<?php /** @license MIT * Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al. * See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\TestCase\Db; use JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\Statement; use JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\DatabaseInformation; abstract class BaseStatement extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\AbstractTest { protected static $dbInfo; protected static $interface; protected $statementClass; protected $stringOutput; abstract protected function makeStatement(string $q, array $types = []): array; abstract protected function decorateTypeSyntax(string $value, string $type): string; public static function setUpBeforeClass() { // establish a clean baseline static::clearData(); static::$dbInfo = new DatabaseInformation(static::$implementation); static::setConf(); static::$interface = (static::$dbInfo->interfaceConstructor)(); } public function setUp() { self::clearData(); self::setConf(); if (!static::$interface) { $this->markTestSkipped(static::$implementation." database driver not available"); } // completely clear the database (static::$dbInfo->razeFunction)(static::$interface); $this->statementClass = static::$dbInfo->statementClass; $this->stringOutput = static::$dbInfo->stringOutput; } public function tearDown() { if (static::$interface) { // completely clear the database (static::$dbInfo->razeFunction)(static::$interface); } self::clearData(); } public static function tearDownAfterClass() { static::$implementation = null; static::$dbInfo = null; self::clearData(); } public function testConstructStatement() { $this->assertInstanceOf(Statement::class, new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("SELECT ? as value"))); } /** @dataProvider provideBindings */ public function testBindATypedValue($value, string $type, string $exp) { if ($exp=="null") { $query = "SELECT (cast(? as text) is null) as pass"; } else { $query = "SELECT ($exp = ?) as pass"; } $typeStr = "'".str_replace("'", "''", $type)."'"; $s = new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement($query)); $s->retype(...[$type]); $act = $s->run(...[$value])->getValue(); $this->assertTrue((bool) $act); } /** @dataProvider provideBinaryBindings */ public function testHandleBinaryData($value, string $type, string $exp) { if (in_array(static::$implementation, ["PostgreSQL", "PDO PostgreSQL"])) { $this->markTestSkipped("Correct handling of binary data with PostgreSQL is currently unknown"); } if ($exp=="null") { $query = "SELECT (cast(? as text) is null) as pass"; } else { $query = "SELECT ($exp = ?) as pass"; } $typeStr = "'".str_replace("'", "''", $type)."'"; $s = new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement($query)); $s->retype(...[$type]); $act = $s->run(...[$value])->getValue(); $this->assertTrue((bool) $act); } public function testBindMissingValue() { $s = new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("SELECT ? as value", ["int"])); $val = $s->runArray()->getRow()['value']; $this->assertSame(null, $val); } public function testBindMultipleValues() { $exp = [ 'one' => 1, 'two' => 2, ]; $exp = $this->stringOutput ? $this->stringify($exp) : $exp; $s = new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("SELECT ? as one, ? as two", ["int", "int"])); $val = $s->runArray([1,2])->getRow(); $this->assertSame($exp, $val); } public function testBindRecursively() { $exp = [ 'one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3, 'four' => 4, ]; $exp = $this->stringOutput ? $this->stringify($exp) : $exp; $s = new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("SELECT ? as one, ? as two, ? as three, ? as four", ["int", ["int", "int"], "int"])); $val = $s->runArray([1, [2, 3], 4])->getRow(); $this->assertSame($exp, $val); } public function testBindWithoutType() { $this->assertException("paramTypeMissing", "Db"); $s = new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("SELECT ? as value", [])); $s->runArray([1]); } public function testViolateConstraint() { (new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("CREATE TABLE if not exists arsse_meta(key varchar(255) primary key not null, value text)")))->run(); $s = new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("INSERT INTO arsse_meta(key) values(?)", ["str"])); $this->assertException("constraintViolation", "Db", "ExceptionInput"); $s->runArray([null]); } public function testMismatchTypes() { (new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("CREATE TABLE if not exists arsse_feeds(id integer primary key not null, url text not null)")))->run(); $s = new $this->statementClass(...