arsse.php conf save-defaults [] arsse.php user [list] arsse.php user add [] arsse.php user remove arsse.php user set-pass [--oldpass=] [] arsse.php user auth arsse.php --version arsse.php --help | -h The Arsse command-line interface currently allows you to start the refresh daemon, refresh a specific feed by numeric ID, manage users, or save default configuration to a sample file. USAGE_TEXT; protected function usage($prog): string { $prog = basename($prog); return str_replace("arsse.php", $prog, self::USAGE); } protected function command(array $options, $args): string { foreach ($options as $cmd) { foreach (explode(" ", $cmd) as $part) { if (!$args[$part]) { continue 2; } } return $cmd; } return ""; } protected function loadConf(): bool { $conf = file_exists(BASE."config.php") ? new Conf(BASE."config.php") : new Conf; Arsse::load($conf); // command-line operations will never respect authorization Arsse::$user->authorizationEnabled(false); return true; } public function dispatch(array $argv = null) { $argv = $argv ?? $_SERVER['argv']; $argv0 = array_shift($argv); $args = \Docopt::handle($this->usage($argv0), [ 'argv' => $argv, 'help' => false, ]); try { switch ($this->command(["--help", "--version", "daemon", "feed refresh", "conf save-defaults", "user"], $args)) { case "--help": echo $this->usage($argv0).\PHP_EOL; return 0; case "--version": echo Arsse::VERSION.\PHP_EOL; return 0; case "daemon": $this->loadConf(); $this->getService()->watch(true); return 0; case "feed refresh": $this->loadConf(); return (int) !Arsse::$db->feedUpdate((int) $args[''], true); case "conf save-defaults": $file = $args['']; $file = ($file=="-" ? null : $file) ?? "php://output"; return (int) !($this->getConf())->exportFile($file, true); case "user": $this->loadConf(); return $this->userManage($args); } } catch (AbstractException $e) { fwrite(STDERR, $e->getMessage().\PHP_EOL); return $e->getCode(); } } /** @codeCoverageIgnore */ protected function getService(): Service { return new Service; } /** @codeCoverageIgnore */ protected function getConf(): Conf { return new Conf; } protected function userManage($args): int { switch ($this->command(["add", "remove", "set-pass", "list", "auth"], $args)) { case "add": return $this->userAddOrSetPassword("add", $args[""], $args[""]); case "set-pass": return $this->userAddOrSetPassword("passwordSet", $args[""], $args[""], $args["--oldpass"]); case "remove": return (int) !Arsse::$user->remove($args[""]); case "auth": return $this->userAuthenticate($args[""], $args[""]); case "list": case "": return $this->userList(); } } protected function userAddOrSetPassword(string $method, string $user, string $password = null, string $oldpass = null): int { $passwd = Arsse::$user->$method(...array_slice(func_get_args(), 1)); if (is_null($password)) { echo $passwd.\PHP_EOL; } return 0; } protected function userList(): int { $list = Arsse::$user->list(); if ($list) { echo implode(\PHP_EOL, $list).\PHP_EOL; } return 0; } protected function userAuthenticate(string $user, string $password): int { if (Arsse::$user->auth($user, $password)) { echo Arsse::$lang->msg("CLI.Auth.Success").\PHP_EOL; return 0; } else { echo Arsse::$lang->msg("CLI.Auth.Failure").\PHP_EOL; return 1; } } }