<?php /** @license MIT * Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al. * See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\Test; use GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException; use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException; use JKingWeb\Arsse\Exception; use JKingWeb\Arsse\Arsse; use JKingWeb\Arsse\Conf; use JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\Driver; use JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\Result; use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\Date; use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\ValueInfo; use JKingWeb\Arsse\Misc\URL; use Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Laminas\Diactoros\ServerRequest; use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse; use Laminas\Diactoros\Response\XmlResponse; /** @coversNothing */ abstract class AbstractTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { use \DMS\PHPUnitExtensions\ArraySubset\ArraySubsetAsserts; public function setUp(): void { self::clearData(); } public function tearDown(): void { self::clearData(); } public static function clearData(bool $loadLang = true): void { date_default_timezone_set("America/Toronto"); $r = new \ReflectionClass(\JKingWeb\Arsse\Arsse::class); $props = array_keys($r->getStaticProperties()); foreach ($props as $prop) { Arsse::$$prop = null; } if ($loadLang) { Arsse::$lang = new \JKingWeb\Arsse\Lang(); } } public static function setConf(array $conf = [], bool $force = true): void { $defaults = [ 'dbSQLite3File' => ":memory:", 'dbSQLite3Timeout' => 0, 'dbPostgreSQLHost' => $_ENV['ARSSE_TEST_PGSQL_HOST'] ?: "", 'dbPostgreSQLPort' => $_ENV['ARSSE_TEST_PGSQL_PORT'] ?: 5432, 'dbPostgreSQLUser' => $_ENV['ARSSE_TEST_PGSQL_USER'] ?: "arsse_test", 'dbPostgreSQLPass' => $_ENV['ARSSE_TEST_PGSQL_PASS'] ?: "arsse_test", 'dbPostgreSQLDb' => $_ENV['ARSSE_TEST_PGSQL_DB'] ?: "arsse_test", 'dbPostgreSQLSchema' => $_ENV['ARSSE_TEST_PGSQL_SCHEMA'] ?: "arsse_test", 'dbMySQLHost' => $_ENV['ARSSE_TEST_MYSQL_HOST'] ?: "localhost", 'dbMySQLPort' => $_ENV['ARSSE_TEST_MYSQL_PORT'] ?: 3306, 'dbMySQLUser' => $_ENV['ARSSE_TEST_MYSQL_USER'] ?: "arsse_test", 'dbMySQLPass' => $_ENV['ARSSE_TEST_MYSQL_PASS'] ?: "arsse_test", 'dbMySQLDb' => $_ENV['ARSSE_TEST_MYSQL_DB'] ?: "arsse_test", ]; Arsse::$conf = (($force ? null : Arsse::$conf) ?? (new Conf))->import($defaults)->import($conf); } protected function serverRequest(string $method, string $url, string $urlPrefix, array $headers = [], array $vars = [], $body = null, string $type = "", $params = [], string $user = null): ServerRequestInterface { $server = [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => $method, 'REQUEST_URI' => $url, ]; if (strlen($type)) { $server['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE'] = $type; } if (isset($params)) { if (is_array($params)) { $params = implode("&", array_map(function($v, $k) { return rawurlencode($k).(isset($v) ? "=".rawurlencode($v) : ""); }, $params, array_keys($params))); } $url = URL::queryAppend($url, (string) $params); } $q = parse_url($url, \PHP_URL_QUERY); if (strlen($q ?? "")) { parse_str($q, $params); } else { $params = []; } $parsedBody = null; if (isset($body)) { if (is_string($body) && in_array(strtolower($type), ["", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"])) { parse_str($body, $parsedBody); } elseif (!is_string($body) && in_array(strtolower($type), ["application/json", "text/json"])) { $body = json_encode($body, \JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | \JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); } elseif (!is_string($body) && in_array(strtolower($type), ["", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"])) { $parsedBody = $body; $body = http_build_query($body, "a", "&"); } } $server = array_merge($server, $vars); $req = new ServerRequest($server, [], $url, $method, "php://memory", [], [], $params, $parsedBody); if (isset($user)) { if (strlen($user)) { $req = $req->withAttribute("authenticated", true)->withAttribute("authenticatedUser", $user); } else { $req = $req->withAttribute("authenticationFailed", true); } } if (strlen($type) &&strlen($body ?? "")) { $req = $req->withHeader("Content-Type", $type); } foreach ($headers as $key => $value) { if (!is_null($value)) { $req = $req->withHeader($key, $value); } else { $req = $req->withoutHeader($key); } } $target = substr(URL::normalize($url), strlen($urlPrefix)); $req = $req->withRequestTarget($target); if (strlen($body ?? "")) { $p = $req->getBody(); $p->write($body); $req = $req->withBody($p); } return $req; } public function assertException($msg = "", string $prefix = "", string $type = "Exception"): void { if (func_num_args()) { if ($msg instanceof \JKingWeb\Arsse\AbstractException) { $this->expectException(get_class($msg)); $this->expectExceptionCode($msg->getCode()); } else { $class = \JKingWeb\Arsse\NS_BASE . ($prefix !== "" ? str_replace("/", "\\", $prefix) . "\\" : "") . $type; $msgID = ($prefix !== "" ? $prefix . "/" : "") . $type. ".$msg"; if (array_key_exists($msgID, Exception::CODES)) { $code = Exception::CODES[$msgID]; } else { $code = 0; } $this->expectException($class); $this->expectExceptionCode($code); } } else { // expecting a standard PHP exception $this->expectException(\Throwable::class); } } protected function assertMessage(MessageInterface $exp, MessageInterface $act, string $text = ''): void { if ($exp instanceof ResponseInterface) { $this->assertInstanceOf(ResponseInterface::class, $act, $text); $this->assertEquals($exp->getStatusCode(), $act->getStatusCode(), $text); } elseif ($exp instanceof RequestInterface) { if ($exp instanceof ServerRequestInterface) { $this->assertInstanceOf(ServerRequestInterface::class, $act, $text); $this->assertEquals($exp->getAttributes(), $act->getAttributes(), $text); } $this->assertInstanceOf(RequestInterface::class, $act, $text); $this->assertSame($exp->getMethod(), $act->getMethod(), $text); $this->assertSame($exp->getRequestTarget(), $act->getRequestTarget(), $text); } if ($exp instanceof JsonResponse) { $this->assertEquals($exp->getPayload(), $act->getPayload(), $text); $this->assertSame($exp->getPayload(), $act->getPayload(), $text); } elseif ($exp instanceof XmlResponse) { $this->assertXmlStringEqualsXmlString((string) $exp->getBody(), (string) $act->getBody(), $text); } else { $this->assertEquals((string) $exp->getBody(), (string) $act->getBody(), $text); } $this->assertEquals($exp->getHeaders(), $act->getHeaders(), $text); } public function assertTime($exp, $test, string $msg = ''): void { $test = $this->approximateTime($exp, $test); $exp = Date::transform($exp, "iso8601"); $test = Date::transform($test, "iso8601"); $this->assertSame($exp, $test, $msg); } public function approximateTime($exp, $act) { if (is_null($act)) { return null; } elseif (is_null($exp)) { return $act; } $target = Date::normalize($exp)->getTimeStamp(); $value = Date::normalize($act)->getTimeStamp(); if ($value >= ($target - 1) && $value <= ($target + 1)) { // if the actual time is off by no more than one second, it's acceptable return $exp; } else { return $act; } } public function stringify($value) { if (!is_array($value)) { return $value; } foreach ($value as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { $value[$k] = $this->v($v); } elseif (is_int($v) || is_float($v)) { $value[$k] = (string) $v; } } return $value; } public function primeDatabase(Driver $drv, array $data): bool { $tr = $drv->begin(); foreach ($data as $table => $info) { $cols = array_map(function($v) { return '"'.str_replace('"', '""', $v).'"'; }, array_keys($info['columns'])); $cols = implode(",", $cols); $bindings = array_values($info['columns']); $params = implode(",", array_fill(0, sizeof($info['columns']), "?")); $s = $drv->prepareArray("INSERT INTO $table($cols) values($params)", $bindings); foreach ($info['rows'] as $row) { $s->runArray($row); } } $tr->commit(); $this->primed = true; return true; } public function compareExpectations(Driver $drv, array $expected): bool { foreach ($expected as $table => $info) { $cols = array_map(function($v) { return '"'.str_replace('"', '""', $v).'"'; }, array_keys($info['columns'])); $cols = implode(",", $cols); $types = $info['columns']; $data = $drv->prepare("SELECT $cols from $table")->run()->getAll(); $cols = array_keys($info['columns']); foreach ($info['rows'] as $index => $row) { $this->assertCount(sizeof($cols), $row, "The number of columns in array index $index of expectations for table $table does not match its definition"); $row = array_combine($cols, $row); foreach ($data as $index => $test) { foreach ($test as $col => $value) { switch ($types[$col]) { case "datetime": $test[$col] = $this->approximateTime($row[$col], $value); break; case "int": $test[$col] = ValueInfo::normalize($value, ValueInfo::T_INT | ValueInfo::M_DROP | valueInfo::M_NULL); break; case "float": $test[$col] = ValueInfo::normalize($value, ValueInfo::T_FLOAT | ValueInfo::M_DROP | valueInfo::M_NULL); break; case "bool": $test[$col] = (int) ValueInfo::normalize($value, ValueInfo::T_BOOL | ValueInfo::M_DROP | valueInfo::M_NULL); break; } } if ($row===$test) { $data[$index] = $test; break; } } $this->assertContains($row, $data, "Actual Table $table does not contain record at expected array index $index"); $found = array_search($row, $data, true); unset($data[$found]); } $this->assertSame([], $data, "Actual table $table contains extra rows not in expectations"); } return true; } public function primeExpectations(array $source, array $tableSpecs): array { $out = []; foreach ($tableSpecs as $table => $columns) { // make sure the source has the table we want $this->assertArrayHasKey($table, $source, "Source for expectations does not contain requested table $table."); $out[$table] = [ 'columns' => [], 'rows' => array_fill(0, sizeof($source[$table]['rows']), []), ]; // make sure the source has all the columns we want for the table $cols = array_flip($columns); $cols = array_intersect_key($cols, $source[$table]['columns']); $this->assertSame(array_keys($cols), $columns, "Source for table $table does not contain all requested columns"); // get a map of source value offsets and keys $targets = array_flip(array_keys($source[$table]['columns'])); foreach ($cols as $key => $order) { // fill the column-spec $out[$table]['columns'][$key] = $source[$table]['columns'][$key]; foreach ($source[$table]['rows'] as $index => $row) { // fill each row column-wise with re-ordered values $out[$table]['rows'][$index][$order] = $row[$targets[$key]]; } } } return $out; } public function assertResult(array $expected, Result $data): void { $data = $data->getAll(); $this->assertCount(sizeof($expected), $data, "Number of result rows (".sizeof($data).") differs from number of expected rows (".sizeof($expected).")"); if (sizeof($expected)) { // make sure the expectations are consistent foreach ($expected as $exp) { if (!isset($keys)) { $keys = $exp; continue; } $this->assertSame(array_keys($keys), array_keys($exp), "Result set expectations are irregular"); } // filter the result set to contain just the desired keys (we don't care if the result has extra keys) $rows = []; foreach ($data as $row) { $rows[] = array_intersect_key($row, $keys); } // compare the result set to the expectations foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->assertContains($row, $expected, "Result set contains unexpected record."); $found = array_search($row, $expected); unset($expected[$found]); } $this->assertArraySubset($expected, [], false, "Expectations not in result set."); } } /** Guzzle's exception classes require some fairly complicated construction; this abstracts it all away so that only message and code need be supplied */ protected function mockGuzzleException(string $class, ?string $message = null, ?int $code = null, ?\Throwable $e = null): GuzzleException { if (is_a($class, RequestException::class, true)) { $req = \Phake::mock(RequestInterface::class); $res = \Phake::mock(ResponseInterface::class); \Phake::when($res)->getStatusCode->thenReturn($code ?? 0); return new $class($message ?? "", $req, $res, $e); } else { return new $class($message ?? "", $code ?? 0, $e); } } }