$this->makeStatement("INSERT INTO arsse_feeds(id,url) values(?,?)", ["str", "str"])); $this->assertException("typeViolation", "Db", "ExceptionInput"); $s->runArray(['ook', 'eek']); } public function provideBindings() { $dateMutable = new \DateTime("Noon Today", new \DateTimezone("America/Toronto")); $dateImmutable = new \DateTimeImmutable("Noon Today", new \DateTimezone("America/Toronto")); $dateUTC = new \DateTime("@".$dateMutable->getTimestamp(), new \DateTimezone("UTC")); $tests = [ 'Null as integer' => [null, "integer", "null"], 'Null as float' => [null, "float", "null"], 'Null as string' => [null, "string", "null"], 'Null as datetime' => [null, "datetime", "null"], 'Null as boolean' => [null, "boolean", "null"], 'Null as strict integer' => [null, "strict integer", "0"], 'Null as strict float' => [null, "strict float", "0.0"], 'Null as strict string' => [null, "strict string", "''"], 'Null as strict datetime' => [null, "strict datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:00:00'"], 'Null as strict boolean' => [null, "strict boolean", "0"], 'True as integer' => [true, "integer", "1"], 'True as float' => [true, "float", "1.0"], 'True as string' => [true, "string", "'1'"], 'True as datetime' => [true, "datetime", "null"], 'True as boolean' => [true, "boolean", "1"], 'True as strict integer' => [true, "strict integer", "1"], 'True as strict float' => [true, "strict float", "1.0"], 'True as strict string' => [true, "strict string", "'1'"], 'True as strict datetime' => [true, "strict datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:00:00'"], 'True as strict boolean' => [true, "strict boolean", "1"], 'False as integer' => [false, "integer", "0"], 'False as float' => [false, "float", "0.0"], 'False as string' => [false, "string", "''"], 'False as datetime' => [false, "datetime", "null"], 'False as boolean' => [false, "boolean", "0"], 'False as strict integer' => [false, "strict integer", "0"], 'False as strict float' => [false, "strict float", "0.0"], 'False as strict string' => [false, "strict string", "''"], 'False as strict datetime' => [false, "strict datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:00:00'"], 'False as strict boolean' => [false, "strict boolean", "0"], 'Integer as integer' => [2112, "integer", "2112"], 'Integer as float' => [2112, "float", "2112.0"], 'Integer as string' => [2112, "string", "'2112'"], 'Integer as datetime' => [2112, "datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:35:12'"], 'Integer as boolean' => [2112, "boolean", "1"], 'Integer as strict integer' => [2112, "strict integer", "2112"], 'Integer as strict float' => [2112, "strict float", "2112.0"], 'Integer as strict string' => [2112, "strict string", "'2112'"], 'Integer as strict datetime' => [2112, "strict datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:35:12'"], 'Integer as strict boolean' => [2112, "strict boolean", "1"], 'Integer zero as integer' => [0, "integer", "0"], 'Integer zero as float' => [0, "float", "0.0"], 'Integer zero as string' => [0, "string", "'0'"], 'Integer zero as datetime' => [0, "datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:00:00'"], 'Integer zero as boolean' => [0, "boolean", "0"], 'Integer zero as strict integer' => [0, "strict integer", "0"], 'Integer zero as strict float' => [0, "strict float", "0.0"], 'Integer zero as strict string' => [0, "strict string", "'0'"], 'Integer zero as strict datetime' => [0, "strict datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:00:00'"], 'Integer zero as strict boolean' => [0, "strict boolean", "0"], 'Float as integer' => [2112.5, "integer", "2112"], 'Float as float' => [2112.5, "float", "2112.5"], 'Float as string' => [2112.5, "string", "'2112.5'"], 'Float as datetime' => [2112.5, "datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:35:12'"], 'Float as boolean' => [2112.5, "boolean", "1"], 'Float as strict integer' => [2112.5, "strict integer", "2112"], 'Float as strict float' => [2112.5, "strict float", "2112.5"], 'Float as strict string' => [2112.5, "strict string", "'2112.5'"], 'Float as strict datetime' => [2112.5, "strict datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:35:12'"], 'Float as strict boolean' => [2112.5, "strict boolean", "1"], 'Float zero as integer' => [0.0, "integer", "0"], 'Float zero as float' => [0.0, "float", "0.0"], 'Float zero as string' => [0.0, "string", "'0'"], 'Float zero as datetime' => [0.0, "datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:00:00'"], 'Float zero as boolean' => [0.0, "boolean", "0"], 'Float zero as strict integer' => [0.0, "strict integer", "0"], 'Float zero as strict float' => [0.0, "strict float", "0.0"], 'Float zero as strict string' => [0.0, "strict string", "'0'"], 'Float zero as strict datetime' => [0.0, "strict datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:00:00'"], 'Float zero as strict boolean' => [0.0, "strict boolean", "0"], 