5, 'parent' => 3, 'children' => 0, 'feeds' => 1, 'name' => "Local"], ['id' => 6, 'parent' => 3, 'children' => 0, 'feeds' => 2, 'name' => "National"], ['id' => 4, 'parent' => null, 'children' => 0, 'feeds' => 0, 'name' => "Photography"], ['id' => 3, 'parent' => null, 'children' => 2, 'feeds' => 0, 'name' => "Politics"], ['id' => 2, 'parent' => 1, 'children' => 0, 'feeds' => 1, 'name' => "Rocketry"], ['id' => 1, 'parent' => null, 'children' => 1, 'feeds' => 1, 'name' => "Science"], ]; protected $topFolders = [ ['id' => 4, 'parent' => null, 'children' => 0, 'feeds' => 0, 'name' => "Photography"], ['id' => 3, 'parent' => null, 'children' => 2, 'feeds' => 0, 'name' => "Politics"], ['id' => 1, 'parent' => null, 'children' => 1, 'feeds' => 1, 'name' => "Science"], ]; protected $subscriptions = [ ['id' => 3, 'folder' => 1, 'top_folder' => 1, 'unread' => 2, 'updated' => "2016-05-23 06:40:02", 'err_msg' => 'argh', 'title' => 'Ars Technica', 'url' => " http://example.com/3", 'icon_url' => 'http://example.com/3.png'], ['id' => 4, 'folder' => 6, 'top_folder' => 3, 'unread' => 6, 'updated' => "2017-10-09 15:58:34", 'err_msg' => '', 'title' => 'CBC News', 'url' => " http://example.com/4", 'icon_url' => 'http://example.com/4.png'], ['id' => 6, 'folder' => null, 'top_folder' => null, 'unread' => 0, 'updated' => "2010-02-12 20:08:47", 'err_msg' => '', 'title' => 'Eurogamer', 'url' => " http://example.com/6", 'icon_url' => 'http://example.com/6.png'], ['id' => 1, 'folder' => 2, 'top_folder' => 1, 'unread' => 5, 'updated' => "2017-09-15 22:54:16", 'err_msg' => '', 'title' => 'NASA JPL', 'url' => " http://example.com/1", 'icon_url' => null], ['id' => 5, 'folder' => 6, 'top_folder' => 3, 'unread' => 12, 'updated' => "2017-07-07 17:07:17", 'err_msg' => '', 'title' => 'Ottawa Citizen', 'url' => " http://example.com/5", 'icon_url' => ''], ['id' => 2, 'folder' => 5, 'top_folder' => 3, 'unread' => 10, 'updated' => "2011-11-11 11:11:11", 'err_msg' => 'oops', 'title' => 'Toronto Star', 'url' => " http://example.com/2", 'icon_url' => 'http://example.com/2.png'], ]; protected $labels = [ ['id' => 3, 'articles' => 100, 'read' => 94, 'unread' => 6, 'name' => "Fascinating"], ['id' => 5, 'articles' => 0, 'read' => 0, 'unread' => 0, 'name' => "Interesting"], ['id' => 1, 'articles' => 2, 'read' => 2, 'unread' => 0, 'name' => "Logical"], ]; protected $usedLabels = [ ['id' => 3, 'articles' => 100, 'read' => 94, 'unread' => 6, 'name' => "Fascinating"], ['id' => 1, 'articles' => 2, 'read' => 2, 'unread' => 0, 'name' => "Logical"], ]; protected $starred = ['total' => 10, 'unread' => 4, 'read' => 6]; protected $articles = [ [ 'id' => 101, 'url' => 'http://example.com/1', 'title' => 'Article title 1', 'subscription_title' => "Feed 11", 'author' => '', 'content' => '
Article content 1
', 'guid' => '', 'published_date' => '2000-01-01 00:00:00', 'edited_date' => '2000-01-01 00:00:01', 'modified_date' => '2000-01-01 01:00:00', 'unread' => 1, 'starred' => 0, 'edition' => 101, 'subscription' => 8, 'fingerprint' => 'f5cb8bfc1c7396dc9816af212a3e2ac5221585c2a00bf7ccb6aabd95dcfcd6a6:fb0bc8f8cb08913dc5a497db700e327f1d34e4987402687d494a5891f24714d4:18fdd4fa93d693128c43b004399e5c9cea6c261ddfa002518d3669f55d8c2207', 'media_url' => null, 'media_type' => null, 'note' => "", ], [ 'id' => 102, 'url' => 'http://example.com/2', 'title' => 'Article title 2', 'subscription_title' => "Feed 11", 'author' => 'J. King', 'content' => 'Article content 2
', 'guid' => '5be8a5a46ecd52ed132191c8d27fb1af6b3d4edc00234c5d9f8f0e10562ed3b7', 'published_date' => '2000-01-02 00:00:00', 'edited_date' => '2000-01-02 00:00:02', 'modified_date' => '2000-01-02 02:00:00', 'unread' => 0, 'starred' => 0, 'edition' => 202, 'subscription' => 8, 'fingerprint' => '0e86d2de822a174fe3c44a466953e63ca1f1a58a19cbf475fce0855d4e3d5153:13075894189c47ffcfafd1dfe7fbb539f7c74a69d35a399b3abf8518952714f9:2abd0a8cba83b8214a66c8f0293ba63e467d720540e29ff8ddcdab069d4f1c9e', 'media_url' => "http://example.com/text", 'media_type' => "text/plain", 'note' => "Note 2", ], ]; // text from https://corrigeur.fr/lorem-ipsum-traduction-origine.php protected static $richContent = <<Pour vous faire mieux connaitre d’ou\u{300} vient l’erreur de ceux qui bla\u{302}ment la volupte\u{301}, et qui louent en quelque sorte la douleur, je vais entrer dans une explication plus e\u{301}tendue, et vous faire voir tout ce qui a e\u{301}te\u{301} dit la\u{300}-dessus par l’inventeur de la ve\u{301}rite\u{301}, et, pour ainsi dire, par l’architecte de la vie heureuse.
LONG_STRING; protected static function v($value) { return $value; } public function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); self::setConf(); // create mock timestamps \Phake::when(Arsse::$obj)->get(\DateTimeImmutable::class)->thenReturn(new \DateTimeImmutable(self::NOW)); // create a mock user manager self::$userId = "john.doe@example.com"; Arsse::$user = \Phake::mock(User::class); \Phake::when(Arsse::$user)->auth->thenReturn(true); // create a mock database interface Arsse::$db = \Phake::mock(Database::class); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->begin->thenReturn(\Phake::mock(Transaction::class)); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->sessionResume->thenThrow(new \JKingWeb\Arsse\User\ExceptionSession("invalid")); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->sessionResume("PriestsOfSyrinx")->thenReturn([ 'id' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'created' => "2000-01-01 00:00:00", 'expires' => "2112-12-21 21:12:00", 'user' => self::$userId, ]); $this->h = new API; } protected function req($data, string $method = "POST", string $target = "", ?string $strData = null, ?string $user = null): ResponseInterface { Arsse::$user->id = self::$userId; $prefix = "/tt-rss/api"; $url = $prefix.$target; $body = $strData ?? json_encode($data); $req = $this->serverRequest($method, $url, $prefix, [], ['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE' => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"], $body, "application/json", [], $user); return $this->h->dispatch($req); } protected function reqAuth($data, $user): ResponseInterface { return $this->req($data, "POST", "", null, $user); } protected static function respGood($content = null, $seq = 0): ResponseInterface { return HTTP::respJson([ 'seq' => $seq, 'status' => 0, 'content' => $content, ]); } protected static function respErr(string $msg, $content = [], $seq = 0): ResponseInterface { $err = ['error' => $msg]; return HTTP::respJson([ 'seq' => $seq, 'status' => 1, 'content' => array_merge($err, $content, $err), ]); } public function testHandleInvalidPaths(): void { $exp = self::respErr("MALFORMED_INPUT", [], null); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req(null, "POST", "", "")); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req(null, "POST", "/", "")); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req(null, "POST", "/index.php", "")); $exp = HTTP::respEmpty(404); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req(null, "POST", "/bad/path", "")); } public function testHandleOptionsRequest(): void { $exp = HTTP::respEmpty(204, [ 'Allow' => "POST", 'Accept' => "application/json, text/json", ]); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req(null, "OPTIONS", "", "")); } public function testHandleInvalidData(): void { $exp = self::respErr("MALFORMED_INPUT", [], null); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req(null, "POST", "", "This is not valid JSON data")); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req(null, "POST", "", "")); // lack of data is also an error } #[DataProvider("provideLoginRequests")] public function testLogIn(array $conf, $httpUser, array $data, $sessions): void { self::$userId = null; self::setConf($conf); \Phake::when(Arsse::$user)->auth->thenReturn(false); \Phake::when(Arsse::$user)->auth("john.doe@example.com", "secret")->thenReturn(true); \Phake::when(Arsse::$user)->auth("jane.doe@example.com", "superman")->thenReturn(true); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->sessionCreate("john.doe@example.com")->thenReturn("PriestsOfSyrinx")->thenReturn("SolarFederation"); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->sessionCreate("jane.doe@example.com")->thenReturn("ClockworkAngels")->thenReturn("SevenCitiesOfGold"); if ($sessions instanceof ResponseInterface) { $exp1 = $sessions; $exp2 = $sessions; } elseif ($sessions) { $exp1 = self::respGood(['session_id' => $sessions[0], 'api_level' => \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\TinyTinyRSS\API::LEVEL]); $exp2 = self::respGood(['session_id' => $sessions[1], 'api_level' => \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\TinyTinyRSS\API::LEVEL]); } else { $exp1 = self::respErr("LOGIN_ERROR"); $exp2 = self::respErr("LOGIN_ERROR"); } $data['op'] = "login"; $this->assertMessage($exp1, $this->reqAuth($data, $httpUser)); // base64 passwords are also accepted if (isset($data['password'])) { $data['password'] = base64_encode($data['password']); } $this->assertMessage($exp2, $this->reqAuth($data, $httpUser)); // logging in should never try to resume a session \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::never())->sessionResume(\Phake::anyParameters()); } public static function provideLoginRequests(): iterable { return self::generateLoginRequests("login"); } #[DataProvider("provideResumeRequests")] public function testValidateASession(array $conf, $httpUser, string $data, $result): void { self::$userId = null; self::setConf($conf); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->sessionResume("PriestsOfSyrinx")->thenReturn([ 'id' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'created' => "2000-01-01 00:00:00", 'expires' => "2112-12-21 21:12:00", 'user' => "john.doe@example.com", ]); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->sessionResume("ClockworkAngels")->thenReturn([ 'id' => "ClockworkAngels", 'created' => "2000-01-01 00:00:00", 'expires' => "2112-12-21 21:12:00", 'user' => "jane.doe@example.com", ]); $data = [ 'op' => "isLoggedIn", 'sid' => $data, ]; if ($result instanceof ResponseInterface) { $exp1 = $result; $exp2 = null; } elseif ($result) { $exp1 = self::respGood(['status' => true]); $exp2 = $result; } else { $exp1 = self::respErr("NOT_LOGGED_IN"); $exp2 = ($httpUser) ? $httpUser : null; } $this->assertMessage($exp1, $this->reqAuth($data, $httpUser)); $this->assertSame($exp2, Arsse::$user->id); } public static function provideResumeRequests(): iterable { return self::generateLoginRequests("isLoggedIn"); } public static function generateLoginRequests(string $type): array { $john = "john.doe@example.com"; $johnGood = [ 'user' => $john, 'password' => "secret", ]; $johnBad = [ 'user' => $john, 'password' => "superman", ]; $johnSess = ["PriestsOfSyrinx", "SolarFederation"]; $jane = "jane.doe@example.com"; $janeGood = [ 'user' => $jane, 'password' => "superman", ]; $janeBad = [ 'user' => $jane, 'password' => "secret", ]; $janeSess = ["ClockworkAngels", "SevenCitiesOfGold"]; $missingU = [ 'password' => "secret", ]; $missingP = [ 'user' => $john, ]; $sidJohn = "PriestsOfSyrinx"; $sidJane = "ClockworkAngels"; $sidBad = "TheWatchmaker"; $defaults = [ 'userPreAuth' => false, 'userHTTPAuthRequired' => false, 'userSessionEnforced' => true, ]; $preAuth = [ 'userPreAuth' => true, 'userHTTPAuthRequired' => false, // implied true by pre-auth 'userSessionEnforced' => true, ]; $httpReq = [ 'userPreAuth' => false, 'userHTTPAuthRequired' => true, 'userSessionEnforced' => true, ]; $noSess = [ 'userPreAuth' => false, 'userHTTPAuthRequired' => false, 'userSessionEnforced' => false, ]; $fullHttp = [ 'userPreAuth' => false, 'userHTTPAuthRequired' => true, 'userSessionEnforced' => false, ]; $http401 = HTTP::respEmpty(401); if ($type === "login") { return [ // conf, user, data, result [$defaults, null, $johnGood, $johnSess], [$defaults, null, $johnBad, false], [$defaults, null, $janeGood, $janeSess], [$defaults, null, $janeBad, false], [$defaults, null, $missingU, false], [$defaults, null, $missingP, false], [$defaults, $john, $johnGood, $johnSess], [$defaults, $john, $johnBad, false], [$defaults, $john, $janeGood, $janeSess], [$defaults, $john, $janeBad, false], [$defaults, $john, $missingU, false], [$defaults, $john, $missingP, false], [$defaults, $jane, $johnGood, $johnSess], [$defaults, $jane, $johnBad, false], [$defaults, $jane, $janeGood, $janeSess], [$defaults, $jane, $janeBad, false], [$defaults, $jane, $missingU, false], [$defaults, $jane, $missingP, false], [$defaults, "", $johnGood, $http401], [$defaults, "", $johnBad, $http401], [$defaults, "", $janeGood, $http401], [$defaults, "", $janeBad, $http401], [$defaults, "", $missingU, $http401], [$defaults, "", $missingP, $http401], [$preAuth, null, $johnGood, $http401], [$preAuth, null, $johnBad, $http401], [$preAuth, null, $janeGood, $http401], [$preAuth, null, $janeBad, $http401], [$preAuth, null, $missingU, $http401], [$preAuth, null, $missingP, $http401], [$preAuth, $john, $johnGood, $johnSess], [$preAuth, $john, $johnBad, $johnSess], [$preAuth, $john, $janeGood, false], [$preAuth, $john, $janeBad, false], [$preAuth, $john, $missingU, false], [$preAuth, $john, $missingP, $johnSess], [$preAuth, $jane, $johnGood, false], [$preAuth, $jane, $johnBad, false], [$preAuth, $jane, $janeGood, $janeSess], [$preAuth, $jane, $janeBad, $janeSess], [$preAuth, $jane, $missingU, false], [$preAuth, $jane, $missingP, false], [$preAuth, "", $johnGood, $http401], [$preAuth, "", $johnBad, $http401], [$preAuth, "", $janeGood, $http401], [$preAuth, "", $janeBad, $http401], [$preAuth, "", $missingU, $http401], [$preAuth, "", $missingP, $http401], [$httpReq, null, $johnGood, $http401], [$httpReq, null, $johnBad, $http401], [$httpReq, null, $janeGood, $http401], [$httpReq, null, $janeBad, $http401], [$httpReq, null, $missingU, $http401], [$httpReq, null, $missingP, $http401], [$httpReq, $john, $johnGood, $johnSess], [$httpReq, $john, $johnBad, false], [$httpReq, $john, $janeGood, $janeSess], [$httpReq, $john, $janeBad, false], [$httpReq, $john, $missingU, false], [$httpReq, $john, $missingP, false], [$httpReq, $jane, $johnGood, $johnSess], [$httpReq, $jane, $johnBad, false], [$httpReq, $jane, $janeGood, $janeSess], [$httpReq, $jane, $janeBad, false], [$httpReq, $jane, $missingU, false], [$httpReq, $jane, $missingP, false], [$httpReq, "", $johnGood, $http401], [$httpReq, "", $johnBad, $http401], [$httpReq, "", $janeGood, $http401], [$httpReq, "", $janeBad, $http401], [$httpReq, "", $missingU, $http401], [$httpReq, "", $missingP, $http401], [$noSess, null, $johnGood, $johnSess], [$noSess, null, $johnBad, false], [$noSess, null, $janeGood, $janeSess], [$noSess, null, $janeBad, false], [$noSess, null, $missingU, false], [$noSess, null, $missingP, false], [$noSess, $john, $johnGood, $johnSess], [$noSess, $john, $johnBad, $johnSess], [$noSess, $john, $janeGood, $johnSess], [$noSess, $john, $janeBad, $johnSess], [$noSess, $john, $missingU, $johnSess], [$noSess, $john, $missingP, $johnSess], [$noSess, $jane, $johnGood, $janeSess], [$noSess, $jane, $johnBad, $janeSess], [$noSess, $jane, $janeGood, $janeSess], [$noSess, $jane, $janeBad, $janeSess], [$noSess, $jane, $missingU, $janeSess], [$noSess, $jane, $missingP, $janeSess], [$noSess, "", $johnGood, $http401], [$noSess, "", $johnBad, $http401], [$noSess, "", $janeGood, $http401], [$noSess, "", $janeBad, $http401], [$noSess, "", $missingU, $http401], [$noSess, "", $missingP, $http401], [$fullHttp, null, $johnGood, $http401], [$fullHttp, null, $johnBad, $http401], [$fullHttp, null, $janeGood, $http401], [$fullHttp, null, $janeBad, $http401], [$fullHttp, null, $missingU, $http401], [$fullHttp, null, $missingP, $http401], [$fullHttp, $john, $johnGood, $johnSess], [$fullHttp, $john, $johnBad, $johnSess], [$fullHttp, $john, $janeGood, $johnSess], [$fullHttp, $john, $janeBad, $johnSess], [$fullHttp, $john, $missingU, $johnSess], [$fullHttp, $john, $missingP, $johnSess], [$fullHttp, $jane, $johnGood, $janeSess], [$fullHttp, $jane, $johnBad, $janeSess], [$fullHttp, $jane, $janeGood, $janeSess], [$fullHttp, $jane, $janeBad, $janeSess], [$fullHttp, $jane, $missingU, $janeSess], [$fullHttp, $jane, $missingP, $janeSess], [$fullHttp, "", $johnGood, $http401], [$fullHttp, "", $johnBad, $http401], [$fullHttp, "", $janeGood, $http401], [$fullHttp, "", $janeBad, $http401], [$fullHttp, "", $missingU, $http401], [$fullHttp, "", $missingP, $http401], ]; } elseif ($type === "isLoggedIn") { return [ // conf, user, session, result [$defaults, null, $sidJohn, $john], [$defaults, null, $sidJane, $jane], [$defaults, null, $sidBad, false], [$defaults, $john, $sidJohn, $john], [$defaults, $john, $sidJane, $jane], [$defaults, $john, $sidBad, false], [$defaults, $jane, $sidJohn, $john], [$defaults, $jane, $sidJane, $jane], [$defaults, $jane, $sidBad, false], [$defaults, "", $sidJohn, $http401], [$defaults, "", $sidJane, $http401], [$defaults, "", $sidBad, $http401], [$preAuth, null, $sidJohn, $http401], [$preAuth, null, $sidJane, $http401], [$preAuth, null, $sidBad, $http401], [$preAuth, $john, $sidJohn, $john], [$preAuth, $john, $sidJane, $jane], [$preAuth, $john, $sidBad, false], [$preAuth, $jane, $sidJohn, $john], [$preAuth, $jane, $sidJane, $jane], [$preAuth, $jane, $sidBad, false], [$preAuth, "", $sidJohn, $http401], [$preAuth, "", $sidJane, $http401], [$preAuth, "", $sidBad, $http401], [$httpReq, null, $sidJohn, $http401], [$httpReq, null, $sidJane, $http401], [$httpReq, null, $sidBad, $http401], [$httpReq, $john, $sidJohn, $john], [$httpReq, $john, $sidJane, $jane], [$httpReq, $john, $sidBad, false], [$httpReq, $jane, $sidJohn, $john], [$httpReq, $jane, $sidJane, $jane], [$httpReq, $jane, $sidBad, false], [$httpReq, "", $sidJohn, $http401], [$httpReq, "", $sidJane, $http401], [$httpReq, "", $sidBad, $http401], [$noSess, null, $sidJohn, $john], [$noSess, null, $sidJane, $jane], [$noSess, null, $sidBad, false], [$noSess, $john, $sidJohn, $john], [$noSess, $john, $sidJane, $john], [$noSess, $john, $sidBad, $john], [$noSess, $jane, $sidJohn, $jane], [$noSess, $jane, $sidJane, $jane], [$noSess, $jane, $sidBad, $jane], [$noSess, "", $sidJohn, $http401], [$noSess, "", $sidJane, $http401], [$noSess, "", $sidBad, $http401], [$fullHttp, null, $sidJohn, $http401], [$fullHttp, null, $sidJane, $http401], [$fullHttp, null, $sidBad, $http401], [$fullHttp, $john, $sidJohn, $john], [$fullHttp, $john, $sidJane, $john], [$fullHttp, $john, $sidBad, $john], [$fullHttp, $jane, $sidJohn, $jane], [$fullHttp, $jane, $sidJane, $jane], [$fullHttp, $jane, $sidBad, $jane], [$fullHttp, "", $sidJohn, $http401], [$fullHttp, "", $sidJane, $http401], [$fullHttp, "", $sidBad, $http401], ]; } } public function testHandleGenericError(): void { \Phake::when(Arsse::$user)->auth->thenThrow(new \JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\ExceptionTimeout("general")); $data = [ 'op' => "login", 'user' => self::$userId, 'password' => "secret", ]; $exp = HTTP::respEmpty(500); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($data)); } public function testLogOut(): void { \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->sessionDestroy->thenReturn(true); $data = [ 'op' => "logout", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", ]; $exp = self::respGood(['status' => "OK"]); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($data)); \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->sessionDestroy(self::$userId, "PriestsOfSyrinx"); } public function testHandleUnknownMethods(): void { $exp = self::respErr("UNKNOWN_METHOD", ['method' => "thisMethodDoesNotExist"]); $data = [ 'op' => "thisMethodDoesNotExist", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", ]; $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($data)); } public function testHandleMixedCaseMethods(): void { $data = [ 'op' => "isLoggedIn", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", ]; $exp = self::respGood(['status' => true]); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($data)); $data['op'] = "isloggedin"; $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($data)); $data['op'] = "ISLOGGEDIN"; $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($data)); $data['op'] = "iSlOgGeDiN"; $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($data)); } public function testRetrieveServerVersion(): void { $data = [ 'op' => "getVersion", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", ]; $exp = self::respGood([ 'version' => \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\TinyTinyRSS\API::VERSION, 'arsse_version' => Arsse::VERSION, ]); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($data)); } public function testRetrieveProtocolLevel(): void { $data = [ 'op' => "getApiLevel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", ]; $exp = self::respGood(['level' => \JKingWeb\Arsse\REST\TinyTinyRSS\API::LEVEL]); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($data)); } #[DataProvider("provideCategoryAdditions")] public function testAddACategory(array $in, array $data, $out, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "addCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); $action = ($out instanceof \Exception) ? "thenThrow" : "thenReturn"; \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderAdd->$action($out); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderList($this->anything(), null, false)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v([ ['id' => 2, 'name' => "Software", 'parent' => null], ['id' => 1, 'name' => "Politics", 'parent' => null], ]))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderList($this->anything(), 1, false)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v([ ['id' => 3, 'name' => "Hardware", 'parent' => 1], ]))); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->folderAdd(self::$userId, $data); if (!$out instanceof \Exception) { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::never())->folderList(\Phake::anyParameters()); } } public static function provideCategoryAdditions(): iterable { return [ [[], ['name' => null, 'parent' => null], new ExceptionInput("missing"), self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['caption' => ""], ['name' => "", 'parent' => null], new ExceptionInput("missing"), self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['caption' => " "], ['name' => " ", 'parent' => null], new ExceptionInput("whitespace"), self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['caption' => "Software"], ['name' => "Software", 'parent' => null], 2, self::respGood("2")], [['caption' => "Hardware", 'parent_id' => 1], ['name' => "Hardware", 'parent' => 1], 3, self::respGood("3")], [['caption' => "Hardware", 'parent_id' => 2112], ['name' => "Hardware", 'parent' => 2112], new ExceptionInput("idMissing"), self::respGood(false)], [['caption' => "Software"], ['name' => "Software", 'parent' => null], new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation"), self::respGood("2")], [['caption' => "Hardware", 'parent_id' => 1], ['name' => "Hardware", 'parent' => 1], new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation"), self::respGood("3")], ]; } #[DataProvider("provideCategoryRemovals")] public function testRemoveACategory(array $in, ?int $data, $out, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "removeCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); $action = ($out instanceof \Exception) ? "thenThrow" : "thenReturn"; \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderRemove->$action($out); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); if ($data > 0) { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->folderRemove(self::$userId, (int) $data); } } public static function provideCategoryRemovals(): iterable { return [ [['category_id' => 42], 42, true, self::respGood()], [['category_id' => 2112], 2112, new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing"), self::respGood()], [[], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['category_id' => -1], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], ]; } #[DataProvider("provideCategoryMoves")] public function testMoveACategory(array $in, array $data, $out, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "moveCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); $action = ($out instanceof \Exception) ? "thenThrow" : "thenReturn"; \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderPropertiesSet->$action($out); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); if ($out !== null) { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->folderPropertiesSet(...$data); } else { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::never())->folderPropertiesSet(\Phake::anyParameters()); } } public static function provideCategoryMoves(): iterable { return [ [['category_id' => 42, 'parent_id' => 1], [self::$userId, 42, ['parent' => 1]], true, self::respGood()], [['category_id' => 2112, 'parent_id' => 2], [self::$userId, 2112, ['parent' => 2]], new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing"), self::respGood()], [['category_id' => 42, 'parent_id' => 0], [self::$userId, 42, ['parent' => 0]], new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation"), self::respGood()], [['category_id' => 42, 'parent_id' => 47], [self::$userId, 42, ['parent' => 47]], new ExceptionInput("idMissing"), self::respGood()], [['category_id' => -1, 'parent_id' => 1], [self::$userId, -1, ['parent' => 1]], null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['category_id' => 42, 'parent_id' => -1], [self::$userId, 42, ['parent' => -1]], null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['category_id' => 42], [self::$userId, 42, ['parent' => 0]], new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation"), self::respGood()], [['parent_id' => -1], [self::$userId, 0, ['parent' => -1]], null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [[], [self::$userId, 0, ['parent' => 0]], null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], ]; } #[DataProvider("provideCategoryRenamings")] public function testRenameACategory(array $in, ?array $data, $out, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "renameCategory", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); $action = ($out instanceof \Exception) ? "thenThrow" : "thenReturn"; \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderPropertiesSet->$action($out); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); if ($out !== null) { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->folderPropertiesSet(...