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J. King 9eadd602bd Replace Response objects with PSR-7 response messages; improves #53
While the test suite passes, this commit yields a broken server: replacing ad hoc request objectss with PSR-7 ones is still required, as is emission of PSR-7 responses. Both will come in subsequent commits, with tests

Diactoros was chosen specifically because it includes facilities for emitting responses, something which is awkward to test. The end of this refactoring should see both the Response and Request classes disappear, and the general REST class fully covered (as well as any speculative additions to AbstractHanlder).
2018-01-03 23:13:08 -05:00

1458 lines
69 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\TinyTinyRSS;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Feed;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Arsse;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Database;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\User;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Service;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\Date;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\Context;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\ValueInfo;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\AbstractException;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\ExceptionType;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\ExceptionInput;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\ResultEmpty;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Feed\Exception as FeedException;
use Zend\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse as Response;
use Zend\Diactoros\Response\EmptyResponse;
class API extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\AbstractHandler {
const LEVEL = 14; // emulated API level
const VERSION = "17.4"; // emulated TT-RSS version
const LABEL_OFFSET = 1024; // offset below zero at which labels begin, counting down
const LIMIT_ARTICLES = 200; // maximum number of articles returned by getHeadlines
const LIMIT_EXCERPT = 100; // maximum length of excerpts in getHeadlines, counted in grapheme units
// special feeds
const FEED_ARCHIVED = 0;
const FEED_STARRED = -1;
const FEED_PUBLISHED = -2;
const FEED_FRESH = -3;
const FEED_ALL = -4;
const FEED_READ = -6;
// special categories
const CAT_SPECIAL = -1;
const CAT_LABELS = -2;
const CAT_NOT_SPECIAL = -3;
const CAT_ALL = -4;
// valid input
const VALID_INPUT = [
'op' => ValueInfo::T_STRING, // the function ("operation") to perform
'sid' => ValueInfo::T_STRING, // session ID
'seq' => ValueInfo::T_INT, // request number from client
'user' => ValueInfo::T_STRING | ValueInfo::M_STRICT, // user name for `login`
'password' => ValueInfo::T_STRING | ValueInfo::M_STRICT, // password for `login` and `subscribeToFeed`
'include_empty' => ValueInfo::T_BOOL | ValueInfo::M_DROP, // whether to include empty items in `getFeedTree` and `getCategories`
'unread_only' => ValueInfo::T_BOOL | ValueInfo::M_DROP, // whether to exclude items without unread articles in `getCategories` and `getFeeds`
'enable_nested' => ValueInfo::T_BOOL | ValueInfo::M_DROP, // whether to NOT show subcategories in `getCategories
'include_nested' => ValueInfo::T_BOOL | ValueInfo::M_DROP, // whether to include subcategories in `getFeeds` and the articles thereof in `getHeadlines`
'caption' => ValueInfo::T_STRING | ValueInfo::M_STRICT, // name for categories, feed, and labels
'parent_id' => ValueInfo::T_INT, // parent category for `addCategory` and `moveCategory`
'category_id' => ValueInfo::T_INT, // parent category for `subscribeToFeed` and `moveFeed`, and subject for category-modification functions
'cat_id' => ValueInfo::T_INT, // parent category for `getFeeds`
'label_id' => ValueInfo::T_INT, // label ID in label-related functions
'feed_url' => ValueInfo::T_STRING | ValueInfo::M_STRICT, // URL of feed in `subscribeToFeed`
'login' => ValueInfo::T_STRING | ValueInfo::M_STRICT, // remote user name in `subscribeToFeed`
'feed_id' => ValueInfo::T_INT, // feed, label, or category ID for various functions
'is_cat' => ValueInfo::T_BOOL | ValueInfo::M_DROP, // whether 'feed_id' refers to a category
'article_id' => ValueInfo::T_MIXED, // single article ID in `getLabels`; one or more (comma-separated) article IDs in `getArticle`
'article_ids' => ValueInfo::T_STRING, // one or more (comma-separated) article IDs in `updateArticle` and `setArticleLabel`
'assign' => ValueInfo::T_BOOL | ValueInfo::M_DROP, // whether to assign or clear (false) a label in `setArticleLabel`
'limit' => ValueInfo::T_INT, // maximum number of records returned in `getFeeds`, `getHeadlines`, and `getCompactHeadlines`
'offset' => ValueInfo::T_INT, // number of records to skip in `getFeeds`, for pagination
'skip' => ValueInfo::T_INT, // number of records to skip in `getHeadlines` and `getCompactHeadlines`, for pagination
'show_excerpt' => ValueInfo::T_BOOL | ValueInfo::M_DROP, // whether to include article excerpts in `getHeadlines`
'show_content' => ValueInfo::T_BOOL | ValueInfo::M_DROP, // whether to include article content in `getHeadlines`
'include_attachments' => ValueInfo::T_BOOL | ValueInfo::M_DROP, // whether to include article enclosures in `getHeadlines`
'view_mode' => ValueInfo::T_STRING, // various filters for `getHeadlines`
'since_id' => ValueInfo::T_INT, // cut-off article ID for `getHeadlines` and `getCompactHeadlines; returns only higher article IDs when specified
'order_by' => ValueInfo::T_STRING, // sort order for `getHeadlines`
'include_header' => ValueInfo::T_BOOL | ValueInfo::M_DROP, // whether to attach a header to the results of `getHeadlines`
'search' => ValueInfo::T_STRING, // search string for `getHeadlines` (not yet implemented)
'field' => ValueInfo::T_INT, // which state to change in `updateArticle`
'mode' => ValueInfo::T_INT, // whether to set, clear, or toggle the selected state in `updateArticle`
'data' => ValueInfo::T_STRING, // note text in `updateArticle` if setting a note
// generic error construct
const FATAL_ERR = [
'seq' => null,
'status' => 1,
'content' => ['error' => "MALFORMED_INPUT"],
public function __construct() {
public function dispatch(\JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\Request $req): \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface {
if (!preg_match("<^(?:/(?:index\.php)?)?$>", $req->path)) {
// reject paths other than the index
return new EmptyResponse(404);
if ($req->method=="OPTIONS") {
