<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace JKingWeb\NewsSync; class User { public $id = null; protected $data; protected $u; protected $authz = true; protected $existSupported = 0; protected $authzSupported = 0; static public function listDrivers(): array { $sep = \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $path = __DIR__.$sep."User".$sep; $classes = []; foreach(glob($path."Driver?*.php") as $file) { $name = basename($file, ".php"); $name = NS_BASE."Db\\$name"; if(class_exists($name)) { $classes[$name] = $name::driverName(); } } return $classes; } public function __construct(\JKingWeb\NewsSync\RuntimeData $data) { $this->data = $data; $driver = $data->conf->userDriver; $this->u = $driver::create($data); $this->existSupported = $this->u->driverFunctions("userExists"); $this->authzSupported = $this->u->driverFunctions("authorize"); } public function __toString() { if($this->id===null) $this->credentials(); return (string) $this->id; } public function credentials(): array { if($this->data->conf->userAuthPreferHTTP) { return $this->credentialsHTTP(); } else { return $this->credentialsForm(); } } public function credentialsForm(): array { // FIXME: stub $this->id = "john.doe@example.com"; return ["user" => "john.doe@example.com", "password" => "secret"]; } public function credentialsHTTP(): array { if($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) { $out = ["user" => $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'], "password" => $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']]; } else if($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) { $out = ["user" => $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], "password" => ""]; } else { $out = ["user" => "", "password" => ""]; } if($this->data->conf->userComposeNames && $out["user"] != "") { $out["user"] = $this->composeName($out["user"]); } $this->id = $out["user"]; return $out; } public function auth(string $user = null, string $password = null): bool { if($user===null) { if($this->data->conf->userAuthPreferHTTP) return $this->authHTTP(); return $this->authForm(); } else { if($this->u->auth($user, $password)) { $this->authPostProcess($user, $password); return true; } return false; } } public function authForm(): bool { $cred = $this->credentialsForm(); if(!$cred["user"]) return $this->challengeForm(); if(!$this->u->auth($cred["user"], $cred["password"])) return $this->challengeForm(); $this->authPostProcess($cred["user"], $cred["password"]); return true; } public function authHTTP(): bool { $cred = $this->credentialsHTTP(); if(!$cred["user"]) return $this->challengeHTTP(); if(!$this->u->auth($cred["user"], $cred["password"])) return $this->challengeHTTP(); $this->authPostProcess($cred["user"], $cred["password"]); return true; } public function driverFunctions(string $function = null) { return $this->u->driverFunctions($function); } public function list(string $domain = null): array { if($this->u->driverFunctions("userList")==User\Driver::FUNC_EXTERNAL) { if($domain===null) { if(!$this->data->user->authorize("@".$domain, "userList")) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => "userList", "user" => $domain]); } else { if(!$this->data->user->authorize("", "userList")) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => "userList", "user" => "all users"]); } return $this->u->userList($domain); } else { return $this->data->db->userList($domain); } } public function authorize(string $affectedUser, string $action, int $promoteLevel = 0): bool { if(!$this->authz) return true; if($this->id===null) $this->credentials(); if($this->authzSupported) return $this->u->authorize($affectedUser, $action, $promoteLevel); // if the driver does not implement authorization, only allow operation for the current user (this means no new users can be added) if($affectedUser==$this->id && $action != "userRightsSet") return true; return false; } public function authorizationEnabled(bool $setting = null): bool { if($setting===null) return $this->authz; $this->authz = $setting; return $setting; } public function exists(string $user): bool { if($this->u->driverFunctions("userExists") != User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL) { if(!$this->data->user->authorize($user, "userExists")) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => "userExists", "user" => $user]); } if(!$this->existSupported) return true; $out = $this->u->userExists($user); if($out && $this->existSupported==User\Driver::FUNC_EXTERNAL && !