<?php /** @license MIT * Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al. * See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\Rule; abstract class Rule { public static function prep(string $pattern): string { if (!strlen($pattern)) { return ""; } if (preg_match_all("<`>", $pattern, $m, \PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { // where necessary escape our chosen delimiter (backtick) in reverse order foreach (array_reverse($m[0]) as [,$pos]) { // count the number of backslashes preceding the delimiter character $count = 0; $p = $pos; while ($p-- && $pattern[$p] === "\\" && ++$count); // if the number is even (including zero), add a backslash if ($count % 2 === 0) { $pattern = substr($pattern, 0, $pos)."\\".substr($pattern, $pos); } } } // add the delimiters and test the pattern $pattern = "`$pattern`u"; if (@preg_match($pattern, "") === false) { throw new Exception("invalidPattern"); } return $pattern; } public static function validate(string $pattern): bool { try { static::prep($pattern); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } return true; } /** applies keep and block rules against the title and categories of an article * * Returns true if the article is to be kept, and false if it is to be suppressed */ public static function apply(string $keepPattern, string $blockPattern, string $title, array $categories = []): bool { // ensure input is valid assert(!strlen($keepPattern) || @preg_match($keepPattern, "") !== false, new \Exception("Keep pattern is invalid")); assert(!strlen($blockPattern) || @preg_match($blockPattern, "") !== false, new \Exception("Block pattern is invalid")); assert(sizeof(array_filter($categories, function($v) { return !is_string($v); })) === 0, new \Exception("All categories must be strings")); // if neither rule is processed we should keep $keep = true; // merge and clean the data to match $data = array_map(function($str) { return preg_replace('/\s+/', " ", $str); }, array_merge([$title], $categories)); // process the keep rule if it exists if (strlen($keepPattern)) { // if a keep rule is specified the default state is now not to keep $keep = false; foreach ($data as $str) { if (preg_match($keepPattern, $str)) { // keep if the keep-rule matches one of the strings $keep = true; break; } } } // process the block rule if the keep rule was matched if ($keep && strlen($blockPattern)) { foreach ($data as $str) { if (preg_match($blockPattern, $str)) { // do not keep if the block-rule matches one of the strings $keep = false; break; } } } return $keep; } }