$data); } else { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::never())->folderPropertiesSet(\Phake::anyParameters()); } } public static function provideCategoryRenamings(): iterable { return [ [['category_id' => 42, 'caption' => "Ook"], [self::$userId, 42, ['name' => "Ook"]], true, self::respGood()], [['category_id' => 2112, 'caption' => "Eek"], [self::$userId, 2112, ['name' => "Eek"]], new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing"), self::respGood()], [['category_id' => 42, 'caption' => "Eek"], [self::$userId, 42, ['name' => "Eek"]], new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation"), self::respGood()], [['category_id' => 42, 'caption' => ""], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['category_id' => 42, 'caption' => " "], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['category_id' => -1, 'caption' => "Ook"], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['category_id' => 42], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['caption' => "Ook"], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [[], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], ]; } #[DataProvider("provideFeedSubscriptions")] public function testAddASubscription(array $in, ?array $data, $out, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "subscribeToFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); $action = ($out instanceof \Exception) ? "thenThrow" : "thenReturn"; $list = [ ['id' => 1, 'url' => "http://localhost:8000/Feed/Discovery/Feed"], ['id' => 2, 'url' => "http://example.com/0"], ['id' => 3, 'url' => "http://example.com/3"], ['id' => 4, 'url' => "http://example.com/9"], ]; \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionAdd->$action($out); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderPropertiesGet(self::$userId, 42)->thenReturn(self::v(['id' => 42])); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderPropertiesGet(self::$userId, 47)->thenReturn(self::v(['id' => 47])); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderPropertiesGet(self::$userId, 2112)->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing")); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesSet(self::$userId, $this->anything())->thenReturn(true); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesSet(self::$userId, 4, $this->anything())->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("idMissing")); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionList(self::$userId)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($list))); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); if ($data !== null) { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionAdd(...$data); } else { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::never())->subscriptionAdd(\Phake::anyParameters()); } \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::never())->subscriptionPropertiesSet(self::$userId, 4, ['folder' => 1]); } public static function provideFeedSubscriptions(): iterable { return [ [['feed_url' => "http://example.com/0"], [self::$userId, "http://example.com/0", "", ""], 2, self::respGood(['code' => 1, 'feed_id' => 2])], [['feed_url' => "http://example.com/1", 'category_id' => 42], [self::$userId, "http://example.com/1", "", ""], new FeedException("unauthorized"), self::respGood(['code' => 5, 'message' => (new FeedException("unauthorized"))->getMessage()])], [['feed_url' => "http://example.com/2", 'category_id' => 2112], null, null, self::respGood(['code' => 1, 'feed_id' => 0])], [['feed_url' => "http://example.com/3"], [self::$userId, "http://example.com/3", "", ""], new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation"), self::respGood(['code' => 0, 'feed_id' => 3])], [['feed_url' => "http://localhost:8000/Feed/Discovery/Valid"], [self::$userId, "http://localhost:8000/Feed/Discovery/Valid", "", ""], new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation"), self::respGood(['code' => 0, 'feed_id' => 1])], [['feed_url' => "http://localhost:8000/Feed/Discovery/Invalid"], [self::$userId, "http://localhost:8000/Feed/Discovery/Invalid", "", ""], new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation"), self::respGood(['code' => 3, 'message' => (new FeedException("subscriptionNotFound", ['url' => "http://localhost:8000/Feed/Discovery/Invalid"]))->getMessage()])], [['feed_url' => "http://example.com/6"], [self::$userId, "http://example.com/6", "", ""], new FeedException("invalidUrl"), self::respGood(['code' => 2, 'message' => (new FeedException("invalidUrl"))->getMessage()])], [['feed_url' => "http://example.com/7"], [self::$userId, "http://example.com/7", "", ""], new FeedException("malformedXml"), self::respGood(['code' => 6, 'message' => (new FeedException("malformedXml"))->getMessage()])], [['feed_url' => "http://example.com/8", 'category_id' => 47], [self::$userId, "http://example.com/8", "", ""], 4, self::respGood(['code' => 1, 'feed_id' => 4])], [['feed_url' => "http://example.com/9", 'category_id' => 1], [self::$userId, "http://example.com/9", "", ""], new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation"), self::respGood(['code' => 0, 'feed_id' => 4])], [[], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['feed_url' => "http://example.com/", 'login' => []], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['feed_url' => "http://example.com/", 'login' => "", 'password' => []], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['feed_url' => "http://example.com/", 'category_id' => -1], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], ]; } #[DataProvider("provideFeedUnsubscriptions")] public function testRemoveASubscription(array $in, ?array $data, $out, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "unsubscribeFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); $action = ($out instanceof \Exception) ? "thenThrow" : "thenReturn"; \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionRemove->$action($out); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); if ($out !== null) { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionRemove(...$data); } else { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::never())->subscriptionRemove(\Phake::anyParameters()); } } public static function provideFeedUnsubscriptions(): iterable { return [ [['feed_id' => 42], [self::$userId, 42], true, self::respGood(['status' => "OK"])], [['feed_id' => 2112], [self::$userId, 2112], new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing"), self::respErr("FEED_NOT_FOUND")], [['feed_id' => -1], [self::$userId, -1], new ExceptionInput("typeViolation"), self::respErr("FEED_NOT_FOUND")], [[], [self::$userId, 0], new ExceptionInput("typeViolation"), self::respErr("FEED_NOT_FOUND")], ]; } #[DataProvider("provideFeedMoves")] public function testMoveAFeed(array $in, ?array $data, $out, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "moveFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); $action = ($out instanceof \Exception) ? "thenThrow" : "thenReturn"; \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesSet->$action($out); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); if ($out !== null) { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesSet(...$data); } else { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::never())->subscriptionPropertiesSet(\Phake::anyParameters()); } } public static function provideFeedMoves(): iterable { return [ [['feed_id' => 42, 'category_id' => 1], [self::$userId, 42, ['folder' => 1]], true, self::respGood()], [['feed_id' => 2112, 'category_id' => 2], [self::$userId, 2112, ['folder' => 2]], new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing"), self::respGood()], [['feed_id' => 42, 'category_id' => 0], [self::$userId, 42, ['folder' => 0]], new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation"), self::respGood()], [['feed_id' => 42, 'category_id' => 47], [self::$userId, 42, ['folder' => 47]], new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation"), self::respGood()], [['feed_id' => -1, 'category_id' => 1], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['feed_id' => 42, 'category_id' => -1], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['feed_id' => 42], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['category_id' => -1], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [[], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], ]; } #[DataProvider("provideFeedRenamings")] public function testRenameAFeed(array $in, ?array $data, $out, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "renameFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); $action = ($out instanceof \Exception) ? "thenThrow" : "thenReturn"; \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesSet->$action($out); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); if ($out !== null) { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesSet(...$data); } else { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::never())->subscriptionPropertiesSet(\Phake::anyParameters()); } } public static function provideFeedRenamings(): iterable { return [ [['feed_id' => 42, 'caption' => "Ook"], [self::$userId, 42, ['title' => "Ook"]], true, self::respGood()], [['feed_id' => 2112, 'caption' => "Eek"], [self::$userId, 2112, ['title' => "Eek"]], new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing"), self::respGood()], [['feed_id' => 42, 'caption' => "Eek"], [self::$userId, 42, ['title' => "Eek"]], new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation"), self::respGood()], [['feed_id' => 42, 'caption' => ""], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['feed_id' => 42, 'caption' => " "], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['feed_id' => -1, 'caption' => "Ook"], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['feed_id' => 42], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['caption' => "Ook"], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [[], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], ]; } public function testRetrieveTheGlobalUnreadCount(): void { $in = ['op' => "getUnread", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"]; \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionList->thenReturn(new Result(self::v([ ['id' => 1, 'unread' => 2112], ['id' => 2, 'unread' => 42], ['id' => 3, 'unread' => 47], ]))); $exp = self::respGood(['unread' => (string) (2112 + 42 + 47)]); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); } public function testRetrieveTheServerConfiguration(): void { $in = ['op' => "getConfig", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"]; $interval = Arsse::$conf->serviceFrequency; $valid = (new \DateTimeImmutable("now", new \DateTimezone("UTC")))->sub($interval); $invalid = $valid->sub($interval)->sub($interval); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->metaGet("service_last_checkin")->thenReturn(Date::transform($valid, "sql"))->thenReturn(Date::transform($invalid, "sql")); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionCount(self::$userId)->thenReturn(12)->thenReturn(2); $this->assertMessage(self::respGood(['icons_dir' => "feed-icons", 'icons_url' => "feed-icons", 'daemon_is_running' => true, 'num_feeds' => 12]), $this->req($in)); $this->assertMessage(self::respGood(['icons_dir' => "feed-icons", 'icons_url' => "feed-icons", 'daemon_is_running' => false, 'num_feeds' => 2]), $this->req($in)); } #[DataProvider("provideFeedUpdates")] public function testUpdateAFeed(array $in, ?array $data, $out, ?int $id, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "updateFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); $action = ($out instanceof \Exception) ? "thenThrow" : "thenReturn"; \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesGet->$action($out); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->feedUpdate->thenReturn(true); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); if ($data !== null) { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionPropertiesGet(...$data); } else { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::never())->subscriptionPropertiesGet(\Phake::anyParameters()); } if ($id !== null) { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->feedUpdate($id); } else { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::never())->feedUpdate(\Phake::anyParameters()); } } public static function provideFeedUpdates(): iterable { return [ [['feed_id' => 1], [self::$userId, 1], self::v(['id' => 1, 'feed' => 11]), 11, self::respGood(['status' => "OK"])], [['feed_id' => 2], [self::$userId, 2], new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing"), null, self::respErr("FEED_NOT_FOUND")], [['feed_id' => -1], null, null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [[], null, null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], ]; } #[DataProvider("provideLabelAdditions")] public function testAddALabel(array $in, ?array $data1, $out1, ?array $data2, $out2, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "addLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); $action = ($out1 instanceof \Exception) ? "thenThrow" : "thenReturn"; \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelAdd->$action($out1); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelPropertiesGet->thenReturn($out2); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); if ($out1 !== null) { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->labelAdd(...$data1); } else { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::never())->labelAdd(\Phake::anyParameters()); } if ($out2 !== null) { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->labelPropertiesGet(...$data2); } else { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::never())->labelPropertiesGet(\Phake::anyParameters()); } } public static function provideLabelAdditions(): iterable { return [ [['caption' => "Software"], [self::$userId, ['name' => "Software"]], 2, null, null, self::respGood(-1026)], [['caption' => "Hardware"], [self::$userId, ['name' => "Hardware"]], 3, null, null, self::respGood(-1027)], [['caption' => "Software"], [self::$userId, ['name' => "Software"]], new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation"), [self::$userId, "Software", true], ['id' => 2], self::respGood(-1026)], [['caption' => "Hardware"], [self::$userId, ['name' => "Hardware"]], new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation"), [self::$userId, "Hardware", true], ['id' => 3], self::respGood(-1027)], [[], [self::$userId, ['name' => ""]], new ExceptionInput("typeViolation"), null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['caption' => ""], [self::$userId, ['name' => ""]], new ExceptionInput("typeViolation"), null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['caption' => " "], [self::$userId, ['name' => " "]], new ExceptionInput("typeViolation"), null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], ]; } #[DataProvider("provideLabelRemovals")] public function testRemoveALabel(array $in, ?array $data, $out, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "removeLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); $action = ($out instanceof \Exception) ? "thenThrow" : "thenReturn"; \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelRemove->$action($out); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); if ($out !