, 502);
$out = [];
foreach ($list as $url) {
// TODO: This needs to be refined once PicoFeed is replaced
$out[] = ['title' => "Feed", 'type' => "rss", 'url' => $url];
return new Response($out);
protected function getUsers(): ResponseInterface {
$tr = Arsse::$user->begin();
return new Response($this->listUsers(Arsse::$user->list(), false));
protected function getUserById(array $path): ResponseInterface {
try {
return new Response($this->listUsers([$path[1]], true)[0] ?? new \stdClass);
} catch (UserException $e) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
protected function getUserByNum(array $path): ResponseInterface {
try {
$user = Arsse::$user->lookup((int) $path[1]);
return new Response($this->listUsers([$user], true)[0] ?? new \stdClass);
} catch (UserException $e) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
protected function getCurrentUser(): ResponseInterface {
return new Response($this->listUsers([Arsse::$user->id], false)[0] ?? new \stdClass);
protected function createUser(array $data): ResponseInterface {
try {
$tr = Arsse::$user->begin();
$data['password'] = Arsse::$user->add($data['username'], $data['password']);
$out = $this->editUser($data['username'], $data);
} catch (UserException $e) {
switch ($e->getCode()) {
case 10403:
return new ErrorResponse(["DuplicateUser", 'user' => $data['username']], 409);
case 10441:
return new ErrorResponse(["InvalidInputValue", 'field' => "timezone"], 422);
case 10443:
return new ErrorResponse(["InvalidInputValue", 'field' => "entries_per_page"], 422);
case 10444:
return new ErrorResponse(["InvalidInputValue", 'field' => "username"], 422);
throw $e; // @codeCoverageIgnore
return new Response($out, 201);
protected function updateUserByNum(array $path, array $data): ResponseInterface {
// this function is restricted to admins unless the affected user and calling user are the same
$user = Arsse::$user->propertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, false);
if (((int) $path[1]) === $user['num']) {
if ($data['is_admin'] && !$user['admin']) {
// non-admins should not be able to set themselves as admin
return new ErrorResponse("InvalidElevation", 403);
$user = Arsse::$user->id;
} elseif (!$user['admin']) {
return new ErrorResponse("403", 403);
} else {
try {
$user = Arsse::$user->lookup((int) $path[1]);
} catch (ExceptionConflict $e) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
// make any requested changes
try {
$tr = Arsse::$user->begin();
if (isset($data['username'])) {
Arsse::$user->rename($user, $data['username']);
$user = $data['username'];
if (isset($data['password'])) {
Arsse::$user->passwordSet($user, $data['password']);
$out = $this->editUser($user, $data);
} catch (UserException $e) {
switch ($e->getCode()) {
case 10403:
return new ErrorResponse(["DuplicateUser", 'user' => $data['username']], 409);
case 10441:
return new ErrorResponse(["InvalidInputValue", 'field' => "timezone"], 422);
case 10443:
return new ErrorResponse(["InvalidInputValue", 'field' => "entries_per_page"], 422);
case 10444:
return new ErrorResponse(["InvalidInputValue", 'field' => "username"], 422);
throw $e; // @codeCoverageIgnore
return new Response($out, 201);
protected function deleteUserByNum(array $path): ResponseInterface {
try {
Arsse::$user->remove(Arsse::$user->lookup((int) $path[1]));
} catch (ExceptionConflict $e) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
return new EmptyResponse(204);
/** Returns a useful subset of user metadata
* The following keys are included:
* - "num": The user's numeric ID,
* - "root": The effective name of the root folder
protected function userMeta(string $user): array {
$meta = Arsse::$user->propertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, false);
return [
'num' => $meta['num'],
'root' => $meta['root_folder_name'] ?? Arsse::$lang->msg("API.Miniflux.DefaultCategoryName"),
'tz' => new \DateTimeZone($meta['tz'] ?? "UTC"),
protected function getCategories(): ResponseInterface {
$out = [];
// add the root folder as a category
$meta = $this->userMeta(Arsse::$user->id);
$out[] = ['id' => 1, 'title' => $meta['root'], 'user_id' => $meta['num']];
// add other top folders as categories
foreach (Arsse::$db->folderList(Arsse::$user->id, null, false) as $f) {
// always add 1 to the ID since the root folder will always be 1 instead of 0.
