\SQLITE3_NULL, "integer" => \SQLITE3_INTEGER, "float" => \SQLITE3_FLOAT, "date" => \SQLITE3_TEXT, "time" => \SQLITE3_TEXT, "datetime" => \SQLITE3_TEXT, "binary" => \SQLITE3_BLOB, "string" => \SQLITE3_TEXT, "boolean" => \SQLITE3_INTEGER, ]; protected $db; protected $st; protected $types; public function __construct(\SQLite3 $db, \SQLite3Stmt $st, array $bindings = []) { $this->db = $db; $this->st = $st; $this->rebindArray($bindings); } public function __destruct() { $this->st->close(); unset($this->st); } public static function dateFormat(int $part = self::TS_BOTH): string { return ([ self::TS_TIME => 'h:i:sP', self::TS_DATE => 'Y-m-d', self::TS_BOTH => 'Y-m-d h:i:sP', ])[$part]; } public function runArray(array $values = null): Result { $this->st->clear(); $l = sizeof($values); for($a = 0; $a < $l; $a++) { // find the right SQLite binding type for the value/specified type if($values[$a]===null) { $type = \SQLITE3_NULL; } else if(array_key_exists($a,$this->types)) { if(!array_key_exists($this->types[$a], self::BINDINGS)) throw new Exception("paramTypeUnknown", $this->types[$a]); $type = self::BINDINGS[$this->types[$a]]; } else { $type = \SQLITE3_TEXT; } // cast value if necessary $value = $this->cast($values[$a], $this->types[$a]); // re-adjust for null casts if($value===null) $type = \SQLITE3_NULL; // perform binding $this->st->bindParam($a+1, $value, $type); } return new ResultSQLite3($this->st->execute(), $this->db->changes(), $this); } }