// respond to OPTIONS rquests; the response is a fib, as we technically accept any type or method
return new EmptyResponse(204, [
'Allow' => "POST",
'Accept' => "application/json, text/json",
if ($req->body) {
// only JSON entities are allowed, but Content-Type is ignored, as is request method
$data = @json_decode($req->body, true);
if (json_last_error() != \JSON_ERROR_NONE || !is_array($data)) {
return new Response(self::FATAL_ERR);
try {
// normalize input
try {
$data['seq'] = isset($data['seq']) ? $data['seq'] : 0;
$data = $this->normalizeInput($data, self::VALID_INPUT, "unix");
} catch (ExceptionType $e) {
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
if (strtolower((string) $data['op']) != "login") {
// unless logging in, a session identifier is required
$this->resumeSession((string) $data['sid']);
$method = "op".ucfirst($data['op']);
if (!method_exists($this, $method)) {
// TT-RSS operations are case-insensitive by dint of PHP method names being case-insensitive; this will only trigger if the method really doesn't exist
throw new Exception("UNKNOWN_METHOD", ['method' => $data['op']]);
return new Response([
'seq' => $data['seq'],
'status' => 0,
'content' => $this->$method($data),
} catch (Exception $e) {
return new Response([
'seq' => $data['seq'],
'status' => 1,
'content' => $e->getData(),
} catch (AbstractException $e) {
return new EmptyResponse(500);
} else {
// absence of a request body indicates an error
return new Response(self::FATAL_ERR);
protected function resumeSession(string $id): bool {
try {
// verify the supplied session is valid
$s = Arsse::$db->sessionResume($id);
} catch (\JKingWeb\Arsse\User\ExceptionSession $e) {
// if not throw an exception
throw new Exception("NOT_LOGGED_IN");
// resume the session (currently only the user name)
Arsse::$user->id = $s['user'];
return true;
public function opGetApiLevel(array $data): array {
return ['level' => self::LEVEL];
public function opGetVersion(array $data): array {
return [
'version' => self::VERSION,
'arsse_version' => Arsse::VERSION,
public function opLogin(array $data): array {
// both cleartext and base64 passwords are accepted
if (Arsse::$user->auth($data['user'], $data['password']) || Arsse::$user->auth($data['user'], base64_decode($data['password']))) {
$id = Arsse::$db->sessionCreate($data['user']);
return [
'session_id' => $id,
'api_level' => self::LEVEL
} else {
throw new Exception("LOGIN_ERROR");
public function opLogout(array $data): array {
Arsse::$db->sessionDestroy(Arsse::$user->id, $data['sid']);
return ['status' => "OK"];
public function opIsLoggedIn(array $data): array {
// session validity is already checked by the dispatcher, so we need only return true
return ['status' => true];
public function opGetConfig(array $data): array {
return [
'icons_dir' => "feed-icons",
'icons_url' => "feed-icons",
'daemon_is_running' => Service::hasCheckedIn(),
'num_feeds' => Arsse::$db->subscriptionCount(Arsse::$user->id),
public function opGetUnread(array $data): array {
// simply sum the unread count of each subscription
$out = 0;
foreach (Arsse::$db->subscriptionList(Arsse::$user->id) as $sub) {
$out += $sub['unread'];
return ['unread' => (string) $out]; // string cast to be consistent with TTRSS
public function opGetCounters(array $data): array {
$user = Arsse::$user->id;
$starred = Arsse::$db->articleStarred($user);
$fresh = Arsse::$db->articleCount($user, (new Context)->unread(true)->modifiedSince(Date::sub("PT24H")));
$countAll = 0;
$countSubs = 0;
$feeds = [];
$labels = [];
// do a first pass on categories: add the ID to a lookup table and set the unread counter to zero
$categories = Arsse::$db->folderList($user)->getAll();
$catmap = [];
for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($categories); $a++) {
$catmap[(int) $categories[$a]['id']] = $a;
$categories[$a]['counter'] = 0;
// add the "Uncategorized" and "Labels" virtual categories to the list
$catmap[self::CAT_UNCATEGORIZED] = sizeof($categories);
$categories[] = ['id' => self::CAT_UNCATEGORIZED, 'name' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Category.Uncategorized"), 'parent' => 0, 'children' => 0, 'counter' => 0];
$catmap[self::CAT_LABELS] = sizeof($categories);
$categories[] = ['id' => self::CAT_LABELS, 'name' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Category.Labels"), 'parent' => 0, 'children' => 0, 'counter' => 0];
// prepare data for each subscription; we also add unread counts for their host categories
foreach (Arsse::$db->subscriptionList($user) as $f) {
// add the feed to the list of feeds
$feeds[] = ['id' => (string) $f['id'], 'updated' => Date::transform($f['updated'], "iso8601", "sql"),'counter' => $f['unread'], 'has_img' => (int) (strlen((string) $f['favicon']) > 0)]; // ID is cast to string for consistency with TTRSS
// add the feed's unread count to the global unread count
$countAll += $f['unread'];
// add the feed's unread count to its category unread count
$categories[$catmap[(int) $f['folder']]]['counter'] += $f['unread'];
// increment the global feed count
$countSubs += 1;
// prepare data for each non-empty label
foreach (Arsse::$db->labelList($user, false) as $l) {
$unread = $l['articles'] - $l['read'];
$labels[] = ['id' => $this->labelOut($l['id']), 'counter' => $unread, 'auxcounter' => $l['articles']];
$categories[$catmap[self::CAT_LABELS]]['counter'] += $unread;
// do a second pass on categories, summing descendant unread counts for ancestors
$cats = $categories;
$catCounts = [];
while ($cats) {
foreach ($cats as $c) {
if ($c['children']) {
// only act on leaf nodes
if ($c['parent']) {
// if the category has a parent, add its counter to the parent's counter, and decrement the parent's child count
$cats[$catmap[$c['parent']]]['counter'] += $c['counter'];
$cats[$catmap[$c['parent']]]['children'] -= 1;
$catCounts[$c['id']] = $c['counter'];
// remove the category from the input list
// do a third pass on categories, building a final category list; this is done so that the original sort order is retained
foreach ($categories as $c) {
$cats[] = ['id' => $c['id'], 'kind' => "cat", 'counter' => $catCounts[$c['id']]];
// prepare data for the virtual feeds and other counters
$special = [
['id' => "global-unread", 'counter' => $countAll], //this should not count archived articles, but we do not have an archive
['id' => "subscribed-feeds", 'counter' => $countSubs],
['id' => self::FEED_ARCHIVED, 'counter' => 0, 'auxcounter' => 0], // Archived articles
['id' => self::FEED_STARRED, 'counter' => $starred['unread'], 'auxcounter' => $starred['total']], // Starred articles