'ASCII string as integer' => ["Random string", "integer", "0"], 'ASCII string as float' => ["Random string", "float", "0.0"], 'ASCII string as string' => ["Random string", "string", "'Random string'"], 'ASCII string as datetime' => ["Random string", "datetime", "null"], 'ASCII string as boolean' => ["Random string", "boolean", "1"], 'ASCII string as strict integer' => ["Random string", "strict integer", "0"], 'ASCII string as strict float' => ["Random string", "strict float", "0.0"], 'ASCII string as strict string' => ["Random string", "strict string", "'Random string'"], 'ASCII string as strict datetime' => ["Random string", "strict datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:00:00'"], 'ASCII string as strict boolean' => ["Random string", "strict boolean", "1"], 'UTF-8 string as integer' => ["\u{e9}", "integer", "0"], 'UTF-8 string as float' => ["\u{e9}", "float", "0.0"], 'UTF-8 string as string' => ["\u{e9}", "string", "char(233)"], 'UTF-8 string as datetime' => ["\u{e9}", "datetime", "null"], 'UTF-8 string as boolean' => ["\u{e9}", "boolean", "1"], 'UTF-8 string as strict integer' => ["\u{e9}", "strict integer", "0"], 'UTF-8 string as strict float' => ["\u{e9}", "strict float", "0.0"], 'UTF-8 string as strict string' => ["\u{e9}", "strict string", "char(233)"], 'UTF-8 string as strict datetime' => ["\u{e9}", "strict datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:00:00'"], 'UTF-8 string as strict boolean' => ["\u{e9}", "strict boolean", "1"], 'ISO 8601 string as integer' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "integer", "0"], 'ISO 8601 string as float' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "float", "0.0"], 'ISO 8601 string as string' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "string", "'2017-01-09T13:11:17'"], 'ISO 8601 string as datetime' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "datetime", "'2017-01-09 13:11:17'"], 'ISO 8601 string as boolean' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "boolean", "1"], 'ISO 8601 string as strict integer' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "strict integer", "0"], 'ISO 8601 string as strict float' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "strict float", "0.0"], 'ISO 8601 string as strict string' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "strict string", "'2017-01-09T13:11:17'"], 'ISO 8601 string as strict datetime' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "strict datetime", "'2017-01-09 13:11:17'"], 'ISO 8601 string as strict boolean' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "strict boolean", "1"], 'Arbitrary date string as integer' => ["Today", "integer", "0"], 'Arbitrary date string as float' => ["Today", "float", "0.0"], 'Arbitrary date string as string' => ["Today", "string", "'Today'"], 'Arbitrary date string as datetime' => ["Today", "datetime", "'".date_create("Today", new \DateTimezone("UTC"))->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"], 'Arbitrary date string as boolean' => ["Today", "boolean", "1"], 'Arbitrary date string as strict integer' => ["Today", "strict integer", "0"], 'Arbitrary date string as strict float' => ["Today", "strict float", "0.0"], 'Arbitrary date string as strict string' => ["Today", "strict string", "'Today'"], 'Arbitrary date string as strict datetime' => ["Today", "strict datetime", "'".date_create("Today", new \DateTimezone("UTC"))->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"], 'Arbitrary date string as strict boolean' => ["Today", "strict boolean", "1"], 'DateTime as integer' => [$dateMutable, "integer", (string) $dateUTC->getTimestamp()], 'DateTime as float' => [$dateMutable, "float", $dateUTC->getTimestamp().".0"], 'DateTime as string' => [$dateMutable, "string", "'".$dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"], 'DateTime as datetime' => [$dateMutable, "datetime", "'".$dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"], 'DateTime as boolean' => [$dateMutable, "boolean", "1"], 'DateTime as strict integer' => [$dateMutable, "strict integer", (string) $dateUTC->getTimestamp()], 'DateTime as strict float' => [$dateMutable, "strict float", $dateUTC->getTimestamp().".0"], 'DateTime as strict string' => [$dateMutable, "strict string", "'".$dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"], 'DateTime as strict datetime' => [$dateMutable, "strict datetime", "'".$dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"], 'DateTime as strict boolean' => [$dateMutable, "strict boolean", "1"], 'DateTimeImmutable as integer' => [$dateImmutable, "integer", (string) $dateUTC->getTimestamp()], 'DateTimeImmutable as float' => [$dateImmutable, "float", $dateUTC->getTimestamp().".0"], 'DateTimeImmutable as string' => [$dateImmutable, "string", "'".$dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"], 'DateTimeImmutable as datetime' => [$dateImmutable, "datetime", "'".$dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"], 'DateTimeImmutable as boolean' => [$dateImmutable, "boolean", "1"], 'DateTimeImmutable as strict integer' => [$dateImmutable, "strict integer", (string) $dateUTC->getTimestamp()], 'DateTimeImmutable as strict float' => [$dateImmutable, "strict float", $dateUTC->getTimestamp().".0"], 'DateTimeImmutable as strict string' => [$dateImmutable, "strict string", "'".$dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"], 'DateTimeImmutable as strict datetime' => [$dateImmutable, "strict datetime", "'".$dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'"], 'DateTimeImmutable as strict boolean' => [$dateImmutable, "strict boolean", "1"], ]; foreach ($tests as $index => list($value, $type, $exp)) { $t = preg_replace("<^strict >", "", $type); if (gettype($exp) != "string") var_export($index); $exp = ($exp=="null") ? $exp : $this->decorateTypeSyntax($exp, $t); yield $index => [$value, $type, $exp]; } } public function provideBinaryBindings() { $dateMutable = new \DateTime("Noon Today", new \DateTimezone("America/Toronto")); $dateImmutable = new \DateTimeImmutable("Noon Today", new \DateTimezone("America/Toronto")); $dateUTC = new \DateTime("@".$dateMutable->getTimestamp(), new \DateTimezone("UTC")); $tests = [ 'Null as binary' => [null, "binary", "null"], 'Null as strict binary' => [null, "strict binary", "x''"], 'True as binary' => [true, "binary", "x'31'"], 'True as strict binary' => [true, "strict binary", "x'31'"], 'False as binary' => [false, "binary", "x''"], 'False as strict binary' => [false, "strict binary", "x''"], 'Integer as binary' => [2112, "binary", "x'32313132'"], 'Integer as strict binary' => [2112, "strict binary", "x'32313132'"], 'Integer zero as binary' => [0, "binary", "x'30'"], 'Integer zero as strict binary' => [0, "strict binary", "x'30'"], 'Float as binary' => [2112.5, "binary", "x'323131322e35'"], 'Float as strict binary' => [2112.5, "strict binary", "x'323131322e35'"], 'Float zero as binary' => [0.0, "binary", "x'30'"], 'Float zero as strict binary' => [0.0, "strict binary", "x'30'"], 'ASCII string as binary' => ["Random string", "binary", "x'52616e646f6d20737472696e67'"], 'ASCII string as strict binary' => ["Random string", "strict binary", "x'52616e646f6d20737472696e67'"], 'UTF-8 string as binary' => ["\u{e9}", "binary", "x'c3a9'"], 'UTF-8 string as strict binary' => ["\u{e9}", "strict binary", "x'c3a9'"], 'Binary string as integer' => [chr(233).chr(233), "integer", "0"], 'Binary string as float' => [chr(233).chr(233), "float", "0.0"], 'Binary string as string' => [chr(233).chr(233), "string", "'".chr(233).chr(233)."'"], 'Binary string as binary' => [chr(233).chr(233), "binary", "x'e9e9'"], 'Binary string as datetime' => [chr(233).chr(233), "datetime", "null"], 'Binary string as boolean' => [chr(233).chr(233), "boolean", "1"], 'Binary string as strict integer' => [chr(233).chr(233), "strict integer", "0"], 'Binary string as strict float' => [chr(233).chr(233), "strict float", "0.0"], 'Binary string as strict string' => [chr(233).chr(233), "strict string", "'".chr(233).chr(233)."'"], 'Binary string as strict binary' => [chr(233).chr(233), "strict binary", "x'e9e9'"], 'Binary string as strict datetime' => [chr(233).chr(233), "strict datetime", "'1970-01-01 00:00:00'"], 'Binary string as strict boolean' => [chr(233).chr(233), "strict boolean", "1"], 'ISO 8601 string as binary' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "binary", "x'323031372d30312d30395431333a31313a3137'"], 'ISO 8601 string as strict binary' => ["2017-01-09T13:11:17", "strict binary", "x'323031372d30312d30395431333a31313a3137'"], 'Arbitrary date string as binary' => ["Today", "binary", "x'546f646179'"], 'Arbitrary date string as strict binary' => ["Today", "strict binary", "x'546f646179'"], 'DateTime as binary' => [$dateMutable, "binary", "x'".bin2hex($dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"))."'"], 'DateTime as strict binary' => [$dateMutable, "strict binary", "x'".bin2hex($dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"))."'"], 'DateTimeImmutable as binary' => [$dateImmutable, "binary", "x'".bin2hex($dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"))."'"], 'DateTimeImmutable as strict binary' => [$dateImmutable, "strict binary", "x'".bin2hex($dateUTC->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"))."'"], ]; foreach ($tests as $index => list($value, $type, $exp)) { $t = preg_replace("<^strict >", "", $type); if (gettype($exp) != "string") var_export($index); $exp = ($exp=="null") ? $exp : $this->decorateTypeSyntax($exp, $t); yield $index => [$value, $type, $exp]; } } }