body = $body; if(strlen($where)) $this->qWhere[] = $where; if(strlen($order)) $this->order[] = $order; $this->limit = $limit; $this->offset = $offset; } function setCTE(string $body, $types = null, $values = null, string $join = ''): bool { if(!strlen($body)) return false; $this->qCTE[] = $body; if(!is_null($types)) { $this->tCTE[] = $types; $this->vCTE[] = $values; } if(strlen($join)) $this->jCTE[] = $join; // the CTE may only participate in subqueries rather than a join on the main query return true; } function setWhere(string $where, $types = null, $values = null): bool { if(!strlen($where)) return false; $this->qWhere[] = $where; if(!is_null($types)) { $this->tWhere[] = $types; $this->vWhere[] = $values; } return true; } function setOrder(string $oder, bool $prepend = false): bool { if(!strlen($order)) return false; if($prepend) { array_unshift($this->order, $order); } else { $this->order[] = $order; } return true; } function getQuery(): string { $out = ""; if(sizeof($this->qCTE)) { // start with common table expressions $out .= "WITH RECURSIVE ".implode(", ", $this->qCTE)." "; } // add the body $out .= $this->buildQueryBody(); return $out; } function pushCTE(string $tableSpec, $types, $values, string $body, string $where = "", string $order = "", int $limit = 0, int $offset = 0): bool { // this function takes the query body and converts it to a common table expression, putting it at the bottom of the existing CTE stack // all WHERE and ORDER BY parts belong to the new CTE and are removed from the main query $b = $this->buildQueryBody(); array_push($types, $this->getWhereTypes()); array_push($values, $this->getWhereValues()); if($this->limit) { array_push($types, "strict int"); array_push($values, $this->limit); } if($this->offset) { array_push($types, "strict int"); array_push($values, $this->offset); } $this->setCTE($tableSpec." as (".$this->buildQueryBody().")", $types, $values); $this->qWhere = []; $this->tWhere = []; $this->vWhere = []; $this->order = []; $this->__construct($body, $where, $order, $limit, $offset); return true; } function getWhereTypes(): array { return $this->tWhere; } function getWhereValues(): array { return $this->vWhere; } function getCTETypes(): array { return $this->tCTE; } function getCTEValues(): array { return $this->vCTE; } protected function buildQueryBody(): string { $out = ""; // add the body $out .= $this->body; if(sizeof($this->qCTE)) { // add any joins against CTEs $out .= " ".implode(" ", $this->jCTE); } // add any WHERE terms if(sizeof($this->qWhere)) { $out .= " WHERE ".implode(" AND ", $this->qWhere); } // add any ORDER BY terms if(sizeof($this->order)) { $out .= " ORDER BY ".implode(", ", $this->order); } // add LIMIT and OFFSET if the former is specified if($this->limit > 0) { $out .= " LIMIT ".$this->limit; if($this->offset > 0) { $out .= " OFFSET ".$this->offset; } } return $out; } }