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mirror of https://code.mensbeam.com/MensBeam/Arsse.git synced 2025-03-13 03:00:50 +00:00
J. King 86897af0b3 Add ability to enable scraper
Also transfer any existing scraper booleans on database upgrade. It was
previously possible to enable scraping manually by editing the database,
and these settings will be honoured.
2021-01-16 19:06:20 -05:00

116 lines
8 KiB

-- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-- Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
-- See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details
-- Add a column to the token table to hold arbitrary class-specific data
-- This is a speculative addition to support OAuth login in the future
alter table arsse_tokens add column data text default null;
-- Add columns to subscriptions to store "keep" and "block" filtering rules from Miniflux,
-- as well as a column to mark articles as hidden for users
alter table arsse_subscriptions add column keep_rule text default null;
alter table arsse_subscriptions add column block_rule text default null;
alter table arsse_marks add column hidden boolean not null default 0;
-- Add numeric identifier and admin columns to the users table
create table arsse_users_new(
-- users
id text primary key not null collate nocase, -- user id
password text, -- password, salted and hashed; if using external authentication this would be blank
num integer unique not null, -- numeric identfier used by Miniflux
admin boolean not null default 0 -- Whether the user is an administrator
) without rowid;
create temp table arsse_users_existing(
id text not null,
num integer primary key
insert into arsse_users_existing(id) select id from arsse_users;
insert into arsse_users_new(id, password, num)
select id, password, num
from arsse_users
join arsse_users_existing using(id);
drop table arsse_users;
drop table arsse_users_existing;
alter table arsse_users_new rename to arsse_users;
-- Add a table for other user metadata
create table arsse_user_meta(
-- Metadata for users
-- It is up to individual applications (i.e. the client protocols) to cooperate with names and types
owner text not null references arsse_users(id) on delete cascade on update cascade, -- the user to whom the metadata belongs
key text not null, -- metadata key
modified text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- time at which the metadata was last changed
value text, -- metadata value
primary key(owner,key)
) without rowid;
-- Add a "scrape" column for subscriptions and copy any existing scraping
alter table arsse_subscriptions add column scrape boolean not null default 0;
update arsse_subscriptions set scrape = 1 where feed in (select id from arsse_feeds where scrape = 1);
-- Add a column for scraped article content, and re-order some columns
create table arsse_articles_new(
-- entries in newsfeeds
id integer primary key, -- sequence number
feed integer not null references arsse_feeds(id) on delete cascade, -- feed for the subscription
url text, -- URL of article
title text collate nocase, -- article title
author text collate nocase, -- author's name
published text, -- time of original publication
edited text, -- time of last edit by author
modified text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- time when article was last modified in database
guid text, -- GUID
url_title_hash text not null, -- hash of URL + title; used when checking for updates and for identification if there is no guid.
url_content_hash text not null, -- hash of URL + content, enclosure URL, & content type; used when checking for updates and for identification if there is no guid.
title_content_hash text not null, -- hash of title + content, enclosure URL, & content type; used when checking for updates and for identification if there is no guid.
content_scraped text, -- scraped content, as HTML
content text -- content, as HTML
insert into arsse_articles_new select id, feed, url, title, author, published, edited, modified, guid, url_title_hash, url_content_hash, title_content_hash, null, content from arsse_articles;
drop table arsse_articles;
alter table arsse_articles_new rename to arsse_articles;
-- Add a separate table for feed icons and replace their URLs in the feeds table with their IDs
-- Also remove the "scrape" column of the feeds table, which was never an advertised feature
create table arsse_icons(
-- Icons associated with feeds
-- At a minimum the URL of the icon must be known, but its content may be missing
id integer primary key, -- the identifier for the icon
url text unique not null, -- the URL of the icon
modified text, -- Last-Modified date, for caching
etag text not null default '', -- ETag, for caching
next_fetch text, -- The date at which cached data should be considered stale
orphaned text, -- time at which the icon last had no feeds associated with it
type text, -- the Content-Type of the icon, if known
data blob -- the binary data of the icon itself
insert into arsse_icons(url) select distinct favicon from arsse_feeds where favicon is not null and favicon <> '';
create table arsse_feeds_new(
-- newsfeeds, deduplicated
-- users have subscriptions to these feeds in another table
id integer primary key, -- sequence number
url text not null, -- URL of feed
title text collate nocase, -- default title of feed (users can set the title of their subscription to the feed)
source text, -- URL of site to which the feed belongs
updated text, -- time at which the feed was last fetched
modified text, -- time at which the feed last actually changed
next_fetch text, -- time at which the feed should next be fetched
orphaned text, -- time at which the feed last had no subscriptions
etag text not null default '', -- HTTP ETag hash used for cache validation, changes each time the content changes
err_count integer not null default 0, -- count of successive times update resulted in error since last successful update
err_msg text, -- last error message
username text not null default '', -- HTTP authentication username
password text not null default '', -- HTTP authentication password (this is stored in plain text)
size integer not null default 0, -- number of articles in the feed at last fetch
icon integer references arsse_icons(id) on delete set null, -- numeric identifier of any associated icon
unique(url,username,password) -- a URL with particular credentials should only appear once
insert into arsse_feeds_new
select f.id, f.url, title, source, updated, f.modified, f.next_fetch, f.orphaned, f.etag, err_count, err_msg, username, password, size, i.id
from arsse_feeds as f left join arsse_icons as i on f.favicon = i.url;
drop table arsse_feeds;
alter table arsse_feeds_new rename to arsse_feeds;
-- set version marker
pragma user_version = 7;
update arsse_meta set value = '7' where "key" = 'schema_version';