$this->data->db->userExist($user)) { try {$this->data->db->userAdd($user);} catch(\Throwable $e) {} } return $out; } public function add($user, $password = null): bool { if($this->u->driverFunctions("userAdd") != User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL) { if(!$this->data->user->authorize($user, "userAdd")) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => "userAdd", "user" => $user]); } if($this->exists($user)) return false; $out = $this->u->userAdd($user, $password); if($out && $this->u->driverFunctions("userAdd") != User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL) { try { if(!$this->data->db->userExists($user)) $this->data->db->userAdd($user, $password); } catch(\Throwable $e) {} } return $out; } public function remove(string $user): bool { if($this->u->driverFunctions("userRemove") != User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL) { if(!$this->data->user->authorize($user, "userRemove")) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => "userRemove", "user" => $user]); } if(!$this->exists($user)) return false; $out = $this->u->userRemove($user); if($out && $this->u->driverFunctions("userRemove") != User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL) { try { if($this->data->db->userExists($user)) $this->data->db->userRemove($user); } catch(\Throwable $e) {} } return $out; } public function passwordSet(string $user, string $password): bool { if($this->u->driverFunctions("userPasswordSet") != User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL) { if(!$this->data->user->authorize($user, "userPasswordSet")) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => "userPasswordSet", "user" => $user]); } if(!$this->exists($user)) return false; return $this->u->userPasswordSet($user, $password); } public function propertiesGet(string $user): array { if($this->u->driverFunctions("userPropertiesGet") != User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL) { if(!$this->data->user->authorize($user, "userPropertiesGet")) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => "userPropertiesGet", "user" => $user]); } if(!$this->exists($user)) return false; $domain = null; if($this->data->conf->userComposeNames) $domain = substr($user,strrpos($user,"@")+1); $init = [ "id" => $user, "name" => $user, "rights" => User\Driver::RIGHTS_NONE, "domain" => $domain ]; if($this->u->driverFunctions("userPropertiesGet") != User\Driver::FUNC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) { return array_merge($init, $this->u->userPropertiesGet($user)); } return $init; } public function propertiesSet(string $user, array $properties): array { if($this->u->driverFunctions("userPropertiesSet") != User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL) { if(!$this->data->user->authorize($user, "userPropertiesSet")) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => "userPropertiesSet", "user" => $user]); } if(!$this->exists($user)) throw new User\Exception("doesNotExist", ["user" => $user, "action" => "userPropertiesSet"]); return $this->u->userPropertiesSet($user, $properties); } public function rightsGet(string $user): int { if($this->u->driverFunctions("userRightsGet") != User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL) { if(!$this->data->user->authorize($user, "userRightsGet")) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => "userRightsGet", "user" => $user]); } // we do not throw an exception here if the user does not exist, because it makes no material difference if(!$this->exists($user)) return User\Driver::RIGHTS_NONE; return $this->u->userRightsGet($user); } public function rightsSet(string $user, int $level): bool { if($this->u->driverFunctions("userRightsSet") != User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL) { if(!$this->data->user->authorize($user, "userRightsSet")) throw new User\ExceptionAuthz("notAuthorized", ["action" => "userRightsSet", "user" => $user]); } if(!$this->exists($user)) return false; return $this->u->userRightsSet($user, $level); } // FIXME: stubs public function challenge(): bool {throw new User\Exception("authFailed");} public function challengeForm(): bool {throw new User\Exception("authFailed");} public function challengeHTTP(): bool {throw new User\Exception("authFailed");} protected function composeName(string $user): string { if(preg_match("/.+?@[^@]+$/",$user)) { return $user; } else { return $user."@".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } } protected function authPostprocess(string $user, string $password): bool { if($this->u->driverFunctions("auth") != User\Driver::FUNC_INTERNAL && !$this->data->db->userExists($user)) { if($password=="") $password = null; try {$this->data->db->userAdd($user, $password);} catch(\Throwable $e) {} } return true; } }