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mirror of https://code.mensbeam.com/MensBeam/Arsse.git synced 2025-03-11 02:00:49 +00:00
J. King a67fe30408 Fix whitespace
Also fixed my editor so tabs won't happen again!
2017-04-06 21:41:21 -04:00

385 lines
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namespace JKingWeb\Arsse;
class User {
public $id = null;
protected $u;
protected $authz = true;
protected $authzSupported = 0;
protected $actor = [];
static public function listDrivers(): array {
$path = __DIR__.$sep."User".$sep;
$classes = [];
foreach(glob($path."*".$sep."Driver.php") as $file) {
$name = basename(dirname($file));
$class = NS_BASE."User\\$name\\Driver";
$classes[$class] = $class::driverName();
return $classes;
public function __construct() {
$driver = Data::$conf->userDriver;
$this->u = new $driver();
$this->authzSupported = $this->u->driverFunctions("authorize");
public function __toString() {
if($this->id===null) $this->credentials();
return (string) $this->id;
// checks whether the logged in user is authorized to act for the affected user (used especially when granting rights)
function authorize(string $affectedUser, string $action, int $newRightsLevel = 0): bool {
// if authorization checks are disabled (either because we're running the installer or the background updater) just return true
if(!$this->authz) return true;
// if we don't have a logged-in user, fetch credentials
if($this->id===null) $this->credentials();
// if the affected user is the actor and the actor is not trying to grant themselves rights, accept the request
if($affectedUser==Data::$user->id && $action != "userRightsSet") return true;
// get properties of actor if not already available
if(!sizeof($this->actor)) $this->actor = $this->propertiesGet(Data::$user->id);
$rights =& $this->actor["rights"];
// if actor is a global admin, accept the request
if($rights==User\Driver::RIGHTS_GLOBAL_ADMIN) return true;
// if actor is a common user, deny the request
if($rights==User\Driver::RIGHTS_NONE) return false;
// if actor is not some other sort of admin, deny the request
if(!in_array($rights,[User\Driver::RIGHTS_GLOBAL_MANAGER,User\Driver::RIGHTS_DOMAIN_MANAGER,User\Driver::RIGHTS_DOMAIN_ADMIN],true)) return false;
// if actor is a domain admin/manager and domains don't match, deny the request
if(Data::$conf->userComposeNames && $this->actor["domain"] && $rights != User\Driver::RIGHTS_GLOBAL_MANAGER) {
$test = "@".$this->actor["domain"];
if(substr($affectedUser,-1*strlen($test)) != $test) return false;
// certain actions shouldn't check affected user's rights
if(in_array($action, ["userRightsGet","userExists","userList"], true)) return true;
if($action=="userRightsSet") {
// setting rights above your own is not allowed
if($newRightsLevel > $rights) return false;
// setting yourself to rights you already have is harmless and can be allowed
if($this->id==$affectedUser && $newRightsLevel==$rights) return true;
// managers can only set their own rights, and only to normal user
if(in_array($rights, [User\Driver::RIGHTS_DOMAIN_MANAGER, User\Driver::RIGHTS_GLOBAL_MANAGER])) {
if($this->id != $affectedUser || $newRightsLevel != User\Driver::RIGHTS_NONE) return false;
return true;
$affectedRights = $this->rightsGet($affectedUser);
// managers can only act on themselves (checked above) or regular users
if(in_array($rights,[User\Driver::RIGHTS_GLOBAL_MANAGER,User\Driver::RIGHTS_DOMAIN_MANAGER]) && $affectedRights != User\Driver::RIGHTS_NONE) return false;
// domain admins canot act above themselves
if(!in_array($affectedRights,[User\Driver::RIGHTS_NONE,User\Driver::RIGHTS_DOMAIN_MANAGER,User\Driver::RIGHTS_DOMAIN_ADMIN])) return false;
return true;
public function credentials(): array {
if(Data::$conf->userAuthPreferHTTP) {
return $this->credentialsHTTP();
} else {
return $this->credentialsForm();
public function credentialsForm(): array {
// FIXME: stub
$this->id = "john.doe@example.com";
return ["user" => "john.doe@example.com", "password" => "secret"];
public function credentialsHTTP(): array {
$out = ["user" => $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'], "password" => $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']];
} else if($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) {
$out = ["user" => $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], "password" => ""];
} else {
$out = ["user" => "", "password" => ""];
if(Data::$conf->userComposeNames && $out["user"] != "") {
$out["user"] = $this->composeName($out["user"]);
$this->id = $out["user"];
return $out;
public function auth(string $user = null, string $password = null): bool {
if($user===null) {
if(Data::$conf->userAuthPreferHTTP) return $this->authHTTP();
return $this->authForm();
} else {
$this->id = $user;
$this->actor = [];
switch($this->u->driverFunctions("auth")) {
case User\Driver::FUNC_EXTERNAL:
$out = $this->u->auth($user, $password);
if($out && !Data::$db->userExists($user)) $this->autoProvision($user, $password);
return $out;
case User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL:
return $this->u->auth($user, $password);
return false;
public function authForm(): bool {
$cred = $this->credentialsForm();
if(!$cred["user"]) return $this->challengeForm();
