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mirror of https://code.mensbeam.com/MensBeam/Arsse.git synced 2025-01-08 17:02:41 +00:00
J. King 1271a0c8c0 Add ValueInfo::normalize method
This method provides generalized, consistent type casting more versatile than PHP's basic type juggling while hiding the significant complexity in achieving this.

While this commit does not change any existing code to use the new method, the intent is for both API handlers and database drivers to use the same basic rules for type conversion while still allowing for differing failure modes.
2017-10-19 15:18:58 -04:00

164 lines
16 KiB

return [
'Driver.Db.SQLite3.Name' => 'SQLite 3',
'Driver.Service.Curl.Name' => 'HTTP (curl)',
'Driver.Service.Internal.Name' => 'Internal',
'Driver.User.Internal.Name' => 'Internal',
'HTTP.Status.100' => 'Continue',
'HTTP.Status.101' => 'Switching Protocols',
'HTTP.Status.102' => 'Processing',
'HTTP.Status.200' => 'OK',
'HTTP.Status.201' => 'Created',
'HTTP.Status.202' => 'Accepted',
'HTTP.Status.203' => 'Non-Authoritative Information',
'HTTP.Status.204' => 'No Content',
'HTTP.Status.205' => 'Reset Content',
'HTTP.Status.206' => 'Partial Content',
'HTTP.Status.207' => 'Multi-Status',
'HTTP.Status.208' => 'Already Reported',
'HTTP.Status.226' => 'IM Used',
'HTTP.Status.300' => 'Multiple Choice',
'HTTP.Status.301' => 'Moved Permanently',
'HTTP.Status.302' => 'Found',
'HTTP.Status.303' => 'See Other',
'HTTP.Status.304' => 'Not Modified',
'HTTP.Status.305' => 'Use Proxy',
'HTTP.Status.306' => 'Switch Proxy',
'HTTP.Status.307' => 'Temporary Redirect',
'HTTP.Status.308' => 'Permanent Redirect',
'HTTP.Status.400' => 'Bad Request',
'HTTP.Status.401' => 'Unauthorized',
'HTTP.Status.402' => 'Payment Required',
'HTTP.Status.403' => 'Forbidden',
'HTTP.Status.404' => 'Not Found',
'HTTP.Status.405' => 'Method Not Allowed',
'HTTP.Status.406' => 'Not Acceptable',
'HTTP.Status.407' => 'Proxy Authentication Required',
'HTTP.Status.408' => 'Request Timeout',
'HTTP.Status.409' => 'Conflict',
'HTTP.Status.410' => 'Gone',
'HTTP.Status.411' => 'Length Required',
'HTTP.Status.412' => 'Precondition Failed',
'HTTP.Status.413' => 'Payload Too Large',
'HTTP.Status.414' => 'URL Too Long',
'HTTP.Status.415' => 'Unsupported Media Type',
'HTTP.Status.416' => 'Range Not Satisfiable',
'HTTP.Status.417' => 'Expectation Failed',
'HTTP.Status.421' => 'Misdirected Request',
'HTTP.Status.422' => 'Unprocessable Entity',
'HTTP.Status.423' => 'Locked',
'HTTP.Status.424' => 'Failed Depedency',
'HTTP.Status.426' => 'Upgrade Required',
'HTTP.Status.428' => 'Precondition Failed',
'HTTP.Status.429' => 'Too Many Requests',
'HTTP.Status.431' => 'Request Header Fields Too Large',
'HTTP.Status.451' => 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons',
'HTTP.Status.500' => 'Internal Server Error',
'HTTP.Status.501' => 'Not Implemented',
'HTTP.Status.502' => 'Bad Gateway',
'HTTP.Status.503' => 'Service Unavailable',
'HTTP.Status.504' => 'Gateway Timeout',
'HTTP.Status.505' => 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
'HTTP.Status.506' => 'Variant Also Negotiates',
'HTTP.Status.507' => 'Insufficient Storage',
'HTTP.Status.508' => 'Loop Detected',
'HTTP.Status.510' => 'Not Extended',
'HTTP.Status.511' => 'Network Authentication Required',
// this should only be encountered in testing (because tests should cover all exceptions!)
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Exception.uncoded' => 'The specified exception symbol {0} has no code specified in AbstractException.php',
// this should not usually be encountered
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Exception.unknown' => 'An unknown error has occurred',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/ExceptionType.strictFailure' => 'Supplied value could not be normalized to {0, select,
1 {null}
2 {boolean}
3 {integer}
4 {float}
5 {datetime}
6 {string}
7 {array}
other {requested type}
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/ExceptionType.typeUnknown' => 'Normalization type {0} is not implemented',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Lang/Exception.defaultFileMissing' => 'Default language file "{0}" missing',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Lang/Exception.fileMissing' => 'Language file "{0}" is not available',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Lang/Exception.fileUnreadable' => 'Insufficient permissions to read language file "{0}"',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Lang/Exception.fileCorrupt' => 'Language file "{0}" is corrupt or does not conform to expected format',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Lang/Exception.stringMissing' => 'Message string "{msgID}" missing from all loaded language files ({fileList})',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Lang/Exception.stringInvalid' => 'Message string "{msgID}" is not a valid ICU message string (language files loaded: {fileList})',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Conf/Exception.fileMissing' => 'Configuration file "{0}" does not exist',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Conf/Exception.fileUnreadable' => 'Insufficient permissions to read configuration file "{0}"',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Conf/Exception.fileUncreatable' => 'Insufficient permissions to write new configuration file "{0}"',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Conf/Exception.fileUnwritable' => 'Insufficient permissions to overwrite configuration file "{0}"',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Conf/Exception.fileCorrupt' => 'Configuration file "{0}" is corrupt or does not conform to expected format',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.extMissing' => 'Required PHP extension for driver "{0}" not installed',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.fileMissing' => 'Database file "{0}" does not exist',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.fileUnreadable' => 'Insufficient permissions to open database file "{0}" for reading',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.fileUnwritable' => 'Insufficient permissions to open database file "{0}" for writing',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.fileUnusable' => 'Insufficient permissions to open database file "{0}" for reading or writing',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.fileUncreatable' => 'Insufficient permissions to create new database file "{0}"',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.fileCorrupt' => 'Database file "{0}" is corrupt or not a valid database',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.paramTypeInvalid' => 'Prepared statement parameter type "{0}" is invalid',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.paramTypeUnknown' => 'Prepared statement parameter type "{0}" is valid, but not implemented',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.paramTypeMissing' => 'Prepared statement parameter type for parameter #{0} was not specified',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.updateManual' =>
