-- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT -- Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al. -- See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details -- Create a temporary table mapping old article IDs to new article IDs per-user. -- Any articles which have only one subscription will be unchanged, which will -- limit the amount of disruption create table arsse_articles_map( article int not null, subscription int not null, id integer primary key autoincrement ); insert into arsse_articles_map(article, subscription) values(1, 1, ''); delete from arsse_articles_map; update sqlite_sequence set seq = (select max(id) from arsse_articles) where name = 'arsse_articles_map'; insert into arsse_articles_map(article, subscription) select a.id as article, s.id as subscription from arsse_articles as a join arsse_subscriptions as s using(feed) where feed in ( select feed from (select feed, count(*) as count from arsse_subscriptions group by feed) as c where c.count > 1 ); insert into arsse_articles_map(article, subscription, id) select a.id as article, s.id as subscription, a.id as id from arsse_articles as a join arsse_subscriptions as s using(feed) where feed in ( select feed from (select feed, count(*) as count from arsse_subscriptions group by feed) as c where c.count = 1 ); -- Create a new articles table which combines the marks table but does not include content create table arsse_articles_new( -- metadata for entries in newsfeeds, including user state id integer primary key, -- sequence number subscription integer not null references arsse_subscriptions(id) on delete cascade on update cascade, -- associated subscription read int not null default 0, -- whether the article has been read starred int not null default 0, -- whether the article is starred hidden int not null default 0, -- whether the article should be excluded from selection by default published text, -- time of original publication edited text, -- time of last edit by author modified text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- time when article was last modified in database pursuant to an authorial edit marked text, -- time at which an article was last modified by the user url text, -- URL of article title text collate nocase, -- article title author text collate nocase, -- author's name guid text, -- a nominally globally unique identifier for the article, from the feed url_title_hash text not null, -- hash of URL + title; used when checking for updates and for identification if there is no guid url_content_hash text not null, -- hash of URL + content + enclosure URL + enclosure content type; used when checking for updates and for identification if there is no guid title_content_hash text not null, -- hash of title + content + enclosure URL + enclosure content type; used when checking for updates and for identification if there is no guid note text not null default '' -- Tiny Tiny RSS freeform user note ); insert into arsse_articles_new select i.id, i.subscription, coalesce(m.read,0), coalesce(m.starred,0), coalesce(m.hidden,0), a.published, a.edited, a.modified, m.modified, a.url, a.title, a.author, a.guid, a.url_title_hash, a_url_content_hash, a.title_content_hash, coalesce(m.note,'') from arsse_articles_map as i left join arsse_articles as a on a.id = i.article left join arsse_marks as m on a.id = m.article; -- Create a new table to hold article content create table arsse_article_contents( -- contents of articles, which is typically large text id integer primary key references arsse_articles(id) on delete cascade on update cascade, -- reference to the article ID content text -- the contents ); insert into arsse_article_contents select m.id, coalesce(a.content_scraped, a.content) from arsse_articles_map as m left join arsse_articles as a on a.id = m.article; -- Create one edition for each renumbered article, and delete any editions for obsolete articles insert into arsse_editions(article) select id from arsse_articles_map where id <> article; delete from arsse_editions where article in (select article from arsse_articles_map where id <> article); -- Create enclures for renumbered articles and delete obsolete enclosures insert into arsse_enclosures(article, url, type) select m.id, url, type from arsse_articles_map as m join arsse_enclosures as e on m.article = e.article where m.id <> m.article; delete from arsse_enclosures where article in (select article from arsse_articles_map where id <> article); -- Create categories for renumbered articles and delete obsolete categories insert into arsse_categories(article, name) select m.id, name from arsse_articles_map as m join arsse_categories as c on m.article = c.article where m.id <> m.article; delete from arsse_categories where article in (select article from arsse_articles_map where id <> article); -- Create a new label-associations table which omits the subscription column and populate it with new data create table arsse_label_members_new( -- label assignments for articles label integer not null references arsse_labels(id) on delete cascade, -- label ID associated to an article; label IDs belong to a user article integer not null references arsse_articles(id) on delete cascade, -- article associated to a label assigned int not null default 1, -- whether the association is current, to support soft deletion modified text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- time at which the association was last made or unmade primary key(label,article) -- only one association of a given label to a given article ) without rowid; insert into arsse_label_members_new select label, m.id, assigned, l.modified from arsse_articles_map as m join arsse_label_members as l using(article); -- Create a new subscriptions table which combines the feeds table create table arsse_subscriptions_new( -- users' subscriptions to newsfeeds, with settings id integer primary key, -- sequence number owner text not null references arsse_users(id) on delete cascade on update cascade, -- owner of subscription url text not null, -- URL of feed feed_title text collate nocase, -- feed title title text collate nocase, -- user-supplied title, which overrides the feed title when set folder integer references arsse_folders(id) on delete cascade, -- TT-RSS category (nestable); the first-level category (which acts as Nextcloud folder) is joined in when needed last_mod text, -- time at which the feed last actually changed at the foreign host etag text not null default '', -- HTTP ETag hash used for cache validation, changes each time the content changes next_fetch text, -- time at which the feed should next be fetched added text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- time at which feed was added source text, -- URL of site to which the feed belongs updated text, -- time at which the feed was last fetched err_count integer not null default 0, -- count of successive times update resulted in error since last successful update err_msg text, -- last error message size integer not null default 0, -- number of articles in the feed at last fetch icon integer references arsse_icons(id) on delete set null, -- numeric identifier of any associated icon modified text not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- time at which subscription properties were last modified by the user order_type int not null default 0, -- Nextcloud sort order pinned int not null default 0, -- whether feed is pinned (always sorts at top) scrape int not null default 0, -- whether the user has requested scraping content from source articles keep_rule text, -- Regular expression the subscription's articles must match to avoid being hidden block_rule text, -- Regular expression the subscription's articles must not match to avoid being hidden unique(owner,url) -- a URL with particular credentials should only appear once ); insert into arsse_subscriptions_new select s.id, s.owner, f.url, f.title, s.title, s.folder, f.modified, f.etag f.next_fetch, f.added, f.source, f.updated, f.err_count, f.err_msg, f.size, f.icon, s.modified, s.order_type, s.pinned, s.scrape, s.keep_rule, s.block_rule from arsse_subscriptions as s left join arsse_feeds as f on s.feed = f.id; -- Delete the old tables and rename the new ones drop table arsse_label_members; drop table arsse_subscriptions; drop table arsse_feeds; drop table arsse_articles; drop table arsse_marks; drop table arsse_articles_map; alter table arsse_subscriptions_new rename to arsse_subscriptions; alter table arsse_articles_new rename to arsse_articles; alter table arsse_label_members_new rename to arsse_label_members; -- set version marker pragma user_version = 8; update arsse_meta set value = '8' where "key" = 'schema_version';