<?php namespace JKingWeb\NewsSync\Db; class DriverSQLite3 implements DriverInterface { protected $db; protected $pdo = false; public function __construct(\JKingWeb\NewsSync\Conf $conf, bool $install = false) { // check to make sure required extensions are loaded if(class_exists("SQLite3")) { $this->pdo = false; } else if(class_exists("PDO") && in_array("sqlite",\PDO::getAvailableDrivers())) { $this->pdo = true; } else { throw new Exception("extMissing", self::driverName()); } // if the file exists (or we're initializing the database), try to open it and set initial options if((!$install && file_exists($conf->dbSQLite3File)) || $install) { try { $this->db = ($this->PDO) ? (new \SQLite3($conf->dbSQLite3File, SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE, $conf->dbSQLite3Key)) : (new PDO("sqlite:".$conf->dbSQLite3File)); //FIXME: add foreign key enforcement, WAL mode } catch(\Throwable $e) { // if opening the database doesn't work, check various pre-conditions to find out what the problem might be foreach([$conf->dbSQLite3File, $conf->dbSQLite3File."-wal", $conf->dbSQLite3File."-shm"] as $file) { if(!file_exists($file)) { if($install && !is_writable(dirname($file))) throw new Exception("fileUncreatable", dirname($file)); throw new Exception("fileMissing", $file); } if(!is_readable($file) && !is_writable($file)) throw new Exception("fileUnusable", $file); if(!is_readable($file)) throw new Exception("fileUnreadable", $file); if(!is_writable($file)) throw new Exception("fileUnwritable", $file); } // otherwise the database is probably corrupt throw new Exception("fileCorrupt", $conf->dbSQLite3File); } } else { throw new Exception("fileMissing", $conf->dbSQLite3File); } } static public function driverName(): string { return "SQLite3"; } }