['id' => self::FEED_PUBLISHED, 'counter' => 0, 'auxcounter' => 0], // Published articles
['id' => self::FEED_FRESH, 'counter' => $fresh, 'auxcounter' => 0], // Fresh articles
['id' => self::FEED_ALL, 'counter' => $countAll, 'auxcounter' => 0], // All articles
return array_merge($special, $labels, $feeds, $cats);
public function opGetFeedTree(array $data) : array {
$all = $data['include_empty'] ?? false;
$user = Arsse::$user->id;
$tSpecial = [
'type' => "feed",
'auxcounter' => 0,
'error' => "",
'updated' => "",
$out = [];
// get the lists of categories and feeds
$cats = Arsse::$db->folderList($user, null, true)->getAll();
$subs = Arsse::$db->subscriptionList($user)->getAll();
// start with the special feeds
$out[] = [
'name' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Category.Special"),
'id' => "CAT:".self::CAT_SPECIAL,
'bare_id' => self::CAT_SPECIAL,
'type' => "category",
'unread' => 0,
'items' => [
array_merge([ // All articles
'name' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Feed.All"),
'id' => "FEED:".self::FEED_ALL,
'bare_id' => self::FEED_ALL,
'icon' => "images/folder.png",
'unread' => array_reduce($subs, function ($sum, $value) {
return $sum + $value['unread'];
}, 0), // the sum of all feeds' unread is the total unread
], $tSpecial),
array_merge([ // Fresh articles
'name' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Feed.Fresh"),
'id' => "FEED:".self::FEED_FRESH,
'bare_id' => self::FEED_FRESH,
'icon' => "images/fresh.png",
'unread' => Arsse::$db->articleCount($user, (new Context)->unread(true)->modifiedSince(Date::sub("PT24H"))),
], $tSpecial),
array_merge([ // Starred articles
'name' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Feed.Starred"),
'id' => "FEED:".self::FEED_STARRED,
'bare_id' => self::FEED_STARRED,
'icon' => "images/star.png",
'unread' => Arsse::$db->articleStarred($user)['unread'],
], $tSpecial),
array_merge([ // Published articles
'name' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Feed.Published"),
'id' => "FEED:".self::FEED_PUBLISHED,
'bare_id' => self::FEED_PUBLISHED,
'icon' => "images/feed.png",
'unread' => 0, // TODO: unread count should be populated if the Published feed is ever implemented
], $tSpecial),
array_merge([ // Archived articles
'name' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Feed.Archived"),
'id' => "FEED:".self::FEED_ARCHIVED,
'bare_id' => self::FEED_ARCHIVED,
'icon' => "images/archive.png",
'unread' => 0, // Article archiving is not exposed by the API, so this is always zero
], $tSpecial),
array_merge([ // Recently read
'name' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Feed.Read"),
'id' => "FEED:".self::FEED_READ,
'bare_id' => self::FEED_READ,
'icon' => "images/time.png",
'unread' => 0, // this is by definition zero; unread articles do not appear in this feed
], $tSpecial),
// next prepare labels
$items = [];
$unread = 0;
// add each label to a holding list (NOTE: the 'include_empty' parameter does not affect whether labels with zero total articles are shown: all labels are always shown)
foreach (Arsse::$db->labelList($user, true) as $l) {
$items[] = [
'name' => $l['name'],
'id' => "FEED:".$this->labelOut($l['id']),
'bare_id' => $this->labelOut($l['id']),
'unread' => 0,
'icon' => "images/label.png",
'type' => "feed",
'auxcounter' => 0,
'error' => "",
'updated' => "",
'fg_color' => "",
'bg_color' => "",
$unread += ($l['articles'] - $l['read']);
// if there are labels, all the label category,
if ($items) {
$out[] = [
'name' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Category.Labels"),
'id' => "CAT:".self::CAT_LABELS,
'bare_id' => self::CAT_LABELS,
'type' => "category",
'unread' => $unread,
'items' => $items,
// get the lists of categories and feeds
$cats = Arsse::$db->folderList($user, null, true)->getAll();
$subs = Arsse::$db->subscriptionList($user)->getAll();
// process all the top-level categories; their contents are gathered recursively in another function
$items = $this->enumerateCategories($cats, $subs, null, $all);
$out = array_merge($out, $items['list']);
// process uncategorized feeds; exclude the "Uncategorized" category if there are no orphan feeds and we're not displaying empties
$items = $this->enumerateFeeds($subs, null);
if ($items || !$all) {
$out[] = [
'name' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Category.Uncategorized"),
'id' => "CAT:".self::CAT_UNCATEGORIZED,
'bare_id' => self::CAT_UNCATEGORIZED,
'type' => "category",
'auxcounter' => 0,
'unread' => 0,
'child_unread' => 0,
'checkbox' => false,
'parent_id' => null,
'param' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.FeedCount", sizeof($items)),
'items' => $items,
// return the result wrapped in some boilerplate
return ['categories' => ['identifier' => "id", 'label' => "name", 'items' => $out]];
protected function enumerateFeeds(array $subs, int $parent = null): array {
$out = [];
foreach ($subs as $s) {
if ($s['folder'] != $parent) {
$out[] = [
'name' => $s['title'],
'id' => "FEED:".$s['id'],
'bare_id' => $s['id'],
'icon' => $s['favicon'] ? "feed-icons/".$s['id'].".ico" : false,
'error' => (string) $s['err_msg'],
'param' => Date::transform($s['updated'], "iso8601", "sql"),
'unread' => 0,
'auxcounter' => 0,
'checkbox' => false,
// NOTE: feeds don't have a type property (even though both labels and special feeds do); don't ask me why
return $out;
protected function enumerateCategories(array $cats, array $subs, int $parent = null, bool $all = false): array {
$out = [];
$feedTotal = 0;
foreach ($cats as $c) {
if ($c['parent'] != $parent || (!$all && !($c['children'] + $c['feeds']))) {
// if the category is the wrong level, or if it's empty and we're not including empties, skip it
$children = $c['children'] ? $this->enumerateCategories($cats, $subs, $c['id'], $all) : ['list' => [], 'feeds' => 0];
$feeds = $c['feeds'] ? $this->enumerateFeeds($subs, $c['id']) : [];
$count = sizeof($feeds) + $children['feeds'];
$out[] = [
'name' => $c['name'],
'id' => "CAT:".$c['id'],
'bare_id' => $c['id'],
'parent_id' => $c['parent'], // top-level categories are not supposed to have this property; we deviated and have the property set to null because it's simpler that way
'type' => "category",
'auxcounter' => 0,
'unread' => 0,
'child_unread' => 0,
'checkbox' => false,
'param' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.FeedCount", $count),
'items' => array_merge($children['list'], $feeds),
$feedTotal += $count;
return ['list' => $out, 'feeds' => $feedTotal];
public function opGetCategories(array $data): array {
