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Implemented configuration exporting; fixes #63

Default user agent string creation moved to Feed class as a consequence of difficulties in exporting it reliably
This commit is contained in:
J. King 2017-07-27 09:09:39 -04:00
parent 5df7217cff
commit 78faf88563
3 changed files with 120 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -4,10 +4,9 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace JKingWeb\Arsse;
/** Class for loading, saving, and querying configuration
* The Conf class serves both as a means of importing and querying configuration information, as well as a source for default parameters when a configuration file does not specify a value.
* All public properties are configuration parameters that may be set by the server administrator.
* The Conf class serves both as a means of importing and querying configuration information, as well as a source for default parameters when a configuration file does not specify a value.
* All public properties are configuration parameters that may be set by the server administrator. */
class Conf {
/** @var string Default language to use for logging and errors */
public $lang = "en";
@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ class Conf {
/** @var boolean Whether users are already authenticated by the Web server before the application is executed */
public $userPreAuth = true;
/** @var boolean Whether to automatically append the hostname to form a user@host combination before performing authentication
* @deprecated */
* @deprecated */
public $userComposeNames = true;
/** @var integer Desired length of temporary user passwords */
public $userTempPasswordLength = 20;
@ -58,8 +57,7 @@ class Conf {
/** @var string Class of the background feed update service driver in use (Forking by default) */
public $serviceDriver = Service\Forking\Driver::class;
/** @var string The interval between checks for new feeds, as an ISO 8601 duration
* @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations
* @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations */
public $serviceFrequency = "PT2M";
/** @var integer Number of concurrent feed updates to perform */
public $serviceQueueWidth = 5;
@ -80,27 +78,18 @@ class Conf {
public $fetchUserAgentString;
/** Creates a new configuration object
* @param string $import_file Optional file to read configuration data from
* @see self::importFile()
* @param string $import_file Optional file to read configuration data from
* @see self::importFile() */
public function __construct(string $import_file = "") {
if($import_file != "") {
if(is_null($this->fetchUserAgentString)) {
$this->fetchUserAgentString = sprintf('Arsse/%s (%s %s; %s; https://code.jkingweb.ca/jking/arsse) PicoFeed (https://github.com/fguillot/picoFeed)',
VERSION, // Arsse version
php_uname('s'), // OS
php_uname('r'), // OS version
php_uname('m') // platform architecture
/** Layers configuration data from a file into an existing object
* The file must be a PHP script which return an array with keys that match the properties of the Conf class. Malformed files will throw an exception; unknown keys are silently ignored. Files may be imported is succession, though this is not currently used.
* @param string $file Full path and file name for the file to import */
* The file must be a PHP script which return an array with keys that match the properties of the Conf class. Malformed files will throw an exception; unknown keys are silently ignored. Files may be imported is succession, though this is not currently used.
* @param string $file Full path and file name for the file to import */
public function importFile(string $file): self {
if(!file_exists($file)) {
throw new Conf\Exception("fileMissing", $file);
@ -122,9 +111,9 @@ class Conf {
/** Layers configuration data from an associative array into an existing object
* The input array must have keys that match the properties of the Conf class; unknown keys are silently ignored. Arrays may be imported is succession, though this is not currently used.
* @param mixed[] $arr Array of configuration parameters to export */
* The input array must have keys that match the properties of the Conf class; unknown keys are silently ignored. Arrays may be imported is succession, though this is not currently used.
* @param mixed[] $arr Array of configuration parameters to export */
public function import(array $arr): self {
foreach($arr as $key => $value) {
$this->$key = $value;
@ -132,17 +121,57 @@ class Conf {
return $this;
/** Outputs non-default configuration settings as a string compatible with var_export()
* If provided a file name, will produce the text of a PHP script suitable for later import
* @param string $file Full path and file name for the file to export to */
public function export(string $file = ""): string {
// TODO: write export method
/** Outputs configuration settings, either non-default ones or all, as an associative array
* @param bool $full Whether to output all configuration options rather than only changed ones */
public function export(bool $full = false): array {
$ref = new self;
$out = [];
$conf = new \ReflectionObject($this);
foreach($conf->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) as $prop) {
$name = $prop->name;
// add the property to the output if the value is scalar and either:
// 1. full output has been requested
// 2. the property is not defined in the class
// 3. it differs from the default
if(is_scalar($this->$name) && ($full || !$prop->isDefault() || $this->$name !== $ref->$name)) {
$out[$name] = $this->$name;
return $out;
/** Alias of export() method with no parameters
* @see self::export() */
public function __toString(): string {
return $this->export();
/** Outputs configuration settings, either non-default ones or all, to a file in a format suitable for later import
* @param string $file Full path and file name for the file to import to; the containing directory must already exist
* @param bool $full Whether to output all configuration options rather than only changed ones */
public function exportFile(string $file, bool $full = false): bool {
$arr = $this->export($full);
$conf = new \ReflectionObject($this);
$out = "<?php return [".PHP_EOL;
foreach($arr as $prop => $value) {
$match = null;
$doc = $comment = "";
// retrieve the property's docblock, if it exists
try {
$doc = (new \ReflectionProperty(self::class, $prop))->getDocComment();
} catch(\ReflectionException $e) {}
if($doc) {
// parse the docblock to extract the property description
if(preg_match("<@var\s+\S+\s+(.+?)(?:\s*\*/)?$>m", $doc, $match)) {
$comment = $match[1];
// append the docblock description if there is one, or an empty comment otherwise
$out .= " // ".$comment.PHP_EOL;
// append the property and an export of its value to the output
$out .= " ".var_export($prop, true)." => ".var_export($value,true).",".PHP_EOL;
$out .= "];".PHP_EOL;
// write the configuration representation to the requested file
if(!@file_put_contents($file,$out)) {
// if it fails throw an exception
$err = file_exists($file) ? "fileUnwritable" : "fileUncreatable";
throw new Conf\Exception($err, $file);
return true;