== null) { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->labelRemove(...$data); } else { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::never())->labelRemove(\Phake::anyParameters()); } } public static function provideLabelRemovals(): iterable { return [ [['label_id' => -1042], [self::$userId, 18], true, self::respGood()], [['label_id' => -2112], [self::$userId, 1088], new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing"), self::respGood()], [['label_id' => 1], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['label_id' => 0], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['label_id' => -10], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [[], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], ]; } #[DataProvider("provideLabelRenamings")] public function testRenameALabel(array $in, ?array $data, $out, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "renameLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); $action = ($out instanceof \Exception) ? "thenThrow" : "thenReturn"; \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelPropertiesSet->$action($out); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); if ($out !== null) { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->labelPropertiesSet(...$data); } else { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::never())->labelPropertiesSet(\Phake::anyParameters()); } } public static function provideLabelRenamings(): iterable { return [ [['label_id' => -1042, 'caption' => "Ook"], [self::$userId, 18, ['name' => "Ook"]], true, self::respGood()], [['label_id' => -2112, 'caption' => "Eek"], [self::$userId, 1088, ['name' => "Eek"]], new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing"), self::respGood()], [['label_id' => -1042, 'caption' => "Eek"], [self::$userId, 18, ['name' => "Eek"]], new ExceptionInput("constraintViolation"), self::respGood()], [['label_id' => -1042, 'caption' => ""], [self::$userId, 18, ['name' => ""]], new ExceptionInput("missing"), self::respGood()], [['label_id' => -1042, 'caption' => " "], [self::$userId, 18, ['name' => " "]], new ExceptionInput("whitespace"), self::respGood()], [['label_id' => -1042], [self::$userId, 18, ['name' => ""]], new ExceptionInput("missing"), self::respGood()], [['label_id' => -1042], [self::$userId, 18, ['name' => ""]], new ExceptionInput("typeViolation"), self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['label_id' => -1, 'caption' => "Ook"], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['caption' => "Ook"], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [[], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], ]; } #[DataProvider("provideCategoryListings")] public function testRetrieveCategoryLists(array $in, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "getCategories", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderList($this->anything(), null, true)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->folders))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderList($this->anything(), null, false)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->topFolders))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionList->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->subscriptions))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelList->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->labels))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleCount($this->anything(), $this->equalTo((new Context)->hidden(false)->unread(true)->modifiedRange(Date::sub("PT24H", self::NOW), null)))->thenReturn(7); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleStarred->thenReturn(self::v($this->starred)); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); } public static function provideCategoryListings(): iterable { $exp = [ [ ['id' => "5", 'title' => "Local", 'unread' => 10, 'order_id' => 1], ['id' => "6", 'title' => "National", 'unread' => 18, 'order_id' => 2], ['id' => "4", 'title' => "Photography", 'unread' => 0, 'order_id' => 3], ['id' => "3", 'title' => "Politics", 'unread' => 0, 'order_id' => 4], ['id' => "2", 'title' => "Rocketry", 'unread' => 5, 'order_id' => 5], ['id' => "1", 'title' => "Science", 'unread' => 2, 'order_id' => 6], ['id' => 0, 'title' => "Uncategorized", 'unread' => 0], ['id' => -1, 'title' => "Special", 'unread' => 11], ['id' => -2, 'title' => "Labels", 'unread' => "6"], ], [ ['id' => "5", 'title' => "Local", 'unread' => 10, 'order_id' => 1], ['id' => "6", 'title' => "National", 'unread' => 18, 'order_id' => 2], ['id' => "3", 'title' => "Politics", 'unread' => 0, 'order_id' => 4], ['id' => "2", 'title' => "Rocketry", 'unread' => 5, 'order_id' => 5], ['id' => "1", 'title' => "Science", 'unread' => 2, 'order_id' => 6], ['id' => 0, 'title' => "Uncategorized", 'unread' => 0], ['id' => -1, 'title' => "Special", 'unread' => 11], ['id' => -2, 'title' => "Labels", 'unread' => "6"], ], [ ['id' => "5", 'title' => "Local", 'unread' => 10, 'order_id' => 1], ['id' => "6", 'title' => "National", 'unread' => 18, 'order_id' => 2], ['id' => "2", 'title' => "Rocketry", 'unread' => 5, 'order_id' => 5], ['id' => "1", 'title' => "Science", 'unread' => 2, 'order_id' => 6], ['id' => -1, 'title' => "Special", 'unread' => 11], ['id' => -2, 'title' => "Labels", 'unread' => "6"], ], [ ['id' => "4", 'title' => "Photography", 'unread' => 0, 'order_id' => 1], ['id' => "3", 'title' => "Politics", 'unread' => 28, 'order_id' => 2], ['id' => "1", 'title' => "Science", 'unread' => 7, 'order_id' => 3], ['id' => 0, 'title' => "Uncategorized", 'unread' => 0], ['id' => -1, 'title' => "Special", 'unread' => 11], ['id' => -2, 'title' => "Labels", 'unread' => "6"], ], [ ['id' => "3", 'title' => "Politics", 'unread' => 28, 'order_id' => 2], ['id' => "1", 'title' => "Science", 'unread' => 7, 'order_id' => 3], ['id' => 0, 'title' => "Uncategorized", 'unread' => 0], ['id' => -1, 'title' => "Special", 'unread' => 11], ['id' => -2, 'title' => "Labels", 'unread' => "6"], ], [ ['id' => "3", 'title' => "Politics", 'unread' => 28, 'order_id' => 2], ['id' => "1", 'title' => "Science", 'unread' => 7, 'order_id' => 3], ['id' => -1, 'title' => "Special", 'unread' => 11], ['id' => -2, 'title' => "Labels", 'unread' => "6"], ], ]; return [ [['include_empty' => true], self::respGood($exp[0])], [[], self::respGood($exp[1])], [['unread_only' => true], self::respGood($exp[2])], [['enable_nested' => true, 'include_empty' => true], self::respGood($exp[3])], [['enable_nested' => true], self::respGood($exp[4])], [['enable_nested' => true, 'unread_only' => true], self::respGood($exp[5])], ]; } public function testRetrieveCounterList(): void { $in = ['op' => "getCounters", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"]; \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderList->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->folders))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionList->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->subscriptions))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelList($this->anything(), false)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->usedLabels))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleCount->thenReturn(7); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleStarred->thenReturn(self::v($this->starred)); $exp = [ ['id' => "global-unread", 'counter' => 35], ['id' => "subscribed-feeds", 'counter' => 6], ['id' => 0, 'counter' => 0, 'auxcounter' => 0], ['id' => -1, 'counter' => 4, 'auxcounter' => 10], ['id' => -2, 'counter' => 0, 'auxcounter' => 0], ['id' => -3, 'counter' => 7, 'auxcounter' => 0], ['id' => -4, 'counter' => 35, 'auxcounter' => 0], ['id' => -1027, 'counter' => 6, 'auxcounter' => 100], ['id' => -1025, 'counter' => 0, 'auxcounter' => 2], ['id' => "3", 'updated' => "2016-05-23T06:40:02Z", 'counter' => 2, 'has_img' => 1], ['id' => "4", 'updated' => "2017-10-09T15:58:34Z", 'counter' => 6, 'has_img' => 1], ['id' => "6", 'updated' => "2010-02-12T20:08:47Z", 'counter' => 0, 'has_img' => 1], ['id' => "1", 'updated' => "2017-09-15T22:54:16Z", 'counter' => 5, 'has_img' => 0], ['id' => "5", 'updated' => "2017-07-07T17:07:17Z", 'counter' => 12, 'has_img' => 0], ['id' => "2", 'updated' => "2011-11-11T11:11:11Z", 'counter' => 10, 'has_img' => 1], ['id' => 5, 'kind' => "cat", 'counter' => 10], ['id' => 6, 'kind' => "cat", 'counter' => 18], ['id' => 4, 'kind' => "cat", 'counter' => 0], ['id' => 3, 'kind' => "cat", 'counter' => 28], ['id' => 2, 'kind' => "cat", 'counter' => 5], ['id' => 1, 'kind' => "cat", 'counter' => 7], ['id' => 0, 'kind' => "cat", 'counter' => 0], ['id' => -2, 'kind' => "cat", 'counter' => 6], ]; $this->assertMessage(self::respGood($exp), $this->req($in)); \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->articleCount(self::$userId, $this->equalTo((new Context)->hidden(false)->unread(true)->modifiedRange(Date::sub("PT24H", self::NOW), null))); } #[DataProvider("provideLabelListings")] public function testRetrieveTheLabelList(array $in, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "getLabels", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelList->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->labels))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleLabelsGet($this->anything(), 1)->thenReturn(self::v([1,3])); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleLabelsGet($this->anything(), 2)->thenReturn(self::v([3])); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleLabelsGet($this->anything(), 3)->thenReturn([]); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleLabelsGet($this->anything(), 4)->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("idMissing")); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); } public static function provideLabelListings(): iterable { $exp = [ [ ['id' => -1027, 'caption' => "Fascinating", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ['id' => -1029, 'caption' => "Interesting", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ['id' => -1025, 'caption' => "Logical", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ], [ ['id' => -1027, 'caption' => "Fascinating", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => true], ['id' => -1029, 'caption' => "Interesting", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ['id' => -1025, 'caption' => "Logical", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => true], ], [ ['id' => -1027, 'caption' => "Fascinating", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => true], ['id' => -1029, 'caption' => "Interesting", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ['id' => -1025, 'caption' => "Logical", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ], [ ['id' => -1027, 'caption' => "Fascinating", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ['id' => -1029, 'caption' => "Interesting", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ['id' => -1025, 'caption' => "Logical", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ], [ ['id' => -1027, 'caption' => "Fascinating", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ['id' => -1029, 'caption' => "Interesting", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ['id' => -1025, 'caption' => "Logical", 'fg_color' => "", 'bg_color' => "", 'checked' => false], ], ]; return [ [[], self::respGood($exp[0])], [['article_id' => 1], self::respGood($exp[1])], [['article_id' => 2], self::respGood($exp[2])], [['article_id' => 3], self::respGood($exp[3])], [['article_id' => 4], self::respGood($exp[4])], ]; } public static function provideLabelAssignments(): iterable { $ids = implode(",", range(1, 100)); return [ [['label_id' => -2112, 'article_ids' => $ids], 1088, Database::ASSOC_REMOVE, self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 89])], [['label_id' => -2112, 'article_ids' => $ids, 'assign' => true], 1088, Database::ASSOC_ADD, self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 7])], [['label_id' => -2112], null, null, self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 0])], [['label_id' => -42], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['label_id' => 42], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['label_id' => 0], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [[], null, null, self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], ]; } #[DataProvider("provideLabelAssignments")] public function testAssignArticlesToALabel(array $in, ?int $label, ?int $operation, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "setArticleLabel", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelArticlesSet(self::$userId, $this->anything(), $this->anything(), Database::ASSOC_REMOVE)->thenReturn(42)->thenReturn(47); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelArticlesSet(self::$userId, $this->anything(), $this->anything(), Database::ASSOC_ADD)->thenReturn(5)->thenReturn(2); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelArticlesSet(self::$userId, $this->anything(), $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([])), $this->anything())->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("tooShort")); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); if ($label !