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J. King c21ae3eca9 Correctly send binary data to PostgreSQL
This finally brings PostgreSQL to parity with SQLite and MySQL.
Two tests casting binary data to text were removed since behaviour here
should in fact be undefined

Accountinf for any encoding when retrieving data will be addressed by
a later commit
2020-11-02 15:21:04 -05:00

318 lines
22 KiB

/** @license MIT
* Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
* See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\TestCase\Db;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\Statement;
abstract class BaseStatement extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\AbstractTest {
protected static $interface;
protected $statementClass;
abstract protected function makeStatement(string $q, array $types = []): array;
abstract protected function decorateTypeSyntax(string $value, string $type): string;
public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void {
// establish a clean baseline
static::$interface = static::dbInterface();
public function setUp(): void {
if (!static::$interface) {
$this->markTestSkipped(static::$implementation." database driver not available");
// completely clear the database
$this->statementClass = static::$dbStatementClass;
public function tearDown(): void {
public static function tearDownAfterClass(): void {
if (static::$interface) {
// completely clear the database
static::$interface = null;
public function testConstructStatement(): void {
$this->assertInstanceOf(Statement::class, new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("SELECT ? as value")));
/** @dataProvider provideBindings */
public function testBindATypedValue($value, string $type, string $exp): void {
if ($exp === "null") {
$query = "SELECT (? is null) as pass";
} else {
$query = "SELECT ($exp = ?) as pass";
$s = new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement($query));
$act = $s->run(...[$value])->getValue();
$this->assertTrue((bool) $act);
/** @dataProvider provideBinaryBindings */
public function testHandleBinaryData($value, string $type, string $exp): void {
if ($exp === "null") {
$query = "SELECT (? is null) as pass";
} else {
$query = "SELECT ($exp = ?) as pass";
$s = new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement($query));
$act = $s->run(...[$value])->getValue();
$this->assertTrue((bool) $act);
public function testBindMissingValue(): void {
$s = new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("SELECT ? as value", ["int"]));
$val = $s->runArray()->getRow()['value'];
$this->assertSame(null, $val);
public function testBindMultipleValues(): void {
$exp = [
'one' => "A",
'two' => "B",
$s = new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("SELECT ? as one, ? as two", ["str", "str"]));
$val = $s->runArray(["A", "B"])->getRow();
$this->assertSame($exp, $val);
public function testBindRecursively(): void {
$exp = [
'one' => "A",
'two' => "B",
'three' => "C",
'four' => "D",
$s = new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("SELECT ? as one, ? as two, ? as three, ? as four", ["str", ["str", "str"], "str"]));
$val = $s->runArray(["A", ["B", "C"], "D"])->getRow();
$this->assertSame($exp, $val);
public function testBindWithoutType(): void {
$this->assertException("paramTypeMissing", "Db");
$s = new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("SELECT ? as value", []));
public function testViolateConstraint(): void {
(new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("CREATE TABLE if not exists arsse_meta(\"key\" varchar(255) primary key not null, value text)")))->run();
$s = new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("INSERT INTO arsse_meta(\"key\") values(?)", ["str"]));
$this->assertException("constraintViolation", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
public function testMismatchTypes(): void {
(new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("CREATE TABLE if not exists arsse_feeds(id integer primary key not null, url text not null)")))->run();
$s = new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("INSERT INTO arsse_feeds(id,url) values(?,?)", ["str", "str"]));
$this->assertException("typeViolation", "Db", "ExceptionInput");
$s->runArray(['ook', 'eek']);
public function provideBindings(): iterable {
$dateMutable = new \DateTime("Noon Today", new \DateTimezone("America/Toronto"));
$dateImmutable = new \DateTimeImmutable("Noon Today", new \DateTimezone("America/Toronto"));