$out[] = ['id' => $f['id'] + 1, 'title' => $f['name'], 'user_id' => $meta['num']];
return new Response($out);
protected function createCategory(array $data): ResponseInterface {
try {
$id = Arsse::$db->folderAdd(Arsse::$user->id, ['name' => (string) $data['title']]);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
if ($e->getCode() === 10236) {
return new ErrorResponse(["DuplicateCategory", 'title' => $data['title']], 409);
} else {
return new ErrorResponse(["InvalidCategory", 'title' => $data['title']], 422);
$meta = Arsse::$user->propertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, false);
return new Response(['id' => $id + 1, 'title' => $data['title'], 'user_id' => $meta['num']], 201);
protected function updateCategory(array $path, array $data): ResponseInterface {
// category IDs in Miniflux are always greater than 1; we have folder 0, so we decrement category IDs by 1 to get the folder ID
$folder = $path[1] - 1;
$title = $data['title'] ?? "";
try {
if ($folder === 0) {
// folder 0 doesn't actually exist in the database, so its name is kept as user metadata
if (!strlen(trim($title))) {
throw new ExceptionInput("whitespace");
$title = Arsse::$user->propertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, ['root_folder_name' => $title])['root_folder_name'];
} else {
Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, $folder, ['name' => $title]);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
if ($e->getCode() === 10236) {
return new ErrorResponse(["DuplicateCategory", 'title' => $title], 409);
} elseif (in_array($e->getCode(), [10237, 10239])) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
} else {
return new ErrorResponse(["InvalidCategory", 'title' => $title], 422);
$meta = Arsse::$user->propertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, false);
return new Response(['id' => (int) $path[1], 'title' => $title, 'user_id' => $meta['num']], 201);
protected function deleteCategory(array $path): ResponseInterface {
try {
$folder = $path[1] - 1;
if ($folder !== 0) {
Arsse::$db->folderRemove(Arsse::$user->id, $folder);
} else {
// if we're deleting from the root folder, delete each child subscription individually
// otherwise we'd be deleting the entire tree
$tr = Arsse::$db->begin();
foreach (Arsse::$db->subscriptionList(Arsse::$user->id, null, false) as $sub) {
Arsse::$db->subscriptionRemove(Arsse::$user->id, (int) $sub['id']);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
return new EmptyResponse(204);
protected function transformFeed(array $sub, int $uid, string $rootName, \DateTimeZone $tz): array {
$url = new Uri($sub['url']);
return [
'id' => (int) $sub['id'],
'user_id' => $uid,
'feed_url' => (string) $url->withUserInfo(""),
'site_url' => (string) $sub['source'],
'title' => (string) $sub['title'],
'checked_at' => Date::normalize($sub['updated'], "sql")->setTimezone($tz)->format(self::DATE_FORMAT_MICRO),
'next_check_at' => $sub['next_fetch'] ? Date::normalize($sub['next_fetch'], "sql")->setTimezone($tz)->format(self::DATE_FORMAT_MICRO) : "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
'etag_header' => (string) $sub['etag'],
'last_modified_header' => (string) Date::transform($sub['edited'], "http", "sql"),
'parsing_error_message' => (string) $sub['err_msg'],
'parsing_error_count' => (int) $sub['err_count'],
'scraper_rules' => "",
'rewrite_rules' => "",
'crawler' => (bool) $sub['scrape'],
'blocklist_rules' => (string) $sub['block_rule'],
'keeplist_rules' => (string) $sub['keep_rule'],
'user_agent' => "",
'username' => rawurldecode(explode(":", $url->getUserInfo(), 2)[0] ?? ""),
'password' => rawurldecode(explode(":", $url->getUserInfo(), 2)[1] ?? ""),
'disabled' => false,
'ignore_http_cache' => false,
'fetch_via_proxy' => false,
'category' => [
'id' => (int) $sub['top_folder'] + 1,
'title' => $sub['top_folder_name'] ?? $rootName,
'user_id' => $uid,
'icon' => $sub['icon_id'] ? ['feed_id' => (int) $sub['id'], 'icon_id' => (int) $sub['icon_id']] : null,
protected function getFeeds(): ResponseInterface {
$out = [];
$tr = Arsse::$db->begin();
$meta = $this->userMeta(Arsse::$user->id);
foreach (Arsse::$db->subscriptionList(Arsse::$user->id) as $r) {
$out[] = $this->transformFeed($r, $meta['num'], $meta['root'], $meta['tz']);
return new Response($out);
protected function getCategoryFeeds(array $path): ResponseInterface {
// transform the category number into a folder number by subtracting one
$folder = ((int) $path[1]) - 1;
// unless the folder is root, list recursive
$recursive = $folder > 0;
$out = [];
$tr = Arsse::$db->begin();
