<?php /** @license MIT * Copyright 2017 J. King, Dustin Wilson et al. * See LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace JKingWeb\Arsse\TestCase\CLI; use JKingWeb\Arsse\Arsse; use JKingWeb\Arsse\Conf; use JKingWeb\Arsse\User; use JKingWeb\Arsse\Database; use JKingWeb\Arsse\Service; use JKingWeb\Arsse\CLI; use Phake; /** @covers \JKingWeb\Arsse\CLI */ class TestCLI extends \JKingWeb\Arsse\Test\AbstractTest { public function setUp() { self::clearData(false); } public function assertConsole(CLI $cli, string $command, int $exitStatus, string $output = "", bool $pattern = false) { $argv = \Clue\Arguments\split($command); $output = strlen($output) ? $output.\PHP_EOL : ""; if ($pattern) { $this->expectOutputRegex($output); } else { $this->expectOutputString($output); } $this->assertSame($exitStatus, $cli->dispatch($argv)); } public function assertLoaded(bool $loaded) { $r = new \ReflectionClass(Arsse::class); $props = array_keys($r->getStaticProperties()); foreach ($props as $prop) { if ($loaded) { $this->assertNotNull(Arsse::$$prop, "Global $prop object should be loaded"); } else { $this->assertNull(Arsse::$$prop, "Global $prop object should not be loaded"); } } } public function testPrintVersion() { $this->assertConsole(new CLI, "arsse.php --version", 0, Arsse::VERSION); $this->assertLoaded(false); } /** @dataProvider provideHelpText */ public function testPrintHelp(string $cmd, string $name) { $this->assertConsole(new CLI, $cmd, 0, str_replace("arsse.php", $name, CLI::USAGE)); $this->assertLoaded(false); } public function provideHelpText() { return [ ["arsse.php --help", "arsse.php"], ["arsse --help", "arsse"], ["thearsse --help", "thearsse"], ]; } public function testStartTheDaemon() { $srv = Phake::mock(Service::class); $cli = Phake::partialMock(CLI::class); Phake::when($srv)->watch->thenReturn(new \DateTimeImmutable); Phake::when($cli)->getService->thenReturn($srv); $this->assertConsole($cli, "arsse.php daemon", 0); $this->assertLoaded(true); Phake::verify($srv)->watch(true); Phake::verify($cli)->getService; } /** @dataProvider provideFeedUpdates */ public function testRefreshAFeed(string $cmd, int $exitStatus, string $output) { Arsse::$db = Phake::mock(Database::class); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->feedUpdate(1, true)->thenReturn(true); Phake::when(Arsse::$db)->feedUpdate(2, true)->thenThrow(new \JKingWeb\Arsse\Feed\Exception("http://example.com/", new \PicoFeed\Client\InvalidUrlException)); $this->assertConsole(new CLI, $cmd, $exitStatus, $output); $this->assertLoaded(true); Phake::verify(Arsse::$db)->feedUpdate; } public function provideFeedUpdates() { return [ ["arsse.php feed refresh 1", 0, ""], ["arsse.php feed refresh 2", 10502, ""], ]; } /** @dataProvider provideDefaultConfigurationSaves */ public function testSaveTheDefaultConfiguration(string $cmd, int $exitStatus, string $file) { $conf = Phake::mock(Conf::class); $cli = Phake::partialMock(CLI::class); Phake::when($conf)->exportFile("php://output", true)->thenReturn(true); Phake::when($conf)->exportFile("good.conf", true)->thenReturn(true); Phake::when($conf)->exportFile("bad.conf", true)->thenThrow(new \JKingWeb\Arsse\Conf\Exception("fileUnwritable")); Phake::when($cli)->getConf->thenReturn($conf); $this->assertConsole($cli, $cmd, $exitStatus); $this->assertLoaded(false); Phake::verify($conf)->exportFile($file, true); } public function provideDefaultConfigurationSaves() { return [ ["arsse.php conf save-defaults", 0, "php://output"], ["arsse.php conf save-defaults -", 0, "php://output"], ["arsse.php conf save-defaults good.conf", 0, "good.conf"], ["arsse.php conf save-defaults bad.conf", 10304, "bad.conf"], ]; } /** @dataProvider provideUserList */ public function testListUsers(string $cmd, array $list, int $exitStatus, string $output) { // Phake is somehow unable to mock the User class