getCode()) { case 401: $msgID = "unauthorized"; break; case 403: $msgID = "forbidden"; break; case 404: case 410: $msgID = "invalidUrl"; break; case 508: $msgID = "tooManyRedirects"; break; default: $c = $e->getCode(); if ($c >= 400 && $c < 600) { $msgID = "transmissionError"; } } } elseif ($e instanceof TooManyRedirectsException) { $msgID = "maxRedirect"; } elseif ($e instanceof GuzzleException) { $m = $e->getMessage(); if (preg_match("/^Error creating resource:/", $m)) { // PHP stream error; the class of error is ambiguous $msgID = "transmissionError"; // @codeCoverageIgnore } elseif (preg_match("/^cURL error 35:/", $m)) { $msgID = "invalidCertificate"; } elseif (preg_match("/^cURL error 28:/", $m)) { $msgID = "timeout"; } else { var_export($m); exit; } } elseif ($e instanceof PicoFeedException) { $className = get_class($e); // Convert the exception thrown by PicoFeed to the one to be thrown here. $msgID = preg_replace('/^PicoFeed\\\(?:Client|Parser|Reader)\\\([A-Za-z]+)Exception$/', '$1', $className); // If the message ID doesn't change then it's unknown. $msgID = ($msgID !== $className) ? lcfirst($msgID) : ''; } else { $msgID = get_class($e); } parent::__construct($msgID, ['url' => $url], $e); } }