== null) { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->labelArticlesSet(self::$userId, $label, $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles(range(1, 50))), $operation); \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->labelArticlesSet(self::$userId, $label, $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles(range(51, 100))), $operation); } } public function testRetrieveFeedTree(): void { $in = [ ['op' => "getFeedTree", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'include_empty' => true], ['op' => "getFeedTree", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], ]; \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderList($this->anything(), null, true)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->folders))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionList->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->subscriptions))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelList($this->anything(), true)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->labels))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleCount->thenReturn(7); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleStarred->thenReturn(self::v($this->starred)); // the expectations are packed tightly since they're very verbose; one can use var_export() (or convert to JSON) to pretty-print them $exp = ['categories' => ['identifier' => 'id','label' => 'name','items' => [['name' => 'Special','id' => 'CAT:-1','bare_id' => -1,'type' => 'category','unread' => 0,'items' => [['name' => 'All articles','id' => 'FEED:-4','bare_id' => -4,'icon' => 'images/folder.png','unread' => 35,'type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => ''],['name' => 'Fresh articles','id' => 'FEED:-3','bare_id' => -3,'icon' => 'images/fresh.png','unread' => 7,'type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => ''],['name' => 'Starred articles','id' => 'FEED:-1','bare_id' => -1,'icon' => 'images/star.png','unread' => 4,'type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => ''],['name' => 'Published articles','id' => 'FEED:-2','bare_id' => -2,'icon' => 'images/feed.png','unread' => 0,'type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => ''],['name' => 'Archived articles','id' => 'FEED:0','bare_id' => 0,'icon' => 'images/archive.png','unread' => 0,'type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => ''],['name' => 'Recently read','id' => 'FEED:-6','bare_id' => -6,'icon' => 'images/time.png','unread' => 0,'type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => '']]],['name' => 'Labels','id' => 'CAT:-2','bare_id' => -2,'type' => 'category','unread' => 6,'items' => [['name' => 'Fascinating','id' => 'FEED:-1027','bare_id' => -1027,'unread' => 0,'icon' => 'images/label.png','type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => '','fg_color' => '','bg_color' => ''],['name' => 'Interesting','id' => 'FEED:-1029','bare_id' => -1029,'unread' => 0,'icon' => 'images/label.png','type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => '','fg_color' => '','bg_color' => ''],['name' => 'Logical','id' => 'FEED:-1025','bare_id' => -1025,'unread' => 0,'icon' => 'images/label.png','type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => '','fg_color' => '','bg_color' => '']]],['name' => 'Photography','id' => 'CAT:4','bare_id' => 4,'parent_id' => null,'type' => 'category','auxcounter' => 0,'unread' => 0,'child_unread' => 0,'checkbox' => false,'param' => '(0 feeds)','items' => []],['name' => 'Politics','id' => 'CAT:3','bare_id' => 3,'parent_id' => null,'type' => 'category','auxcounter' => 0,'unread' => 0,'child_unread' => 0,'checkbox' => false,'param' => '(3 feeds)','items' => [['name' => 'Local','id' => 'CAT:5','bare_id' => 5,'parent_id' => 3,'type' => 'category','auxcounter' => 0,'unread' => 0,'child_unread' => 0,'checkbox' => false,'param' => '(1 feed)','items' => [['name' => 'Toronto Star','id' => 'FEED:2','bare_id' => 2,'icon' => 'feed-icons/2.ico','error' => 'oops','param' => '2011-11-11T11:11:11Z','unread' => 0,'auxcounter' => 0,'checkbox' => false]]],['name' => 'National','id' => 'CAT:6','bare_id' => 6,'parent_id' => 3,'type' => 'category','auxcounter' => 0,'unread' => 0,'child_unread' => 0,'checkbox' => false,'param' => '(2 feeds)','items' => [['name' => 'CBC News','id' => 'FEED:4','bare_id' => 4,'icon' => 'feed-icons/4.ico','error' => '','param' => '2017-10-09T15:58:34Z','unread' => 0,'auxcounter' => 0,'checkbox' => false],['name' => 'Ottawa Citizen','id' => 'FEED:5','bare_id' => 5,'icon' => false,'error' => '','param' => '2017-07-07T17:07:17Z','unread' => 0,'auxcounter' => 0,'checkbox' => false]]]]],['name' => 'Science','id' => 'CAT:1','bare_id' => 1,'parent_id' => null,'type' => 'category','auxcounter' => 0,'unread' => 0,'child_unread' => 0,'checkbox' => false,'param' => '(2 feeds)','items' => [['name' => 'Rocketry','id' => 'CAT:2','bare_id' => 2,'parent_id' => 1,'type' => 'category','auxcounter' => 0,'unread' => 0,'child_unread' => 0,'checkbox' => false,'param' => '(1 feed)','items' => [['name' => 'NASA JPL','id' => 'FEED:1','bare_id' => 1,'icon' => false,'error' => '','param' => '2017-09-15T22:54:16Z','unread' => 0,'auxcounter' => 0,'checkbox' => false]]],['name' => 'Ars Technica','id' => 'FEED:3','bare_id' => 3,'icon' => 'feed-icons/3.ico','error' => 'argh','param' => '2016-05-23T06:40:02Z','unread' => 0,'auxcounter' => 0,'checkbox' => false]]],['name' => 'Uncategorized','id' => 'CAT:0','bare_id' => 0,'type' => 'category','auxcounter' => 0,'unread' => 0,'child_unread' => 0,'checkbox' => false,'parent_id' => null,'param' => '(1 feed)','items' => [['name' => 'Eurogamer','id' => 'FEED:6','bare_id' => 6,'icon' => 'feed-icons/6.ico','error' => '','param' => '2010-02-12T20:08:47Z','unread' => 0,'auxcounter' => 0,'checkbox' => false]]]]]]; $this->assertMessage(self::respGood($exp), $this->req($in[0])); $exp = ['categories' => ['identifier' => 'id','label' => 'name','items' => [['name' => 'Special','id' => 'CAT:-1','bare_id' => -1,'type' => 'category','unread' => 0,'items' => [['name' => 'All articles','id' => 'FEED:-4','bare_id' => -4,'icon' => 'images/folder.png','unread' => 35,'type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => ''],['name' => 'Fresh articles','id' => 'FEED:-3','bare_id' => -3,'icon' => 'images/fresh.png','unread' => 7,'type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => ''],['name' => 'Starred articles','id' => 'FEED:-1','bare_id' => -1,'icon' => 'images/star.png','unread' => 4,'type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => ''],['name' => 'Published articles','id' => 'FEED:-2','bare_id' => -2,'icon' => 'images/feed.png','unread' => 0,'type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => ''],['name' => 'Archived articles','id' => 'FEED:0','bare_id' => 0,'icon' => 'images/archive.png','unread' => 0,'type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => ''],['name' => 'Recently read','id' => 'FEED:-6','bare_id' => -6,'icon' => 'images/time.png','unread' => 0,'type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => '']]],['name' => 'Labels','id' => 'CAT:-2','bare_id' => -2,'type' => 'category','unread' => 6,'items' => [['name' => 'Fascinating','id' => 'FEED:-1027','bare_id' => -1027,'unread' => 0,'icon' => 'images/label.png','type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => '','fg_color' => '','bg_color' => ''],['name' => 'Interesting','id' => 'FEED:-1029','bare_id' => -1029,'unread' => 0,'icon' => 'images/label.png','type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => '','fg_color' => '','bg_color' => ''],['name' => 'Logical','id' => 'FEED:-1025','bare_id' => -1025,'unread' => 0,'icon' => 'images/label.png','type' => 'feed','auxcounter' => 0,'error' => '','updated' => '','fg_color' => '','bg_color' => '']]],['name' => 'Politics','id' => 'CAT:3','bare_id' => 3,'parent_id' => null,'type' => 'category','auxcounter' => 0,'unread' => 0,'child_unread' => 0,'checkbox' => false,'param' => '(3 feeds)','items' => [['name' => 'Local','id' => 'CAT:5','bare_id' => 5,'parent_id' => 3,'type' => 'category','auxcounter' => 0,'unread' => 0,'child_unread' => 0,'checkbox' => false,'param' => '(1 feed)','items' => [['name' => 'Toronto Star','id' => 'FEED:2','bare_id' => 2,'icon' => 'feed-icons/2.ico','error' => 'oops','param' => '2011-11-11T11:11:11Z','unread' => 0,'auxcounter' => 0,'checkbox' => false]]],['name' => 'National','id' => 'CAT:6','bare_id' => 6,'parent_id' => 3,'type' => 'category','auxcounter' => 0,'unread' => 0,'child_unread' => 0,'checkbox' => false,'param' => '(2 feeds)','items' => [['name' => 'CBC News','id' => 'FEED:4','bare_id' => 4,'icon' => 'feed-icons/4.ico','error' => '','param' => '2017-10-09T15:58:34Z','unread' => 0,'auxcounter' => 0,'checkbox' => false],['name' => 'Ottawa Citizen','id' => 'FEED:5','bare_id' => 5,'icon' => false,'error' => '','param' => '2017-07-07T17:07:17Z','unread' => 0,'auxcounter' => 0,'checkbox' => false]]]]],['name' => 'Science','id' => 'CAT:1','bare_id' => 1,'parent_id' => null,'type' => 'category','auxcounter' => 0,'unread' => 0,'child_unread' => 0,'checkbox' => false,'param' => '(2 feeds)','items' => [['name' => 'Rocketry','id' => 'CAT:2','bare_id' => 2,'parent_id' => 1,'type' => 'category','auxcounter' => 0,'unread' => 0,'child_unread' => 0,'checkbox' => false,'param' => '(1 feed)','items' => [['name' => 'NASA JPL','id' => 'FEED:1','bare_id' => 1,'icon' => false,'error' => '','param' => '2017-09-15T22:54:16Z','unread' => 0,'auxcounter' => 0,'checkbox' => false]]],['name' => 'Ars Technica','id' => 'FEED:3','bare_id' => 3,'icon' => 'feed-icons/3.ico','error' => 'argh','param' => '2016-05-23T06:40:02Z','unread' => 0,'auxcounter' => 0,'checkbox' => false]]],['name' => 'Uncategorized','id' => 'CAT:0','bare_id' => 0,'type' => 'category','auxcounter' => 0,'unread' => 0,'child_unread' => 0,'checkbox' => false,'parent_id' => null,'param' => '(1 feed)','items' => [['name' => 'Eurogamer','id' => 'FEED:6','bare_id' => 6,'icon' => 'feed-icons/6.ico','error' => '','param' => '2010-02-12T20:08:47Z','unread' => 0,'auxcounter' => 0,'checkbox' => false]]]]]]; $this->assertMessage(self::respGood($exp), $this->req($in[1])); \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::times(2))->articleCount(self::$userId, $this->equalTo((new Context)->hidden(false)->unread(true)->modifiedRange(Date::sub("PT24H", self::NOW), null))); } #[DataProvider("provideMassMarkings")] public function testMarkFeedsAsRead(array $in, ?Context $c): void { $base = ['op' => "catchupFeed", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"]; $in = array_merge($base, $in); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleMark->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("typeViolation")); // create a mock-current time \Phake::when(Arsse::$obj)->get(\DateTimeImmutable::class)->thenReturn(new \DateTimeImmutable(self::NOW)); // TT-RSS always responds the same regardless of success or failure $this->assertMessage(self::respGood(['status' => "OK"]), $this->req($in)); if (isset($c)) { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->articleMark(self::$userId, ['read' => true], $this->equalTo($c)); } else { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::never())->articleMark(\Phake::anyParameters()); } } public static function provideMassMarkings(): iterable { $c = (new Context)->hidden(false); return [ [[], null], [['feed_id' => 0], null], [['feed_id' => 0, 'is_cat' => true], (clone $c)->folderShallow(0)], [['feed_id' => 0, 'is_cat' => true, 'mode' => "bogus"], (clone $c)->folderShallow(0)], [['feed_id' => -1], (clone $c)->starred(true)], [['feed_id' => -1, 'is_cat' => "t"], null], [['feed_id' => -3], (clone $c)->modifiedRange(Date::sub("PT24H", self::NOW), null)], [['feed_id' => -3, 'mode' => "1day"], (clone $c)->modifiedRange(Date::sub("PT24H", self::NOW), Date::sub("PT24H", self::NOW))], // this is a nonsense query, but it's what TT-RSS appearsto do [['feed_id' => -3, 'is_cat' => true], null], [['feed_id' => -2], null], [['feed_id' => -2, 'is_cat' => true], (clone $c)->labelled(true)], [['feed_id' => -2, 'is_cat' => true, 'mode' => "all"], (clone $c)->labelled(true)], [['feed_id' => -4], $c], [['feed_id' => -4, 'is_cat' => true], null], [['feed_id' => -6, 'is_cat' => "f"], null], [['feed_id' => -2112], (clone $c)->label(1088)], [['feed_id' => 42, 'is_cat' => true], (clone $c)->folder(42)], [['feed_id' => 42, 'is_cat' => true, 'mode' => "1week"], (clone $c)->folder(42)->modifiedRange(null, Date::sub("P1W", self::NOW))], [['feed_id' => 2112], (clone $c)->subscription(2112)], [['feed_id' => 2112, 'mode' => "2week"], (clone $c)->subscription(2112)->modifiedRange(null, Date::sub("P2W", self::NOW))], ]; } #[DataProvider("provideFeedListings")] public function testRetrieveFeedList(array $in, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "getFeeds", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); // statistical mocks \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleStarred->thenReturn(self::v($this->starred)); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleCount($this->anything(), $this->equalTo((new Context)->unread(true)->hidden(false)->modifiedRange(Date::sub("PT24H", self::NOW), null)))->thenReturn(7); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleCount($this->anything(), $this->equalTo((new Context)->unread(true)->hidden(false)))->thenReturn(35); // label mocks \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelList->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->labels))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelList($this->anything(), false)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->usedLabels))); // subscription