View file

@ -22,12 +22,18 @@ class Feed {
public function __construct(int $feedID = null, string $url, string $lastModified = '', string $etag = '', string $username = '', string $password = '', bool $scrape = false) {
// set the configuration
$userAgent = Arsse::$conf->fetchUserAgentString ?? sprintf('Arsse/%s (%s %s; %s; https://code.jkingweb.ca/jking/arsse) PicoFeed (https://github.com/fguillot/picoFeed)',
VERSION, // Arsse version
php_uname('s'), // OS
php_uname('r'), // OS version
php_uname('m') // platform architecture
$this->config = new Config;
// fetch the feed
$this->download($url, $lastModified, $etag, $username, $password);
// format the HTTP Last-Modified date returned

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@ -17,10 +17,13 @@ class TestConf extends Test\AbstractTest {
'confNotPHP' => 'DEAD BEEF',
'confEmpty' => '',
'confUnreadable' => '',
'confForbidden' => [],
self::$path = self::$vfs->url()."/";
// set up a file without read access
// set up a file without read or write access
chmod(self::$path."confUnreadable", 0000);
// set up a directory without read or write access
chmod(self::$path."confForbidden", 0000);
function tearDown() {
@ -86,4 +89,49 @@ class TestConf extends Test\AbstractTest {
$this->assertException("fileCorrupt", "Conf");
$conf = new Conf(self::$path."confCorrupt");
function testExportToArray() {
$conf = new Conf();
$conf->lang = ["en", "fr"]; // should not be exported: not scalar
$conf->dbSchemaBase = "schema"; // should be exported: value changed
$conf->someCustomProperty = "Look at me!"; // should be exported: unknown property
$exp = [
'dbSchemaBase' => "schema",
'someCustomProperty' => "Look at me!",
$this->assertSame($exp, $conf->export());
$res = $conf->export(true); // export all properties
$this->assertNotSame($exp, $res);
$this->assertArraySubset($exp, $res);
/** @depends testExportToArray
* @depends testImportFromFile */
function testExportToFile() {
$conf = new Conf();
$conf->lang = ["en", "fr"]; // should not be exported: not scalar
$conf->dbSchemaBase = "schema"; // should be exported: value changed
$conf->someCustomProperty = "Look at me!"; // should be exported: unknown property
$arr = (include self::$path."confNotArray");
$exp = [
'dbSchemaBase' => "schema",
'someCustomProperty' => "Look at me!",
$this->assertSame($exp, $arr);
$conf->exportFile(self::$path."confNotArray", true); // export all properties
$arr = (include self::$path."confNotArray");
$this->assertNotSame($exp, $arr);
$this->assertArraySubset($exp, $arr);
function testExportToFileWithoutWritePermission() {
$this->assertException("fileUnwritable", "Conf");
(new Conf)->exportFile(self::$path."confUnreadable");
function testExportToFileWithoutCreatePermission() {
$this->assertException("fileUncreatable", "Conf");
(new Conf)->exportFile(self::$path."confForbidden/conf");