correctly, so we use PHPUnit's mocks instead Arsse::$user = $this->createMock(User::class); Arsse::$user->method("list")->willReturn($list); $this->assertConsole(new CLI, $cmd, $exitStatus, $output); } public function provideUserList() { $list = ["john.doe@example.com", "jane.doe@example.com"]; $str = implode(PHP_EOL, $list); return [ ["arsse.php user list", $list, 0, $str], ["arsse.php user", $list, 0, $str], ["arsse.php user list", [], 0, ""], ["arsse.php user", [], 0, ""], ]; } /** @dataProvider provideUserAdditions */ public function testAddAUser(string $cmd, int $exitStatus, string $output) { // Phake is somehow unable to mock the User class correctly, so we use PHPUnit's mocks instead Arsse::$user = $this->createMock(User::class); Arsse::$user->method("add")->will($this->returnCallback(function($user, $pass = null) { switch ($user) { case "john.doe@example.com": throw new \JKingWeb\Arsse\User\Exception("alreadyExists"); case "jane.doe@example.com": return is_null($pass) ? "random password" : $pass; } })); $this->assertConsole(new CLI, $cmd, $exitStatus, $output); } public function provideUserAdditions() { return [ ["arsse.php user add john.doe@example.com", 10403, ""], ["arsse.php user add jane.doe@example.com", 0, "random password"], ["arsse.php user add jane.doe@example.com superman", 0, ""], ]; } /** @dataProvider provideUserAuthentication */ public function testAuthenticateAUser(string $cmd, int $exitStatus, string $output) { // Phake is somehow unable to mock the User class correctly, so we use PHPUnit's mocks instead Arsse::$user = $this->createMock(User::class); Arsse::$user->method("auth")->will($this->returnCallback(function($user, $pass) { return ( ($user == "john.doe@example.com" && $pass == "secret") || ($user == "jane.doe@example.com" && $pass == "superman") ); })); $this->assertConsole(new CLI, $cmd, $exitStatus, $output); } public function provideUserAuthentication() { $l = new \JKingWeb\Arsse\Lang; return [ ["arsse.php user auth john.doe@example.com secret", 0, $l("CLI.Auth.Success")], ["arsse.php user auth john.doe@example.com superman", 1, $l("CLI.Auth.Failure")], ["arsse.php user auth jane.doe@example.com secret", 1, $l("CLI.Auth.Failure")], ["arsse.php user auth jane.doe@example.com superman", 0, $l("CLI.Auth.Success")], ]; } /** @dataProvider provideUserRemovals */ public function testRemoveAUser(string $cmd, int $exitStatus, string $output) { // Phake is somehow unable to mock the User class correctly, so we use PHPUnit's mocks instead Arsse::$user = $this->createMock(User::class); Arsse::$user->method("remove")->will($this->returnCallback(function($user) { if ($user == "john.doe@example.com") { return true; } throw new \JKingWeb\Arsse\User\Exception("doesNotExist"); })); $this->assertConsole(new CLI, $cmd, $exitStatus, $output); } public function provideUserRemovals() { return [ ["arsse.php user remove john.doe@example.com", 0, ""], ["arsse.php user remove jane.doe@example.com", 10402, ""], ]; } /** @dataProvider provideUserPasswordChanges */ public function testChangeAUserPassword(string $cmd, int $exitStatus, string $output) { // Phake is somehow unable to mock the User class correctly, so we use PHPUnit's mocks instead Arsse::$user = $this->createMock(User::class); Arsse::$user->method("passwordSet")->will($this->returnCallback(function($user, $pass = null) { switch ($user) { case "jane.doe@example.com": throw new \JKingWeb\Arsse\User\Exception("doesNotExist"); case "john.doe@example.com": return is_null($pass) ? "random password" : $pass; } })); $this->assertConsole(new CLI, $cmd, $exitStatus, $output); } public function provideUserPasswordChanges() { return [ ["arsse.php user set-pass john.doe@example.com", 0, "random password"], ["arsse.php user set-pass john.doe@example.com superman", 0, ""], ["arsse.php user set-pass jane.doe@example.com", 10402, ""], ]; } }