// normalize input
$all = $data['include_empty'] ?? false;
$read = !($data['unread_only'] ?? false);
$deep = !($data['enable_nested'] ?? false);
$user = Arsse::$user->id;
// for each category, add the ID to a lookup table, set the number of unread to zero, and assign an increasing order index
$cats = Arsse::$db->folderList($user, null, $deep)->getAll();
$map = [];
for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($cats); $a++) {
$cats[$a]['id'] = (string) $cats[$a]['id']; // real categories have IDs as strings in TTRSS
$map[$cats[$a]['id']] = $a;
$cats[$a]['unread'] = 0;
$cats[$a]['order'] = $a + 1;
// add the "Uncategorized", "Special", and "Labels" virtual categories to the list
$map[self::CAT_UNCATEGORIZED] = sizeof($cats);
$cats[] = ['id' => self::CAT_UNCATEGORIZED, 'name' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Category.Uncategorized"), 'children' => 0, 'unread' => 0, 'feeds' => 0];
$map[self::CAT_SPECIAL] = sizeof($cats);
$cats[] = ['id' => self::CAT_SPECIAL, 'name' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Category.Special"), 'children' => 0, 'unread' => 0, 'feeds' => 6];
$map[self::CAT_LABELS] = sizeof($cats);
$cats[] = ['id' => self::CAT_LABELS, 'name' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Category.Labels"), 'children' => 0, 'unread' => 0, 'feeds' => 0];
// for each subscription, add the unread count to its category, and increment the category's feed count
$subs = Arsse::$db->subscriptionList($user);
foreach ($subs as $sub) {
// note we use top_folder if we're in "nested" mode
$f = $map[(int) ($deep ? $sub['folder'] : $sub['top_folder'])];
$cats[$f]['unread'] += $sub['unread'];
if (!$cats[$f]['id']) {
$cats[$f]['feeds'] += 1;
// for each label, add the unread count to the labels category, and increment the labels category's feed count
$labels = Arsse::$db->labelList($user);
$f = $map[self::CAT_LABELS];
foreach ($labels as $label) {
$cats[$f]['unread'] += $label['articles'] - $label['read'];
$cats[$f]['feeds'] += 1;
// get the unread counts for the special feeds
// FIXME: this is pretty inefficient
$f = $map[self::CAT_SPECIAL];
$cats[$f]['unread'] += Arsse::$db->articleStarred($user)['unread']; // starred
$cats[$f]['unread'] += Arsse::$db->articleCount($user, (new Context)->unread(true)->modifiedSince(Date::sub("PT24H"))); // fresh
if (!$read) {
// if we're only including unread entries, remove any categories with zero unread items (this will by definition also exclude empties)
$count = sizeof($cats);
for ($a = 0; $a < $count; $a++) {
if (!$cats[$a]['unread']) {
$cats = array_values($cats);
} elseif (!$all) {
// otherwise if we're not including empty entries, remove categories with no children and no feeds
$count = sizeof($cats);
for ($a = 0; $a < $count; $a++) {
if (($cats[$a]['children'] + $cats[$a]['feeds']) < 1) {
$cats = array_values($cats);
// transform the result and return
$out = [];
for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($cats); $a++) {
if ($cats[$a]['id']==-2) {
// the Labels category has its unread count as a string in TTRSS (don't ask me why)
settype($cats[$a]['unread'], "string");
$out[] = $this->fieldMapNames($cats[$a], [
'id' => "id",
'title' => "name",
'unread' => "unread",
'order_id' => "order",
return $out;
public function opAddCategory(array $data) {
$in = [
'name' => $data['caption'],
'parent' => $data['parent_id'],
try {
return (string) Arsse::$db->folderAdd(Arsse::$user->id, $in); // output is a string in TTRSS
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
switch ($e->getCode()) {
case 10236: // folder already exists
// retrieve the ID of the existing folder; duplicating a folder silently returns the existing one
$folders = Arsse::$db->folderList(Arsse::$user->id, $in['parent'], false);
foreach ($folders as $folder) {
if ($folder['name']==$in['name']) {
return (string) ((int) $folder['id']); // output is a string in TTRSS
return false; // @codeCoverageIgnore
case 10235: // parent folder does not exist; this returns false as an ID
return false;
default: // other errors related to input
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
public function opRemoveCategory(array $data) {
if (!ValueInfo::id($data['category_id'])) {
// if the folder is invalid, throw an error
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
try {
// attempt to remove the folder
Arsse::$db->folderRemove(Arsse::$user->id, (int) $data['category_id']);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
// ignore all errors
return null;
public function opMoveCategory(array $data) {
if (!ValueInfo::id($data['category_id']) || !ValueInfo::id($data['parent_id'], true)) {
// if the folder or parent is invalid, throw an error
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
$in = [
'parent' => (int) $data['parent_id'],
try {
// try to move the folder
Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, (int) $data['category_id'], $in);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
// ignore all errors
return null;
public function opRenameCategory(array $data) {
$info = ValueInfo::str($data['caption']);
if (!ValueInfo::id($data['category_id']) || !($info & ValueInfo::VALID) || ($info & ValueInfo::EMPTY) || ($info & ValueInfo::WHITE)) {
// if the folder or its new name are invalid, throw an error
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
$in = [
'name' => $data['caption'],
try {
// try to rename the folder
Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, $data['category_id'], $in);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
// ignore all errors
return null;
public function opGetFeeds(array $data): array {
$user = Arsse::$user->id;
// normalize input
$cat = $data['cat_id'] ?? 0;
$unread = $data['unread_only'] ?? false;
$limit = $data['limit'] ?? 0;
$offset = $data['offset'] ?? 0;
$nested = $data['include_nested'] ?? false;
// if a special category was selected, nesting does not apply
if (!ValueInfo::id($cat)) {
$nested = false;
// if the All, Special, or Labels category was selected, pagination also does not apply
if (in_array($cat, [self::CAT_ALL, self::CAT_SPECIAL, self::CAT_LABELS])) {
$limit = 0;
$offset = 0;
// retrieve or build the list of relevant feeds
$out = [];
$subs = [];
$count = 0;
// if the category is the special Labels category or the special All category (which includes labels), add labels to the list
if ($cat==self::CAT_ALL || $cat==self::CAT_LABELS) {
// NOTE: unused labels are not included
foreach (Arsse::$db->labelList($user, false) as $l) {
