ValueInfo::T_STRING, 'url' => ValueInfo::T_STRING, 'folderId' => ValueInfo::T_INT, 'feedTitle' => ValueInfo::T_STRING, 'userId' => ValueInfo::T_STRING, 'feedId' => ValueInfo::T_INT, 'newestItemId' => ValueInfo::T_INT, 'batchSize' => ValueInfo::T_INT, 'offset' => ValueInfo::T_INT, 'type' => ValueInfo::T_INT, 'id' => ValueInfo::T_INT, 'getRead' => ValueInfo::T_BOOL, 'oldestFirst' => ValueInfo::T_BOOL, 'lastModified' => ValueInfo::T_DATE, 'items' => ValueInfo::T_MIXED | ValueInfo::M_ARRAY, ]; protected $paths = [ '/folders' => ['GET' => "folderList", 'POST' => "folderAdd"], '/folders/1' => ['PUT' => "folderRename", 'DELETE' => "folderRemove"], '/folders/1/read' => ['PUT' => "folderMarkRead"], '/feeds' => ['GET' => "subscriptionList", 'POST' => "subscriptionAdd"], '/feeds/1' => ['DELETE' => "subscriptionRemove"], '/feeds/1/move' => ['PUT' => "subscriptionMove"], '/feeds/1/rename' => ['PUT' => "subscriptionRename"], '/feeds/1/read' => ['PUT' => "subscriptionMarkRead"], '/feeds/all' => ['GET' => "feedListStale"], '/feeds/update' => ['GET' => "feedUpdate"], '/items' => ['GET' => "articleList"], '/items/updated' => ['GET' => "articleList"], '/items/read' => ['PUT' => "articleMarkReadAll"], '/items/1/read' => ['PUT' => "articleMarkRead"], '/items/1/unread' => ['PUT' => "articleMarkRead"], '/items/read/multiple' => ['PUT' => "articleMarkReadMulti"], '/items/unread/multiple' => ['PUT' => "articleMarkReadMulti"], '/items/1/1/star' => ['PUT' => "articleMarkStarred"], '/items/1/1/unstar' => ['PUT' => "articleMarkStarred"], '/items/star/multiple' => ['PUT' => "articleMarkStarredMulti"], '/items/unstar/multiple' => ['PUT' => "articleMarkStarredMulti"], '/cleanup/before-update' => ['GET' => "cleanupBefore"], '/cleanup/after-update' => ['GET' => "cleanupAfter"], '/version' => ['GET' => "serverVersion"], '/status' => ['GET' => "serverStatus"], '/user' => ['GET' => "userStatus"], ]; public function __construct() { } public function dispatch(ServerRequestInterface $req): ResponseInterface { // try to authenticate if ($req->getAttribute("authenticated", false)) { Arsse::$user->id = $req->getAttribute("authenticatedUser"); } else { return new EmptyResponse(401); } // get the request path only; this is assumed to already be normalized $target = parse_url($req->getRequestTarget())['path'] ?? ""; // handle HTTP OPTIONS requests if ($req->getMethod() === "OPTIONS") { return $this->handleHTTPOptions($target); } // normalize the input $data = (string) $req->getBody(); if ($data) { // if the entity body is not JSON according to content type, return "415 Unsupported Media Type" if (!HTTP::matchType($req, "", self::ACCEPTED_TYPE)) { return new EmptyResponse(415, ['Accept' => self::ACCEPTED_TYPE]); } $data = @json_decode($data, true); if (json_last_error() !== \JSON_ERROR_NONE) { // if the body could not be parsed as JSON, return "400 Bad Request" return new EmptyResponse(400); } } else { $data = []; } // merge GET and POST data, and normalize it. POST parameters are preferred over GET parameters $data = $this->normalizeInput(array_merge($req->getQueryParams(), $data), $this->validInput, "unix"); // check to make sure the requested function is implemented $func = $this->chooseCall($target, $req->getMethod()); if ($func instanceof ResponseInterface) { return $func; } // dispatch try { $path = explode("/", ltrim($target, "/")); return $this->$func($path, $data); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart } catch (Exception $e) { // if there was a REST exception return 400 return new EmptyResponse(400); } catch (AbstractException $e) { // if there was any other Arsse exception return 500 return new EmptyResponse(500); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } protected function normalizePathIds(string $url): string { $path = explode("/", $url); // any path components which are database IDs (integers greater than zero) should be replaced with "1", for easier comparison (we don't care about the specific ID) for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($path); $a++) { if (ValueInfo::id($path[$a])) { $path[$a] = "1"; } } return implode("/", $path); } protected function chooseCall(string $url, string $method) { // // normalize the URL path: change any IDs to 1 for easier comparison $url = $this->normalizePathIds($url); // normalize the HTTP method to uppercase $method = strtoupper($method); // we now evaluate the supplied URL against every supported path for the selected scope if (isset($this->paths[$url])) { // if the path is supported, make sure the method is allowed if (isset($this->paths[$url][$method])) { // if it is allowed, return the object method to run, assuming the method exists assert(method_exists($this, $this->paths[$url][$method]), new \Exception("Method is not implemented")); return $this->paths[$url][$method]; } else { // otherwise return 405 return new EmptyResponse(405, ['Allow' => implode(", ", array_keys($this->paths[$url]))]); } } else { // if the path is not supported, return 404 return new EmptyResponse(404); } } protected function folderTranslate(array $folder): array { // map fields to proper names $folder = $this->fieldMapNames($folder, [ 'id' => "id", 'name' => "name", ]); // cast values $folder = $this->fieldMapTypes($folder, [ 'id' => "int", 'name' => "string", ], $this->dateFormat); return $folder; } protected function feedTranslate(array $feed): array { // map fields to proper names $feed = $this->fieldMapNames($feed, [ 'id' => "id", 'url' => "url", 'title' => "title", 'added' => "added", 'pinned' => "pinned", 'link' => "source", 'faviconLink' => "favicon", 'folderId' => "top_folder", 'unreadCount' => "unread", 'ordering' => "order_type", 'updateErrorCount' => "err_count", 'lastUpdateError' => "err_msg", ]); // cast values $feed = $this->fieldMapTypes($feed, [ 'id' => "int", 'url' => "string", 'title' => "string", 'added' => "datetime", 'pinned' => "bool", 'link' => "string", 'faviconLink' => "string", 'folderId' => "int", 'unreadCount' => "int", 'ordering' => "int", 'updateErrorCount' => "int", 'lastUpdateError' => "string", ], $this->dateFormat); return $feed; } protected function articleTranslate(array $article): array { // map fields to proper names $article = $this->fieldMapNames($article, [ 'id' => "edition", 'guid' => "guid", 'guidHash' => "id", 'url' => "url", 'title' => "title", 'author' => "author", 'pubDate' => "edited_date", 'body' => "content", 'enclosureMime' => "media_type", 'enclosureLink' => "media_url", 'feedId' => "subscription", 'unread' => "unread", 'starred' => "starred", 'lastModified' => "modified_date", 'fingerprint' => "fingerprint", ]); // cast values $article = $this->fieldMapTypes($article, [ 'id' => "int", 'guid' => "string", 'guidHash' => "string", 'url' => "string", 'title' => "string", 'author' => "string", 'pubDate' => "datetime", 'body' => "string", 'enclosureMime' => "string", 'enclosureLink' => "string", 'feedId' => "int", 'unread' => "bool", 'starred' => "bool", 'lastModified' => "datetime", 'fingerprint' => "string", ], $this->dateFormat); return $article; } protected function handleHTTPOptions(string $url): ResponseInterface { // normalize the URL path: change any IDs to 1 for easier comparison $url = $this->normalizePathIDs($url); if (isset($this->paths[$url])) { // if the path is supported, respond with the allowed methods and other metadata $allowed = array_keys($this->paths[$url]); // if GET is allowed, so is HEAD if (in_array("GET", $allowed)) { array_unshift($allowed, "HEAD"); } return new EmptyResponse(204, [ 'Allow' => implode(",", $allowed), 'Accept' => self::ACCEPTED_TYPE, ]); } else { // if the path is not supported, return 404 return new EmptyResponse(404); } } // list folders protected function folderList(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { $folders = []; foreach (Arsse::$db->folderList(Arsse::$user->id, null, false) as $folder) { $folders[] = $this->folderTranslate($folder); } return new Response(['folders' => $folders]); } // create a folder protected function folderAdd(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { try { $folder = Arsse::$db->folderAdd(Arsse::$user->id, ['name' => $data['name']]); } catch (ExceptionInput $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { // folder already exists case 10236: return new EmptyResponse(409); // folder name not acceptable case 10231: case 10232: return new EmptyResponse(422); // other errors related to input default: return new EmptyResponse(400); // @codeCoverageIgnore } } $folder = $this->folderTranslate(Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, $folder)); return new Response(['folders' => [$folder]]); } // delete a folder protected function folderRemove(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { // perform the deletion try { Arsse::$db->folderRemove(Arsse::$user->id, (int) $url[1]); } catch (ExceptionInput $e) { // folder does not exist return new EmptyResponse(404); } return new EmptyResponse(204); } // rename a folder (also supports moving nesting folders, but this is not a feature of the API) protected function folderRename(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { try { Arsse::$db->folderPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, (int) $url[1], ['name' => $data['name']]); } catch (ExceptionInput $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { // folder does not exist case 10239: return new EmptyResponse(404); // folder already exists case 10236: return new EmptyResponse(409); // folder name not acceptable case 10231: case 10232: return new EmptyResponse(422); // other errors related to input default: return new EmptyResponse(400); // @codeCoverageIgnore } } return new EmptyResponse(204); } // mark all articles associated with a folder as read protected function folderMarkRead(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { if (!ValueInfo::id($data['newestItemId'])) { // if the item ID is invalid (i.e. not a positive integer), this is an error return new EmptyResponse(422); } // build the context $c = new Context; $c->latestEdition((int) $data['newestItemId']); $c->folder((int) $url[1]); // perform the operation try { Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['read' => true], $c); } catch (ExceptionInput $e) { // folder does not exist return new EmptyResponse(404); } return new EmptyResponse(204); } // return list of feeds which should be refreshed protected function feedListStale(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { // list stale feeds which should be checked for updates $feeds = Arsse::$db->feedListStale(); $out = []; foreach ($feeds as $feed) { // since in our implementation feeds don't belong the users, the 'userId' field will always be an empty string $out[] = ['id' => (int) $feed, 'userId' => ""]; } return new Response(['feeds' => $out]); } // refresh a feed protected function feedUpdate(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { try { Arsse::$db->feedUpdate($data['feedId']); } catch (ExceptionInput $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 10239: // feed does not exist return new EmptyResponse(404); case 10237: // feed ID invalid return new EmptyResponse(422); default: // other errors related to input return new EmptyResponse(400); // @codeCoverageIgnore } } return new EmptyResponse(204); } // add a new feed protected function subscriptionAdd(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { // try to add the feed $tr = Arsse::$db->begin(); try { $id = Arsse::$db->subscriptionAdd(Arsse::$user->id, (string) $data['url']); } catch (ExceptionInput $e) { // feed already exists return new EmptyResponse(409); } catch (FeedException $e) { // feed could not be retrieved return new EmptyResponse(422); } // if a folder was specified, move the feed to the correct folder; silently ignore errors if ($data['folderId']) { try { Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, $id, ['folder' => $data['folderId']]); } catch (ExceptionInput $e) { } } $tr->commit(); // fetch the feed's metadata and format it appropriately $feed = Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesGet(Arsse::$user->id, $id); $feed = $this->feedTranslate($feed); $out = ['feeds' => [$feed]]; $newest = Arsse::$db->editionLatest(Arsse::$user->id, (new Context)->subscription($id)); if ($newest) { $out['newestItemId'] = $newest; } return new Response($out); } // return list of feeds for the logged-in user protected function subscriptionList(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { $subs = Arsse::$db->subscriptionList(Arsse::$user->id); $out = []; foreach ($subs as $sub) { $out[] = $this->feedTranslate($sub); } $out = ['feeds' => $out]; $out['starredCount'] = (int) Arsse::$db->articleStarred(Arsse::$user->id)['total']; $newest = Arsse::$db->editionLatest(Arsse::$user->id); if ($newest) { $out['newestItemId'] = $newest; } return new Response($out); } // delete a feed protected function subscriptionRemove(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { try { Arsse::$db->subscriptionRemove(Arsse::$user->id, (int) $url[1]); } catch (ExceptionInput $e) { // feed does not exist return new EmptyResponse(404); } return new EmptyResponse(204); } // rename a feed protected function subscriptionRename(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { try { Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, (int) $url[1], ['title' => (string) $data['feedTitle']]); } catch (ExceptionInput $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { // subscription does not exist case 10239: return new EmptyResponse(404); // name is invalid case 10231: case 10232: return new EmptyResponse(422); // other errors related to input default: return new EmptyResponse(400); // @codeCoverageIgnore } } return new EmptyResponse(204); } // move a feed to a folder protected function subscriptionMove(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { // if no folder is specified this is an error if (!isset($data['folderId'])) { return new EmptyResponse(422); } // perform the move try { Arsse::$db->subscriptionPropertiesSet(Arsse::$user->id, (int) $url[1], ['folder' => $data['folderId']]); } catch (ExceptionInput $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 10239: // subscription does not exist return new EmptyResponse(404); case 10235: // folder does not exist case 10237: // folder ID is invalid return new EmptyResponse(422); default: // other errors related to input return new EmptyResponse(400); // @codeCoverageIgnore } } return new EmptyResponse(204); } // mark all articles associated with a subscription as read protected function subscriptionMarkRead(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { if (!ValueInfo::id($data['newestItemId'])) { // if the item ID is invalid (i.e. not a positive integer), this is an error return new EmptyResponse(422); } // build the context $c = new Context; $c->latestEdition((int) $data['newestItemId']); $c->subscription((int) $url[1]); // perform the operation try { Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['read' => true], $c); } catch (ExceptionInput $e) { // subscription does not exist return new EmptyResponse(404); } return new EmptyResponse(204); } // list articles and their properties protected function articleList(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { // set the context options supplied by the client $c = new Context; // set the batch size if ($data['batchSize'] > 0) { $c->limit($data['batchSize']); } // set the order of returned items $reverse = !