$dateUTC = new \DateTime("@".$dateMutable->getTimestamp(), new \DateTimezone("UTC"));
$tests = [
'Null as integer' => [null, "integer", "null"],
'Null as float' => [null, "float", "null"],
'Null as string' => [null, "string", "null"],
'Null as datetime' => [null, "datetime", "null"],
'Null as boolean' => [null, "boolean", "null"],
'Null as strict integer' => [null, "strict integer", "0"],
'Null as strict float' => [null, "strict float", "0.0"],
'Null as strict string' => [null, "strict string", "''"],
'Null as strict datetime' => [null, "strict datetime", "'0001-01-01 00:00:00'"],
'Null as strict boolean' => [null, "strict boolean", "0"],
'True as integer' => [true, "integer", "1"],
'True as float' => [true, "float", "1.0"],
'True as string' => [true, "string", "'1'"],
'True as datetime' => [true, "datetime", "null"],
'True as boolean' => [true, "boolean", "1"],
'True as strict integer' => [true, "strict integer", "1"],
'True as strict float' => [true, "strict float", "1.0"],
'True as strict string' => [true, "strict string", "'1'"],
'True as strict datetime' => [true, "strict datetime", "'0001-01-01 00:00:00'"],
'True as strict boolean' => [true, "strict boolean", "1"],
'False as integer' => [false, "integer", "0"],
'False as float' => [false, "float", "0.0"],
'False as string' => [false, "string", "''"],
'False as datetime' => [false, "datetime", "null"],
'False as boolean' => [false, "boolean", "0"],
'False as strict integer' => [false, "strict integer", "0"],
'False as strict float' => [false, "strict float", "0.0"],
'False as strict string' => [false, "strict string", "''"],
'False as strict datetime' => [false, "strict datetime", "'0001-01-01 00:00:00'"],
'False as strict boolean' => [false, "strict boolean", "0"],
'Integer as integer' => [2112, "integer", "2112"],
'Integer as float' => [2112, "float", "2112.0"],
'Integer as string' => [2112, "string", "'2112'"],
'Integer as datetime' => [2112, "datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:35:12'"],
'Integer as boolean' => [2112, "boolean", "1"],
'Integer as strict integer' => [2112, "strict integer", "2112"],
'Integer as strict float' => [2112, "strict float", "2112.0"],
'Integer as strict string' => [2112, "strict string", "'2112'"],
'Integer as strict datetime' => [2112, "strict datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:35:12'"],
'Integer as strict boolean' => [2112, "strict boolean", "1"],
'Integer zero as integer' => [0, "integer", "0"],
'Integer zero as float' => [0, "float", "0.0"],
'Integer zero as string' => [0, "string", "'0'"],
'Integer zero as datetime' => [0, "datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:00:00'"],
'Integer zero as boolean' => [0, "boolean", "0"],
'Integer zero as strict integer' => [0, "strict integer", "0"],
'Integer zero as strict float' => [0, "strict float", "0.0"],
'Integer zero as strict string' => [0, "strict string", "'0'"],
'Integer zero as strict datetime' => [0, "strict datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:00:00'"],
'Integer zero as strict boolean' => [0, "strict boolean", "0"],
'Float as integer' => [2112.5, "integer", "2112"],
'Float as float' => [2112.5, "float", "2112.5"],
'Float as string' => [2112.5, "string", "'2112.5'"],
'Float as datetime' => [2112.5, "datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:35:12'"],
'Float as boolean' => [2112.5, "boolean", "1"],
'Float as strict integer' => [2112.5, "strict integer", "2112"],
'Float as strict float' => [2112.5, "strict float", "2112.5"],
'Float as strict string' => [2112.5, "strict string", "'2112.5'"],
'Float as strict datetime' => [2112.5, "strict datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:35:12'"],
'Float as strict boolean' => [2112.5, "strict boolean", "1"],
'Float zero as integer' => [0.0, "integer", "0"],
'Float zero as float' => [0.0, "float", "0.0"],
'Float zero as string' => [0.0, "string", "'0'"],
'Float zero as datetime' => [0.0, "datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:00:00'"],
'Float zero as boolean' => [0.0, "boolean", "0"],
'Float zero as strict integer' => [0.0, "strict integer", "0"],
'Float zero as strict float' => [0.0, "strict float", "0.0"],
'Float zero as strict string' => [0.0, "strict string", "'0'"],
'Float zero as strict datetime' => [0.0, "strict datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:00:00'"],
'Float zero as strict boolean' => [0.0, "strict boolean", "0"],
'ASCII string as integer' => ["Random string", "integer", "0"],
'ASCII string as float' => ["Random string", "float", "0.0"],