if ($unread && !$l['unread']) {
$out[] = [
'id' => $this->labelOut($l['id']),
'title' => $l['name'],
'unread' => (string) $l['unread'], // the unread count of labels is output as a string in TTRSS
'cat_id' => self::CAT_LABELS,
// if the category is the special Special (!) category or the special All category (which includes "special" feeds), add those feeds to the list
if ($cat==self::CAT_ALL || $cat==self::CAT_SPECIAL) {
// gather some statistics
$starred = Arsse::$db->articleStarred($user)['unread'];
$fresh = Arsse::$db->articleCount($user, (new Context)->unread(true)->modifiedSince(Date::sub("PT24H")));
$global = Arsse::$db->articleCount($user, (new Context)->unread(true));
$published = 0; // TODO: if the Published feed is implemented, the getFeeds method needs to be adjusted accordingly
$archived = 0; // the archived feed is non-functional in the TT-RSS protocol itself
// build the list; exclude anything with zero unread if requested
if (!$unread || $starred) {
$out[] = [
'id' => self::FEED_STARRED,
'title' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Feed.Starred"),
'unread' => (string) $starred, // output is a string in TTRSS
'cat_id' => self::CAT_SPECIAL,
if (!$unread || $published) {
$out[] = [
'id' => self::FEED_PUBLISHED,
'title' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Feed.Published"),
'unread' => (string) $published, // output is a string in TTRSS
'cat_id' => self::CAT_SPECIAL,
if (!$unread || $fresh) {
$out[] = [
'id' => self::FEED_FRESH,
'title' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Feed.Fresh"),
'unread' => (string) $fresh, // output is a string in TTRSS
'cat_id' => self::CAT_SPECIAL,
if (!$unread || $global) {
$out[] = [
'id' => self::FEED_ALL,
'title' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Feed.All"),
'unread' => (string) $global, // output is a string in TTRSS
'cat_id' => self::CAT_SPECIAL,
if (!$unread) {
$out[] = [
'id' => self::FEED_READ,
'title' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Feed.Read"),
'unread' => 0, // zero by definition; this one is -NOT- a string in TTRSS
'cat_id' => self::CAT_SPECIAL,
if (!$unread || $archived) {
$out[] = [
'id' => self::FEED_ARCHIVED,
'title' => Arsse::$lang->msg("API.TTRSS.Feed.Archived"),
'unread' => (string) $archived, // output is a string in TTRSS
'cat_id' => self::CAT_SPECIAL,
// categories and real feeds have a sequential order index; we don't store this, so we just increment with each entry from here
$order = 0;
// if a "nested" list was requested, append the category's child categories to the putput
if ($nested) {
try {
// NOTE: the list is a flat one: it includes children, but not other descendents
foreach (Arsse::$db->folderList($user, $cat, false) as $c) {
// get the number of unread for the category and its descendents; those with zero unread are excluded in "unread-only" mode
$count = Arsse::$db->articleCount($user, (new Context)->unread(true)->folder($c['id']));
if (!$unread || $count) {
$out[] = [
'id' => $c['id'],
'title' => $c['name'],
'unread' => $count,
'is_cat' => true,
'order_id' => ++$order,
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
// in case of errors (because the category does not exist) return the list so far (which should be empty)
return $out;
try {
if ($cat==self::CAT_NOT_SPECIAL || $cat==self::CAT_ALL) {
// if the "All" or "Not Special" categories were selected this returns all subscription, to any depth
$subs = Arsse::$db->subscriptionList($user, null, true);
} elseif ($cat==self::CAT_UNCATEGORIZED) {
// the "Uncategorized" special category returns subscriptions in the root, without going deeper
$subs = Arsse::$db->subscriptionList($user, null, false);
} else {
// other categories return their subscriptions, without going deeper
$subs = Arsse::$db->subscriptionList($user, $cat, false);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
// in case of errors (invalid category), return what we have so far
return $out;
// append subscriptions to the output
$order = 0;
$count = 0;
foreach ($subs as $s) {
if ($unread && !$s['unread']) {
// ignore any subscriptions with zero unread in "unread-only" mode
} elseif ($offset > 0) {
// skip as many subscriptions as necessary to remove any requested offset
} elseif ($limit && $count >= $limit) {
// if we've reached the requested limit, stop
// NOTE: TT-RSS blindly accepts negative limits and returns an empty array
// otherwise, append the subscription
$out[] = [
'id' => $s['id'],
'title' => $s['title'],
'unread' => $s['unread'],
'cat_id' => (int) $s['folder'],
'feed_url' => $s['url'],
'has_icon' => (bool) $s['favicon'],
'last_updated' => (int) Date::transform($s['updated'], "unix", "sql"),
'order_id' => $order,
return $out;
protected function feedError(FeedException $e): array {
// N.B.: we don't return code 4 (multiple feeds discovered); we simply pick the first feed discovered
switch ($e->getCode()) {
case 10502: // invalid URL
return ['code' => 2, 'message' => $e->getMessage()];
case 10521: // no feeds discovered
return ['code' => 3, 'message' => $e->getMessage()];
case 10511:
case 10512:
case 10522: // malformed data
return ['code' => 6, 'message' => $e->getMessage()];
default: // unable to download
return ['code' => 5, 'message' => $e->getMessage()];
public function opSubscribeToFeed(array $data): array {
if (!$data['feed_url'] || !ValueInfo::id($data['category_id'], true)) {
// if the feed URL or the category ID is invalid, throw an error
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
$url = (string) $data['feed_url'];
$folder = (int) $data['category_id'];
$fetchUser = (string) $data['login'];
$fetchPassword = (string) $data['password'];
// check to make sure the requested folder exists before doing anything else, if one is specified
if ($folder) {
try {
Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, $folder);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
// folder does not exist: TT-RSS is a bit weird in this case and returns a feed ID of 0. It checks the feed first, but we do not
return ['code' => 1, 'feed_id' => 0];
try {
$id = Arsse::$db->subscriptionAdd(Arsse::$user->id, $url, $fetchUser, $fetchPassword);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
// subscription already exists; retrieve the existing ID and return that with the correct code
for ($triedDiscovery = 0; $triedDiscovery <= 1; $triedDiscovery++) {
$subs = Arsse::$db->subscriptionList(Arsse::$user->id);
$id = false;
foreach ($subs as $sub) {
if ($sub['url']===$url) {
$id = (int) $sub['id'];
if ($id) {