// get the list of subscriptions, or bail
try {
$meta = $this->userMeta(Arsse::$user->id);
foreach (Arsse::$db->subscriptionList(Arsse::$user->id, $folder, $recursive) as $r) {
$out[] = $this->transformFeed($r, $meta['num'], $meta['root'], $meta['tz']);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
// the folder does not exist
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
return new Response($out);
protected function getFeed(array $path): ResponseInterface {
$tr = Arsse::$db->begin();
$meta = $this->userMeta(Arsse::$user->id);
try {
$sub = Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, (int) $path[1]);
return new Response($this->transformFeed($sub, $meta['num'], $meta['root'], $meta['tz']));
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
protected function createFeed(array $data): ResponseInterface {
try {
Arsse::$db->feedAdd($data['feed_url'], (string) $data['username'], (string) $data['password'], false, (bool) $data['crawler']);
$tr = Arsse::$db->begin();
$id = Arsse::$db->subscriptionAdd(Arsse::$user->id, $data['feed_url'], (string) $data['username'], (string) $data['password'], false, (bool) $data['crawler']);
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, $id, ['folder' => $data['category_id'] - 1, 'scrape' => (bool) $data['crawler']]);
if (strlen($data['keeplist_rules'] ?? "") || strlen($data['blocklist_rules'] ?? "")) {
// we do rules separately so as not to tie up the database
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, $id, ['keep_rule' => $data['keeplist_rules'], 'block_rule' => $data['blocklist_rules']]);
} catch (FeedException $e) {
$msg = [
10502 => "Fetch404",
10506 => "Fetch403",
10507 => "Fetch401",
10521 => "Fetch404",
10522 => "FetchFormat",
][$e->getCode()] ?? "FetchOther";
return new ErrorResponse($msg, 502);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
switch ($e->getCode()) {
case 10235:
return new ErrorResponse("MissingCategory", 422);
case 10236:
return new ErrorResponse("DuplicateFeed", 409);
return new Response(['feed_id' => $id], 201);
protected function updateFeed(array $path, array $data): ResponseInterface {
$in = [];
foreach (self::FEED_META_MAP as $from => $to) {
if (isset($data[$from])) {
$in[$to] = $data[$from];
if (isset($in['folder'])) {
$in['folder'] -= 1;
try {
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, (int) $path[1], $in);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
switch ($e->getCode()) {
case 10231:
case 10232:
return new ErrorResponse("InvalidTitle", 422);
case 10235:
return new ErrorResponse("MissingCategory", 422);
case 10239:
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
return $this->getFeed($path)->withStatus(201);
protected function deleteFeed(array $path): ResponseInterface {
try {
Arsse::$db->subscriptionRemove(Arsse::$user->id, (int) $path[1]);
return new EmptyResponse(204);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
protected function getFeedIcon(array $path): ResponseInterface {
try {
$icon = Arsse::$db->subscriptionIcon(Arsse::$user->id, (int) $path[1]);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
if (!$icon || !$icon['type'] || !$icon['data']) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
return new Response([
'id' => (int) $icon['id'],
'data' => $icon['type'].";base64,".base64_encode($icon['data']),
'mime_type' => $icon['type'],
protected function computeContext(array $query, Context $c = null): Context {
if ($query['before'] && $query['before']->getTimestamp() === 0) {
$query['before'] = null; // NOTE: This workaround is needed for compatibility with "Microflux for Miniflux", an Android Client
$c = ($c ?? new Context)
->limit($query['limit'] ?? self::DEFAULT_ENTRY_LIMIT) // NOTE: This does not honour user preferences
->modifiedSince($query['after']) // FIXME: This may not be the correct date field
->oldestArticle($query['after_entry_id'] ? $query['after_entry_id'] + 1 : null) // FIXME: This might be edition
->latestArticle($query['before_entry_id'] ? $query['before_entry_id'] - 1 : null)
->searchTerms(strlen($query['search'] ?? "") ? preg_split("/\s+/", $query['search']) : null); // NOTE: Miniflux matches only whole words; we match simple substrings
if ($query['category_id']) {
if ($query['category_id'] === 1) {
} else {
$c->folder($query['category_id'] - 1);
// FIXME: specifying e.g. ?status=read&status=removed should yield all hidden articles and all read articles, but the best we can do is all read articles which are or are not hidden
$status = array_unique($query['status']);