'{from_version, select,
0 {{driver_name} database is configured for manual updates and is not initialized; please populate the database with the base schema}
other {{driver_name} database is configured for manual updates; please update from schema version {current} to version {target}}
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.updateManualOnly' =>
'{from_version, select,
0 {{driver_name} database must be updated manually and is not initialized; please populate the database with the base schema}
other {{driver_name} database must be updated manually; please update from schema version {current} to version {target}}
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.updateFileMissing' => 'Automatic updating of the {driver_name} database failed due to instructions for updating from version {current} not being available',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.updateFileUnreadable' => 'Automatic updating of the {driver_name} database failed due to insufficient permissions to read instructions for updating from version {current}',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.updateFileUnusable' => 'Automatic updating of the {driver_name} database failed due to an error reading instructions for updating from version {current}',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.updateFileError' => 'Automatic updating of the {driver_name} database failed updating from version {current} with the following error: "{message}"',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.updateFileIncomplete' => 'Automatic updating of the {driver_name} database failed due to instructions for updating from version {current} being incomplete',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.updateTooNew' =>
'{difference, select,
0 {Automatic updating of the {driver_name} database failed because it is already up to date with the requested version, {target}}
other {Automatic updating of the {driver_name} database failed because its version, {current}, is newer than the requested version, {target}}
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.engineErrorGeneral' => '{0}',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/Exception.unknownSavepointStatus' => 'Savepoint status code {0} not implemented',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/ExceptionInput.missing' => 'Required field "{field}" missing while performing action "{action}"',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/ExceptionInput.whitespace' => 'Field "{field}" of action "{action}" may not contain only whitespace',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/ExceptionInput.tooLong' => 'Field "{field}" of action "{action}" has a maximum length of {max}',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/ExceptionInput.tooShort' => 'Field "{field}" of action "{action}" has a minimum length of {min}',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/ExceptionInput.typeViolation' => 'Field "{field}" of action "{action}" expects a value of type "{type}"',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/ExceptionInput.subjectMissing' => 'Referenced ID ({id}) in field "{field}" does not exist',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/ExceptionInput.idMissing' => 'Referenced ID ({id}) in field "{field}" does not exist',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/ExceptionInput.circularDependence' => 'Referenced ID ({id}) in field "{field}" creates a circular dependence',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/ExceptionInput.constraintViolation' => 'Specified value in field "{0}" already exists',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/ExceptionInput.engineConstraintViolation' => '{0}',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/ExceptionInput.engineTypeViolation' => '{0}',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/ExceptionTimeout.general' => '{0}',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/ExceptionSavepoint.invalid' => 'Tried to {action} invalid savepoint {index}',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Db/ExceptionSavepoint.stale' => 'Tried to {action} stale savepoint {index}',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/User/Exception.alreadyExists' => 'Could not perform action "{action}" because the user {user} already exists',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/User/Exception.doesNotExist' => 'Could not perform action "{action}" because the user {user} does not exist',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/User/Exception.authMissing' => 'Please log in to proceed',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/User/Exception.authFailed' => 'Authentication failed',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/User/ExceptionAuthz.notAuthorized' =>
'{action, select,
userList {{user, select,
global {Authenticated user is not authorized to view the global user list}
other {Authenticated user is not authorized to view the user list for domain {user}}
other {Authenticated user is not authorized to perform the action "{action}" on behalf of {user}}
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Feed/Exception.invalidCertificate' => 'Could not download feed "{url}" because its server is serving an invalid SSL certificate',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Feed/Exception.invalidUrl' => 'Feed URL "{url}" is invalid',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Feed/Exception.maxRedirect' => 'Could not download feed "{url}" because its server reached its maximum number of HTTP redirections',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Feed/Exception.maxSize' => 'Could not download feed "{url}" because its size exceeds the maximum allowed on its server',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Feed/Exception.timeout' => 'Could not download feed "{url}" because its server timed out',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Feed/Exception.forbidden' => 'Could not download feed "{url}" because you do not have permission to access it',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Feed/Exception.unauthorized' => 'Could not download feed "{url}" because you provided insufficient or invalid credentials',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Feed/Exception.malformedXml' => 'Could not parse feed "{url}" because it is malformed',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Feed/Exception.xmlEntity' => 'Refused to parse feed "{url}" because it contains an XXE attack',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Feed/Exception.subscriptionNotFound' => 'Unable to find a feed at location "{url}"',
'Exception.JKingWeb/Arsse/Feed/Exception.unsupportedFeedFormat' => 'Feed "{url}" is of an unsupported format',