} elseif (!$triedDiscovery) {
// if we didn't find the ID we perform feed discovery for the next iteration; this is pretty messy: discovery ends up being done twice because it was already done in $db->subscriptionAdd()
try {
$url = Feed::discover($url, $fetchUser, $fetchPassword);
} catch (FeedException $e) {
// feed errors (handled above)
return $this->feedError($e);
return ['code' => 0, 'feed_id' => $id];
} catch (FeedException $e) {
// feed errors (handled above)
return $this->feedError($e);
// if all went well, move the new subscription to the requested folder (if one was requested)
try {
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, $id, ['folder' => $folder]);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
// ignore errors
return ['code' => 1, 'feed_id' => $id];
public function opUnsubscribeFeed(array $data): array {
try {
// attempt to remove the feed
Arsse::$db->subscriptionRemove(Arsse::$user->id, (int) $data['feed_id']);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
throw new Exception("FEED_NOT_FOUND");
return ['status' => "OK"];
public function opMoveFeed(array $data) {
if (!ValueInfo::id($data['feed_id']) || !isset($data['category_id']) || !ValueInfo::id($data['category_id'], true)) {
// if the feed or folder is invalid, throw an error
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
$in = [
'folder' => $data['category_id'],
try {
// try to move the feed
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, $data['feed_id'], $in);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
// ignore all errors
return null;
public function opRenameFeed(array $data) {
$info = ValueInfo::str($data['caption']);
if (!ValueInfo::id($data['feed_id']) || !($info & ValueInfo::VALID) || ($info & ValueInfo::EMPTY) || ($info & ValueInfo::WHITE)) {
// if the feed ID or name is invalid, throw an error
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
$in = [
'title' => $data['caption'],
try {
// try to rename the feed
Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, $data['feed_id'], $in);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
// ignore all errors
return null;
public function opUpdateFeed(array $data): array {
if (!isset($data['feed_id']) || !ValueInfo::id($data['feed_id'])) {
// if the feed is invalid, throw an error
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
try {
Arsse::$db->feedUpdate(Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, $data['feed_id'])['feed']);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
throw new Exception("FEED_NOT_FOUND");
return ['status' => "OK"];
protected function labelIn($id, bool $throw = true): int {
if (!(ValueInfo::int($id) & ValueInfo::NEG) || $id > (-1 - self::LABEL_OFFSET)) {
if ($throw) {
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
} else {
return 0;
return (abs($id) - self::LABEL_OFFSET);
protected function labelOut(int $id): int {
return ($id * -1 - self::LABEL_OFFSET);
public function opGetLabels(array $data): array {
// this function doesn't complain about invalid article IDs
$article = ValueInfo::id($data['article_id']) ? $data['article_id'] : 0;
try {
$list = $article ? Arsse::$db->articleLabelsGet(Arsse::$user->id, $article) : [];
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
$list = [];
$out = [];
foreach (Arsse::$db->labelList(Arsse::$user->id) as $l) {
$out[] = [
'id' => $this->labelOut($l['id']),
'caption' => $l['name'],
'fg_color' => "",
'bg_color' => "",
'checked' => in_array($l['id'], $list),
return $out;
public function opAddLabel(array $data) {
$in = [
'name' => (string) $data['caption'],
try {
return $this->labelOut(Arsse::$db->labelAdd(Arsse::$user->id, $in));
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
switch ($e->getCode()) {
case 10236: // label already exists
// retrieve the ID of the existing label; duplicating a label silently returns the existing one
return $this->labelOut(Arsse::$db->labelPropertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, $in['name'], true)['id']);
default: // other errors related to input
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
public function opRemoveLabel(array $data) {
// normalize the label ID; missing or invalid IDs are rejected
$id = $this->labelIn($data['label_id']);
try {
// attempt to remove the label
Arsse::$db->labelRemove(Arsse::$user->id, $id);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
// ignore all errors
return null;
public function opRenameLabel(array $data) {
// normalize input; missing or invalid IDs are rejected
$id = $this->labelIn($data['label_id']);
$name = (string) $data['caption'];
try {
// try to rename the folder
Arsse::$db->labelPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, $id, ['name' => $name]);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
if ($e->getCode()==10237) {
// if the supplied ID was invalid, report an error; other errors are to be ignored
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
return null;
public function opSetArticleLabel(array $data): array {
$label = $this->labelIn($data['label_id']);
$articles = explode(",", (string) $data['article_ids']);
$assign = $data['assign'] ?? false;
$out = 0;
$in = array_chunk($articles, 50);
for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($in); $a++) {
// initialize the matching context
$c = new Context;
try {
$out += Arsse::$db->labelArticlesSet(Arsse::$user->id, $label, $c, !$assign);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
return ['status' => "OK", 'updated' => $out];
public function opCatchUpFeed(array $data): array {
$id = $data['feed_id'] ?? self::FEED_ARCHIVED;
$cat = $data['is_cat'] ?? false;
$out = ['status' => "OK"];
// first prepare the context; unsupported contexts simply return early
$c = new Context;
if ($cat) { // categories
switch ($id) {
case self::CAT_SPECIAL:
case self::CAT_NOT_SPECIAL:
case self::CAT_ALL:
// not valid
return $out;
// this requires a shallow context since in TTRSS the zero/null folder ("Uncategorized") is apart from the tree rather than at the root
case self::CAT_LABELS:
// any actual category
} else { // feeds
if ($this->labelIn($id, false)) { // labels
} else {
switch ($id) {
case self::FEED_ARCHIVED:
// not implemented (also, evidently, not implemented in TTRSS)
return $out;
case self::FEED_STARRED:
case self::FEED_PUBLISHED:
// not implemented
// TODO: if the Published feed is implemented, the catchup function needs to be modified accordingly
return $out;
case self::FEED_FRESH:
case self::FEED_ALL:
// no context needed here