if ($status === ["read", "removed"]) {
} elseif ($status === ["read", "unread"]) {
} elseif ($status === ["read"]) {
} elseif ($status === ["removed", "unread"]) {
} elseif ($status === ["removed"]) {
} elseif ($status === ["unread"]) {
return $c;
protected function computeOrder(array $query): array {
$desc = $query['direction'] === "desc" ? " desc" : "";
if ($query['order'] === "id") {
return ["id".$desc];
} elseif ($query['order'] === "status") {
if (!$desc) {
return ["hidden", "unread desc"];
} else {
return ["hidden desc", "unread"];
} elseif ($query['order'] === "published_at") {
return ["modified_date".$desc];
} elseif ($query['order'] === "category_title") {
return ["top_folder_name".$desc];
} elseif ($query['order'] === "category_id") {
return ["top_folder".$desc];
} else {
return [self::DEFAULT_ORDER_COL.$desc];
protected function transformEntry(array $entry, int $uid, \DateTimeZone $tz): array {
if ($entry['hidden']) {
$status = "removed";
} elseif ($entry['unread']) {
$status = "unread";
} else {
$status = "read";
if ($entry['media_url']) {
$enclosures = [
'id' => (int) $entry['id'], // NOTE: We don't have IDs for enclosures, but we also only have one enclosure per entry, so we can just re-use the same ID
'user_id' => $uid,
'entry_id' => (int) $entry['id'],
'url' => $entry['media_url'],
'mime_type' => $entry['media_type'] ?: "application/octet-stream",
'size' => 0,
} else {
$enclosures = null;
return [
'id' => (int) $entry['id'],
'user_id' => $uid,
'feed_id' => (int) $entry['subscription'],
'status' => $status,
'hash' => $entry['fingerprint'],
'title' => $entry['title'],
'url' => $entry['url'],
'comments_url' => "",
'published_at' => Date::normalize($entry['published_date'], "sql")->setTimezone($tz)->format(self::DATE_FORMAT_SEC),
'created_at' => Date::normalize($entry['modified_date'], "sql")->setTimezone($tz)->format(self::DATE_FORMAT_MICRO),
'content' => $entry['content'],
'author' => (string) $entry['author'],
'share_code' => "",
'starred' => (bool) $entry['starred'],
'reading_time' => 0,
'enclosures' => $enclosures,
'feed' => null,
protected function listEntries(array $query, Context $c): array {
$c = $this->computeContext($query, $c);
$order = $this->computeOrder($query);
$tr = Arsse::$db->begin();
$meta = $this->userMeta(Arsse::$user->id);
// compile the list of entries
$out = [];
foreach (Arsse::$db->articleList(Arsse::$user->id, $c, self::ARTICLE_COLUMNS, $order) as $entry) {
$out[] = $this->transformEntry($entry, $meta['num'], $meta['tz']);
// next compile a map of feeds to add to the entries
if ($out) {
$feeds = [];
foreach (Arsse::$db->subscriptionList(Arsse::$user->id) as $r) {
$feeds[(int) $r['id']] = $this->transformFeed($r, $meta['num'], $meta['root'], $meta['tz']);
// add the feed objects to each entry
// NOTE: If ever we implement multiple enclosure, this would be the right place to add them
for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($out); $a++) {
$out[$a]['feed'] = $feeds[$out[$a]['feed_id']];
// finally compute the total number of entries match the query, where necessary
$count = sizeof($out);
if ($c->offset || ($c->limit && $count >= $c->limit)) {
$count = Arsse::$db->articleCount(Arsse::$user->id, (clone $c)->limit(0)->offset(0));
return ['total' => $count, 'entries' => $out];
protected function findEntry(int $id, Context $c = null): array {
$c = ($c ?? new Context)->article($id);
$tr = Arsse::$db->begin();
$meta = $this->userMeta(Arsse::$user->id);
// find the entry we want
$entry = Arsse::$db->articleList(Arsse::$user->id, $c, self::ARTICLE_COLUMNS)->getRow();
if (!$entry) {
throw new ExceptionInput("idMissing");
$out = $this->transformEntry($entry, $meta['num'], $meta['tz']);
// next transform the parent feed of the entry
$out['feed'] = $this->transformFeed(Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, $out['feed_id']), $meta['num'], $meta['root'], $meta['tz']);
return $out;
protected function getEntries(array $query): ResponseInterface {
try {
return new Response($this->listEntries($query, new Context));
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
return new ErrorResponse("MissingCategory", 400);
protected function getFeedEntries(array $path, array $query): ResponseInterface {
$c = (new Context)->subscription((int) $path[1]);
try {
return new Response($this->listEntries($query, $c));
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
// FIXME: this should differentiate between a missing feed and a missing category, but doesn't
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
