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-- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-- Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
-- See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details
create table arsse_meta(
-- application metadata
key text primary key not null, -- metadata key
value text -- metadata value, serialized as a string
create table arsse_users(
-- users
id text primary key not null, -- user id
password text, -- password, salted and hashed; if using external authentication this would be blank
name text, -- display name
avatar_type text, -- internal avatar image's MIME content type
avatar_data blob, -- internal avatar image's binary data
admin boolean default 0, -- whether the user is a member of the special "admin" group
rights integer not null default 0 -- temporary admin-rights marker
create table arsse_users_meta(
-- extra user metadata (not currently used and will be removed)
owner text not null references arsse_users(id) on delete cascade on update cascade,
key text not null,
value text,
primary key(owner,key)
create table arsse_folders(
-- folders, used by Nextcloud News and Tiny Tiny RSS
-- feed subscriptions may belong to at most one folder;
-- in Tiny Tiny RSS folders may nest
id integer primary key, -- sequence number
owner text not null references arsse_users(id) on delete cascade on update cascade, -- owner of folder
parent integer references arsse_folders(id) on delete cascade, -- parent folder id
name text not null, -- folder name
modified text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- time at which the folder itself (not its contents) was changed; not currently used
unique(owner,name,parent) -- cannot have multiple folders with the same name under the same parent for the same owner
create table arsse_feeds(
-- newsfeeds, deduplicated
-- users have subscriptions to these feeds in another table
id integer primary key, -- sequence number
url text not null, -- URL of feed
title text, -- default title of feed (users can set the title of their subscription to the feed)
favicon text, -- URL of favicon
source text, -- URL of site to which the feed belongs
updated text, -- time at which the feed was last fetched
modified text, -- time at which the feed last actually changed
next_fetch text, -- time at which the feed should next be fetched
orphaned text, -- time at which the feed last had no subscriptions
etag text not null default '', -- HTTP ETag hash used for cache validation, changes each time the content changes
err_count integer not null default 0, -- count of successive times update resulted in error since last successful update
err_msg text, -- last error message
username text not null default '', -- HTTP authentication username
password text not null default '', -- HTTP authentication password (this is stored in plain text)
size integer not null default 0, -- number of articles in the feed at last fetch
scrape boolean not null default 0, -- whether to use picoFeed's content scraper with this feed
unique(url,username,password) -- a URL with particular credentials should only appear once
create table arsse_subscriptions(
-- users' subscriptions to newsfeeds, with settings
id integer primary key, -- sequence number
owner text not null references arsse_users(id) on delete cascade on update cascade, -- owner of subscription
feed integer not null references arsse_feeds(id) on delete cascade, -- feed for the subscription
added text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- time at which feed was added
modified text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- time at which subscription properties were last modified
title text, -- user-supplied title
order_type int not null default 0, -- Nextcloud sort order
pinned boolean not null default 0, -- whether feed is pinned (always sorts at top)
folder integer references arsse_folders(id) on delete cascade, -- TT-RSS category (nestable); the first-level category (which acts as Nextcloud folder) is joined in when needed
unique(owner,feed) -- a given feed should only appear once for a given owner
create table arsse_articles(
-- entries in newsfeeds
id integer primary key, -- sequence number
feed integer not null references arsse_feeds(id) on delete cascade, -- feed for the subscription
url text, -- URL of article
title text, -- article title
author text, -- author's name
published text, -- time of original publication
edited text, -- time of last edit by author
modified text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- time when article was last modified in database
content text, -- content, as (X)HTML
guid text, -- GUID
url_title_hash text not null, -- hash of URL + title; used when checking for updates and for identification if there is no guid.
url_content_hash text not null, -- hash of URL + content, enclosure URL, & content type; used when checking for updates and for identification if there is no guid.
title_content_hash text not null -- hash of title + content, enclosure URL, & content type; used when checking for updates and for identification if there is no guid.
create table arsse_enclosures(
-- enclosures (attachments) associated with articles
article integer not null references arsse_articles(id) on delete cascade, -- article to which the enclosure belongs
url text, -- URL of the enclosure
type text -- content-type (MIME type) of the enclosure
create table arsse_marks(
article integer not null references arsse_articles(id) on delete cascade, -- article associated with the marks
subscription integer not null references arsse_subscriptions(id) on delete cascade on update cascade, -- subscription associated with the marks; the subscription in turn belongs to a user
read boolean not null default 0, -- whether the article has been read
starred boolean not null default 0, -- whether the article is starred
modified text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- time at which an article was last modified by a given user
primary key(article,subscription) -- no more than one mark-set per article per user
create table arsse_editions(
-- IDs for specific editions of articles (required for at least Nextcloud News)
-- every time an article is updated by its author, a new unique edition number is assigned
-- with Nextcloud News this prevents users from marking as read an article which has been
-- updated since the client state was last refreshed
id integer primary key, -- sequence number
article integer not null references arsse_articles(id) on delete cascade, -- the article of which this is an edition
modified datetime not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP -- tiem at which the edition was modified (practically, when it was created)
create table arsse_categories(
-- author categories associated with newsfeed entries
-- these are not user-modifiable
article integer not null references arsse_articles(id) on delete cascade, -- article associated with the category
name text -- freeform name of the category
-- set version marker
pragma user_version = 1;
insert into arsse_meta("key",value) values('schema_version','1');