-- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT -- Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al. -- See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details -- Please consult the SQLite 3 schemata for commented version create table arsse_meta( key text primary key, value text ); create table arsse_users( id text primary key, password text, name text, avatar_type text, avatar_data bytea, admin smallint default 0, rights bigint not null default 0 ); create table arsse_users_meta( owner text not null references arsse_users(id) on delete cascade on update cascade, key text not null, value text, primary key(owner,key) ); create table arsse_folders( id bigserial primary key, owner text not null references arsse_users(id) on delete cascade on update cascade, parent bigint references arsse_folders(id) on delete cascade, name text not null, modified timestamp(0) with time zone not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- unique(owner,name,parent) ); create table arsse_feeds( id bigserial primary key, url text not null, title text, favicon text, source text, updated timestamp(0) with time zone, modified timestamp(0) with time zone, next_fetch timestamp(0) with time zone, orphaned timestamp(0) with time zone, etag text not null default '', err_count bigint not null default 0, err_msg text, username text not null default '', password text not null default '', size bigint not null default 0, scrape smallint not null default 0, unique(url,username,password) ); create table arsse_subscriptions( id bigserial primary key, owner text not null references arsse_users(id) on delete cascade on update cascade, feed bigint not null references arsse_feeds(id) on delete cascade, added timestamp(0) with time zone not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified timestamp(0) with time zone not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, title text, order_type smallint not null default 0, pinned smallint not null default 0, folder bigint references arsse_folders(id) on delete cascade, unique(owner,feed) ); create table arsse_articles( id bigserial primary key, feed bigint not null references arsse_feeds(id) on delete cascade, url text, title text, author text, published timestamp(0) with time zone, edited timestamp(0) with time zone, modified timestamp(0) with time zone not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, content text, guid text, url_title_hash text not null, url_content_hash text not null, title_content_hash text not null ); create table arsse_enclosures( article bigint not null references arsse_articles(id) on delete cascade, url text, type text ); create table arsse_marks( article bigint not null references arsse_articles(id) on delete cascade, subscription bigint not null references arsse_subscriptions(id) on delete cascade on update cascade, read smallint not null default 0, starred smallint not null default 0, modified timestamp(0) with time zone not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, primary key(article,subscription) ); create table arsse_editions( id bigserial primary key, article bigint not null references arsse_articles(id) on delete cascade, modified timestamp(0) with time zone not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); create table arsse_categories( article bigint not null references arsse_articles(id) on delete cascade, name text ); insert into arsse_meta(key,value) values('schema_version','1');