and folder list and unread count mocks \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderList->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing")); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionList->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing")); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderList($this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->folders))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionList($this->anything(), null, true)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->subscriptions))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionList($this->anything(), null, false)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->filterSubs(null)))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderList($this->anything(), null)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->folders))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderList($this->anything(), null, false)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->filterFolders(null)))); foreach ($this->folders as $f) { \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->folderList($this->anything(), $f['id'], false)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->filterFolders($f['id'])))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleCount($this->anything(), $this->equalTo((new Context)->unread(true)->hidden(false)->folder($f['id'])))->thenReturn($this->reduceFolders($f['id'])); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->subscriptionList($this->anything(), $f['id'], false)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->filterSubs($f['id'])))); } $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); } protected function filterFolders(?int $id = null): array { return array_filter($this->folders, function($value) use ($id) { return $value['parent'] == $id; }); } protected function filterSubs(?int $folder = null): array { return array_filter($this->subscriptions, function($value) use ($folder) { return $value['folder'] == $folder; }); } protected function reduceFolders(?int $id = null): int { $out = 0; foreach ($this->filterFolders($id) as $f) { $out += $this->reduceFolders($f['id']); } $out += array_reduce(array_filter($this->subscriptions, function($value) use ($id) { return $value['folder'] == $id; }), function($sum, $value) { return $sum + $value['unread']; }, 0); return $out; } public static function provideFeedListings(): iterable { $exp = [ [ ['id' => 6, 'title' => 'Eurogamer', 'unread' => 0, 'cat_id' => 0, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/6", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1266005327, 'order_id' => 1], ], [ ['id' => -1, 'title' => "Starred articles", 'unread' => "4", 'cat_id' => -1], ['id' => -2, 'title' => "Published articles", 'unread' => "0", 'cat_id' => -1], ['id' => -3, 'title' => "Fresh articles", 'unread' => "7", 'cat_id' => -1], ['id' => -4, 'title' => "All articles", 'unread' => "35", 'cat_id' => -1], ['id' => -6, 'title' => "Recently read", 'unread' => 0, 'cat_id' => -1], ['id' => 0, 'title' => "Archived articles", 'unread' => "0", 'cat_id' => -1], ], [ ['id' => -1, 'title' => "Starred articles", 'unread' => "4", 'cat_id' => -1], ['id' => -3, 'title' => "Fresh articles", 'unread' => "7", 'cat_id' => -1], ['id' => -4, 'title' => "All articles", 'unread' => "35", 'cat_id' => -1], ], [ ['id' => -1027, 'title' => "Fascinating", 'unread' => "6", 'cat_id' => -2], ['id' => -1025, 'title' => "Logical", 'unread' => "0", 'cat_id' => -2], ], [ ['id' => -1027, 'title' => "Fascinating", 'unread' => "6", 'cat_id' => -2], ], [ ['id' => 3, 'title' => 'Ars Technica', 'unread' => 2, 'cat_id' => 1, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/3", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1463985602, 'order_id' => 1], ['id' => 4, 'title' => 'CBC News', 'unread' => 6, 'cat_id' => 6, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/4", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1507564714, 'order_id' => 2], ['id' => 6, 'title' => 'Eurogamer', 'unread' => 0, 'cat_id' => 0, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/6", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1266005327, 'order_id' => 3], ['id' => 1, 'title' => 'NASA JPL', 'unread' => 5, 'cat_id' => 2, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/1", 'has_icon' => false, 'last_updated' => 1505516056, 'order_id' => 4], ['id' => 5, 'title' => 'Ottawa Citizen', 'unread' => 12, 'cat_id' => 6, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/5", 'has_icon' => false, 'last_updated' => 1499447237, 'order_id' => 5], ['id' => 2, 'title' => 'Toronto Star', 'unread' => 10, 'cat_id' => 5, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/2", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1321009871, 'order_id' => 6], ], [ ['id' => 3, 'title' => 'Ars Technica', 'unread' => 2, 'cat_id' => 1, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/3", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1463985602, 'order_id' => 1], ['id' => 4, 'title' => 'CBC News', 'unread' => 6, 'cat_id' => 6, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/4", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1507564714, 'order_id' => 2], ['id' => 1, 'title' => 'NASA JPL', 'unread' => 5, 'cat_id' => 2, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/1", 'has_icon' => false, 'last_updated' => 1505516056, 'order_id' => 4], ['id' => 5, 'title' => 'Ottawa Citizen', 'unread' => 12, 'cat_id' => 6, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/5", 'has_icon' => false, 'last_updated' => 1499447237, 'order_id' => 5], ['id' => 2, 'title' => 'Toronto Star', 'unread' => 10, 'cat_id' => 5, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/2", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1321009871, 'order_id' => 6], ], [ ['id' => -1027, 'title' => "Fascinating", 'unread' => "6", 'cat_id' => -2], ['id' => -1025, 'title' => "Logical", 'unread' => "0", 'cat_id' => -2], ['id' => -1, 'title' => "Starred articles", 'unread' => "4", 'cat_id' => -1], ['id' => -2, 'title' => "Published articles", 'unread' => "0", 'cat_id' => -1], ['id' => -3, 'title' => "Fresh articles", 'unread' => "7", 'cat_id' => -1], ['id' => -4, 'title' => "All articles", 'unread' => "35", 'cat_id' => -1], ['id' => -6, 'title' => "Recently read", 'unread' => 0, 'cat_id' => -1], ['id' => 0, 'title' => "Archived articles", 'unread' => "0", 'cat_id' => -1], ['id' => 3, 'title' => 'Ars Technica', 'unread' => 2, 'cat_id' => 1, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/3", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1463985602, 'order_id' => 1], ['id' => 4, 'title' => 'CBC News', 'unread' => 6, 'cat_id' => 6, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/4", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1507564714, 'order_id' => 2], ['id' => 6, 'title' => 'Eurogamer', 'unread' => 0, 'cat_id' => 0, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/6", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1266005327, 'order_id' => 3], ['id' => 1, 'title' => 'NASA JPL', 'unread' => 5, 'cat_id' => 2, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/1", 'has_icon' => false, 'last_updated' => 1505516056, 'order_id' => 4], ['id' => 5, 'title' => 'Ottawa Citizen', 'unread' => 12, 'cat_id' => 6, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/5", 'has_icon' => false, 'last_updated' => 1499447237, 'order_id' => 5], ['id' => 2, 'title' => 'Toronto Star', 'unread' => 10, 'cat_id' => 5, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/2", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1321009871, 'order_id' => 6], ], [ ['id' => -1027, 'title' => "Fascinating", 'unread' => "6", 'cat_id' => -2], ['id' => -1, 'title' => "Starred articles", 'unread' => "4", 'cat_id' => -1], ['id' => -3, 'title' => "Fresh articles", 'unread' => "7", 'cat_id' => -1], ['id' => -4, 'title' => "All articles", 'unread' => "35", 'cat_id' => -1], ['id' => 3, 'title' => 'Ars Technica', 'unread' => 2, 'cat_id' => 1, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/3", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1463985602, 'order_id' => 1], ['id' => 4, 'title' => 'CBC News', 'unread' => 6, 'cat_id' => 6, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/4", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1507564714, 'order_id' => 2], ['id' => 1, 'title' => 'NASA JPL', 'unread' => 5, 'cat_id' => 2, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/1", 'has_icon' => false, 'last_updated' => 1505516056, 'order_id' => 4], ['id' => 5, 'title' => 'Ottawa Citizen', 'unread' => 12, 'cat_id' => 6, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/5", 'has_icon' => false, 'last_updated' => 1499447237, 'order_id' => 5], ['id' => 2, 'title' => 'Toronto Star', 'unread' => 10, 'cat_id' => 5, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/2", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1321009871, 'order_id' => 6], ], [ ['id' => 4, 'title' => 'CBC News', 'unread' => 6, 'cat_id' => 6, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/4", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1507564714, 'order_id' => 1], ['id' => 5, 'title' => 'Ottawa Citizen', 'unread' => 12, 'cat_id' => 6, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/5", 'has_icon' => false, 'last_updated' => 1499447237, 'order_id' => 2], ], [ ['id' => 4, 'title' => 'CBC News', 'unread' => 6, 'cat_id' => 6, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/4", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1507564714, 'order_id' => 1], ], [ ['id' => 5, 'title' => 'Ottawa Citizen', 'unread' => 12, 'cat_id' => 6, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/5", 'has_icon' => false, 'last_updated' => 1499447237, 'order_id' => 2], ], [ ['id' => 3, 'title' => 'Ars Technica', 'unread' => 2, 'cat_id' => 1, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/3", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1463985602, 'order_id' => 1], ], [ ['id' => 2, 'title' => "Rocketry", 'unread' => 5, 'is_cat' => true, 'order_id' => 1], ['id' => 3, 'title' => 'Ars Technica', 'unread' => 2, 'cat_id' => 1, 'feed_url' => " http://example.com/3", 'has_icon' => true, 'last_updated' => 1463985602, 'order_id' => 1], ], ]; return [ [[], self::respGood($exp[0])], [['cat_id' => -1], self::respGood($exp[1])], [['cat_id' => -1, 'unread_only' => true], self::respGood($exp[2])], [['cat_id' => -2], self::respGood($exp[3])], [['cat_id' => -2, 'unread_only' => true], self::respGood($exp[4])], [['cat_id' => -3], self::respGood($exp[5])], [['cat_id' => -3, 'unread_only' => true], self::respGood($exp[6])], [['cat_id' => -4], self::respGood($exp[7])], [['cat_id' => -4, 'unread_only' => true], self::respGood($exp[8])], [['cat_id' => 6], self::respGood($exp[9])], [['cat_id' => 6, 'limit' => 1], self::respGood($exp[10])], [['cat_id' => 6, 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 1], self::respGood($exp[11])], [['cat_id' => 1], self::respGood($exp[12])], [['cat_id' => 1, 'include_nested' => true], self::respGood($exp[13])], [['cat_id' => 0, 'unread_only' => true], self::respGood([])], [['cat_id' => 2112], self::respGood([])], [['cat_id' => 2112, 'include_nested' => true], self::respGood([])], [['cat_id' => 6, 'limit' => -42], self::respGood([])], [['cat_id' => 6, 'offset' => 2], self::respGood([])], ]; } #[DataProvider("provideArticleChanges")] public function testChangeArticles(array $in, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "updateArticle", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleMark->thenReturn(1); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleMark(self::$userId, ['starred' => false], $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([42, 2112])))->thenReturn(2); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleMark(self::$userId, ['starred' => true], $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([42, 2112])))->thenReturn(4); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleMark(self::$userId, ['starred' => false], $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([42])))->thenReturn(8); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleMark(self::$userId, ['starred' => true], $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([2112])))->thenReturn(16); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleMark(self::$userId, ['read' => true], $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([42, 2112])))->thenReturn(32); // false is read for TT-RSS \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleMark(self::$userId, ['read' => false], $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([42, 2112])))->thenReturn(64); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleMark(self::$userId, ['read' => true], $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([42])))->thenReturn(128); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleMark(self::$userId, ['read' => false], $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([2112])))->thenReturn(256); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleMark(self::$userId, ['note' => ""], $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([42, 2112])))->thenReturn(512); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleMark(self::$userId, ['note' => "eh"], $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([42, 2112])))->thenReturn(1024); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleList(self::$userId, $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([42, 