\PDO::PARAM_INT, "float" => \PDO::PARAM_STR, "datetime" => \PDO::PARAM_STR, "binary" => \PDO::PARAM_LOB, "string" => \PDO::PARAM_STR, "boolean" => \PDO::PARAM_BOOL, ]; protected $st; protected $db; public function __construct(\PDO $db, \PDOStatement $st, array $bindings = []) { $this->db = $db; $this->st = $st; $this->rebindArray($bindings); } public function __destruct() { unset($this->st); } public function runArray(array $values = []): \JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\Result { $this->st->closeCursor(); $this->bindValues($values); try { $this->st->execute(); } catch (\PDOException $e) { list($excClass, $excMsg, $excData) = $this->exceptionBuild(); throw new $excClass($excMsg, $excData); } $changes = $this->st->rowCount(); try { $lastId = 0; $lastId = $this->db->lastInsertId(); } catch (\PDOException $e) { // @codeCoverageIgnore } return new PDOResult($this->st, [$changes, $lastId]); } protected function bindValues(array $values, int $offset = 0): int { $a = $offset; foreach ($values as $value) { if (is_array($value)) { // recursively flatten any arrays, which may be provided for SET or IN() clauses $a += $this->bindValues($value, $a); } elseif (array_key_exists($a, $this->types)) { // if the parameter type is something other than the known values, this is an error assert(array_key_exists($this->types[$a], self::BINDINGS), new Exception("paramTypeUnknown", $this->types[$a])); // if the parameter type is null or the value is null (and the type is nullable), just bind null if ($this->types[$a]=="null" || ($this->isNullable[$a] && is_null($value))) { $this->st->bindValue($a+1, null, \PDO::PARAM_NULL); } else { // otherwise cast the value to the right type and bind the result $type = self::BINDINGS[$this->types[$a]]; $value = $this->cast($value, $this->types[$a], $this->isNullable[$a]); // re-adjust for null casts if ($value===null) { $type = \PDO::PARAM_NULL; } // perform binding $this->st->bindValue($a+1, $value, $type); } $a++; } else { throw new Exception("paramTypeMissing", $a+1); } } return $a - $offset; } }