<?php # This script transforms Debian's dbconfig-common PHP-format include files # into a form usable by The Arsse. This is necessary because The Arsse # supports defining configuration parameters for all supported database types # at once, using separate keys for the different types $dbconfpath = "/var/lib/arsse/dbconfig.inc"; // path defined in postinst script if (file_exists($dbconfpath)) { require_once "/var/lib/arsse/dbconfig.inc"; $dbtype = $dbtype ?? ""; // the returned configuration depends on the $dbtype if ($dbtype === "sqlite3") { $conf = ['dbDriver' => "sqlite3"]; if (strlen((string) $basepath) && strlen((string) $dbname)) { $conf['dbSQLite3File'] = "$basepath/$dbname"; } } elseif ($dbtype === "pgsql") { $conf = [ 'dbDriver' => "postgresql", 'dbPostgreSQLHost' => $dbserver ?? "", 'dbPostgreSQLUser' => $dbuser ?? "arsse", 'dbPostgreSQLPass' => $dbpass ?? "", 'dbPostgreSQLPort' => $dbport ?? 5432, 'dbPostgreSQLDb' => $dbname ?? "arsse", ]; } elseif ($dbtype === "mysql") { $conf = [ 'dbDriver' => "mysql", 'dbMySQLHost' => $dbserver ?? "", 'dbMySQLUser' => $dbuser ?? "arsse", 'dbMySQLPass' => $dbpass ?? "", 'dbMySQLPort' => $dbport ?? 3306, 'dbMySQLDb' => $dbname ?? "arsse", ]; } else { throw new \Exception("Debian dbconfig-common configuration file $dbconfpath is invalid"); } return $conf; } else { // if no configuration file exists simply return an empty array return []; }