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/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\ImportExport;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Arsse;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Database;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\ExceptionInput as InputException;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\User\Exception as UserException;
abstract class AbstractImportExport {
public function import(string $user, string $data, bool $flat = false, bool $replace = false): bool {
if (!Arsse::$user->exists($user)) {
throw new UserException("doesNotExist", ["action" => __FUNCTION__, "user" => $user]);
// first extract useful information from the input
[$feeds, $folders] = $this->parse($data, $flat);
$folderMap = [];
foreach ($folders as $f) {
// check to make sure folder names are all valid
if (!strlen(trim($f['name']))) {
throw new Exception("invalidFolderName");
// check for duplicates
if (!isset($folderMap[$f['parent']])) {
$folderMap[$f['parent']] = [];
if (isset($folderMap[$f['parent']][$f['name']])) {
throw new Exception("invalidFolderCopy");
} else {
$folderMap[$f['parent']][$f['name']] = true;
// get feed IDs for each URL, adding feeds where necessary
foreach ($feeds as $k => $f) {
$feeds[$k]['id'] = Arsse::$db->feedAdd(($f['url']));
// start a transaction for atomic rollback
$tr = Arsse::$db->begin();
// get current state of database
$foldersDb = iterator_to_array(Arsse::$db->folderList($user));
$feedsDb = iterator_to_array(Arsse::$db->subscriptionList($user));
$tagsDb = iterator_to_array(Arsse::$db->tagList($user));
// reconcile folders
$folderMap = [0 => 0];
foreach ($folders as $id => $f) {
$parent = $folderMap[$f['parent']];
// find a match for the import folder in the existing folders
foreach ($foldersDb as $db) {
if ((int) $db['parent'] == $parent && $db['name'] === $f['name']) {
$folderMap[$id] = (int) $db['id'];
if (!isset($folderMap[$id])) {
// if no existing folder exists, add one
$folderMap[$id] = Arsse::$db->folderAdd($user, ['name' => $f['name'], 'parent' => $parent]);
// process newsfeed subscriptions
$feedMap = [];
$tagMap = [];
foreach ($feeds as $f) {
$folder = $folderMap[$f['folder']];
$title = strlen(trim($f['title'])) ? $f['title'] : null;
$found = false;
// find a match for the import feed is existing subscriptions
foreach ($feedsDb as $db) {
if ((int) $db['feed'] == $f['id']) {
$found = true;
$feedMap[$f['id']] = (int) $db['id'];
if (!$found) {
// if no subscription exists, add one
$feedMap[$f['id']] = Arsse::$db->subscriptionAdd($user, $f['url']);
if (!$found || $replace) {
// set the subscription's properties, if this is a new feed or we're doing a full replacement
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet($user, $feedMap[$f['id']], ['title' => $title, 'folder' => $folder]);
// compile the set of used tags, if this is a new feed or we're doing a full replacement
foreach ($f['tags'] as $t) {
if (!strlen(trim($t))) {
// fail if we have any blank tags
throw new Exception("invalidTagName");
if (!isset($tagMap[$t])) {
// populate the tag map
$tagMap[$t] = [];
$tagMap[$t][] = $f['id'];
// set tags
$mode = $replace ? Database::ASSOC_REPLACE : Database::ASSOC_ADD;
foreach ($tagMap as $tag => $subs) {
// make sure the tag exists
$found = false;
foreach ($tagsDb as $db) {
if ($tag === $db['name']) {
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
// add the tag if it wasn't found
Arsse::$db->tagAdd($user, ['name' => $tag]);
Arsse::$db->tagSubscriptionsSet($user, $tag, $subs, $mode, true);
// finally, if we're performing a replacement, delete any subscriptions, folders, or tags which were not present in the import
if ($replace) {
foreach (array_diff(array_column($feedsDb, "id"), $feedMap) as $id) {
try {
Arsse::$db->subscriptionRemove($user, $id);
} catch (InputException $e) { // @codeCoverageIgnore
// ignore errors
foreach (array_diff(array_column($foldersDb, "id"), $folderMap) as $id) {
try {
Arsse::$db->folderRemove($user, $id);
} catch (InputException $e) { // @codeCoverageIgnore
// ignore errors
foreach (array_diff(array_column($tagsDb, "name"), array_keys($tagMap)) as $id) {
try {
Arsse::$db->tagRemove($user, $id, true);
} catch (InputException $e) { // @codeCoverageIgnore
// ignore errors
return true;
abstract protected function parse(string $data, bool $flat): array;
abstract public function export(string $user, bool $flat = false): string;
public function exportFile(string $file, string $user, bool $flat = false): bool {
$data = $this->export($user, $flat);
if (!@file_put_contents($file, $data)) {
// if it fails throw an exception
$err = file_exists($file) ? "fileUnwritable" : "fileUncreatable";
throw new Exception($err, ['file' => $file, 'format' => str_replace(__NAMESPACE__."\\", "", get_class($this))]);
return true;
public function importFile(string $file, string $user, bool $flat = false, bool $replace = false): bool {
$data = @file_get_contents($file);
if ($data === false) {
// if it fails throw an exception
$err = file_exists($file) ? "fileUnreadable" : "fileMissing";
throw new Exception($err, ['file' => $file, 'format' => str_replace(__NAMESPACE__."\\", "", get_class($this))]);
return $this->import($user, $data, $flat, $replace);