if(!$this->auth($cred["user"], $cred["password"])) return $this->challengeForm();
return true;
public function authHTTP(): bool {
$cred = $this->credentialsHTTP();
if(!$cred["user"]) return $this->challengeHTTP();
if(!$this->auth($cred["user"], $cred["password"])) return $this->challengeHTTP();
return true;
public function driverFunctions(string $function = null) {
return $this->u->driverFunctions($function);
public function list(string $domain = null): array {
$func = "userList";
switch($this->u->driverFunctions($func)) {
case User\Driver::FUNC_EXTERNAL:
// we handle authorization checks for external drivers
if($domain===null) {
if(!$this->authorize("@".$domain, $func)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => $func, "user" => $domain]);
} else {
if(!$this->authorize("", $func)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => $func, "user" => "all users"]);
case User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL:
// internal functions handle their own authorization
return $this->u->userList($domain);
throw new User\ExceptionNotImplemented("notImplemented", ["action" => $func, "user" => $domain]);
public function authorizationEnabled(bool $setting = null): bool {
if($setting===null) return $this->authz;
$this->authz = $setting;
return $setting;
public function exists(string $user): bool {
$func = "userExists";
switch($this->u->driverFunctions($func)) {
case User\Driver::FUNC_EXTERNAL:
// we handle authorization checks for external drivers
if(!$this->authorize($user, $func)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => $func, "user" => $user]);
$out = $this->u->userExists($user);
if($out && !Data::$db->userExists($user)) $this->autoProvision($user, "");
return $out;
case User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL:
// internal functions handle their own authorization
return $this->u->userExists($user);
// throwing an exception here would break all kinds of stuff; we just report that the user exists
return true;
public function add($user, $password = null): string {
$func = "userAdd";
switch($this->u->driverFunctions($func)) {
case User\Driver::FUNC_EXTERNAL:
// we handle authorization checks for external drivers
if(!$this->authorize($user, $func)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => $func, "user" => $user]);
$newPassword = $this->u->userAdd($user, $password);
// if there was no exception and we don't have the user in the internal database, add it
if(!Data::$db->userExists($user)) $this->autoProvision($user, $newPassword);
return $newPassword;
case User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL:
// internal functions handle their own authorization
return $this->u->userAdd($user, $password);
throw new User\ExceptionNotImplemented("notImplemented", ["action" => $func, "user" => $user]);
public function remove(string $user): bool {
$func = "userRemove";
switch($this->u->driverFunctions($func)) {
case User\Driver::FUNC_EXTERNAL:
// we handle authorization checks for external drivers
if(!$this->authorize($user, $func)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => $func, "user" => $user]);
$out = $this->u->userRemove($user);
if($out && Data::$db->userExists($user)) {
// if the user was removed and we have it in our data, remove it there
if(!Data::$db->userExists($user)) Data::$db->userRemove($user);
return $out;
case User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL:
// internal functions handle their own authorization
return $this->u->userRemove($user);
throw new User\ExceptionNotImplemented("notImplemented", ["action" => $func, "user" => $user]);
public function passwordSet(string $user, string $newPassword = null, $oldPassword = null): string {
$func = "userPasswordSet";
switch($this->u->driverFunctions($func)) {
case User\Driver::FUNC_EXTERNAL:
// we handle authorization checks for external drivers
if(!$this->authorize($user, $func)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => $func, "user" => $user]);
$out = $this->u->userPasswordSet($user, $newPassword, $oldPassword);
if(Data::$db->userExists($user)) {
// if the password change was successful and the user exists, set the internal password to the same value
Data::$db->userPasswordSet($user, $out);
} else {
// if the user does not exists in the internal database, create it
$this->autoProvision($user, $out);
return $out;
case User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL:
// internal functions handle their own authorization
return $this->u->userPasswordSet($user, $newPassword);
throw new User\ExceptionNotImplemented("notImplemented", ["action" => $func, "user" => $user]);
public function propertiesGet(string $user): array {
// prepare default values
$domain = null;
if(Data::$conf->userComposeNames) $domain = substr($user,strrpos($user,"@")+1);
$init = [
"id" => $user,
"name" => $user,
"rights" => User\Driver::RIGHTS_NONE,
"domain" => $domain
$func = "userPropertiesGet";
switch($this->u->driverFunctions($func)) {
case User\Driver::FUNC_EXTERNAL:
// we handle authorization checks for external drivers
if(!$this->authorize($user, $func)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => $func, "user" => $user]);
$out = array_merge($init, $this->u->userPropertiesGet($user));
// remove password if it is return (not exhaustive, but...)