case self::FEED_READ:
// everything in the Recently read feed is, by definition, already read
return $out;
// any actual feed
// perform the marking
try {
Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['read' => true], $c);
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
// ignore all errors
// return boilerplate output
return $out;
public function opUpdateArticle(array $data): array {
// normalize input
$articles = array_filter(ValueInfo::normalize(explode(",", (string) $data['article_ids']), ValueInfo::T_INT | ValueInfo::M_ARRAY), [ValueInfo::class, "id"]);
if (!$articles) {
// if there are no valid articles this is an error
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
$out = 0;
$tr = Arsse::$db->begin();
switch ($data['field']) {
case 0: // starred
switch ($data['mode']) {
case 0: // set false
case 1: // set true
$out += Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['starred' => (bool) $data['mode']], (new Context)->articles($articles));
case 2: //toggle
$on = array_column(Arsse::$db->articleList(Arsse::$user->id, (new Context)->articles($articles)->starred(true), Database::LIST_MINIMAL)->getAll(), "id");
$off = array_column(Arsse::$db->articleList(Arsse::$user->id, (new Context)->articles($articles)->starred(false), Database::LIST_MINIMAL)->getAll(), "id");
if ($off) {
$out += Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['starred' => true], (new Context)->articles($off));
if ($on) {
$out += Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['starred' => false], (new Context)->articles($on));
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
case 1: // published
switch ($data['mode']) {
case 0: // set false
case 1: // set true
case 2: //toggle
// TODO: the Published feed is not yet implemeted; once it is the updateArticle operation must be amended accordingly
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
case 2: // unread
// NOTE: we use a "read" flag rather than "unread", so the booleans are swapped
switch ($data['mode']) {
case 0: // set false
case 1: // set true
$out += Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['read' => !$data['mode']], (new Context)->articles($articles));
case 2: //toggle
$on = array_column(Arsse::$db->articleList(Arsse::$user->id, (new Context)->articles($articles)->unread(true), Database::LIST_MINIMAL)->getAll(), "id");
$off = array_column(Arsse::$db->articleList(Arsse::$user->id, (new Context)->articles($articles)->unread(false), Database::LIST_MINIMAL)->getAll(), "id");
if ($off) {
$out += Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['read' => false], (new Context)->articles($off));
if ($on) {
$out += Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['read' => true], (new Context)->articles($on));
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
case 3: // article note
$out += Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['note' => (string) $data['data']], (new Context)->articles($articles));
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
return ['status' => "OK", 'updated' => $out];
public function opGetArticle(array $data): array {
// normalize input
$articles = array_filter(ValueInfo::normalize(explode(",", (string) $data['article_id']), ValueInfo::T_INT | ValueInfo::M_ARRAY), [ValueInfo::class, "id"]);
if (!$articles) {
// if there are no valid articles this is an error
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
$tr = Arsse::$db->begin();
// retrieve the list of label names for the user
$labels = [];
foreach (Arsse::$db->labelList(Arsse::$user->id, false) as $label) {
$labels[$label['id']] = $label['name'];
// retrieve the requested articles
$out = [];
foreach (Arsse::$db->articleList(Arsse::$user->id, (new Context)->articles($articles)) as $article) {
$out[] = [
'id' => (string) $article['id'], // string cast to be consistent with TTRSS
'guid' => $article['guid'] ? "SHA256:".$article['guid'] : null,
'title' => $article['title'],
'link' => $article['url'],
'labels' => $this->articleLabelList($labels, $article['id']),
'unread' => (bool) $article['unread'],
'marked' => (bool) $article['starred'],
'published' => false, // TODO: if the Published feed is implemented, the getArticle operation should be amended accordingly
'comments' => "", // FIXME: What is this?
'author' => $article['author'],
'updated' => Date::transform($article['edited_date'], "unix", "sql"),
'feed_id' => (string) $article['subscription'], // string cast to be consistent with TTRSS
'feed_title' => $article['subscription_title'],
'attachments' => $article['media_url'] ? [[
'id' => (string) 0, // string cast to be consistent with TTRSS; nonsense ID because we don't use them for enclosures
'content_url' => $article['media_url'],
'content_type' => $article['media_type'],
'title' => "",
'duration' => "",
'width' => "",
'height' => "",
'post_id' => (string) $article['id'], // string cast to be consistent with TTRSS
]] : [], // TODO: We need to support multiple enclosures
'score' => 0, // score is not implemented as it is not modifiable from the TTRSS API
'note' => strlen((string) $article['note']) ? $article['note'] : null,
'lang' => "", // FIXME: picoFeed should be able to retrieve this information
'content' => $article['content'],
return $out;
protected function articleLabelList(array $labels, int $id): array {
$out = [];
if (!$labels) {
return $out;
foreach (Arsse::$db->articleLabelsGet(Arsse::$user->id, $id) as $label) {
$out[] = [
$this->labelOut($label), // ID
$labels[$label], // name
"", // foreground colour
"", // background colour
return $out;
public function opGetCompactHeadlines(array $data): array {
// getCompactHeadlines supports fewer features than getHeadlines
$data = [
'feed_id' => $data['feed_id'],
'view_mode' => $data['view_mode'],
'since_id' => $data['since_id'],
'limit' => $data['limit'],
'skip' => $data['skip'],
$data = $this->normalizeInput($data, self::VALID_INPUT, "unix");
// fetch the list of IDs
$out = [];
try {
foreach ($this->fetchArticles($data, Database::LIST_MINIMAL) as $row) {
$out[] = ['id' => $row['id']];
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
// ignore database errors (feeds/categories that don't exist)
return $out;
public function opGetHeadlines(array $data): array {
// normalize input
$data['limit'] = max(min(!$data['limit'] ? self::LIMIT_ARTICLES : $data['limit'], self::LIMIT_ARTICLES), 0); // at most 200; not specified/zero yields 200; negative values yield no limit
$tr = Arsse::$db->begin();
// retrieve the list of label names for the user
$labels = [];