'ASCII string as string' => ["Random string", "string", "'Random string'"],
'ASCII string as datetime' => ["Random string", "datetime", "null"],
'ASCII string as boolean' => ["Random string", "boolean", "1"],
'ASCII string as strict integer' => ["Random string", "strict integer", "0"],
'ASCII string as strict float' => ["Random string", "strict float", "0.0"],
'ASCII string as strict string' => ["Random string", "strict string", "'Random string'"],
'ASCII string as strict datetime' => ["Random string", "strict datetime", "'0001-01-01 00:00:00'"],
'ASCII string as strict boolean' => ["Random string", "strict boolean", "1"],
'UTF-8 string as integer' => ["\u{e9}", "integer", "0"],
'UTF-8 string as float' => ["\u{e9}", "float", "0.0"],
'UTF-8 string as string' => ["\u{e9}", "string", "char(233)"],
'UTF-8 string as datetime' => ["\u{e9}", "datetime", "null"],
'UTF-8 string as boolean' => ["\u{e9}", "boolean", "1"],
'UTF-8 string as strict integer' => ["\u{e9}", "strict integer", "0"],
'UTF-8 string as strict float' => ["\u{e9}", "strict float", "0.0"],
'UTF-8 string as strict string' => ["\u{e9}", "strict string", "char(233)"],
'UTF-8 string as strict datetime' => ["\u{e9}", "strict datetime", "'0001-01-01 00:00:00'"],
'UTF-8 string as strict boolean' => ["\u{e9}", "strict boolean", "1"],
'ISO 8601 string as integer' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "integer", "0"],
'ISO 8601 string as float' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "float", "0.0"],
'ISO 8601 string as string' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "string", "'2017-01-09T13:11:17'"],
'ISO 8601 string as datetime' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "datetime", "'2017-01-09 13:11:17'"],
'ISO 8601 string as boolean' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "boolean", "1"],
'ISO 8601 string as strict integer' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "strict integer", "0"],
'ISO 8601 string as strict float' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "strict float", "0.0"],
'ISO 8601 string as strict string' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "strict string", "'2017-01-09T13:11:17'"],
'ISO 8601 string as strict datetime' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "strict datetime", "'2017-01-09 13:11:17'"],
'ISO 8601 string as strict boolean' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "strict boolean", "1"],
'Arbitrary date string as integer' => ["Today", "integer", "0"],
'Arbitrary date string as float' => ["Today", "float", "0.0"],
'Arbitrary date string as string' => ["Today", "string", "'Today'"],
'Arbitrary date string as datetime' => ["Today", "datetime", "'".date_create("Today", new \DateTimezone("UTC"))->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"],
'Arbitrary date string as boolean' => ["Today", "boolean", "1"],
'Arbitrary date string as strict integer' => ["Today", "strict integer", "0"],
'Arbitrary date string as strict float' => ["Today", "strict float", "0.0"],
'Arbitrary date string as strict string' => ["Today", "strict string", "'Today'"],
'Arbitrary date string as strict datetime' => ["Today", "strict datetime", "'".date_create("Today", new \DateTimezone("UTC"))->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"],
'Arbitrary date string as strict boolean' => ["Today", "strict boolean", "1"],
'DateTime as integer' => [$dateMutable, "integer", (string) $dateUTC->getTimestamp()],
'DateTime as float' => [$dateMutable, "float", $dateUTC->getTimestamp().".0"],
'DateTime as string' => [$dateMutable, "string", "'".$dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"],
'DateTime as datetime' => [$dateMutable, "datetime", "'".$dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"],
'DateTime as boolean' => [$dateMutable, "boolean", "1"],
'DateTime as strict integer' => [$dateMutable, "strict integer", (string) $dateUTC->getTimestamp()],
'DateTime as strict float' => [$dateMutable, "strict float", $dateUTC->getTimestamp().".0"],
'DateTime as strict string' => [$dateMutable, "strict string", "'".$dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"],
'DateTime as strict datetime' => [$dateMutable, "strict datetime", "'".$dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"],
'DateTime as strict boolean' => [$dateMutable, "strict boolean", "1"],
'DateTimeImmutable as integer' => [$dateImmutable, "integer", (string) $dateUTC->getTimestamp()],
'DateTimeImmutable as float' => [$dateImmutable, "float", $dateUTC->getTimestamp().".0"],
