/** @license MIT
 * Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al.
 * See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */

namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\TestCase\Db\PostgreSQL;

use JKingWeb\Arsse\Arsse;
use JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\PostgreSQL\Driver;

 * @covers \JKingWeb\Arsse\Db\PostgreSQL\Driver<extended> */
class TestCreation extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\AbstractTest {
    /** @dataProvider provideConnectionStrings */
    public function testGenerateConnectionString(bool $pdo, string $user, string $pass, string $db, string $host, int $port, string $service, string $exp) {
        $timeout = (string) ceil(Arsse::$conf->dbTimeoutConnect ?? 0);
        $postfix = "application_name='arsse' client_encoding='UTF8' connect_timeout='$timeout'";
        $act = Driver::makeConnectionString($pdo, $user, $pass, $db, $host, $port, $service);
        if ($act==$postfix) {
            $this->assertSame($exp, "");
        } else {
            $test = substr($act, 0, strlen($act) - (strlen($postfix) + 1) );
            $check = substr($act, strlen($test) + 1);
            $this->assertSame($postfix, $check);
            $this->assertSame($exp, $test);

    public function provideConnectionStrings() {
        return [
            [false, "arsse",           "secret",   "arsse",     "",          5432, "",      "dbname='arsse' password='secret' user='arsse'"],
            [false, "arsse",           "p word",   "arsse",     "",          5432, "",      "dbname='arsse' password='p word' user='arsse'"],
            [false, "arsse",           "p'word",   "arsse",     "",          5432, "",      "dbname='arsse' password='p\\'word' user='arsse'"],
            [false, "arsse user",      "secret",   "arsse db",  "",          5432, "",      "dbname='arsse db' password='secret' user='arsse user'"],
            [false, "arsse",           "secret",   "",          "",          5432, "",      "password='secret' user='arsse'"],
            [false, "arsse",           "secret",   "arsse",     "localhost", 5432, "",      "dbname='arsse' host='localhost' password='secret' user='arsse'"],
            [false, "arsse",           "secret",   "arsse",     "",          9999, "",      "dbname='arsse' password='secret' port='9999' user='arsse'"],
            [false, "arsse",           "secret",   "arsse",     "localhost", 9999, "",      "dbname='arsse' host='localhost' password='secret' port='9999' user='arsse'"],
            [false, "arsse",           "secret",   "arsse",     "/socket",   9999, "",      "dbname='arsse' host='/socket' password='secret' user='arsse'"],
            [false, "T'Pau of Vulcan", "",         "",          "",          5432, "",      "user='T\\'Pau of Vulcan'"],
            [false, "T'Pau of Vulcan", "superman", "datumbase", "somehost",  2112, "arsse", "service='arsse'"],
            [true,  "arsse",           "secret",   "arsse",     "",          5432, "",      "dbname='arsse'"],
            [true,  "arsse",           "p word",   "arsse",     "",          5432, "",      "dbname='arsse'"],
            [true,  "arsse",           "p'word",   "arsse",     "",          5432, "",      "dbname='arsse'"],
            [true,  "arsse user",      "secret",   "arsse db",  "",          5432, "",      "dbname='arsse db'"],
            [true,  "arsse",           "secret",   "",          "",          5432, "",      ""],
            [true,  "arsse",           "secret",   "arsse",     "localhost", 5432, "",      "dbname='arsse' host='localhost'"],
            [true,  "arsse",           "secret",   "arsse",     "",          9999, "",      "dbname='arsse' port='9999'"],
            [true,  "arsse",           "secret",   "arsse",     "localhost", 9999, "",      "dbname='arsse' host='localhost' port='9999'"],
            [true,  "arsse",           "secret",   "arsse",     "/socket",   9999, "",      "dbname='arsse' host='/socket'"],
            [true,  "T'Pau of Vulcan", "",         "",          "",          5432, "",      ""],
            [true,  "T'Pau of Vulcan", "superman", "datumbase", "somehost",  2112, "arsse", "service='arsse'"],