protected function getCategoryEntries(array $path, array $query): ResponseInterface {
$query['category_id'] = (int) $path[1];
try {
return new Response($this->listEntries($query, new Context));
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
protected function getEntry(array $path): ResponseInterface {
try {
return new Response($this->findEntry((int) $path[1]));
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
protected function getFeedEntry(array $path): ResponseInterface {
$c = (new Context)->subscription((int) $path[1]);
try {
return new Response($this->findEntry((int) $path[3], $c));
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
protected function getCategoryEntry(array $path): ResponseInterface {
$c = new Context;
if ($path[1] === "1") {
} else {
$c->folder((int) $path[1] - 1);
try {
return new Response($this->findEntry((int) $path[3], $c));
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
protected function updateEntries(array $data): ResponseInterface {
if ($data['status'] === "read") {
$in = ['read' => true, 'hidden' => false];
} elseif ($data['status'] === "unread") {
$in = ['read' => false, 'hidden' => false];
} elseif ($data['status'] === "removed") {
$in = ['read' => true, 'hidden' => true];
assert(isset($in), new \Exception("Unknown status specified"));
Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, $in, (new Context)->articles($data['entry_ids']));
return new EmptyResponse(204);
protected function massRead(Context $c): void {
Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['read' => true], $c->hidden(false));
protected function markUserByNum(array $path): ResponseInterface {
// this function is restricted to the logged-in user
$user = Arsse::$user->propertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, false);
if (((int) $path[1]) !== $user['num']) {
return new ErrorResponse("403", 403);
$this->massRead(new Context);
return new EmptyResponse(204);
protected function markFeed(array $path): ResponseInterface {
try {
$this->massRead((new Context)->subscription((int) $path[1]));
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
return new EmptyResponse(204);
protected function markCategory(array $path): ResponseInterface {
$folder = $path[1] - 1;
$c = new Context;
if ($folder === 0) {
// if we're marking the root folder don't also mark its child folders, since Miniflux organizes it as a peer of other folders
} else {
try {
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
return new EmptyResponse(204);
protected function toggleEntryBookmark(array $path): ResponseInterface {
// NOTE: A toggle is bad design, but we have no choice but to implement what Miniflux does
$id = (int) $path[1];
$c = (new Context)->article($id);
try {
$tr = Arsse::$db->begin();
if (Arsse::$db->articleCount(Arsse::$user->id, (clone $c)->starred(false))) {
Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['starred' => true], $c);
} else {
Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['starred' => false], $c);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
return new EmptyResponse(204);
protected function refreshFeed(array $path): ResponseInterface {
// NOTE: This is a no-op; we simply check that the feed exists
try {
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, (int) $path[1]);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
return new ErrorResponse("404", 404);
return new EmptyResponse(204);
protected function refreshAllFeeds(): ResponseInterface {
// NOTE: This is a no-op
// It could be implemented, but the need is considered low since we use a dynamic schedule always
return new EmptyResponse(204);
protected function opmlImport(string $data): ResponseInterface {
try {
Arsse::$obj->get(OPML::class)->import(Arsse::$user->id, $data);
} catch (ImportException $e) {
switch ($e->getCode()) {
case 10611:
return new ErrorResponse("InvalidBodyXML", 400);
case 10612:
return new ErrorResponse("InvalidBodyOPML", 422);
case 10613:
return new ErrorResponse("InvalidImportCategory", 422);
case 10614:
return new ErrorResponse("DuplicateImportCategory", 422);
case 10615:
return new ErrorResponse("InvalidImportLabel", 422);
} catch (FeedException $e) {
return new ErrorResponse(["FailedImportFeed", 'url' => $e->getParams()['url'], 'code' => $e->getCode()], 502);
return new Response(['message' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.Miniflux.ImportSuccess")]);
protected function opmlExport(): ResponseInterface {
return new GenericResponse(Arsse::$obj->get(OPML::class)->export(Arsse::$user->id), 200, ['Content-Type' => "application/xml"]);