- Ensure Web server is up before running tests (skip otherwise)
- Place expected timestamps closer to assertions, to lessen chances of off-by-one failures
- Makes use of PHP's internal Web server to deliver expected responses from a real server
- Windows batch file can be used to run tests (Linux and Mac test runners to come later)
- Added PHPUnit to dev dependencies
- Fixes #8
- Fixes #9
- Fixes #10
- Fixes #11
- Fixes #12
- Differentiated between a missing ID which is the subject of an action (e.g. the subscription when moving a subscription) and other missing IDs (e.g. the folder when moving a subscription)
- Enforced same rules for subscription titles as for folder names, save that null is valid for subscriptions
- URLs are now matched centrally against a whitelist
- %-encoded URLs are still handled correctly
- Dispatched methods now only handle one specific task
- Filler methods (e.g. versionPOST) are no longer required
- Unhandled URLs now return 501 Not Implemented rather than 404 Not Found; this removes some ambiguity in the semantics of 404
- Implemented all but one feed-related function (it's more ofan item function)
- Fixed time conversion for input into SQL; dates in PM were previously wrong
- Added miscellaneous tentative functions to Database to help with peculiarities of NCNv1; these may change
- Tests to come soon
- functions not related to user management now have the existence of the affected user checked in the authorizer, when the affected user differs from the actor
- User::authorizationEnabled() now nests: disabling twice and then enabling once leaves the authorizer disabled
- Disabling of the authorizer is now tested
- User tests now use a partial mock instead of relying on User::authorizationEnabled()
- Added authorizer tests against a missing user
- Removed folder tests related to missing users
- Also added more subscription tests
- Introduced "strict" binding types for use when inserting into NOT NULL columns: any null value supplied is always cast to the supplied type rather than passing through
- Fixed feed updating further
- Filled out full complement of subscription manipulation functions
- made folderPropertiesSet possibly return false
- Simplified folder removal; now properly relies on foreign keys for dependency resolution
- simplified *propertiesSet() methods by offloading input validation and query building to a generic function
- Implemented function to get the properties of a single folder (useful for internal use)
- Implemented a function to set the properties of a folder
- Test files now consist entirely of traits:
- General setup trait mocking User class and cleaning up
- Driver trait to set up the database connection
- Series trait containing tests for the series, independent of driver used
- RuntimeData has now been replaced by a single static Data class
- The Data class has a load() method which fills the same role as the constructor of RuntimeData
- The static Lang class is now an instantiable class and is a member of Data
- All tests have been adjusted and pass
- The Exception tests no longer require convoluted workarounds: a simple mock for Data::$l suffices; Lang tests also use a mock to prevent loops now instead of using a workaround