<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace JKingWeb\NewsSync\Db\SQLite3; use JKingWeb\NewsSync\Lang; use JKingWeb\NewsSync\Db\Exception; use JKingWeb\NewsSync\Db\ExceptionInput; use JKingWeb\NewsSync\Db\ExceptionTimeout; class Driver extends \JKingWeb\NewsSync\Db\AbstractDriver { use ExceptionBuilder; const SQLITE_BUSY = 5; const SQLITE_CONSTRAINT = 19; const SQLITE_MISMATCH = 20; protected $db; protected $data; public function __construct(\JKingWeb\NewsSync\RuntimeData $data, bool $install = false) { // check to make sure required extension is loaded if(!class_exists("SQLite3")) throw new Exception("extMissing", self::driverName()); $this->data = $data; $file = $data->conf->dbSQLite3File; // if the file exists (or we're initializing the database), try to open it and set initial options try { $this->db = new \SQLite3($file, ($install) ? \SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE | \SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE : \SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE, $data->conf->dbSQLite3Key); $this->db->enableExceptions(true); $this->exec("PRAGMA journal_mode = wal"); $this->exec("PRAGMA foreign_keys = yes"); } catch(\Throwable $e) { // if opening the database doesn't work, check various pre-conditions to find out what the problem might be if(!file_exists($file)) { if($install && !is_writable(dirname($file))) throw new Exception("fileUncreatable", dirname($file)); throw new Exception("fileMissing", $file); } if(!is_readable($file) && !is_writable($file)) throw new Exception("fileUnusable", $file); if(!is_readable($file)) throw new Exception("fileUnreadable", $file); if(!is_writable($file)) throw new Exception("fileUnwritable", $file); // otherwise the database is probably corrupt throw new Exception("fileCorrupt", $mainfile); } } public function __destruct() { try{$this->db->close();} catch(\Exception $e) {} unset($this->db); } static public function driverName(): string { return Lang::msg("Driver.Db.SQLite3.Name"); } public function schemaVersion(): int { return $this->query("PRAGMA user_version")->getValue(); } public function schemaUpdate(int $to): bool { $ver = $this->schemaVersion(); if(!$this->data->conf->dbSQLite3AutoUpd) throw new Exception("updateManual", ['version' => $ver, 'driver_name' => $this->driverName()]); if($ver >= $to) throw new Exception("updateTooNew", ['difference' => ($ver - $to), 'current' => $ver, 'target' => $to, 'driver_name' => $this->driverName()]); $sep = \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $path = $this->data->conf->dbSchemaBase.$sep."SQLite3".$sep; $this->lock(); $this->begin(); for($a = $ver; $a < $to; $a++) { $this->begin(); try { $file = $path.$a.".sql"; if(!file_exists($file)) throw new Exception("updateFileMissing", ['file' => $file, 'driver_name' => $this->driverName(), 'current' => $a]); if(!is_readable($file)) throw new Exception("updateFileUnreadable", ['file' => $file, 'driver_name' => $this->driverName(), 'current' => $a]); $sql = @file_get_contents($file); if($sql===false) throw new Exception("updateFileUnusable", ['file' => $file, 'driver_name' => $this->driverName(), 'current' => $a]); try { $this->exec($sql); } catch(\Exception $e) { throw new Exception("updateFileError", ['file' => $file, 'driver_name' => $this->driverName(), 'current' => $a, 'message' => $this->getError()]); } if($this->schemaVersion() != $a+1) throw new Exception("updateFileIncomplete", ['file' => $file, 'driver_name' => $this->driverName(), 'current' => $a]); } catch(\Throwable $e) { // undo any partial changes from the failed update $this->rollback(); $this->unlock(); // commit any successful updates if updating by more than one version $this->commit(true); // throw the error received throw $e; } $this->commit(); } $this->unlock(); $this->commit(); return true; } protected function getError(): string { return $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); } public function exec(string $query): bool { try { return (bool) $this->db->exec($query); } catch(\Exception $e) { list($excClass, $excMsg, $excData) = $this->exceptionBuild(); throw new $excClass($excMsg, $excData); } } public function query(string $query): \JKingWeb\NewsSync\Db\Result { Try { $r = $this->db->query($query); } catch(\Exception $e) { list($excClass, $excMsg, $excData) = $this->exceptionBuild(); throw new $excClass($excMsg, $excData); } $changes = $this->db->changes(); $lastId = $this->db->lastInsertRowID(); return new Result($r, [$changes, $lastId]); } public function prepareArray(string $query, array $paramTypes): \JKingWeb\NewsSync\Db\Statement { try { $s = $this->db->prepare($query); } catch(\Exception $e) { list($excClass, $excMsg, $excData) = $this->exceptionBuild(); throw new $excClass($excMsg, $excData); } return new Statement($this->db, $s, $paramTypes); } }