'DateTimeImmutable as string' => [$dateImmutable, "string", "'".$dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"],
'DateTimeImmutable as datetime' => [$dateImmutable, "datetime", "'".$dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"],
'DateTimeImmutable as boolean' => [$dateImmutable, "boolean", "1"],
'DateTimeImmutable as strict integer' => [$dateImmutable, "strict integer", (string) $dateUTC->getTimestamp()],
'DateTimeImmutable as strict float' => [$dateImmutable, "strict float", $dateUTC->getTimestamp().".0"],
'DateTimeImmutable as strict string' => [$dateImmutable, "strict string", "'".$dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"],
'DateTimeImmutable as strict datetime' => [$dateImmutable, "strict datetime", "'".$dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"],
'DateTimeImmutable as strict boolean' => [$dateImmutable, "strict boolean", "1"],
foreach ($tests as $index => [$value, $type, $exp]) {
$t = preg_replace("<^strict >", "", $type);
$exp = ($exp === "null") ? $exp : $this->decorateTypeSyntax($exp, $t);
yield $index => [$value, $type, $exp];
public function provideBinaryBindings(): iterable {
$dateMutable = new \DateTime("Noon Today", new \DateTimezone("America/Toronto"));
$dateImmutable = new \DateTimeImmutable("Noon Today", new \DateTimezone("America/Toronto"));
$dateUTC = new \DateTime("@".$dateMutable->getTimestamp(), new \DateTimezone("UTC"));
$tests = [
'Null as binary' => [null, "binary", "null"],
'Null as strict binary' => [null, "strict binary", "x''"],
'True as binary' => [true, "binary", "x'31'"],
'True as strict binary' => [true, "strict binary", "x'31'"],
'False as binary' => [false, "binary", "x''"],
'False as strict binary' => [false, "strict binary", "x''"],
'Integer as binary' => [2112, "binary", "x'32313132'"],
'Integer as strict binary' => [2112, "strict binary", "x'32313132'"],
'Integer zero as binary' => [0, "binary", "x'30'"],
'Integer zero as strict binary' => [0, "strict binary", "x'30'"],
'Float as binary' => [2112.5, "binary", "x'323131322e35'"],
'Float as strict binary' => [2112.5, "strict binary", "x'323131322e35'"],
'Float zero as binary' => [0.0, "binary", "x'30'"],
'Float zero as strict binary' => [0.0, "strict binary", "x'30'"],
'ASCII string as binary' => ["Random string", "binary", "x'52616e646f6d20737472696e67'"],
'ASCII string as strict binary' => ["Random string", "strict binary", "x'52616e646f6d20737472696e67'"],
'UTF-8 string as binary' => ["\u{e9}", "binary", "x'c3a9'"],
'UTF-8 string as strict binary' => ["\u{e9}", "strict binary", "x'c3a9'"],
'Binary string as integer' => [chr(233).chr(233), "integer", "0"],
'Binary string as float' => [chr(233).chr(233), "float", "0.0"],
'Binary string as binary' => [chr(233).chr(233), "binary", "x'e9e9'"],
'Binary string as datetime' => [chr(233).chr(233), "datetime", "null"],
'Binary string as boolean' => [chr(233).chr(233), "boolean", "1"],
'Binary string as strict integer' => [chr(233).chr(233), "strict integer", "0"],
'Binary string as strict float' => [chr(233).chr(233), "strict float", "0.0"],
'Binary string as strict binary' => [chr(233).chr(233), "strict binary", "x'e9e9'"],
'Binary string as strict datetime' => [chr(233).chr(233), "strict datetime", "'0001-01-01 00:00:00'"],
'Binary string as strict boolean' => [chr(233).chr(233), "strict boolean", "1"],
'ISO 8601 string as binary' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "binary", "x'323031372d30312d30395431333a31313a3137'"],
'ISO 8601 string as strict binary' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "strict binary", "x'323031372d30312d30395431333a31313a3137'"],
'Arbitrary date string as binary' => ["Today", "binary", "x'546f646179'"],
'Arbitrary date string as strict binary' => ["Today", "strict binary", "x'546f646179'"],
'DateTime as binary' => [$dateMutable, "binary", "x'".bin2hex($dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"))."'"],
'DateTime as strict binary' => [$dateMutable, "strict binary", "x'".bin2hex($dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"))."'"],
'DateTimeImmutable as binary' => [$dateImmutable, "binary", "x'".bin2hex($dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"))."'"],
'DateTimeImmutable as strict binary' => [$dateImmutable, "strict binary", "x'".bin2hex($dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"))."'"],
foreach ($tests as $index => [$value, $type, $exp]) {
$t = preg_replace("<^strict >", "", $type);
$exp = ($exp === "null") ? $exp : $this->decorateTypeSyntax($exp, $t);
yield $index => [$value, $type, $exp];