$data['oldestFirst']; // set the edition mark-off; the database uses an or-equal comparison for internal consistency, but the protocol does not, so we must adjust by one if ($data['offset'] > 0) { if ($reverse) { $c->latestEdition($data['offset'] - 1); } else { $c->oldestEdition($data['offset'] + 1); } } // set whether to only return unread if (!ValueInfo::bool($data['getRead'], true)) { $c->unread(true); } // if no type is specified assume 3 (All) $data['type'] = $data['type'] ?? 3; switch ($data['type']) { case 0: // feed if (isset($data['id'])) { $c->subscription($data['id']); } break; case 1: // folder if (isset($data['id'])) { $c->folder($data['id']); } break; case 2: // starred $c->starred(true); break; default: // @codeCoverageIgnore // return all items } // whether to return only updated items if ($data['lastModified']) { $c->markedSince($data['lastModified']); } // perform the fetch try { $items = Arsse::$db->articleList(Arsse::$user->id, $c, [ "edition", "guid", "id", "url", "title", "author", "edited_date", "content", "media_type", "media_url", "subscription", "unread", "starred", "modified_date", "fingerprint", ], [$reverse ? "edition desc" : "edition"]); } catch (ExceptionInput $e) { // ID of subscription or folder is not valid return new EmptyResponse(422); } $out = []; foreach ($items as $item) { $out[] = $this->articleTranslate($item); } $out = ['items' => $out]; return new Response($out); } // mark all articles as read protected function articleMarkReadAll(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { if (!ValueInfo::id($data['newestItemId'])) { // if the item ID is invalid (i.e. not a positive integer), this is an error return new EmptyResponse(422); } // build the context $c = new Context; $c->latestEdition((int) $data['newestItemId']); // perform the operation Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['read' => true], $c); return new EmptyResponse(204); } // mark a single article as read protected function articleMarkRead(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { // initialize the matching context $c = new Context; $c->edition((int) $url[1]); // determine whether to mark read or unread $set = ($url[2] === "read"); try { Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['read' => $set], $c); } catch (ExceptionInput $e) { // ID is not valid return new EmptyResponse(404); } return new EmptyResponse(204); } // mark a single article as read protected function articleMarkStarred(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { // initialize the matching context $c = new Context; $c->article((int) $url[2]); // determine whether to mark read or unread $set = ($url[3] === "star"); try { Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['starred' => $set], $c); } catch (ExceptionInput $e) { // ID is not valid return new EmptyResponse(404); } return new EmptyResponse(204); } // mark an array of articles as read protected function articleMarkReadMulti(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { // determine whether to mark read or unread $set = ($url[1] === "read"); // initialize the matching context $c = new Context; $c->editions($data['items'] ?? []); try { Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['read' => $set], $c); } catch (ExceptionInput $e) { } return new EmptyResponse(204); } // mark an array of articles as starred protected function articleMarkStarredMulti(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { // determine whether to mark starred or unstarred $set = ($url[1] === "star"); // initialize the matching context $c = new Context; $c->articles(array_column($data['items'] ?? [], "guidHash")); try { Arsse::$db->articleMark(Arsse::$user->id, ['starred' => $set], $c); } catch (ExceptionInput $e) { } return new EmptyResponse(204); } protected function userStatus(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { return new Response([ 'userId' => (string) Arsse::$user->id, 'displayName' => (string) Arsse::$user->id, 'lastLoginTimestamp' => time(), 'avatar' => null, ]); } protected function cleanupBefore(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { Service::cleanupPre(); return new EmptyResponse(204); } protected function cleanupAfter(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { Service::cleanupPost(); return new EmptyResponse(204); } // return the server version protected function serverVersion(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { return new Response([ 'version' => self::VERSION, 'arsse_version' => Arsse::VERSION, ]); } protected function serverStatus(array $url, array $data): ResponseInterface { return new Response([ 'version' => self::VERSION, 'arsse_version' => Arsse::VERSION, 'warnings' => [ 'improperlyConfiguredCron' => !Service::hasCheckedIn(), 'incorrectDbCharset' => !Arsse::$db->driverCharsetAcceptable(), ], ]); } }