if(array_key_exists('password', $out)) unset($out['password']);
// if the user does not exist in the internal database, add it
if(!Data::$db->userExists($user)) $this->autoProvision($user, "", $out);
return $out;
case User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL:
// internal functions handle their own authorization
return array_merge($init, $this->u->userPropertiesGet($user));
// we can return generic values if the function is not implemented
return $init;
public function propertiesSet(string $user, array $properties): array {
// remove from the array any values which should be set specially
foreach(['id', 'domain', 'password', 'rights'] as $key) {
if(array_key_exists($key, $properties)) unset($properties[$key]);
$func = "userPropertiesSet";
switch($this->u->driverFunctions($func)) {
case User\Driver::FUNC_EXTERNAL:
// we handle authorization checks for external drivers
if(!$this->authorize($user, $func)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => $func, "user" => $user]);
$out = $this->u->userPropertiesSet($user, $properties);
if(Data::$db->userExists($user)) {
// if the property change was successful and the user exists, set the internal properties to the same values
Data::$db->userPropertiesSet($user, $out);
} else {
// if the user does not exists in the internal database, create it
$this->autoProvision($user, "", $out);
return $out;
case User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL:
// internal functions handle their own authorization
return $this->u->userPropertiesSet($user, $properties);
throw new User\ExceptionNotImplemented("notImplemented", ["action" => $func, "user" => $user]);
public function rightsGet(string $user): int {
$func = "userRightsGet";
switch($this->u->driverFunctions($func)) {
case User\Driver::FUNC_EXTERNAL:
// we handle authorization checks for external drivers
if(!$this->authorize($user, $func)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => $func, "user" => $user]);
$out = $this->u->userRightsGet($user);
// if the user does not exist in the internal database, add it
if(!Data::$db->userExists($user)) $this->autoProvision($user, "", null, $out);
return $out;
case User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL:
// internal functions handle their own authorization
return $this->u->userRightsGet($user);
// assume all users are unprivileged
return User\Driver::RIGHTS_NONE;
public function rightsSet(string $user, int $level): bool {
$func = "userRightsSet";
switch($this->u->driverFunctions($func)) {
case User\Driver::FUNC_EXTERNAL:
// we handle authorization checks for external drivers
if(!$this->authorize($user, $func)) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => $func, "user" => $user]);
$out = $this->u->userRightsSet($user, $level);
// if the user does not exist in the internal database, add it
if($out && Data::$db->userExists($user)) {
$authz = $this->authorizationEnabled();
Data::$db->userRightsSet($user, $level);
} else if($out) {
$this->autoProvision($user, "", null, $level);
return $out;
case User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL:
// internal functions handle their own authorization
return $this->u->userRightsSet($user, $level);
throw new User\ExceptionNotImplemented("notImplemented", ["action" => $func, "user" => $user]);
// FIXME: stubs
public function challenge(): bool {throw new User\Exception("authFailed");}
public function challengeForm(): bool {throw new User\Exception("authFailed");}
public function challengeHTTP(): bool {throw new User\Exception("authFailed");}
protected function composeName(string $user): string {
if(preg_match("/.+?@[^@]+$/",$user)) {
return $user;
} else {
return $user."@".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
protected function autoProvision(string $user, string $password = null, array $properties = null, int $rights = 0): string {
// temporarily disable authorization checks, to avoid potential problems
$authz = $this->authorizationEnabled();
// create the user
$out = Data::$db->userAdd($user, $password);
// set the user rights
Data::$db->userRightsSet($user, $rights);
// set the user properties...
if($properties===null) {
// if nothing is provided but the driver uses an external function, try to get the current values from the external source
try {
if($this->u->driverFunctions("userPropertiesGet")==User\Driver::FUNC_EXTERNAL) Data::$db->userPropertiesSet($user, $this->u->userPropertiesGet($user));
} catch(\Throwable $e) {}
} else {
// otherwise if values are provided, use those
Data::$db->userPropertiesSet($user, $properties);
// re-enable authorization and return
return $out;