2112])->starred(true)), $this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result(self::v([['id' => 42]]))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleList(self::$userId, $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([42, 2112])->starred(false)), $this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result(self::v([['id' => 2112]]))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleList(self::$userId, $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([42, 2112])->unread(true)), $this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result(self::v([['id' => 42]]))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleList(self::$userId, $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([42, 2112])->unread(false)), $this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result(self::v([['id' => 2112]]))); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); } public static function provideArticleChanges(): iterable { return [ [[], self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1"], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 2])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 0], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 2])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 0, 'mode' => 0], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 2])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 0, 'mode' => 1], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 4])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 0, 'mode' => 2], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 24])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 0, 'mode' => 3], self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 1], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 0])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 1, 'mode' => 0], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 0])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 1, 'mode' => 1], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 0])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 1, 'mode' => 2], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 0])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 1, 'mode' => 3], self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 2], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 32])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 2, 'mode' => 0], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 32])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 2, 'mode' => 1], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 64])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 2, 'mode' => 2], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 384])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 2, 'mode' => 3], self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 3], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 512])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 3, 'mode' => 0], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 512])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 3, 'mode' => 1], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 512])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 3, 'mode' => 2], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 512])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 3, 'mode' => 3], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 512])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 3, 'data' => "eh"], self::respGood(['status' => "OK", 'updated' => 1024])], [['article_ids' => "42, 2112, -1", 'field' => 4], self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['article_ids' => "0, -1", 'field' => 3], self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], ]; } #[DataProvider("provideArticleListings")] public function testListArticles(array $in, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "getArticle", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelList($this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->labels))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelList($this->anything(), false)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->usedLabels))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleLabelsGet($this->anything(), 101)->thenReturn([]); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleLabelsGet($this->anything(), 102)->thenReturn(self::v([1,3])); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleList($this->anything(), $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([101, 102])), $this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->articles))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleList($this->anything(), $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([101])), $this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result(self::v([$this->articles[0]]))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleList($this->anything(), $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([102])), $this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result(self::v([$this->articles[1]]))); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); } public static function provideArticleListings(): iterable { $exp = [ [ 'id' => "101", 'guid' => null, 'title' => 'Article title 1', 'link' => 'http://example.com/1', 'labels' => [], 'unread' => true, 'marked' => false, 'published' => false, 'comments' => "", 'author' => '', 'updated' => strtotime('2000-01-01T00:00:01Z'), 'feed_id' => "8", 'feed_title' => "Feed 11", 'attachments' => [], 'score' => 0, 'note' => null, 'lang' => "", 'content' => 'Article content 1
', ], [ 'id' => "102", 'guid' => "SHA256:5be8a5a46ecd52ed132191c8d27fb1af6b3d4edc00234c5d9f8f0e10562ed3b7", 'title' => 'Article title 2', 'link' => 'http://example.com/2', 'labels' => [ [-1025, "Logical", "", ""], [-1027, "Fascinating", "", ""], ], 'unread' => false, 'marked' => false, 'published' => false, 'comments' => "", 'author' => "J. King", 'updated' => strtotime('2000-01-02T00:00:02Z'), 'feed_id' => "8", 'feed_title' => "Feed 11", 'attachments' => [ [ 'id' => "0", 'content_url' => "http://example.com/text", 'content_type' => "text/plain", 'title' => "", 'duration' => "", 'width' => "", 'height' => "", 'post_id' => "102", ], ], 'score' => 0, 'note' => "Note 2", 'lang' => "", 'content' => 'Article content 2
', ], ]; return [ [[], self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['article_id' => 0], self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['article_id' => -1], self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['article_id' => "0,-1"], self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['article_id' => "101,102"], self::respGood($exp)], [['article_id' => "101"], self::respGood([$exp[0]])], [['article_id' => "102"], self::respGood([$exp[1]])], ]; } #[DataProvider("provideArticleListingsWithoutLabels")] public function testListArticlesWithoutLabels(array $in, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $in = array_merge(['op' => "getArticle", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"], $in); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelList($this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result([])); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelList($this->anything(), false)->thenReturn(new Result([])); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleLabelsGet($this->anything(), 101)->thenReturn([]); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleLabelsGet($this->anything(), 102)->thenReturn(self::v([1,3])); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleList($this->anything(), $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([101, 102])), $this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->articles))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleList($this->anything(), $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([101])), $this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result(self::v([$this->articles[0]]))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleList($this->anything(), $this->equalTo((new Context)->articles([102])), $this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result(self::v([$this->articles[1]]))); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); } public static function provideArticleListingsWithoutLabels(): iterable { $exp = [ [ 'id' => "101", 'guid' => null, 'title' => 'Article title 1', 'link' => 'http://example.com/1', 'labels' => [], 'unread' => true, 'marked' => false, 'published' => false, 'comments' => "", 'author' => '', 'updated' => strtotime('2000-01-01T00:00:01Z'), 'feed_id' => "8", 'feed_title' => "Feed 11", 'attachments' => [], 'score' => 0, 'note' => null, 'lang' => "", 'content' => 'Article content 1
', ], [ 'id' => "102", 'guid' => "SHA256:5be8a5a46ecd52ed132191c8d27fb1af6b3d4edc00234c5d9f8f0e10562ed3b7", 'title' => 'Article title 2', 'link' => 'http://example.com/2', 'labels' => [], 'unread' => false, 'marked' => false, 'published' => false, 'comments' => "", 'author' => "J. King", 'updated' => strtotime('2000-01-02T00:00:02Z'), 'feed_id' => "8", 'feed_title' => "Feed 11", 'attachments' => [ [ 'id' => "0", 'content_url' => "http://example.com/text", 'content_type' => "text/plain", 'title' => "", 'duration' => "", 'width' => "", 'height' => "", 'post_id' => "102", ], ], 'score' => 0, 'note' => "Note 2", 'lang' => "", 'content' => 'Article content 2
', ], ]; return [ [[], self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['article_id' => 0], self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['article_id' => -1], self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['article_id' => "0,-1"], self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [['article_id' => "101,102"], self::respGood($exp)], [['article_id' => "101"], self::respGood([$exp[0]])], [['article_id' => "102"], self::respGood([$exp[1]])], ]; } #[DataProvider("provideHeadlines")] public function testRetrieveHeadlines(bool $full, array $in, $out, Context $c, array $fields, array $order, ResponseInterface $exp): void { $base = ['op' => $full ? "getHeadlines" : "getCompactHeadlines", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx"]; $in = array_merge($base, $in); $action = ($out instanceof \Exception) ? "thenThrow" : "thenReturn"; \Phake::when(Arsse::$obj)->get(\DateTimeImmutable::class)->thenReturn(new \DateTimeImmutable(self::NOW)); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelList->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->labels))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelList($this->anything(), false)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->usedLabels))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleLabelsGet->thenReturn([]); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleLabelsGet($this->anything(), 2112)->thenReturn(self::v([1,3])); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleCategoriesGet->thenReturn([]); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleCategoriesGet($this->anything(), 2112)->thenReturn(["Boring","Illogical"]); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleCount->thenReturn(2); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleList->$action($out); $this->assertMessage($exp, $this->req($in)); if ($out) { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->articleList(self::$userId, $this->equalTo($c), $fields, $order); } else { \Phake::verify(Arsse::$db, \Phake::never())->articleList(\Phake::anyParameters()); } } public static function provideHeadlines(): iterable { $t = Date::normalize(self::NOW); $c = (new Context)->hidden(false)->limit(200); $out = self::generateHeadlines(47); $gone = new ExceptionInput("idMissing"); $comp = new Result(self::v([['id' => 47], ['id' => 2112]])); $expFull = self::outputHeadlines(47); $expComp = self::respGood([['id' => 47], ['id' => 2112]]); $fields = ["id", "guid", "title", "author", "url", "unread", "starred", "edited_date", "published_date", "subscription", "subscription_title", "note"]; $sort = ["edited_date desc"]; return [ [true, [], null, $c, [], [], self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [true, ['feed_id' => 0], null, $c, [], [], self::respGood([])], [true, ['feed_id' => -1], $out, (clone $c)->starred(true), $fields, ["marked_date desc"], $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => -2], null, $c, [], [], self::respGood([])], [true, ['feed_id' => -4], $out, $c, $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => 2112], $gone, (clone $c)->subscription(2112), $fields, $sort, self::respGood([])], [true, ['feed_id' => -2112], $out, (clone $c)->label(1088), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => -4, 'view_mode' => "adaptive"], $out, (clone $c)->unread(true), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => -4, 'view_mode' => "published"], null, $c, [], [], self::respGood([])], [true, ['feed_id' => -2112, 'view_mode' => "adaptive"], $out, (clone $c)->label(1088)->unread(true), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => -2112, 'view_mode' => "unread"], $out, (clone $c)->label(1088)->unread(true), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => 42, 'view_mode' => "marked"], $out, (clone $c)->subscription(42)->starred(true), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => 42, 'view_mode' => "has_note"], $out, (clone $c)->subscription(42)->annotated(true), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => 42, 'view_mode' => "unread", 'search' => "unread:false"], null, $c, [], [], self::respGood([])], [true, ['feed_id' => 42, 'search' => "pub:true"], null, $c, [], [], self::respGood([])], [true, ['feed_id' => -4, 'limit' => 