namespace JKingWeb\NewsSync\Db;

interface Driver {	
	// returns an instance of a class implementing this interface. Implemented as a static method so that classes may return their PDO equivalents instead of themselves
	static function create(\JKingWeb\NewsSync\RuntimeData $data, bool $install = false): Driver;
	// returns a human-friendly name for the driver (for display in installer, for example)
	static function driverName(): string;
	// returns the version of the scheme of the opened database; if uninitialized should return 0
	function schemaVersion(): int;
	// begin a real or synthetic transactions, with real or synthetic nesting
	function begin(): bool;
	// commit either the latest or all pending nested transactions; use of this method should assume a partial commit is a no-op
	function commit(bool $all = false): bool;
	// rollback either the latest or all pending nested transactions; use of this method should assume a partial rollback will not work
	function rollback(bool $all = false): bool;
	// attempt to advise other processes that they should not attempt to access the database; used during live upgrades
	function lock(): bool;
	function unlock(): bool;
	function isLocked(): bool;
	// attempt to perform an in-place upgrade of the database schema; this may be a no-op which always throws an exception
	function update(int $to): bool;
	// execute one or more unsanitized SQL queries and return an indication of success
	function exec(string $query): bool;
	// perform a single unsanitized query and return a result set
	function query(string $query): Result;
	// ready a prepared statement for later execution
	function prepare(string $query, string ...$paramType): Statement;