foreach (Arsse::$db->labelList(Arsse::$user->id, false) as $label) {
$labels[$label['id']] = $label['name'];
// retrieve the requested articles
$out = [];
try {
foreach ($this->fetchArticles($data, Database::LIST_FULL) as $article) {
$row = [
'id' => $article['id'],
'guid' => $article['guid'] ? "SHA256:".$article['guid'] : "",
'title' => $article['title'],
'link' => $article['url'],
'labels' => $this->articleLabelList($labels, $article['id']),
'unread' => (bool) $article['unread'],
'marked' => (bool) $article['starred'],
'published' => false, // TODO: if the Published feed is implemented, the getHeadlines operation should be amended accordingly
'author' => $article['author'],
'updated' => Date::transform($article['edited_date'], "unix", "sql"),
'is_updated' => ($article['published_date'] < $article['edited_date']),
'feed_id' => (string) $article['subscription'], // string cast to be consistent with TTRSS
'feed_title' => $article['subscription_title'],
'score' => 0, // score is not implemented as it is not modifiable from the TTRSS API
'note' => strlen((string) $article['note']) ? $article['note'] : null,
'lang' => "", // FIXME: picoFeed should be able to retrieve this information
'tags' => Arsse::$db->articleCategoriesGet(Arsse::$user->id, $article['id']),
'comments_count' => 0,
'comments_link' => "",
'always_display_attachments' => false,
if ($data['show_content']) {
$row['content'] = $article['content'];
if ($data['show_excerpt']) {
// prepare an excerpt from the content
$text = strip_tags($article['content']); // get rid of all tags; elements with problematic content (e.g. script, style) should already be gone thanks to sanitization
$text = html_entity_decode($text, \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_HTML5, "UTF-8");
$text = trim($text); // trim whitespace at ends
$text = preg_replace("<\s+>s", " ", $text); // replace runs of whitespace with a single space
$row['excerpt'] = grapheme_substr($text, 0, self::LIMIT_EXCERPT).(grapheme_strlen($text) > self::LIMIT_EXCERPT ? "" : ""); // add an ellipsis if the string is longer than N characters
if ($data['include_attachments']) {
$row['attachments'] = $article['media_url'] ? [[
'id' => (string) 0, // string cast to be consistent with TTRSS; nonsense ID because we don't use them for enclosures
'content_url' => $article['media_url'],
'content_type' => $article['media_type'],
'title' => "",
'duration' => "",
'width' => "",
'height' => "",
'post_id' => (string) $article['id'], // string cast to be consistent with TTRSS
]] : []; // TODO: We need to support multiple enclosures
$out[] = $row;
} catch (ExceptionInput $e) {
// ignore database errors (feeds/categories that don't exist)
// ensure that if using a header the database is not needlessly queried again
$data['skip'] = null;
if ($data['include_header']) {
if ($data['skip'] > 0 && $data['order_by'] != "date_reverse") {
// when paginating the header returns the latest ("first") item ID in the full list; we get this ID here
$data['skip'] = 0;
$data['limit'] = 1;
$firstID = ($this->fetchArticles($data, Database::LIST_MINIMAL)->getRow() ?? ['id' => 0])['id'];
} elseif ($data['order_by']=="date_reverse") {
// the "date_reverse" sort order doesn't get a first ID because it's meaningless for ascending-order pagination (pages doesn't go stale)
$firstID = 0;
} else {
// otherwise just use the ID of the first item in the list we've already computed
$firstID = ($out) ? $out[0]['id'] : 0;
// wrap the output with (but after) the header
$out = [
'id' => $data['feed_id'],
'is_cat' => $data['is_cat'] ?? false,
'first_id' => $firstID,
return $out;
protected function fetchArticles(array $data, int $fields): \JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\Result {
// normalize input
if (is_null($data['feed_id'])) {
throw new Exception("INCORRECT_USAGE");
$id = $data['feed_id'];
$cat = $data['is_cat'] ?? false;
$shallow = !($data['include_nested'] ?? false);
$viewMode = in_array($data['view_mode'], ["all_articles", "adaptive", "unread", "marked", "has_note", "published"]) ? $data['view_mode'] : "all_articles";
// prepare the context; unsupported, invalid, or inherently empty contexts return synthetic empty result sets
$c = new Context;
$tr = Arsse::$db->begin();
// start with the feed or category ID
if ($cat) { // categories
switch ($id) {
case self::CAT_SPECIAL:
// not valid
return new ResultEmpty;
case self::CAT_NOT_SPECIAL:
case self::CAT_ALL:
// no context needed here
// this requires a shallow context since in TTRSS the zero/null folder ("Uncategorized") is apart from the tree rather than at the root
case self::CAT_LABELS:
// any actual category
if ($shallow) {
} else {
} else { // feeds
if ($this->labelIn($id, false)) { // labels
} else {
switch ($id) {
case self::FEED_ARCHIVED:
// not implemented
return new ResultEmpty;
case self::FEED_STARRED:
case self::FEED_PUBLISHED:
// not implemented
// TODO: if the Published feed is implemented, the headline function needs to be modified accordingly
return new ResultEmpty;
case self::FEED_FRESH:
case self::FEED_ALL:
// no context needed here
case self::FEED_READ:
$c->markedSince(Date::sub("PT24H"))->unread(false); // FIXME: this selects any recently touched article which is read, not necessarily a recently read one
// any actual feed
// next handle the view mode
switch ($viewMode) {
case "all_articles":
// no context needed here
case "adaptive":
// adaptive means "return only unread unless there are none, in which case return all articles"
if ($c->unread !== false && Arsse::$db->articleCount(Arsse::$user->id, (clone $c)->unread(true))) {
case "unread":
if ($c->unread !== false) {
} else {
// unread mode in the "Recently Read" feed is a no-op
return new ResultEmpty;
case "marked":
case "has_note":
case "published":
// not implemented
// TODO: if the Published feed is implemented, the headline function needs to be modified accordingly
return new ResultEmpty;
throw new \JKingWeb\Arsse\Exception("constantUnknown", $viewMode); // @codeCoverageIgnore
// TODO: implement searching
// handle sorting
switch ($data['order_by']) {
case "date_reverse":
// sort oldest first
case "feed_dates":
// sort newest first
// in TT-RSS the default sort order is unusual for some of the special feeds; we do not implement this
// set the limit and offset
if ($data['limit'] > 0) {
if ($data['skip'] > 0) {
// set the minimum article ID
if ($data['since_id'] > 0) {
$c->oldestArticle($data['since_id'] + 1);
// return results
return Arsse::$db->articleList(Arsse::$user->id, $c, $fields);