5], $out, (clone $c)->limit(5), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => -4, 'skip' => 2], $out, (clone $c)->offset(2), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => -4, 'limit' => 5, 'skip' => 2], $out, (clone $c)->limit(5)->offset(2), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => -4, 'since_id' => 47], $out, (clone $c)->articleRange(48, null), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => -3, 'is_cat' => true], $out, $c, $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => -4, 'is_cat' => true], $out, $c, $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => -2, 'is_cat' => true], $out, (clone $c)->labelled(true), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => -1, 'is_cat' => true], null, $c, [], [], self::respGood([])], [true, ['feed_id' => 0, 'is_cat' => true], $out, (clone $c)->folderShallow(0), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => 0, 'is_cat' => true, 'include_nested' => true], $out, (clone $c)->folderShallow(0), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => 42, 'is_cat' => true], $out, (clone $c)->folderShallow(42), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => 42, 'is_cat' => true, 'include_nested' => true], $out, (clone $c)->folder(42), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => -4, 'order_by' => "feed_dates"], $out, $c, $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => -4, 'order_by' => "date_reverse"], $out, $c, $fields, ["edited_date"], $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => 42, 'search' => "interesting"], $out, (clone $c)->subscription(42)->searchTerms(["interesting"]), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => -6], $out, (clone $c)->unread(false)->markedRange(Date::sub("PT24H", $t), null), $fields, ["marked_date desc"], $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => -6, 'view_mode' => "unread"], null, $c, $fields, $sort, self::respGood([])], [true, ['feed_id' => -3], $out, (clone $c)->unread(true)->modifiedRange(Date::sub("PT24H", $t), null), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [true, ['feed_id' => -3, 'view_mode' => "marked"], $out, (clone $c)->unread(true)->starred(true)->modifiedRange(Date::sub("PT24H", $t), null), $fields, $sort, $expFull], [false, [], null, (clone $c)->limit(null), [], [], self::respErr("INCORRECT_USAGE")], [false, ['feed_id' => 0], null, (clone $c)->limit(null), [], [], self::respGood([])], [false, ['feed_id' => -1], $comp, (clone $c)->limit(null)->starred(true), ["id"], ["marked_date desc"], $expComp], [false, ['feed_id' => -2], null, (clone $c)->limit(null), [], [], self::respGood([])], [false, ['feed_id' => -4], $comp, (clone $c)->limit(null), ["id"], $sort, $expComp], [false, ['feed_id' => 2112], $gone, (clone $c)->limit(null)->subscription(2112), ["id"], $sort, self::respGood([])], [false, ['feed_id' => -2112], $comp, (clone $c)->limit(null)->label(1088), ["id"], $sort, $expComp], [false, ['feed_id' => -4, 'view_mode' => "adaptive"], $comp, (clone $c)->limit(null)->unread(true), ["id"], $sort, $expComp], [false, ['feed_id' => -4, 'view_mode' => "published"], null, (clone $c)->limit(null), [], [], self::respGood([])], [false, ['feed_id' => -2112, 'view_mode' => "adaptive"], $comp, (clone $c)->limit(null)->label(1088)->unread(true), ["id"], $sort, $expComp], [false, ['feed_id' => -2112, 'view_mode' => "unread"], $comp, (clone $c)->limit(null)->label(1088)->unread(true), ["id"], $sort, $expComp], [false, ['feed_id' => 42, 'view_mode' => "marked"], $comp, (clone $c)->limit(null)->subscription(42)->starred(true), ["id"], $sort, $expComp], [false, ['feed_id' => 42, 'view_mode' => "has_note"], $comp, (clone $c)->limit(null)->subscription(42)->annotated(true), ["id"], $sort, $expComp], [false, ['feed_id' => -4, 'limit' => 5], $comp, (clone $c)->limit(5), ["id"], $sort, $expComp], [false, ['feed_id' => -4, 'skip' => 2], $comp, (clone $c)->limit(null)->offset(2), ["id"], $sort, $expComp], [false, ['feed_id' => -4, 'limit' => 5, 'skip' => 2], $comp, (clone $c)->limit(5)->offset(2), ["id"], $sort, $expComp], [false, ['feed_id' => -4, 'since_id' => 47], $comp, (clone $c)->limit(null)->articleRange(48, null), ["id"], $sort, $expComp], [false, ['feed_id' => -6], $comp, (clone $c)->limit(null)->unread(false)->markedRange(Date::sub("PT24H", $t), null), ["id"], ["marked_date desc"], $expComp], [false, ['feed_id' => -6, 'view_mode' => "unread"], null, (clone $c)->limit(null), ["id"], $sort, self::respGood([])], [false, ['feed_id' => -3], $comp, (clone $c)->limit(null)->unread(true)->modifiedRange(Date::sub("PT24H", $t), null), ["id"], $sort, $expComp], [false, ['feed_id' => -3, 'view_mode' => "marked"], $comp, (clone $c)->limit(null)->unread(true)->starred(true)->modifiedRange(Date::sub("PT24H", $t), null), ["id"], $sort, $expComp], ]; } public function testRetrieveFullHeadlinesCheckingExtraFields(): void { $in = [ // empty results ['op' => "getHeadlines", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => -4], ['op' => "getHeadlines", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => -4, 'show_content' => true], ['op' => "getHeadlines", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => -4, 'include_attachments' => true], ['op' => "getHeadlines", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => -4, 'include_header' => true], ['op' => "getHeadlines", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => -3, 'is_cat' => true, 'include_header' => true], ['op' => "getHeadlines", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => -1, 'is_cat' => true, 'include_header' => true], ['op' => "getHeadlines", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 2112, 'include_header' => true], ['op' => "getHeadlines", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => -4, 'include_header' => true, 'order_by' => "date_reverse"], ['op' => "getHeadlines", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 42, 'skip' => 47, 'include_header' => true], ['op' => "getHeadlines", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => 42, 'skip' => 47, 'include_header' => true, 'order_by' => "date_reverse"], ['op' => "getHeadlines", 'sid' => "PriestsOfSyrinx", 'feed_id' => -4, 'show_excerpt' => true], ]; \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelList($this->anything())->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->labels))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->labelList($this->anything(), false)->thenReturn(new Result(self::v($this->usedLabels))); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleLabelsGet->thenReturn([]); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleLabelsGet($this->anything(), 2112)->thenReturn(self::v([1,3])); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleCategoriesGet->thenReturn([]); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleCategoriesGet($this->anything(), 2112)->thenReturn(["Boring","Illogical"]); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleList->thenReturn(self::generateHeadlines(1)); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleCount->thenReturn(0); \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleCount($this->anything(), $this->equalTo((new Context)->unread(true)->hidden(false)))->thenReturn(1); // sanity check; this makes sure extra fields are not included in default situations $test = $this->req($in[0]); $this->assertMessage(self::outputHeadlines(1), $test); // test 'show_content' $test = $this->req($in[1]); $this->assertArrayHasKey("content", $this->extractMessageJson($test)['content'][0]); $this->assertArrayHasKey("content", $this->extractMessageJson($test)['content'][1]); foreach (self::generateHeadlines(1) as $key => $row) { $this->assertSame($row['content'], $this->extractMessageJson($test)['content'][$key]['content']); } // test 'include_attachments' $test = $this->req($in[2]); $exp = [ [ 'id' => "0", 'content_url' => "http://example.com/text", 'content_type' => "text/plain", 'title' => "", 'duration' => "", 'width' => "", 'height' => "", 'post_id' => "2112", ], ]; $this->assertArrayHasKey("attachments", $this->extractMessageJson($test)['content'][0]); $this->assertArrayHasKey("attachments", $this->extractMessageJson($test)['content'][1]); $this->assertSame([], $this->extractMessageJson($test)['content'][0]['attachments']); $this->assertSame($exp, $this->extractMessageJson($test)['content'][1]['attachments']); // test 'include_header' $test = $this->req($in[3]); $exp = self::respGood([ ['id' => -4, 'is_cat' => false, 'first_id' => 1], $this->extractMessageJson(self::outputHeadlines(1))['content'], ]); $this->assertMessage($exp, $test); // test 'include_header' with a category $test = $this->req($in[4]); $exp = self::respGood([ ['id' => -3, 'is_cat' => true, 'first_id' => 1], $this->extractMessageJson(self::outputHeadlines(1))['content'], ]); $this->assertMessage($exp, $test); // test 'include_header' with an empty result $test = $this->req($in[5]); $exp = self::respGood([ ['id' => -1, 'is_cat' => true, 'first_id' => 0], [], ]); $this->assertMessage($exp, $test); // test 'include_header' with an erroneous result \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleList($this->anything(), $this->equalTo((new Context)->limit(200)->subscription(2112)->hidden(false)), $this->anything(), ["edited_date desc"])->thenThrow(new ExceptionInput("subjectMissing")); $test = $this->req($in[6]); $exp = self::respGood([ ['id' => 2112, 'is_cat' => false, 'first_id' => 0], [], ]); $this->assertMessage($exp, $test); // test 'include_header' with ascending order $test = $this->req($in[7]); $exp = self::respGood([ ['id' => -4, 'is_cat' => false, 'first_id' => 0], $this->extractMessageJson(self::outputHeadlines(1))['content'], ]); $this->assertMessage($exp, $test); // test 'include_header' with skip \Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->articleList($this->anything(), $this->equalTo((new Context)->limit(1)->subscription(42)->hidden(false)), $this->anything(), ["edited_date desc"])->thenReturn(self::generateHeadlines(1867)); $test = $this->req($in[8]); $exp = self::respGood([ ['id' => 42, 'is_cat' => false, 'first_id' => 1867], $this->extractMessageJson(self::outputHeadlines(1))['content'], ]); $this->assertMessage($exp, $test); // test 'include_header' with skip and ascending order $test = $this->req($in[9]); $exp = self::respGood([ ['id' => 42, 'is_cat' => false, 'first_id' => 0], $this->extractMessageJson(self::outputHeadlines(1))['content'], ]); $this->assertMessage($exp, $test); // test 'show_excerpt' $exp1 = "“This & that, you know‽”"; $exp2 = "Pour vous faire mieux connaitre d’ou\u{300} vient l’erreur de ceux qui bla\u{302}ment la volupte\u{301}, et qui louent en…"; $test = $this->req($in[10]); $this->assertArrayHasKey("excerpt", $this->extractMessageJson($test)['content'][0]); $this->assertArrayHasKey("excerpt", $this->extractMessageJson($test)['content'][1]); $this->assertSame($exp1, $this->extractMessageJson($test)['content'][0]['excerpt']); $this->assertSame($exp2, $this->extractMessageJson($test)['content'][1]['excerpt']); } protected static function generateHeadlines(int $id): Result { return new Result(self::v([ [ 'id' => $id, 'url' => 'http://example.com/1', 'title' => 'Article title 1', 'subscription_title' => "Feed 2112", 'author' => '', 'content' => '“This & that, you know‽”
', 'guid' => null, 'published_date' => '2000-01-01 00:00:00', 'edited_date' => '2000-01-01 00:00:00', 'modified_date' => '2000-01-01 01:00:00', 'unread' => 0, 'starred' => 0, 'edition' => 101, 'subscription' => 12, 'fingerprint' => 'f5cb8bfc1c7396dc9816af212a3e2ac5221585c2a00bf7ccb6aabd95dcfcd6a6:fb0bc8f8cb08913dc5a497db700e327f1d34e4987402687d494a5891f24714d4:18fdd4fa93d693128c43b004399e5c9cea6c261ddfa002518d3669f55d8c2207', 'media_url' => null, 'media_type' => null, 'note' => "", ], [ 'id' => 2112, 'url' => 'http://example.com/2', 'title' => 'Article title 2', 'subscription_title' => "Feed 11", 'author' => 'J. King', 'content' => self::$richContent, 'guid' => '5be8a5a46ecd52ed132191c8d27fb1af6b3d4edc00234c5d9f8f0e10562ed3b7', 'published_date' => '2000-01-02 00:00:00', 'edited_date' => '2000-01-02 00:00:02', 'modified_date' => '2000-01-02 02:00:00', 'unread' => 1, 'starred' => 1, 'edition' => 202, 'subscription' => 8, 'fingerprint' => '0e86d2de822a174fe3c44a466953e63ca1f1a58a19cbf475fce0855d4e3d5153:13075894189c47ffcfafd1dfe7fbb539f7c74a69d35a399b3abf8518952714f9:2abd0a8cba83b8214a66c8f0293ba63e467d720540e29ff8ddcdab069d4f1c9e', 'media_url' => "http://example.com/text", 'media_type' => "text/plain", 'note' => "Note 2", ], ])); } protected static function outputHeadlines(int $id): ResponseInterface { return self::respGood([ [ 'id' => $id, 'guid' => '', 'title' => 'Article title 1', 'link' => 'http://example.com/1', 'labels' => [], 'unread' => false, 'marked' => false, 'published' => false, 'author' => '', 'updated' => strtotime('2000-01-01T00:00:00Z'), 'is_updated' => false, 'feed_id' => "12", 'feed_title' => "Feed 2112", 'score' => 0, 'note' => null, 'lang' => "", 'tags' => [], 'comments_count' => 0, 'comments_link' => "", 'always_display_attachments' => false, ], [ 'id' => 2112, 'guid' => "SHA256:5be8a5a46ecd52ed132191c8d27fb1af6b3d4edc00234c5d9f8f0e10562ed3b7", 'title' => 'Article title 2', 'link' => 'http://example.com/2', 'labels' => [ [-1025, "Logical", "", ""], [-1027, "Fascinating", "", ""], ], 'unread' => true, 'marked' => true, 'published' => false, 'author' => "J. King", 'updated' => strtotime('2000-01-02T00:00:02Z'), 'is_updated' => true, 'feed_id' => "8", 'feed_title' => "Feed 11", 'score' => 0, 'note' => "Note 2", 'lang' => "", 'tags' => ["Boring", "Illogical"], 'comments_count' => 0, 'comments_link' => "", 'always_display_attachments' => false, ], ]); } }